Adding CORD specific ceilometer changes to monitoring repository
- ceilometer custom notification plugins for ONOS, vSG, vOLT and Infra layers
- ceilometer publish/subscribe module
- ceilometer dynamic pipeline config module
- ceilometer UDP proxy
- ceilometer Custom Image(ceilometer -v2 -v3 versions,kafka_installer,startup scripts)

Change-Id: Ie2ab8ce89cdadbd1fb4dc54ee15e46f8cc8c4c18
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/ceilometer/ceilometer-plugins/network/statistics/onos/ b/xos/synchronizer/ceilometer/ceilometer-plugins/network/statistics/onos/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46b6285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/ceilometer/ceilometer-plugins/network/statistics/onos/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# Copyright 2013 NEC Corporation.  All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import abc
+from oslo_config import cfg
+import requests
+from requests import auth
+import six
+import json
+from ceilometer.i18n import _
+from ceilometer.openstack.common import log
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+CONF.import_opt('http_timeout', 'ceilometer.service')
+LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
+class _Base(object):
+    """Base class of ONOS REST APIs Clients."""
+    @abc.abstractproperty
+    def base_url(self):
+        """Returns base url for each REST API."""
+    def __init__(self, client):
+        self.client = client
+    def request(self, path, container_name):
+        return self.client.request(self.base_url + path, container_name)
+class ONOSRESTAPIFailed(Exception):
+    pass
+class ONOSRESTAPIClient(_Base):
+    """ONOS Statistics REST API Client
+    Base URL:
+      {endpoint}/onos/v1
+    """
+    base_url = '/onos/v1'
+    def get_devices(self, container_name):
+        """Get device informations
+        URL:
+            {Base URL}/devices
+        """
+        output = '{ "devices":[ \
+                     { \
+                        "id":"of:0000000000000001", \
+                        "type":"SWITCH", \
+                        "available":true, \
+                        "role":"MASTER", \
+                        "mfr":"Stanford University, Ericsson Research and CPqD Research", \
+                        "hw":"OpenFlow 1.3 Reference Userspace Switch", \
+                        "sw":"Apr  6 2015 16:10:53", \
+                        "serial":"1", \
+                        "chassisId":"1", \
+                        "annotations":{"protocol":"OF_13","channelId":""} \
+                     }]}'
+        return self.request('/devices', container_name)
+"SRIKANTH: Returning dummy ONOS devices output")
+        #outputJson = json.loads(output)
+        #return outputJson
+    def get_flow_statistics(self, container_name):
+        """Get flow statistics
+        URL:
+            {Base URL}/flows
+        """
+        output = '{"flows":[ \
+                       { \
+                          "deviceId":"of:0000000000000001", \
+                          "id":"3377699721451393", \
+                          "tableId":2, \
+                          "appId":12, \
+                          "groupId":0, \
+                          "priority":100, \
+                          "timeout":0, \
+                          "isPermanent":true, \
+                          "state":"PENDING_ADD", \
+                          "life":0, \
+                          "packets":0, \
+                          "bytes":0, \
+                          "lastSeen":1439355470576, \
+                          "treatment":{"instructions":[],"deferred":[]}, \
+                          "selector":{"criteria":[]} \
+                      }]}'
+        return self.request('/flows', container_name)
+"SRIKANTH: Returning dummy ONOS flow statistics output")
+        #outputJson = json.loads(output)
+        #return outputJson
+    def get_port_statistics(self, container_name):
+        """Get port statistics
+        URL:
+            {Base URL}/portstats
+        """
+        output = '{ "portstats": [ \
+                      { \
+                          "deviceId":"of:0000000000000001", \
+                          "id":"3", \
+                          "receivePackets": "182", \
+                          "sentPackets": "173", \
+                          "receiveBytes": "12740", \
+                          "sentBytes": "12110", \
+                          "receiveDrops": "740", \
+                          "sentDrops": "110", \
+                          "receiveErrors": "740", \
+                          "sentErrors": "110", \
+                          "receiveFrameError": "740", \
+                          "receiveOverRunError": "740", \
+                          "receiveCrcError": "740", \
+                          "collisionCount": "110" \
+                      }]}'
+        #TODO Add Portstats REST API to ONOS
+        return self.request('/statistics/ports', container_name)
+"SRIKANTH: Returning dummy ONOS port statistics output")
+        #outputJson = json.loads(output)
+        #return outputJson
+    def get_table_statistics(self, container_name):
+        """Get table statistics
+        URL:
+            {Base URL}/table
+        """
+        output = '{ \
+                      "tableStatistics": [ \
+                          { \
+                              "deviceId":"of:0000000000000001", \
+                              "id":"4", \
+                              "activeCount": "11", \
+                              "lookupCount": "816", \
+                              "matchedCount": "220", \
+                              "maximumEntries": "1000" \
+                          } \
+                       ] \
+                    }'
+        #TODO Add table statistics REST API to ONOS
+        return self.request('/statistics/flows/tables', container_name)
+"SRIKANTH: Returning dummy ONOS table statistics output")
+        #outputJson = json.loads(output)
+        #return outputJson
+class Client(object):
+    def __init__(self, endpoint, params):
+        self.rest_client = ONOSRESTAPIClient(self)
+        self._endpoint = endpoint
+        self._req_params = self._get_req_params(params)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_req_params(params):
+        req_params = {
+            'headers': {
+                'Accept': 'application/json'
+            },
+            'timeout': CONF.http_timeout,
+        }
+        auth_way = params.get('auth')
+        if auth_way in ['basic', 'digest']:
+            user = params.get('user')
+            password = params.get('password')
+            if auth_way == 'basic':
+                auth_class = auth.HTTPBasicAuth
+            else:
+                auth_class = auth.HTTPDigestAuth
+            req_params['auth'] = auth_class(user, password)
+        return req_params
+    def _log_req(self, url):
+        curl_command = ['REQ: curl -i -X GET ', '"%s" ' % (url)]
+        if 'auth' in self._req_params:
+            auth_class = self._req_params['auth']
+            if isinstance(auth_class, auth.HTTPBasicAuth):
+                curl_command.append('--basic ')
+            else:
+                curl_command.append('--digest ')
+            curl_command.append('--user "%s":"%s" ' % (auth_class.username,
+                                                       auth_class.password))
+        for name, value in six.iteritems(self._req_params['headers']):
+            curl_command.append('-H "%s: %s" ' % (name, value))
+        LOG.debug(''.join(curl_command))
+    @staticmethod
+    def _log_res(resp):
+        dump = ['RES: \n', 'HTTP %.1f %s %s\n' % (resp.raw.version,
+                                                  resp.status_code,
+                                                  resp.reason)]
+        dump.extend('%s: %s\n' % (k, v)
+                    for k, v in six.iteritems(resp.headers))
+        dump.append('\n')
+        if resp.content:
+            dump.extend([resp.content, '\n'])
+        LOG.debug(''.join(dump))
+    def _http_request(self, url):
+        if CONF.debug:
+            self._log_req(url)
+        resp = requests.get(url, **self._req_params)
+        if CONF.debug:
+            self._log_res(resp)
+        if resp.status_code / 100 != 2:
+            raise ONOSRESTAPIFailed(
+                _('ONOS API returned %(status)s %(reason)s') %
+                {'status': resp.status_code, 'reason': resp.reason})
+        return resp.json()
+    def request(self, path, container_name):
+        url = self._endpoint + path % {'container_name': container_name}
+        return self._http_request(url)