Ondemand GRPC API request testing OMCI

Clone this repo:


  1. f04b639 SEBA-964 Remove hardcoded hostnames and replace with config system; by Scott Baker · 5 years ago master
  2. 72cfd36 SEBA-749 Initial Checkin of nem-ondemand-proxy; by onkarkundargi · 5 years ago
  3. 6971336 Initial empty repository by Zack Williams · 5 years ago



To build and publish the docker image, issue the following commands:

make docker-build
make docker-push

You may preface the above commands with DOCKER_REPOSITORY= and/or DOCKER_TAG= to specify a custom docker repository and/or tag.


Nem-ondemand-proxy is deployed as a container and may be deployed using either docker-compose or kubernetes. Kubernetes is the recommended method and may be done by executing the following command:

cd kubernetes
kubectl apply -f nem-ondemand-proxy.yaml

To teardown the proxy, use the following:

cd kubernetes
kubectl delete -f nem-ondemand-proxy.yaml

In addition to deploying the container, you may also want to setup a Kubernetes port-forward. Scripts in the kubernetes directory are provided as an example.


You will need to know the device id of the ONU you wish to query. This may be done with voltctl device list.

There is no dedicated client yet, and it is recommended to use grpcurl. For example,

# perform on-demand query on device with id 2910b26bbb29521d93fab21b
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"id": "2910b26bbb29521d93fab21b"}' localhost:50052 on_demand_api.NemService/OmciTest