WIP - Suggesting changes (take2)

    This is not yet completed, still working on things. Eventually the plan
    is to provide the following changes

    - restructure repo to be more aligned with https://github.com/golang-standards/project-layout
    - add k8s probes
    - modifications (golang range loops, etc) to follow some golang

Change-Id: I6922cbc00b5ef17ceab183aba00a7fc59ab46480
diff --git a/internal/pkg/openflow/flowMod.go b/internal/pkg/openflow/flowMod.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42f37f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/pkg/openflow/flowMod.go
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+   Copyright 2020 the original author or authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package openflow
+import (
+	"context"
+	"encoding/json"
+	ofp "github.com/donNewtonAlpha/goloxi/of13"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v2/pkg/log"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v2/go/openflow_13"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v2/go/voltha"
+var oxmMap = map[string]int32{
+	"in_port":        0,
+	"in_phy_port":    1,
+	"metadata":       2,
+	"eth_dst":        3,
+	"eth_src":        4,
+	"eth_type":       5,
+	"vlan_vid":       6,
+	"vlan_pcp":       7,
+	"ip_dscp":        8,
+	"ip_ecn":         9,
+	"ip_proto":       10,
+	"ipv4_src":       11,
+	"ipv4_dst":       12,
+	"tcp_src":        13,
+	"tcp_dst":        14,
+	"udp_src":        15,
+	"udp_dst":        16,
+	"sctp_src":       17,
+	"sctp_dst":       18,
+	"icmpv4_type":    19,
+	"icmpv4_code":    20,
+	"arp_op":         21,
+	"arp_spa":        22,
+	"arp_tpa":        23,
+	"arp_sha":        24,
+	"arp_tha":        25,
+	"ipv6_src":       26,
+	"ipv6_dst":       27,
+	"ipv6_flabel":    28,
+	"icmpv6_type":    29,
+	"icmpv6_code":    30,
+	"ipv6_nd_target": 31,
+	"ipv6_nd_sll":    32,
+	"ipv6_nd_tll":    33,
+	"mpls_label":     34,
+	"mpls_tc":        35,
+	"mpls_bos":       36,
+	"pbb_isid":       37,
+	"tunnel_id":      38,
+	"ipv6_exthdr":    39,
+func (ofc *OFClient) handleFlowAdd(flowAdd *ofp.FlowAdd) {
+	if logger.V(log.DebugLevel) {
+		js, _ := json.Marshal(flowAdd)
+		logger.Debugw("handleFlowAdd called",
+			log.Fields{
+				"device-id": ofc.DeviceID,
+				"params":    js})
+	}
+	// Construct the match
+	var oxmList []*voltha.OfpOxmField
+	for _, oxmField := range flowAdd.Match.GetOxmList() {
+		name := oxmMap[oxmField.GetOXMName()]
+		val := oxmField.GetOXMValue()
+		field := voltha.OfpOxmOfbField{Type: voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes(name)}
+		ofpOxmField := voltha.OfpOxmField{
+			OxmClass: ofp.OFPXMCOpenflowBasic,
+			Field:    &openflow_13.OfpOxmField_OfbField{OfbField: &field},
+		}
+		switch voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes(name) {
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_IN_PORT:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_Port{
+				Port: uint32(val.(ofp.Port)),
+			}
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_IN_PHY_PORT:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_PhysicalPort{
+				PhysicalPort: val.(uint32),
+			}
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_METADATA:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_TableMetadata{
+				TableMetadata: val.(uint64),
+			}
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_ETH_TYPE:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_EthType{
+				EthType: uint32(val.(ofp.EthernetType)),
+			}
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_IP_PROTO:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_IpProto{
+				IpProto: uint32(val.(ofp.IpPrototype)),
+			}
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_UDP_SRC:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_UdpSrc{
+				UdpSrc: uint32(val.(uint16)),
+			}
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_UDP_DST:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_UdpDst{
+				UdpDst: uint32(val.(uint16)),
+			}
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_VLAN_VID:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_VlanVid{
+				VlanVid: uint32((val.(uint16) & 0xfff) | 0x1000),
+			}
+		}
+		oxmList = append(oxmList, &ofpOxmField)
+	}
+	// Construct the instructions
+	var instructions []*voltha.OfpInstruction
+	for _, ofpInstruction := range flowAdd.GetInstructions() {
+		instructionType := ofpInstruction.GetType()
+		instruction := voltha.OfpInstruction{Type: uint32(instructionType)}
+		switch instructionType {
+		case ofp.OFPITGotoTable:
+			instruction.Data = &openflow_13.OfpInstruction_GotoTable{
+				GotoTable: &openflow_13.OfpInstructionGotoTable{
+					TableId: uint32(ofpInstruction.(ofp.IInstructionGotoTable).GetTableId()),
+				},
+			}
+		case ofp.OFPITWriteMetadata:
+			instruction.Data = &openflow_13.OfpInstruction_WriteMetadata{
+				WriteMetadata: &openflow_13.OfpInstructionWriteMetadata{
+					Metadata:     ofpInstruction.(ofp.IInstructionWriteMetadata).GetMetadata(),
+					MetadataMask: ofpInstruction.(ofp.IInstructionWriteMetadata).GetMetadataMask(),
+				},
+			}
+		case ofp.OFPITWriteActions:
+			var ofpActions []*openflow_13.OfpAction
+			for _, action := range ofpInstruction.(ofp.IInstructionWriteActions).GetActions() {
+				ofpActions = append(ofpActions, extractAction(action))
+			}
+			instruction.Data = &openflow_13.OfpInstruction_Actions{
+				Actions: &openflow_13.OfpInstructionActions{
+					Actions: ofpActions,
+				},
+			}
+		case ofp.OFPITApplyActions:
+			var ofpActions []*openflow_13.OfpAction
+			for _, action := range ofpInstruction.(ofp.IInstructionApplyActions).GetActions() {
+				ofpActions = append(ofpActions, extractAction(action))
+			}
+			instruction.Data = &openflow_13.OfpInstruction_Actions{
+				Actions: &openflow_13.OfpInstructionActions{
+					Actions: ofpActions,
+				},
+			}
+		case ofp.OFPITMeter:
+			instruction.Data = &openflow_13.OfpInstruction_Meter{
+				Meter: &openflow_13.OfpInstructionMeter{
+					MeterId: ofpInstruction.(ofp.IInstructionMeter).GetMeterId(),
+				},
+			}
+		}
+		instructions = append(instructions, &instruction)
+	}
+	// Construct the request
+	flowUpdate := openflow_13.FlowTableUpdate{
+		Id: ofc.DeviceID,
+		FlowMod: &voltha.OfpFlowMod{
+			Cookie:      flowAdd.Cookie,
+			CookieMask:  flowAdd.CookieMask,
+			TableId:     uint32(flowAdd.TableId),
+			Command:     voltha.OfpFlowModCommand_OFPFC_ADD,
+			IdleTimeout: uint32(flowAdd.IdleTimeout),
+			HardTimeout: uint32(flowAdd.HardTimeout),
+			Priority:    uint32(flowAdd.Priority),
+			BufferId:    flowAdd.BufferId,
+			OutPort:     uint32(flowAdd.OutPort),
+			OutGroup:    uint32(flowAdd.OutGroup),
+			Flags:       uint32(flowAdd.Flags),
+			Match: &voltha.OfpMatch{
+				Type:      voltha.OfpMatchType(flowAdd.Match.GetType()),
+				OxmFields: oxmList,
+			},
+			Instructions: instructions,
+		},
+	}
+	if logger.V(log.DebugLevel) {
+		flowUpdateJs, _ := json.Marshal(flowUpdate)
+		logger.Debugf("FlowUpdate being sent to Voltha",
+			log.Fields{
+				"device-id":        ofc.DeviceID,
+				"flow-mod-request": flowUpdateJs})
+	}
+	if _, err := ofc.VolthaClient.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(context.Background(), &flowUpdate); err != nil {
+		logger.Errorw("Error calling FlowUpdate ",
+			log.Fields{
+				"device-id": ofc.DeviceID,
+				"error":     err})
+	}
+func (ofc *OFClient) handleFlowMod(flowMod *ofp.FlowMod) {
+	if logger.V(log.DebugLevel) {
+		js, _ := json.Marshal(flowMod)
+		logger.Debugw("handleMod called",
+			log.Fields{
+				"device-id": ofc.DeviceID,
+				"flow-mod":  js})
+	}
+	logger.Errorw("handleFlowMod not implemented",
+		log.Fields{"device-id": ofc.DeviceID})
+func (ofc *OFClient) handleFlowModStrict(flowModStrict *ofp.FlowModifyStrict) {
+	if logger.V(log.DebugLevel) {
+		js, _ := json.Marshal(flowModStrict)
+		logger.Debugw("handleFlowModStrict called",
+			log.Fields{
+				"device-id":       ofc.DeviceID,
+				"flow-mod-strict": js})
+	}
+	logger.Error("handleFlowModStrict not implemented",
+		log.Fields{"device-id": ofc.DeviceID})
+func (ofc *OFClient) handleFlowDelete(flowDelete *ofp.FlowDelete) {
+	if logger.V(log.DebugLevel) {
+		js, _ := json.Marshal(flowDelete)
+		logger.Debugw("handleFlowDelete called",
+			log.Fields{
+				"device-id":   ofc.DeviceID,
+				"flow-delete": js})
+	}
+	logger.Error("handleFlowDelete not implemented",
+		log.Fields{"device-id": ofc.DeviceID})
+func (ofc *OFClient) handleFlowDeleteStrict(flowDeleteStrict *ofp.FlowDeleteStrict) {
+	if logger.V(log.DebugLevel) {
+		js, _ := json.Marshal(flowDeleteStrict)
+		logger.Debugw("handleFlowAdd called",
+			log.Fields{
+				"device-id":          ofc.DeviceID,
+				"flow-delete-strict": js})
+	}
+	// Construct match
+	var oxmList []*voltha.OfpOxmField
+	for _, oxmField := range flowDeleteStrict.Match.GetOxmList() {
+		name := oxmMap[oxmField.GetOXMName()]
+		val := oxmField.GetOXMValue()
+		var ofpOxmField voltha.OfpOxmField
+		ofpOxmField.OxmClass = ofp.OFPXMCOpenflowBasic
+		var field voltha.OfpOxmOfbField
+		field.Type = voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes(name)
+		var x openflow_13.OfpOxmField_OfbField
+		x.OfbField = &field
+		ofpOxmField.Field = &x
+		switch voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes(name) {
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_IN_PORT:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_Port{
+				Port: uint32(val.(ofp.Port)),
+			}
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_IN_PHY_PORT:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_PhysicalPort{
+				PhysicalPort: val.(uint32),
+			}
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_METADATA:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_TableMetadata{
+				TableMetadata: val.(uint64),
+			}
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_ETH_TYPE:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_EthType{
+				EthType: uint32(val.(ofp.EthernetType)),
+			}
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_IP_PROTO:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_IpProto{
+				IpProto: uint32(val.(ofp.IpPrototype)),
+			}
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_UDP_SRC:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_UdpSrc{
+				UdpSrc: uint32(val.(uint16)),
+			}
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_UDP_DST:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_UdpDst{
+				UdpDst: uint32(val.(uint16)),
+			}
+		case voltha.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_VLAN_VID:
+			field.Value = &voltha.OfpOxmOfbField_VlanVid{
+				VlanVid: uint32(val.(uint16)),
+			}
+		}
+		oxmList = append(oxmList, &ofpOxmField)
+	}
+	// Construct request
+	flowUpdate := openflow_13.FlowTableUpdate{
+		Id: ofc.DeviceID,
+		FlowMod: &voltha.OfpFlowMod{
+			Cookie:      flowDeleteStrict.Cookie,
+			CookieMask:  flowDeleteStrict.CookieMask,
+			TableId:     uint32(flowDeleteStrict.TableId),
+			Command:     voltha.OfpFlowModCommand_OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT,
+			IdleTimeout: uint32(flowDeleteStrict.IdleTimeout),
+			HardTimeout: uint32(flowDeleteStrict.HardTimeout),
+			Priority:    uint32(flowDeleteStrict.Priority),
+			BufferId:    flowDeleteStrict.BufferId,
+			OutPort:     uint32(flowDeleteStrict.OutPort),
+			OutGroup:    uint32(flowDeleteStrict.OutGroup),
+			Flags:       uint32(flowDeleteStrict.Flags),
+			Match: &voltha.OfpMatch{
+				Type:      voltha.OfpMatchType(flowDeleteStrict.Match.GetType()),
+				OxmFields: oxmList,
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	if logger.V(log.DebugLevel) {
+		flowUpdateJs, _ := json.Marshal(flowUpdate)
+		logger.Debugf("FlowUpdate being sent to Voltha",
+			log.Fields{
+				"device-id":   ofc.DeviceID,
+				"flow-update": flowUpdateJs})
+	}
+	if _, err := ofc.VolthaClient.UpdateLogicalDeviceFlowTable(context.Background(), &flowUpdate); err != nil {
+		logger.Errorw("Error calling FlowUpdate ",
+			log.Fields{
+				"device-id": ofc.DeviceID,
+				"error":     err})
+	}