1. 1b7816e SEBA-815 Multi Tcont support by OLT app. by Gamze Abaka · 4 years, 5 months ago
  2. e1d3f09 VOL-1256: Support for transparent flows (with different Vlan IDs) on a ONU for DT FTTB Use case, after merge by Amit Ghosh · 6 years ago
  3. 3193952 VOL-540: REST interface for provisioning/removal of HSIA service - rebased by Amit Ghosh · 6 years ago
  4. 1ed9aef VOL-542: Use Sadis data (if available) for OLT configuration data instead of AccessDevice Configuration. Removed caching of Sadis data in oltApp by Amit Ghosh · 6 years ago
  5. d6a135a Updating Copyright line to Open Networking Foundation by Brian O'Connor · 7 years ago
  6. 36a4d73 pom modifications to appify olt-app renaming package by alshabib · 8 years ago[Renamed (96%) from app/src/main/java/org/onosproject/olt/rest/OltWebResource.java]
  7. c39f08d Explicitly return NO CONTENT type response for http DELETE request by Jian Li · 8 years ago
  8. d4fbd35 Updating copyrights by Brian O'Connor · 8 years ago
  9. d8bca08 Fix javadoc warnings by Jian Li · 8 years ago
  10. 2e68491 CORD-60:Splitting OLT application bundle into api and app bundles so that other applications can import the necessary packages from api bundle by Srikanth Vavilapalli · 8 years ago[Renamed from src/main/java/org/onosproject/olt/rest/OltWebResource.java]
  11. 1748141 [Falcon] Add REST APIs for the OLT app by Ray Milkey · 8 years ago