tree: 417db44cccf3c272175602b7fe2a62bf3a57d9f0 [path history] [tgz]
  1. Dockerfile
  2. Godeps/
  3. Makefile
  5. configGen.go
  6. handlers.go
  7. netconfig.tpl
  8. network-cfg.json
  9. onos_types.go
  10. vendor/

Config Gen

This service generates network configuration (network-cfg.json) for CORD POD


  • Install Go (only for local debugging)
  • Make sure ONOS is reachable either locally or via SSH tunnel (either way is fine)
  • Make sure devices, hosts are connected and showing up in ONOS
  • Config-gen server listens on port 1337, so make sure it's available, if not change the ENV VAR CONFIGGEN_ConfigServerPort to the port you wish config-gen to use

To run locally from source (without a container) for debugging:

  • Run go run congifGen.go
  • Use CURL to get the JSON output for network-cfg.json (CURL example below)

To run the container/uService:

  • Use the Makefile to build the container image with command make image
  • Run the container/service with make run
  • Example client would use the following CURL command to get the config:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"switchcount" : 4, "hostcount": 4, "onosip" : "" }' http://localhost:1337/config/
  • Where, switchcount, and hostcount are the number of switches & hosts expected to be in the network respectively, and onosip is the ONOS IP (default is


  • Every parameter is set by envconfig (
  • For the parameters passed to the server through HTTP POST override the config set by envconfig
  • To modify any of the envvars, please set the ENV VAR with the prefix of CONFIGGEN
  • List of parameters set by envconfig:
	Port             string `default:"8181"`		//ONOS Port
	IP               string `default:""`	//ONOS IP (Default)
	SwitchCount      int    `default:"0"`
	HostCount        int    `default:"0"`
	Username         string `default:"karaf"`
	Password         string `default:"karaf"`
	LogLevel         string `default:"warning" envconfig:"LOG_LEVEL"`
	LogFormat        string `default:"text" envconfig:"LOG_FORMAT"`
	ConfigServerPort string `default:"1337"`		//Config-gen service port default
	ConfigServerIP   string `default:""`	//Config-gen service IP