CORD-454 refactor the automation container to be consistent
Change-Id: Idc0442c095aa3d2f5d699c62e92b415d94a9a5aa
diff --git a/automation/maas-flow.go b/automation/maas-flow.go
index e2710d7..6993971 100644
--- a/automation/maas-flow.go
+++ b/automation/maas-flow.go
@@ -20,52 +20,29 @@
- "strings"
- "unicode"
maas ""
-const (
- // defaultFilter specifies the default filter to use when none is specified
- defaultFilter = `{
- "hosts" : {
- "include" : [ ".*" ],
- "exclude" : []
- },
- "zones" : {
- "include" : ["default"],
- "exclude" : []
- }
- }`
- defaultMapping = "{}"
type Config struct {
- PowerHelperUser string `default:"cord" envconfig:"POWER_HELPER_USER"`
- PowerHelperHost string `default:"" envconfig:"POWER_HELPER_HOST"`
- PowerHelperScript string `default:"" envconfig:"POWER_HELPER_SCRIPT"`
- ProvisionUrl string `default:"" envconfig:"PROVISION_URL"`
- ProvisionTtl string `default:"1h" envconfig:"PROVISION_TTL"`
- LogLevel string `default:"warning" envconfig:"LOG_LEVEL"`
- LogFormat string `default:"text" envconfig:"LOG_FORMAT"`
+ PowerHelperUser string `default:"cord" envconfig:"POWER_HELPER_USER"`
+ PowerHelperHost string `default:"" envconfig:"POWER_HELPER_HOST"`
+ PowerHelperScript string `default:"" envconfig:"POWER_HELPER_SCRIPT"`
+ ProvisionUrl string `default:"" envconfig:"PROVISION_URL"`
+ ProvisionTtl string `default:"1h" envconfig:"PROVISION_TTL"`
+ LogLevel string `default:"warning" envconfig:"LOG_LEVEL"`
+ LogFormat string `default:"text" envconfig:"LOG_FORMAT"`
+ ApiKey string `envconfig:"MAAS_API_KEY" required:"true" desc:"API key to access MAAS server"`
+ MaasUrl string `default:"http://localhost/MAAS" envconfig:"MAAS_URL" desc:"URL to access MAAS server"`
+ ApiVersion string `default:"1.0" envconfig:"MAAS_API_VERSION" desc:"API version to use with MAAS server"`
+ QueryInterval time.Duration `default:"15s" envconfig:"MAAS_QUERY_INTERVAL" desc:"frequency to query MAAS service for nodes"`
+ PreviewOnly bool `default:"false" envconfig:"PREVIEW_ONLY" desc:"display actions that would be taken, but don't execute them"`
+ AlwaysRename bool `default:"true" envconfig:"ALWAYS_RENAME" desc:"attempt to rename hosts at every stage or workflow"`
+ Mappings string `default:"{}" envconfig:"MAC_TO_NAME_MAPPINGS" desc:"custom MAC address to host name mappings"`
+ FilterSpec string `default:"{\"hosts\":{\"include\":[\".*\"]},\"zones\":{\"include\":[\"default\"]}}" envconfig:"HOST_FILTER_SPEC" desc:"constrain hosts that are automated"`
-var apiKey = flag.String("apikey", "", "key with which to access MAAS server")
-var maasURL = flag.String("maas", "http://localhost/MAAS", "url over which to access MAAS")
-var apiVersion = flag.String("apiVersion", "1.0", "version of the API to access")
-var queryPeriod = flag.String("period", "15s", "frequency the MAAS service is polled for node states")
-var preview = flag.Bool("preview", false, "displays the action that would be taken, but does not do the action, in this mode the nodes are processed only once")
-var mappings = flag.String("mappings", "{}", "the mac to name mappings")
-var always = flag.Bool("always-rename", true, "attempt to rename at every stage of workflow")
-var filterSpec = flag.String("filter", strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
- if unicode.IsSpace(r) {
- return -1
- }
- return r
-}, defaultFilter), "constrain by hostname what will be automated")
// checkError if the given err is not nil, then fatally log the message, else
// return false.
func checkError(err error, message string, v ...interface{}) bool {
@@ -119,8 +96,8 @@
options := ProcessingOptions{
- Preview: *preview,
- AlwaysRename: *always,
+ Preview: config.PreviewOnly,
+ AlwaysRename: config.AlwaysRename,
Provisioner: NewProvisioner(&ProvisionerConfig{Url: config.ProvisionUrl}),
ProvisionURL: config.ProvisionUrl,
PowerHelper: config.PowerHelperScript,
@@ -150,70 +127,79 @@
// Determine the filter, this can either be specified on the the command
// line as a value or a file reference. If none is specified the default
// will be used
- if len(*filterSpec) > 0 {
- if (*filterSpec)[0] == '@' {
- name := os.ExpandEnv((*filterSpec)[1:])
+ if len(config.FilterSpec) > 0 {
+ if config.FilterSpec[0] == '@' {
+ name := os.ExpandEnv((config.FilterSpec)[1:])
file, err := os.OpenFile(name, os.O_RDONLY, 0)
checkError(err, "unable to open file '%s' to load the filter : %s", name, err)
decoder := json.NewDecoder(file)
err = decoder.Decode(&options.Filter)
checkError(err, "unable to parse filter configuration from file '%s' : %s", name, err)
} else {
- err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(*filterSpec), &options.Filter)
- checkError(err, "unable to parse filter specification: '%s' : %s", *filterSpec, err)
+ err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(config.FilterSpec), &options.Filter)
+ checkError(err, "unable to parse filter specification: '%s' : %s", config.FilterSpec, err)
- } else {
- err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(defaultFilter), &options.Filter)
- checkError(err, "unable to parse default filter specificiation: '%s' : %s", defaultFilter, err)
// Determine the mac to name mapping, this can either be specified on the the command
// line as a value or a file reference. If none is specified the default
// will be used
- if len(*mappings) > 0 {
- if (*mappings)[0] == '@' {
- name := os.ExpandEnv((*mappings)[1:])
+ if len(config.Mappings) > 0 {
+ if config.Mappings[0] == '@' {
+ name := os.ExpandEnv(config.Mappings[1:])
file, err := os.OpenFile(name, os.O_RDONLY, 0)
checkError(err, "unable to open file '%s' to load the mac name mapping : %s", name, err)
decoder := json.NewDecoder(file)
err = decoder.Decode(&options.Mappings)
checkError(err, "unable to parse filter configuration from file '%s' : %s", name, err)
} else {
- err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(*mappings), &options.Mappings)
- checkError(err, "unable to parse mac name mapping: '%s' : %s", *mappings, err)
+ err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(config.Mappings), &options.Mappings)
+ checkError(err, "unable to parse mac name mapping: '%s' : %s", config.Mappings, err)
- } else {
- err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(defaultMapping), &options.Mappings)
- checkError(err, "unable to parse default mac name mappings: '%s' : %s", defaultMapping, err)
- // Verify the specified period for queries can be converted into a Go duration
- period, err := time.ParseDuration(*queryPeriod)
- checkError(err, "unable to parse specified query period duration: '%s': %s", queryPeriod, err)
+ // Get human readable strings for config output
+ mappingsAsJson, err := json.Marshal(options.Mappings)
+ checkError(err, "Unable to marshal MAC to hostname mappings to JSON : %s", err)
+ mappingsPrefix := ""
+ if len(config.Mappings) > 0 && config.Mappings[0] == '@' {
+ mappingsPrefix = "[" + config.Mappings + "]"
+ }
+ filterAsJson, err := json.Marshal(options.Filter)
+ checkError(err, "Unable to marshal host filter to JSON : %s", err)
+ filterPrefix := ""
+ if len(config.FilterSpec) > 0 && config.FilterSpec[0] == '@' {
+ filterPrefix = "[" + config.FilterSpec + "]"
+ }
- MAAS URL: %s
- MAAS API Version: %s
- MAAS Query Interval: %s
- Node Filter: %s
- Node Name Mappings: %s
- Preview: %v
- Always Rename: %v
- Provision URL: %s
- Provision TTL: %s
- Power Helper: %s
- Power Helper User: %s
- Power Helper Host: %s
- Log Level: %s
- Log Format: %s`,
- *maasURL, *apiVersion, *queryPeriod, *filterSpec, *mappings, options.Preview,
- options.AlwaysRename, options.ProvisionURL, options.ProvisionTTL,
- options.PowerHelper, options.PowerHelperUser, options.PowerHelperHost, config.LogLevel, config.LogFormat)
+ MAAS_URL: %s
+ LOG_FORMAT: %s`,
+ config.PowerHelperUser, config.PowerHelperHost, config.PowerHelperScript,
+ config.ProvisionUrl, config.ProvisionTtl,
+ config.MaasUrl, config.ApiKey, config.ApiVersion, config.QueryInterval,
+ filterPrefix+string(filterAsJson), mappingsPrefix+string(mappingsAsJson),
+ config.PreviewOnly, config.AlwaysRename,
+ config.LogLevel, config.LogFormat)
- authClient, err := maas.NewAuthenticatedClient(*maasURL, *apiKey, *apiVersion)
- if err != nil {
- checkError(err, "Unable to use specified client key, '%s', to authenticate to the MAAS server: %s", *apiKey, err)
- }
+ authClient, err := maas.NewAuthenticatedClient(config.MaasUrl, config.ApiKey, config.ApiVersion)
+ checkError(err, "Unable to use specified client key, '%s', to authenticate to the MAAS server: %s",
+ config.ApiKey, err)
// Create an object through which we will communicate with MAAS
client := maas.NewMAAS(*authClient)
@@ -227,13 +213,15 @@
nodes, _ := fetchNodes(client)
ProcessAll(client, nodes, options)
- if !(*preview) {
+ if !(config.PreviewOnly) {
// Create a ticker and fetch and process the nodes every "period"
- ticker := time.NewTicker(period)
- for t := range ticker.C {
- log.Infof("query server at %s", t)
+ for {
+ log.Infof("query server at %s", time.Now())
nodes, _ := fetchNodes(client)
ProcessAll(client, nodes, options)
+ // Sleep for the Interval and then process again.
+ time.Sleep(config.QueryInterval)