Define more constant values.

  o Define constant values (make macros) for tab-stop and newline.
  o Document intent and usage for a few already-defined constants:
    + HIDE=
    + env-clean=
    + xargs-*=

Change-Id: I7bcc4622f5011f861e45f73ab2663f761fb85e16
diff --git a/makefiles/ b/makefiles/
index f1f717f..21f9fbc 100644
--- a/makefiles/
+++ b/makefiles/
@@ -30,11 +30,62 @@
 export quote-single := $(null)'$(null)#'
 export quote-double := $(null)"$(null)#"
-# [DEBUG] make {target} HIDE=
+## -----------------------------
+## Macro definition for tab stop
+## Usage:
+##   o $(info white$(\t)space
+##   o @echo "white$(tab)space"
+## -----------------------------
+\t   := $(NULL)	$(NULL)
+tab  := $(\t)
+## -----------------------------------------------
+## Macro definition for newline
+## Usage:
+##   - Format output:
+##       $(info two$(crlf)lines)
+##   - Generate dynamic makefile rules:
+##       $(eval mytarget:$(newline)$(tab)echo FOO)
+## -----------------------------------------------
+define crlf :=
+newline := $(crlf)
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# [DEBUG] - Define HIDE=<null> to display shell commands
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# Target rule definition:
+#   show:
+#   <tab>$(HIDE)echo "Display rule when HIDE != '@'
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# Usage: make show HIDE=
+# ------------------------------------------------------
 HIDE           ?= @
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Intent: Define a prefix macro for shell commands that will inhibit
+#   loading user defined environment vars (consistent command use w/o
+#   potential for per-user tainting of command behavior).
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Target usage:
+#   mytarget:
+#   <tab>$(env-clean) ls
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 env-clean      ?= /usr/bin/env --ignore-environment
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Intent: Define convenience xargs macros to shorten target command lines
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Target usage:
+#   mytarget:
+#   <tab>$(env-clean) ls
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Usage:
+#   lint-shell:
+#   <tab>find . -name '*.sh' -print0 | $(xargs-n1-clean) shellcheck $(args)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 xargs-cmd       := xargs -0 -t --no-run-if-empty
 xargs-n1        := $(xargs-cmd) -n1
 xargs-n1-clean  := $(env-clean) $(xargs-n1)