updates for prime step and local registry and switch prov
diff --git a/roles/fabric-switch/tasks/main.yml b/roles/fabric-switch/tasks/main.yml
index 326219a..6bbb9df 100644
--- a/roles/fabric-switch/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/fabric-switch/tasks/main.yml
@@ -1,20 +1,28 @@
-- name: Verify controller_ip Set
- fail: msg="Please set variable 'controller_ip'. This can be set via a variable file or via the command line using the '--extra-vars' option."
- when: controller_ip is not defined
+- name: Generate DPID
+ shell: ifconfig ma1 | grep HWaddr | awk '{ print "0x0000"$5 }' | sed s/://g
+ register: dpid
+ changed_when: false
-- name: Verify switch_id Set
- fail: msg="Please set variable 'switch_id'. This can be set via a host specific variable file or via the command line using the '--extra-vars' option."
- when: switch_id is not defined
+- name: Ensure ofdpa Config
+ set_fact:
+ switch_id: "{{ dpid.stdout }}"
+ controller_ip: "onos-fabric"
+- name: Verify Openflow Agent
+ shell: which ofdpa | wc -w
+ register: ofdpa_exists
+ changed_when: false
- name: Openflow Agent Version
shell: ofdpa --version
register: ofdpa_version
changed_when: false
+ when: ofdpa_exists.stdout != "0"
- name: Version I.12.1.1+1.1 Openflow Agent
include: ofdpa.yml
- when: ofdpa_version.stdout.find('version I.12.1.1+1.1') == -1
+ when: ofdpa_exists.stdout == "0" or ofdpa_version.stdout.find('version I.12.1.1+1.1') == -1
- name: Utilities Scripts