
Ofagent-go provides an OpenFlow management interface for Voltha. It is a rewrite in Golang of the original ofagent that was written in python / twisted. The main driver behind the work was to introduce true concurrency to the agent for performance/scalability reasons.


  1. Outside $GOPATH

    1. Read-only git clone https://github.com/opencord/ofagent-go.git
    2. To Contribute git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/ofagent-go
  2. Compile go build -mod=vendor -o ./build/ofagent-go


  • Normal Logging
    • ./build/ofagent-go -ofaddress=localhost openflowPort=6653 -volthaAddress=localhost -volthaPort=50057
  • Debug Logging
    • ./build/ofagent-go -debug -ofaddress=localhost openflowPort=6653 -volthaAddress=localhost -volthaPort=50057