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  1. 6763f81 Adding Code of Conduct by Matteo Scandolo · 4 years, 5 months ago master
  2. 0f5662f CORD-2467: Start filebeat in synchronizer containers by Sapan Bhatia · 6 years ago cord-5.0
  3. cc23837 Adding app_label to xproto by Matteo Scandolo · 7 years ago
  4. 956c26c Merge "[CORD-1685] Adding copyright informations" by Matteo Scandolo · 7 years ago
  5. 4e0e88c [CORD-1685] Adding copyright informations by Matteo Scandolo · 7 years ago

VNOD Local Service

This repository contains components needed for the XOS VNOD Local service


  • xos: A service definition for the VNOD Local. This follows the XOS component design for onboarding.