VOL-4337: Code upgrade for 3/2020 G.988 support and remaining Extended Message Set support
Change-Id: I6c5e1a167216ad9b51e9da89460e9909465ae1bc
diff --git a/generated/iphostconfigdata.go b/generated/iphostconfigdata.go
index be0f1cc..5d5dcb1 100644
--- a/generated/iphostconfigdata.go
+++ b/generated/iphostconfigdata.go
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
// IpHostConfigDataClassID is the 16-bit ID for the OMCI
// Managed entity IP host config data
-const IpHostConfigDataClassID ClassID = ClassID(134)
+const IpHostConfigDataClassID = ClassID(134) // 0x0086
var iphostconfigdataBME *ManagedEntityDefinition
-// IpHostConfigData (class ID #134)
+// IpHostConfigData (Class ID: #134 / 0x0086)
// The IP host config data configures IPv4 based services offered on the ONU. The ONU automatically
// creates instances of this ME if IP host services are available. A possible IPv6 stack is
// supported through the IPv6 host config data ME. In this clause, references to IP addresses are
@@ -44,72 +44,153 @@
// Attributes
// Managed Entity Id
-// Managed entity ID: This attribute uniquely identifies each instance of this ME. The ONU creates
-// as many instances as there are independent IPv4 stacks on the ONU. To facilitate discovery, IP
-// host config data MEs should be numbered from 0 upwards. The ONU should create IP(v4) and IPv6
-// host config data MEs with separate ME IDs, such that other MEs can use a single TP type
-// attribute to link with either. (R) (mandatory) (2 bytes)
+// This attribute uniquely identifies each instance of this ME. The ONU creates as many instances
+// as there are independent IPv4 stacks on the ONU. To facilitate discovery, IP host config data
+// MEs should be numbered from 0 upwards. The ONU should create IP(v4) and IPv6 host config data
+// MEs with separate ME IDs, such that other MEs can use a single TP type attribute to link with
+// either. (R) (mandatory) (2 bytes)
// Ip Options
+// This attribute is a bit map that enables or disables IP-related options. The value 1 enables the
+// option while 0 disables it. The default value of this attribute is 0.
+// 0x01 Enable DHCP
+// 0x02 Respond to pings
+// 0x04 Respond to traceroute messages
+// 0x08 Enable IP stack
+// 0x10..0x80 Reserved
// (R,-W) (mandatory) (1-byte)
// Mac Address
-// MAC address: This attribute indicates the MAC address used by the IP node. (R) (mandatory)
-// (6-bytes)
+// This attribute indicates the MAC address used by the IP node. (R) (mandatory) (6-bytes)
// Onu Identifier
-// Onu identifier: A unique ONU identifier string. If set to a non-null value, this string is used
-// instead of the MAC address in retrieving dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) parameters.
-// If the string is shorter than 25 characters, it must be null terminated. Its default value is 25
-// null bytes. (R,-W) (mandatory) (25-bytes)
+// A unique ONU identifier string. If set to a non-null value, this string is used instead of the
+// MAC address in retrieving dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) parameters. If the string
+// is shorter than 25 characters, it must be null terminated. Its default value is 25 null bytes.
+// (R,-W) (mandatory) (25-bytes)
+// Several attributes of this ME may be paired together into two categories, manual settings and
+// current values.
+// While the IP stack is disabled, there is no IP connectivity to the external world from this ME
+// instance.
+// While DHCP is disabled, the current values are always the same as the manual settings. While
+// DHCP is enabled, the current values are those assigned by DHCP, or undefined (0) if DHCP has
+// never assigned values.
// Ip Address
-// IP address: The address used for IP host services; this attribute has the default value 0.
-// (R,-W) (mandatory) (4-bytes)
-// Mask
-// Mask: The subnet mask for IP host services; this attribute has the default value 0. (R,-W)
+// The address used for IP host services; this attribute has the default value 0. (R,-W)
// (mandatory) (4-bytes)
-// Gateway
-// Gateway: The default gateway address used for IP host services; this attribute has the default
-// value 0. (R,-W) (mandatory) (4-bytes)
-// Primary Dns
-// Primary DNS: The address of the primary DNS server; this attribute has the default value 0.
-// (R,-W) (mandatory) (4-bytes)
-// Secondary Dns
-// Secondary DNS: The address of the secondary DNS server; this attribute has the default value 0.
-// (R,-W) (mandatory) (4-bytes)
-// Current Address
-// Current address: Current address of the IP host service. (R) (optional) (4-bytes)
-// Current Mask
-// Current mask: Current subnet mask for the IP host service. (R) (optional) (4-bytes)
-// Current Gateway
-// Current gateway: Current default gateway address for the IP host service. (R) (optional)
+// Mask
+// The subnet mask for IP host services; this attribute has the default value 0. (R,-W) (mandatory)
// (4-bytes)
+// Gateway
+// The default gateway address used for IP host services; this attribute has the default value 0.
+// (R,-W) (mandatory) (4-bytes)
+// Primary Dns
+// The address of the primary DNS server; this attribute has the default value 0. (R,-W)
+// (mandatory) (4-bytes)
+// Secondary Dns
+// The address of the secondary DNS server; this attribute has the default value 0. (R,-W)
+// (mandatory) (4-bytes)
+// Current Address
+// Current address of the IP host service. (R) (optional) (4-bytes)
+// Current Mask
+// Current subnet mask for the IP host service. (R) (optional) (4-bytes)
+// Current Gateway
+// Current default gateway address for the IP host service. (R) (optional) (4-bytes)
// Current Primary Dns
-// Current primary DNS: Current primary DNS server address. (R) (optional) (4-bytes)
+// Current primary DNS server address. (R) (optional) (4-bytes)
// Current Secondary Dns
-// Current secondary DNS: Current secondary DNS server address. (R) (optional) (4-bytes)
+// Current secondary DNS server address. (R) (optional) (4-bytes)
// Domain Name
-// Domain name: If DHCP indicates a domain name, it is presented here. If no domain name is
-// indicated, this attribute is set to a null string. If the string is shorter than 25-bytes, it
-// must be null terminated. The default value is 25 null bytes. (R) (mandatory) (25-bytes)
+// If DHCP indicates a domain name, it is presented here. If no domain name is indicated, this
+// attribute is set to a null string. If the string is shorter than 25-bytes, it must be null
+// terminated. The default value is 25 null bytes. (R) (mandatory) (25-bytes)
// Host Name
-// Host name: If DHCP indicates a host name, it is presented here. If no host name is indicated,
-// this attribute is set to a null string. If the string is shorter than 25-bytes, it must be null
+// If DHCP indicates a host name, it is presented here. If no host name is indicated, this
+// attribute is set to a null string. If the string is shorter than 25-bytes, it must be null
// terminated. The default value is 25 null bytes. (R) (mandatory) (25-bytes)
// Relay Agent Options
+// This attribute is a pointer to a large string ME whose content specifies one or more DHCP relay
+// agent options. (R, W) (optional) (2-bytes)
+// The contents of the large string are parsed by the ONU and converted into text strings. Variable
+// substitution is based on defined three-character groups, each of which begins with the '%'
+// character. The string '%%' is an escape mechanism whose output is a single '%' character. When
+// the ONU cannot perform variable substitution on a substring of the large string, it generates
+// the specified option as an exact quotation of the provisioned substring value.
+// Provisioning of the large string is separate from the operation of setting the pointer in this
+// attribute. It is the responsibility of the OLT to ensure that the large string contents are
+// correct and meaningful.
+// Three-character variable definitions are as follows. The first variable in the large string must
+// specify one of the option types. Both options for a given IP version may be present if desired,
+// each introduced by its option identifier. Terminology is taken from clause 3.9.3 of [b-BBF
+// TR-101].
+// %01, %18 Specifies that the following string is for option 82 sub-option 1, agent circuit-ID
+// (IPv4) or option 18, interface-ID (IPv6). The equivalence permits the same large string to be
+// used in both IP environments.
+// %02, %37 Specifies that the following string is for option 82 sub-option 2, relay agent remote-
+// ID (IPv4) or option 37, relay agent remote-ID (IPv6). The equivalence permits the same large
+// string to be used in both IP environments.
+// %SL In [b-BBF TR-101], this is called a slot. In an ONU, this variable refers to a shelf. It
+// would be meaningful if the ONU has multiple shelves internally or is daisy-chained to multiple
+// equipment modules. The range of this variable is "0".. "99"
+// %SU In TR-101, this is called a sub-slot. In fact, it represents a cardholder. The range of this
+// variable is "0".. "99"
+// %PO UNI port number. The range of this variable is "0".. "999"
+// %AE ATM or Ethernet. This variable can take on the values "atm" or "eth".
+// %SV S-VID for Ethernet UNI, or ATM virtual path identifier (VPI) for ATM UNI, as it exists on
+// the DHCP request received upstream across the UNI. Range "0".. "4096" for S-VID; range "0"..
+// "255" for VPI. The value "4096" indicates no S-VID tag.
+// %CV C-VID (Q-VID) for Ethernet UNI, or ATM virtual circuit identifier (VCI) for ATM UNI, as it
+// exists on the DHCP request received upstream across the UNI. Range "0".. "4096" for C-VID; range
+// "0".."65535" for VCI. The value "4096" indicates no C-VID tag.
+// Spaces in the provisioned string are significant.
+// Example: if the large string were provisioned with the value
+// %01%SL/%SU/%PO:%AE/%SV.%CV<null>,
+// then the ONU would generate the following DHCP option 82 agent circuit-ID string for an Ethernet
+// UNI that sent a DHCP request with no S tag and C tag = 3210 on shelf 2, slot 3, port 4.
+// 2/3/4:eth/4096.3210
+// With the same provisioning, the ONU would generate the following DHCP option 82 agent circuit-ID
+// string for an ATM UNI that sent a DHCP request on VPI = 123 and VCI = 4567 on shelf 2, slot 3,
+// port 4.
// 2/3/4:atm/123.4567
type IpHostConfigData struct {