Enhance shellcheck lint target (2 of 3 -- installer)

  o Top level include used to source all lint-shell library makefiles.
  o Loosely based on makefiles/{groovy,doc8}/*.
  o Currently library makefile makefiles/shell.mk deprecation pending.
  o Prefix yet-to-be-added makefile includes with hyphen to prevent errors.

  o Adding a tool makefile for installing shellcheck via dependency.
  o NOP if shellcheck exists else install the latest v0.9.0.
  o Added library target lint-shell-cmd-version
    - Dependency for lint-shell-* makefile targets
    - Used for central logging to display shellcheck command in use.
  o lint-shell-install
    - Install makefile target is dependency driven.
    - Prefer system installed command with fallback to installation
      of the 'latest' shellcheck version v0.9.0.

Unit testing:
  - mkcheck.sh script will setup a usable sandbox to try out
    lint-shell makefile targets.


Change-Id: Ica33f4c2c01cd63bc400a7db3c1e299cbcc030e7
2 files changed
tree: 314391e8670bce7b46d553572db36b3850f23102
  1. .gitignore
  2. .gitreview
  3. Makefile
  4. README.md
  5. bin/
  6. config.mk
  7. makefiles/
  8. makefiles_include_mk.ex

onf-make library makefiles

This repository contains common makefile logic and targets that can be used to build arbitrary repositories. Makefile logic is currently being consumed by the VOLTHA project

makefiles/ subdirectories

Two distinct sets of makefiles are needed to support builds:

  • The first is a subdir of makefiles/ named 'onf-make'

    • This directory exists and is maintained as a git-submodule of repo:onf-make.
    • Library makefiles contain independent logic to install common tools such as (virtualenv), perform linting tasks, define constants and perform path/string manipulation, etc.
  • The second makefile directory contains repository/project specific logic:

    • makefiles/local/ exists as a repository subdirectory under SCM.
    • Contains custom targets, variant parameters and custom logic specific to the repository it exists within.
  • Most makefile logic can be parameterized and implemented to support reuse. Consider adding enhancements or refactoring local/ makefile logic into repo:onf-make so all makefiles can leverage it.


% tree --charset=ascii -n

|-- include.mk
|-- local
|   |-- include.mk
|   |   |   |-- doc8
|   |   |   |    |-- doc8.ini   (alas only one --config switch allowed)
|-- [onf-make: git-submodule](https://github.com/opencord/onf-make)
|   |-- makefiles
|   |   |-- consts.mk
|   |   |-- include.mk
|   |   |-- lint
|   |   |   |-- doc8            Syntax check ReStructuredText (rst) files
|   |   |   |-- groovy
|   |   |   |-- python
|   |   |   |-- robot.mk        Syntax check robot testing framework
|   |   |   |-- shell.mk        Invoke shellcheck command on scripts
|   |   |   |-- yaml            Syntax check yaml configs


  • Refactor and merge logic from available repository makefiles/ directories.

  • Update to make use of library makefiles

    • setup.sh
    • {repository}/makefiles/{local, onf-make}/
    • Create config.mk to enable targets and features.
  • Exercise make lint targets, bulk cleanup is needed across all repositories.

  • Relocate $sandbox/config.mk into makefiles/config.mk


  • Ascii art was rendered using

    • tree --charset=ascii -n
  • README.md can be rendered locally using

    • pandoc README.md | lynx -stdin