Added a convenience script for upgrading python locally.

  o The upgrade-sandbox-script will install OS packages.
  o Clone a git sandbox.
  o Upgrade/install a virtualenv at a specified version.

Signed-off-by: Joey Armstrong <>
Change-Id: Ic939ab53c329d689e25c139b3bec9c00b4b9c68a
diff --git a/python-upgrade/ b/python-upgrade/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eacb69b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-upgrade/
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# set -euo pipefail
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent: Dislpay an error message then exit
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function error()
+    cat <<ERR
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+** IAM: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}
+** ERR: $@
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    exit 1
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent: Dislpay an error message then exit
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function banner()
+    cat <<MSG
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+** $@
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    return
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent: Debug function, display minimalist script debugging
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function signpost()
+    echo
+    echo "** SIGNPOST[${FUNCNAME[1]}] (LINENO:${BASH_LINENO[1]}): $@"
+    return
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent: Identify system type
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function detect_arch()
+    local -n ref=$1; shift
+    ref=''
+    if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then
+        ref='linux'
+    elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
+        ref='darwin'
+    elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "freebsd"* ]]; then
+        ref='freebsd'
+    else
+        error "Deteted unhandled OS_TYPE=[$OS_TYPE]"
+    fi
+    return
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent: Add more apt sources to install versioned packages
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function configure_apt()
+    ## Perform once
+    [[ -v configure_apt_seen ]] && { return; }
+    declare -g -i configure_apt_seen=1
+    sandbox '[ENTER]'
+    sudo 'add-apt-repository' 'universe'
+    sudo apt update
+    sandbox '[LEAVE]'
+    return
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent: Ubuntu: apt install packages for a versioned python interpreter
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function install_apt_packages()
+    local ver="$1"; shift
+    pkgs+=("libpython${ver}")         # Shared Python runtime library (version ${ver})
+    pkgs+=("libpython${ver}-dev")     # Header files and a static library for Python (v${ver})
+    pkgs+=("libpython${ver}-minimal") # Minimal subset of the Python language (version ${ver})
+    pkgs+=("python${ver}")            # - Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version ${ver})
+    pkgs+=("python${ver}-dev")        # - Header files and a static library for Python (v${ver})
+    pkgs+=("python${ver}-full")       # - Python Interpreter with complete class library (version ${ver})
+    pkgs+=("python${ver}-venv")       # - Interactive high-level object-oriented language (pyvenv binary, version ${ver})
+    pkgs+=('virtualenv')              # Convenience wrapper for installation
+    sudo apt-get install -y "${pkgs[@]}"
+    return
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent:
+##    o Install multiple interpreters for evaluation
+##    o Installer is non-destructive
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## [TODO]
+##    o Configure update-alternatives to simplify version switching.
+##    o Careful, modifying /usr/bin/python can break system dependencies
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function install_python()
+    local ver="$1"; shift
+    local path="/usr/bin/python${ver}"
+    echo "INSTALL PYTHON"
+    local arch=''
+    detect_arch arch
+    ## Configure package manager to include versioned python packages.
+    case "$arch" in
+        'linux') configure_apt ;;
+        'darwin')
+            ## Logic needed if installing with: brew, etc
+            error "Installer not yet configured for OSX (arch=[$arch])"
+            ;;
+        *) error "Installer not yet configured for arch=[$arch]" ;;
+    esac
+    ## -------------------------------
+    ## If evaluating multiple versions
+    ## -------------------------------
+    declare -a versions=()
+#    versions+=('3.8')
+    versions+=('3.10')
+#    versions+=('3.12')
+#    versions+=('3.13')
+    local version
+    for version in "${versions[@]}";
+    do
+        local path="/usr/bin/python${version}"
+        signpost "Interpreter: $(declare -p path)"
+        if [[ -e "$path" ]]; then
+            echo "[${FUNCNAME[0]}:SKIP] interpreter already installed [$path]"
+            continue
+        fi
+        case "$arch" in
+            'linux') install_apt_packages "$version" ;;
+            ## Commands needed for brew, etc
+            'darwin')
+                error "Installer not yet configured for OSX (arch=[$arch])"
+                ;;
+            *) error "Installer not yet configured for arch=[$arch]" ;;
+        esac
+    done
+    return
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent: Install a versioned venv into a cloned sandbox
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## [NOTE] Early creation of {sandbox}/.venv will short circuit a makefile
+##        makefile target that normally installs venv.
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function install_sandbox_virtualenv()
+    local repo="$1"; shift
+    local ver="$1";  shift
+    local interpreter="/usr/bin/python${ver}"
+    signpost '[ENTER]'
+    pushd "$repo" >/dev/null || { error "pushd $repo failed"; }
+    readarray -t cmd < <(which virtualenv 2>/dev/null)
+    if [[ "${#cmd[@]}" -gt 0 ]] && [[ -x "${cmd[0]}" ]]; then
+        ## Prefer tool:virtualenv for installation when available
+        banner "** Install python using tool virtualenv"
+        declare -a args=()
+        [[ ! -v ARGV_no_quiet ]] && { args+=('--quiet'); }
+        virtualenv "${args[@]}" -p "$interpreter" '.venv'
+    else
+        # fallback to dependency-less venv install
+        banner "** Install python using a versioned interpreter"
+        "$interpreter" -m venv '.venv'
+    fi
+    ## -------------------------------------------------------
+    ## 1) Configure default interpreter version
+    ## 2) Upgrade core interpreter packages: pip, setuptools
+    ## 3) Install per-repository packages  : requirements.txt
+    ## ------------------------------------------------------
+    ## See Also:
+    ##   % make venv
+    ##   makefiles/virtualenv/
+    ## -------------------------------------------------------
+    source .venv/bin/activate
+    declare -a pip_install=()
+    pip_install+=('pip' 'install' '--no-cache-dir')
+    [[ ! -v ARGV_no_quiet ]] && { pip_install+=('--quiet'); }
+    # Upgrade core interpreter packages: pip, setuptools
+    # pip --upgrade has chicken-n-egg problems
+	python -m "${pip_install[@]}" --upgrade pip
+	"${pip_install[@]}" --upgrade setuptools
+    ## Install per-repository packages  : requirements.txt
+    python -m "${pip_install[@]}" -r ./requirements.txt
+    popd          >/dev/null || { error "pushd $repo failed"; }
+    signpost '[LEAVE]'
+    return
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent:
+##   Determine if python interpreter is valid/current.
+##   No need for installation if the OS is current with recent packages
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function verify_python_version()
+    local want="$1"; shift
+    readarray -t version < <(/usr/bin/python3 --version)
+    case "${version[*]}" in
+        *"$want"*) local -i is_valid=1 ;;
+    esac
+    [[ -v is_valid ]] && { /bin/true; } || { /bin/false; }
+    return
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent:
+##    o Clone a repository and create a user branch
+##    o Installer is non-destructive
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function clone_and_branch_repo()
+    local repo="$1"; shift
+    local path="$repo"
+    sandbox '[ENTER]'
+    if [[ -v ARGV_clean ]] && [[ -d "$path" ]]; then
+        echo "** Removing old sandbox: $repo"
+        rm -fr "$repo"
+    fi
+    ## NOP if sandbox already checked out
+    if [[ -e "$path" ]]; then
+        echo "[${FUNCNAME[0]}:SKIP] repository already checked out"
+        return
+    fi
+    banner "Clone and branch repo: ${repo}"
+    local url="ssh://${repo}.git"
+    git clone "$url"
+    pushd "$repo" >/dev/null || { error "pushd $repo failed"; }
+    local branch="dev-${USER}"
+    banner "git checkout -b \"$branch\""
+    git checkout -b "$branch"
+    banner "git remote -v show"
+    git remote -v show
+    banner "git branch -a"
+    git branch -a
+    popd >/dev/null          || { error "popd $repo failed"; }
+    sandbox '[LEAVE]'
+    return
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent: Alter requirements.txt to use latest package versions
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function upgrade_packages()
+    local repo="$1"; shift
+    signpost '[ENTER]'
+    ## NOP: Already modified
+    if ! grep '[=<>]' "$repo/requirements.txt"; then
+        return
+    fi
+    pushd "$repo" >/dev/null || { error "pushd $repo failed"; }
+    sed -i'' '\@zdw/robotframework-importresource@d' 'requirements.txt'
+    # -------------------------------------------------
+    # Disgusting but portable: prune version qualifiers
+    # Pip will install latest packages by name
+    # -------------------------------------------------
+    cut -d'=' -f1 requirements.txt \
+        | cut -d'<' -f1 \
+        | cut -d'>' -f1 \
+        > requirements.tmp
+    echo "** Use git checkout requirements.txt to revert changes"
+    mv requirements.tmp requirements.txt
+    popd          >/dev/null || { error "popd $repo failed"; }
+    signpost '[LEAVE]'
+    return
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent: If version strings
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function freeze_packages()
+    local repo="$1"; shift
+    signpost '[ENTER]'
+    pushd "$repo" >/dev/null || { error "pushd $repo failed"; }
+    source .venv/bin/activate
+    declare -a pip_freeze=()
+    pip_freeze+=('pip' 'freeze')
+    pip_freeze+=('--local')                           # local directory
+    pip_freeze+=('--requirement' 'requirements.txt')  # existing order
+    "${pip_freeze[@]}" > 'requirements.txt.tmp'
+    mv 'requirements.txt.tmp' 'requirements.txt'
+    popd          >/dev/null || { error "popd $repo failed"; }
+    signpost '[LEAVE]'
+    return
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent: Display misc information about the installation, known problems
+##   and makefile targets used for building and testing.
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function show_readme()
+    local repo="$1"; shift
+    /bin/pwd
+    pushd "$repo" >/dev/null || { error "pushd $repo failed"; }
+    cat <<HOWTO
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+** IAM: ${FUNCNAME[0]}
+** PWD: $(/bin/pwd)
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+% cd ${repo}
+% source .venv/bin/activate
+$(source .venv/bin/activate && python --version)
+% make help       # Display available targets
+% make all
+% make lint
+% make pre-commit
+% make build
+% make test
+    readarray -t zdw < <(grep '/zdw/' requirements.txt)
+    cat <<PROBLEMS
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+** Known Problems: early failures that require attention
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   o Comment out package /zdw/robotframework-import in equirements.txt.
+   o Try --upgrade-packages to install latest versions
+   o repo:voltha-protos and repo:voltha-system-tests both have
+     problems building packages.
+   o ERROR: Failed to build installable wheels for some pyproject.toml based projects (grpcio)
+    popd          >/dev/null || { error "pushd $repo failed"; }
+    return
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function usage()
+    cat <<EOHELP
+Usage: $0
+  --repo [r]          Repository name to checkout and configure.
+  --version [v]       Install python virtualenv at version [v]
+  --gerrit            Browse a list of VOLTHA repositories in the gerrit UI
+  --upgrade-pacakges  Remove frozen version information from requirements.txt
+  --no-quiet          Run commands in verbose mode (pip, virtualenv)
+  --verbose             alias for --no-quiet
+  --clean             Delete cloned sandbox prior to install
+  --help              This message
+    cat <<EOHELP
+  % $0 --version 3.12 --repo voltha-system-tests
+  % $0 --version 3.12 --repo voltha-lib-go
+    return
+##---]  MAIN  [---##
+banner '[NOTE] If the status message [FIN] is displayed script ran successfully'
+while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
+    arg="$1"; shift
+    case "$arg" in
+        '--no-quiet') declare -g -i ARGV_no_quiet=1;     ;;
+        '--verbose')  declare -g -i ARGV_no_quiet=1;     ;;
+        '--clean') declare -g -i ARGV_clean=1            ;;
+        '--upgr'*) declare -g ARGV_upgrade_packages=1    ;;
+        '--repo'*) declare -g ARGV_repo="$1";    shift   ;;
+        '--ver'*)  declare -g ARGV_version="$1"; shift   ;;
+        '--help')  usage; exit 0                         ;;
+        '--gerrit')
+            "${BROWSER:-firefox}" ''
+            exit 1
+            ;;
+        '-'*) error "Detected unknown switch [$arg]" ;;
+        *) echo "[SKIP] unknown argument [$arg]"     ;;
+    esac
+[[ ! -v ARGV_version ]] && { error '--version is required (default: 2.13)'; }
+[[ ! -v ARGV_repo ]]    && { error '--repo is required'; }
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## NOP if system interpreter is the latest
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+if verify_python_version "$ARGV_version"; then
+    readarray -t version < <(pyhon --version 2>/dev/null)
+    echo "** Python Version: ${version[*]}"
+    case "${version[*]}" in
+        # v3.13 is in pre-release.
+        # may be pre-installed for new distribution installations.
+        # If unavailabler sources are available for download but
+        #   will require building the interpreter.
+        *'3.12'*|*'3.13'*)
+            banner \
+                "[SKIP] Python interpreter already installed (ver=${ARGV_version})" \
+                '[NOTE] This script is no longer needed, detected latest python version'
+            ;;
+        *)
+            banner "[SKIP] Python interpreter already installed (ver=${ARGV_version})"
+            ;;
+    esac
+# [ELSE] we need to install
+    banner "Installing python version ${ARGV_version}"
+    ## ------------------------------------------------------------
+    # package manager: Configure and install versioned interpreters
+    ## ------------------------------------------------------------
+    install_python "${ARGV_version}"    # OS packages
+mkdir -p sandbox # git clone into sandbox/ for easy cleanup
+pushd 'sandbox' >/dev/null || { error 'pushd sandbox/ failed'; }
+## Checkout VOLTHA code base
+clone_and_branch_repo "$ARGV_repo"
+[[ -v ARGV_upgrade_packages ]] && { upgrade_packages "$ARGV_repo"; }
+## Install upgraded python interpreter in the sandbox
+install_sandbox_virtualenv  "${ARGV_repo}" "${ARGV_version}"    # sandbox/virtualenv/
+freeze_packages "$ARGV_repo"   # capture all upgraded package versions
+show_readme "${ARGV_repo}"     # display notes and caveats
+popd >/dev/null || { error 'popd sandbox/ failed'; }
+echo '[FIN] - installer ran successfully'
+# [EOF]