WIP - Suggesting changes (take2)

    This is not yet completed, still working on things. Eventually the plan
    is to provide the following changes

    - restructure repo to be more aligned with https://github.com/golang-standards/project-layout
    - add k8s probes
    - modifications (golang range loops, etc) to follow some golang

Change-Id: I6922cbc00b5ef17ceab183aba00a7fc59ab46480
diff --git a/cmd/ofagent/config.go b/cmd/ofagent/config.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ced4e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/ofagent/config.go
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+   Copyright 2019 the original author or authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package main
+import (
+	"flag"
+	"time"
+type Config struct {
+	OFControllerEndPoint      string
+	VolthaApiEndPoint         string
+	LogLevel                  string
+	Banner                    bool
+	Version                   bool
+	ProbeEndPoint             string
+	CpuProfile                string
+	MemProfile                string
+	DeviceListRefreshInterval time.Duration
+	ConnectionRetryDelay      time.Duration
+	ConnectionMaxRetries      int
+func parseCommandLineArguments() (*Config, error) {
+	config := Config{}
+	flag.BoolVar(&(config.Banner),
+		"banner",
+		true,
+		"display application banner on startup")
+	flag.BoolVar(&(config.Version),
+		"version",
+		false,
+		"display application version and exit")
+	flag.StringVar(&(config.OFControllerEndPoint),
+		"controller",
+		"onos-openflow:6653",
+		"connection to the OF controller specified as host:port")
+	flag.StringVar(&(config.OFControllerEndPoint),
+		"O",
+		"onos-openflow:6653",
+		"(short) connection to the OF controller specified as host:port")
+	flag.StringVar(&(config.VolthaApiEndPoint),
+		"voltha",
+		"voltha-api-server:50060",
+		"connection to the VOLTHA API server specified as host:port")
+	flag.StringVar(&(config.VolthaApiEndPoint),
+		"A",
+		"voltha-api-server:50060",
+		"(short) connection to the VOLTHA API server specified as host:port")
+	flag.StringVar(&(config.ProbeEndPoint),
+		"probe",
+		":8080",
+		"address and port on which to listen for k8s live and ready probe requests")
+	flag.StringVar(&(config.ProbeEndPoint),
+		"P",
+		":8080",
+		"(short) address and port on which to listen for k8s live and ready probe requests")
+	flag.StringVar(&(config.LogLevel),
+		"loglevel",
+		"WARN",
+		"initial log level setting, overriden by any value set in configuration store")
+	flag.StringVar(&(config.LogLevel),
+		"L",
+		"WARN",
+		"(short) initial log level setting, overriden by any value set in configuration store")
+	flag.StringVar(&(config.CpuProfile),
+		"cpuprofile",
+		"",
+		"write cpu profile to 'file' if specified")
+	flag.StringVar(&(config.MemProfile),
+		"memprofile",
+		"",
+		"write memory profile to 'file' if specified")
+	flag.DurationVar(&(config.ConnectionRetryDelay),
+		"cd",
+		3*time.Second,
+		"(short) delay to wait before connection establishment retries")
+	flag.DurationVar(&(config.ConnectionRetryDelay),
+		"connnection-delay",
+		3*time.Second,
+		"delay to wait before connection establishment retries")
+	flag.IntVar(&(config.ConnectionMaxRetries),
+		"mr",
+		0,
+		"(short) number of retries when attempting to estblish a connection, 0 is unlimted")
+	flag.IntVar(&(config.ConnectionMaxRetries),
+		"connnection-retries",
+		0,
+		"number of retries when attempting to estblish a connection, 0 is unlimted")
+	flag.DurationVar(&(config.DeviceListRefreshInterval),
+		"dri",
+		1*time.Minute,
+		"(short) interval between attempts to synchronize devices from voltha to ofagent")
+	flag.DurationVar(&(config.DeviceListRefreshInterval),
+		"device-refresh-interval",
+		1*time.Minute,
+		"interval between attempts to synchronize devices from voltha to ofagent")
+	return &config, nil