Tagged by CORD Jenkins version-tag job: 3571, for Gerrit patchset: 17201
VOL-2508 Modify get all alarms to reflect uni alarm state

onu adapter periodically polls for all alarms and the
previously hardcoded get all alarms response would not
send the already sent autonomous alarm, effectivly
clearing the alarm before it was time

this change sets the autonomous link alarm to up or down
and sets a flag to indicate the onu is locked so alarm polling
gets the same results

this also has the side effect of fixing a class id 0 bug
that was being returned in get all alarms response that should not
have been given the response was valid "in time"

Change-Id: I103ce51a38755f6ae80db034706517744eecea40
4 files changed
tree: ffea865f530d3fc6d83bf491aa68911e301928c3
  1. .gitignore
  2. .gitreview
  4. README.md
  6. go.mod
  7. go.sum
  8. omci_anig.go
  9. omci_common.go
  10. omci_defs.go
  11. omci_handlers.go
  12. omci_mib.go
  13. omci_onu2g.go
  14. omci_onug.go
  15. omci_pm_history_data.go
  16. omci_sim.go
  17. omci_softwareimage.go
  18. omci_state.go


This library is a dump of the OMCI messages reported by an ALPHA device and it is currently used by BBSim to emulate OMCI responses during VOLTHA scale tests.