Clone this repo:
  1. 686547a [CORD-1685] Adding copyright informations by Matteo Scandolo · 8 years ago cord-4.0 cord-4.1 cord-5.0 master
  2. b4b1751 removing .gitreview file by alshabib · 8 years ago cord-3.0 null
  3. bfb8ebd Updated docs with array field by Matteo Scandolo · 8 years ago 1.1.0
  4. c84bd86 add onboarding recipe for library by Scott Baker · 8 years ago
  5. 9422c38 updated version by Matteo Scandolo · 8 years ago


Please see the full documentation here:

Quick Notes

This library has been developer to be used along with the CORD Project and in particular to be integrated in XOS.

During the process we have developed a set of common bootstrap based UI Component and we decided to release them in the community, that's why you'll find more generated files than you'll need to include also if only the xosUiComponents.js is listed in the bower.json main section.

Setup a development environment

The project is managed through Gerrit, you can get it at:

Once cloned enter the project folder and execute: npm run dev

This command will serve the dev folder, and watch files to enable live-reload. It will also watch the files in the src folder and inject the new version when changed.


Before submitting a review on gerrit, it is mandatory to build the code with: npm run build.

Executing tests

You can execute tests in watch mode with: npm test. If you are working on a particular component and want to run a single suite of tests you append to the command the name of the file containing the test suite you want to execute, eg: npm run form. To execute tests on the minified code (these are the ones that runs on Jenkins): npm run test:ci (but remember to build the code first!).

ESLint is used in this project, to execute it on all the source code: npm run lint


Any contribution is welcome and will be supported. Feel free to open issues in this repository or join the OpenCORD Slack Channel