Initial import from repo:ci-management/makefiles

Change-Id: Ie6267d932de97f8ee38908e2a1aab146cd11085b
diff --git a/makefiles/lint/Makefile b/makefiles/lint/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2754d0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makefiles/lint/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# -*- makefile -*-
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright 2017-2022 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-present Intel Corporation
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+.DEFAULT_GOAL := test
+HIDE        ?= @
+SHELL       := bash -e -o pipefail
+dot         ?= .
+TOP         ?= $(dot)
+MAKEDIR     ?= $(TOP)/makefiles
+env-clean = /usr/bin/env --ignore-environment
+jq          = $(env-clean) jq
+jq-args     += --exit-status
+YAMLLINT      = $(shell which yamllint)
+yamllint      := $(env-clean) $(YAMLLINT)
+yamllint-args := -c .yamllint
+##---]  TARGETS  [---##
+lint += lint-json
+lint += lint-yaml
+lint : $(lint)
+test : lint
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+lint-yaml yaml-lint:
+ifeq ($(null),$(shell which yamllint))
+	$(error "Please install yamllint to run linting")
+	$(HIDE)$(env-clean) find . -name '*.yaml' -type f -print0 \
+	    | xargs -0 -t -n1 $(yamllint) $(yamllint-args)
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	$(HIDE)$(env-clean) find . -name '*.json' -type f -print0 \
+	    | xargs -0 -t -n1 $(jq) $(jq-args) $(dot) >/dev/null
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	@echo "[REQUIRED] Checking for linting tools"
+	$(HIDE)which jq
+	$(HIDE)which yamllint
+	@echo
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	@echo
+	@echo "USAGE: $(MAKE)"
+	@echo "[TODO]"
+	@echo "  o Update to support standard makefile target behavior:"
+	@echo "    all taget is test not default behavior for automation."
+	@echo "  o Change lint target dep from test to check -or smoke"
+	@echo "    target test sould be more involved with content validation"
+	@echo "  o Refactor lint target(s) with voltha-system-tests/makefiles"
+	@echo "  o Linting should be dependency driven,"
+	@echo "    only check when sources are modified."
+	@echo
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	@echo
+	@echo "USAGE: $(MAKE)"
+	@echo "  lint        perform syntax checks on source"
+	@echo "  test        perform syntax checks on source"
+	@echo "  pre-check   Verify tools and deps are available for testing"
+	@echo
+	@echo "[LINT]"
+	@echo "  lint-json   Syntax check .json sources"
+	@echo "  lint-yaml   Syntax check .yaml sources"
+	@echo
+# [EOF]