[SEBA-314] Refactoring multistructlog

- Redid the way loggers are created to use vanilla structlog
  - This fixes the incorrect line numbering and similar in SEBA-314
- Fix/rewrite unit tests
- Apply pep8 formatting
- Make compatible with Python 3.x, enable multi-version testing with tox
- Removed XOS specific code

Change-Id: I615bc6f32ba2592475e3a8cf22850c563001a3d4
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2339a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+This module is a thin wrapper around Structlog that sets and provides defaults
+for sending logs to one or more logging destinations with individual formatting
+per destination.
+The API consists of a single function: ``create_logger()``.
+   logging_config (dict):    Input to logging.config.dictConfig
+   level(logging.loglevel):  Overrides logging level for all loggers (not handlers!)
+   log: structlog logger object
+It can be invoked as follows:
+    logging_config = ...
+    log = multistructlog.create_logger(config, level=logging.INFO)
+    log.info('Entered function', foo='bar')
+To create a ``logging_config`` dictionary, see these docs:
+ https://docs.python.org/2.7/library/logging.config.html#logging.config.dictConfig
+ http://www.structlog.org/en/stable/standard-library.html#rendering-using-structlog-based-formatters-within-logging
+There are no required arguments to `create_logger()` - any missing parts of the
+config will be filled in with defaults that print structured logs to the
+If you don't specify a ``formatters`` section in your config, three will be
+created which can be used in handlers:
+ - ``json``: renders one JSON dictionary per message
+ - ``structured``: prints structured logs with the ``structlog.dev.ConsoleRenderer``
+ - ``structured-color``: same as ``structured`` but in color
+If you don't specify a ``handlers`` section, a handler will be added that logs
+to console with ``logging.StreamHandler`` with format ``structured`` at level
+If you don't specify a ``loggers`` section, a default logger (empty string)
+will be created with all items in ``handlers`` added to it, with a level of
+``NOTSET`` (every level printed).
+When setting log level, the higher of ``logging_config['loggers'][*]['level']``
+and ``logging_config['handlers'][*]['level']`` is used. The ``level`` parameter
+overrides the ``loggers`` value of level, not the ``handlers`` one.
+If the handler's level is set to ``DEBUG`` but the logger's level is set to
+``ERROR``, the handler will only log ``ERROR`` level messages.
+Multistructlog also adds a ``TRACE`` log level (integer level 5) that is below
+"DEBUG" to both standard library ``Logger`` and Structlog ``BoundLogger``.
+List of standard logging levels:
+ https://docs.python.org/2.7/library/logging.html#logging-levels