1. 0820cab integrate the provisioner with automation for the automatic deployment by David K. Bainbridge · 9 years ago
  2. 10b0c11 updated to allow deployment to be driven by a configuration file by David K. Bainbridge · 9 years ago
  3. e18f57b fix bug as remote directory copy not an ansible task by David K. Bainbridge · 9 years ago
  4. cd4caeb first pass at quick start for physical pod and changes because of write up by David K. Bainbridge · 9 years ago
  5. d0f72de the sample compute node play book is moved out of the main repo to a file in the role by David K. Bainbridge · 9 years ago
  6. ed10154 add support for running ansible on the head node to provision the compute node by David K. Bainbridge · 9 years ago