Repair broken JCL construction for a few switches
  o Declare more array vars for gathering input.
  o Replace declare with local within functions.
  o Refactored arg detection to set parsting state variables.
  o Replace inline AND/OR construction with list join on and/or.
    Too many edge cases can leave a AND/OR token prefix or suffix
    breaking the JCL query line.
  o do_labels logic updated to handle --label-is-empty and construct
    --excl and --incl arguments as standalone paren wrapped terms.

  o when -and, -or, -in, -excl, -incl, -is-empty switch modifiers are
    detected set global switch parsing state variables.

Signed-off-by: Joey Armstrong <>
Change-Id: Ib67bbf1a6389c8d9e9a3ac70911429118228c683
diff --git a/jira/bin/ b/jira/bin/
index 51959f6..751edb6 100755
--- a/jira/bin/
+++ b/jira/bin/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Copyright 2023-2024 Open Networking Foundation Contributors
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
 ##---]  GLOBALS  [---##
+declare -g -a is_empty=()    # label
 declare -g -a text=()
 declare -g -a text_and=()
 declare -g -a text_or=()
@@ -60,10 +62,8 @@
 declare -g -a projects=()
 path="$(realpath $0 --canonicalize-existing)"
-# source "${path%\.sh}/"
 source "${pgm_lib}/"
-#source "$pgmlib/"
-#source "$pgmlib/"
+source "${pgm_lib}/"
 source "${pgm_lib}/"
 source "${pgm_lib}/"
 source "${pgm_lib}/help/"
@@ -79,10 +79,43 @@
 ** ERROR: $@
 ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    echo 
+    echo
     exit 1
+## --------------------------------------------------------------------
+## --------------------------------------------------------------------
+function banner()
+    cat <<MSG
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+** $@
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    return
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent: Append a conditional token in the list based on context
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+function and_or()
+    local -n ref=$1; shift
+    local val="$1" ; shift
+    if [[ ${#ref[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
+        if [[ -v bool_or ]]; then
+            ref+=('OR')
+        else
+            ref+=('AND')
+        fi
+    fi
+    ref+=("$val")
+    return
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 function html_encode()
@@ -165,23 +198,31 @@
 ## Intent: Query filter by labels assigned to a ticket:
 ##   o pods, failing, testing
 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Perform a few string joins
+##   - elements {in,not-in} label {excl, incl}
+##   -  OR: is-empty + in-label
+##   - AND: excl + incl
+## --------------------------------------------------------------------
 # "project in (UKSCR, COMPRG) AND issuetype = Bug AND labels in (BAT)" and
 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
 function do_labels()
-    declare -n incl=$1; shift # was args=
-    declare -n excl=$1; shift
-    declare -n ans=$1; shift
+    local -n incl=$1; shift # was args=
+    local -n excl=$1; shift
+    local -n ans=$1; shift
-    ## --------------------------------
-    ## Conjunction if stream tokens > 0
-    ## --------------------------------
-    conjunction ans
+    ## -------------------------------
+    ## Join #1: is-empty + labels-incl
+    ## -------------------------------
+    local -a tokens=()
-    declare -a tokens=()
+    if [[ " ${is_empty[*]} " =~ ' label ' ]]; then
+        tokens+=('(labels IS EMPTY)')
+    fi
-    ## -----------------------------
-    ## -----------------------------
+    ## ------------------------------
+    ## Construct label include filter
+    ## ------------------------------
     if [[ ${#incl[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
         local modifier
@@ -192,25 +233,33 @@
         local labels=$(join_by ',' "${incl[@]}")
-        local -a tmp=(\
-                      '('\
-                          'label IS EMPTY' \
-                          'OR' \
-                          "labels ${modifier} ($labels)" \
-                          ')'\
-            )
-        tokens+=("${tmp[@]}")
+        tokens+=("(labels ${modifier} ($labels))")
-    conjunction tokens 'AND'
+    # ------------------------------
+    # JOIN[OR]: is-empty + in-labels
+    # ------------------------------
+    if [[ ${#tokens[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then
+        local combine
+        combine=("$(join_by ' OR ' "${tokens[@]}")")
+        tokens=("$combine")
+    fi
-    ## -----------------------------
-    ## -----------------------------
+    ## ------------------------------
+    ## Construct label exclude filter
+    ## ------------------------------
     if [[ ${#excl[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
         local labels=$(join_by ',' "${excl[@]}")
-        tokens+=('(' "labels NOT IN ($labels)" ')')
+        tokens+=("(labels NOT IN ($labels))")
+    # ------------------------------------
+    # JOIN[AND]: labels-excl + labels-incl
+    # ------------------------------------
+    if [[ ${#tokens[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then
+        tokens=("$(join_by ' AND ' "${tokens[@]}")")
+    fi
@@ -220,19 +269,19 @@
 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
 function do_projects()
-    declare -n ref=$1; shift
+    local -n ref=$1; shift
     [[ ${#projects[@]} -eq 0 ]] && { return; }
     local terms="$(join_by ',' "${projects[@]}")"
-#    local -a buffer=('(' 'project' 'IN' "($terms)" ')')
-#    ref+=("$(join_by '%20' "${buffer[@]}")")
+    #    local -a buffer=('(' 'project' 'IN' "($terms)" ')')
+    #    ref+=("$(join_by '%20' "${buffer[@]}")")
     ref+=("(project IN ($terms))")
 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
-## Intent: Query by compound text filters
+## Intent: Construct query using text field filters
 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
 function do_text()
@@ -252,7 +301,7 @@
     ## Append terms: AND
     if [[ ${#text_and[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
-        declare -a term=()
+        local -a term=()
         for val in "${text_and[@]}";
             term+=("text ~ \"$val\"")
@@ -263,7 +312,7 @@
     ## Append terms: OR
     if [[ ${#text_or[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
-        declare -a term=()
+        local -a term=()
         for val in "${text_or[@]}";
             term+=("text ~ \"$val\"")
@@ -282,7 +331,7 @@
 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
 function do_user()
-    declare -n ans=$1; shift
+    local -n ans=$1; shift
     [[ -v argv_nobody ]] && return
@@ -307,22 +356,34 @@
 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
 function gen_filter()
-    declare -n ans=$1; shift
-    declare -n args=$1; shift
+    local -n ans=$1  ; shift
+    local -n args=$1 ; shift
     ## -----------------------------------
     ## Begin by joining major search terms
     ## -----------------------------------
-    declare -a _tmp=()
+    local -a _tmp=()
     local val
+    local -i is_paren=0
+    local -a buffer=()
     for val in "${args[@]}";
-        _tmp+=("$val" 'AND')
+        case "$val" in
+            '(') _tmp+=("$val"); continue ;;
+            ')') _tmp+=("$val"); continue ;;
+        esac
+        and_or _tmp "$val"
-    if [[ ${#_tmp[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
-        unset _tmp[-1]
-    fi
+    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    # This was used to remove AND term when a non-query or non-argument
+    # query was needed.  Any lingering logic dependent on it ?
+    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    #    if [[ ${#_tmp[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
+    #        unset _tmp[-1]
+    #    fi
     ## -----------------------
     ## Massage with html codes
@@ -336,11 +397,11 @@
 ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
 function gen_url()
-    declare -n ans=$1; shift
-    declare -n args=$1; shift
+    local -n ans=$1; shift
+    local -n args=$1; shift
     ## Which jira server to query (?)
-    [[ ! -v server ]] && declare -g server=''
+    [[ ! -v server ]] && local -g server=''
     ans="${tmp// /%20}"
@@ -371,16 +432,16 @@
   --text        Search string(s)
-#    declare -a topics=()
-#    topics+=('fixversion.switches')
-#    topics+=('resolved.switches')
-#    help_switch_show "${topics[@]}"#
+    #    local -a topics=()
+    #    topics+=('fixversion.switches')
+    #    topics+=('resolved.switches')
-#  --me          Tickets assigned to or reported by me.
-#  --user [u]    Tickets assigned to this user.
-#  --nobody      Raw query, no filtering by user
+    #    help_switch_show "${topics[@]}"#
+    #
+    #[USER(s)]
+    #  --me          Tickets assigned to or reported by me.
+    #  --user [u]    Tickets assigned to this user.
+    #  --nobody      Raw query, no filtering by user
     cat <<EOH
@@ -393,10 +454,34 @@
   --in             (default) Items belong (--component IN)
   --not-in         Negate item set (--component NOT IN)
-  --text     [t]   (join modifer: --and, --or)
-  --text-and [t]   All of these terms
-  --text-or  [t]   Any of these terms
+[Contains] (join modifer: --and, --or, --is-empty)
+  --text        [t]
+  --text-and    [t]   All list items
+  --text-or     [t]   Any list items
+  --label       [l]   Match label field based on modifier criteria
+  --text-and    [t]   All list items
+  --text-or     [t]   Any list items
+  --and                Combine query terms using AND keyword
+  --or                 Combine query terms using OR  keyword
+  --in                 Include ticket field if list item(s) match
+  --not                Negate a query
+  --is-empty           Include ticket if field is empty
+  --resolved-is-empty
+  --unresolved         Query for open/unresolved jira tickets.
+  --excl           Exclude tickets whose fields match this string (filter-out)
+  --incl           Include tickets whose fields match this string
+  --resolved-is-empty
+  --resolved-start               Query by date range
+  --resolved-end                 Query by date range
+  --resolved(-not)-empty         Query for (closed)/open tickets
+  --resolved-excl                Types to exclude
+  --resolved-incl                Types to include
   --newer [d]      Search for tickets created < [n] days ago.
@@ -404,6 +489,8 @@
   --all            Query for all unresolved tickets
+  --unresolved     Alias for --resolved-is-empty
+  --wip            Alias for --resolved-is-empty
   --fixversion     Query by field: fixedversion
@@ -423,8 +510,6 @@
      o Search for tickets that contain strings bbsim or release
   $0 --cord --text-and 'release' --text-and 'voltctl'
      o Search jira.opencord for tickets that contain release and voltctl
-  $0 --text 'bitergia' --text 'Jira' -and
-     o Search jira.opennetworking for tickets containing string bitergia and Jira
   $0 --cord --label failing --label pod
      o Search jira.opencord for tests failing due to pod/hardware issuses.
@@ -447,26 +532,54 @@
 ##---]  MAIN  [---##
-declare -a suffix0=()
+declare -a suffix0=()               # accumulated terms to join
+declare server=''
 # declare -g -i debug=1
 while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
-    if [ ${#suffix0[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
-        suffix0+=('AND')
-    fi
+#    if [ ${#suffix0[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
+#        suffix0+=('AND')
+#    fi
     arg="$1"; shift
+    banner "ARG=[$arg], \$@=[$@]"
     [[ -v debug ]] && echo "** argv=[$arg] [$*]"
+    getopt_detect_modifiers "$arg"
     case "$arg" in
-        '--help') usage; exit 0 ;;
-        '--help-'*) help_with "${arg/--help-/}" ;;
-        '--usage-'*) help_usage_show "${arg/--usage-/}"
-           ;;
+        '--help')    usage; exit 0                      ;;
+        '--help-'*)  help_with "${arg/--help-/}"        ;;
+        '--usage-'*) help_usage_show "${arg/--usage-/}" ;;
+        '--'*'-is-empty')
+            declare -a args=()
+            args+=('--is-empty')
+            arg="${arg:2}"           # remove prefix --
+            arg="${arg%-is-empty}"   # remove suffix token-name
+            args+=("$arg")
+            [[ $# -gt 0 ]] && { args+=("$@"); }
+            set -- "${args[@]}"
+            ;;
+        '--is-empty')
+            declare val="$1"; shift
+            declare -a valid=()
+            valid+=('label')
+            if [[ " ${valid[@]} " =~ " ${val} " ]]; then
+                is_empty+=("$val")
+            else
+                error "Detected invalid --is-empty switch [$arg]"
+            fi
+        ;;
         ##---]  MODES  [---##
@@ -476,7 +589,7 @@
         ##---]  SWITCH ALIAS  [---##
-        --unresolved)
+        --unresolved|--wip)
             declare -a args=()
             [[ $# -gt 0 ]] && { args+=("$@"); }
@@ -502,12 +615,12 @@
             arg="$1"; shift
             case "$arg" in
                 *cord*) server='' ;;
-                 *onf*) server='' ;;
-                 *) error "--server [$arg] expected opencord or onf" ;;
+                *onf*) server='' ;;
+                *) error "--server [$arg] expected opencord or onf" ;;
-             --onf) declare server='' ;;
+        --onf) declare server='' ;;
         --opencord) declare server=''     ;;
@@ -519,35 +632,46 @@
-        --label-excl)
-            arg="$1"; shift
-            labels_excl+=("$arg")
-            ;;
-        --label|--label-incl)
-            arg="$1"; shift
-            labels_incl+=("$arg")
+        '--label-is-empty') is_empty+=('label') ;;
+        '--label'|'--lab'*)
+            val="$1"; shift
+            if [[ -v getopt_argv_EXCL ]]; then
+                labels_excl+=("$val")
+            elif [[ -v getopt_argv_INCL ]]; then
+                labels_incl+=("$val")
+            else
+                labels_incl+=("$val")
+            fi
         ##---]  Text Search  [---##
         # --text-and bbsim --text-and release
-        -*text-and) text_and+=("$1"); shift ;;
-        -*text-or) text_or+=("$1");   shift ;;
+        '--tex'*)
+            [[ $# -gt 0 ]] && { val="$1"; }
+            case "$arg" in
+                '--text-and') text_and+=("$val") ;;
+                '--text-or')  text_or+=("$val")  ;;
-        # % js --and --text jenkins --text cord
-        # text ~ "Jira Software"
     # [WORDs]
-        # text ~ "\"Jira Software\""
-        -*text)
-            arg="$1"; shift
-            if [[ -v bool_and ]]; then
-                text_and+=("$arg")
-            elif [[ -v bool_or ]]; then
-                text_or+=("$arg")
-            else
-                text+=("$arg")
-            fi
+                # % js --and --text jenkins --text cord
+                # text ~ "Jira Software"      # [WORDs]
+                # text ~ "\"Jira Software\""  # [STRING]
+                '--text')
+                    if [[ ! -v bool_and_or ]]; then
+                        error "Qualify [$arg] using --text-{and,or}"
+                    elif [[ bool_and_or -eq 1 ]]; then
+                        text_and+=("$1");  shift
+                    elif [[ bool_and_or -eq 0 ]]; then
+                        text_or+=("$1");  shift
+                    else
+                        error "Qualify [$arg] using --text-{and,or}"
+                    fi
+                    ;;
+                *) error "Qualify [$arg] using --text-{and,or}" ;;
+            esac
+            shift # $val
         --all) set -- '--resolved-is-none' "$@" ;; # alias: --[un-]resolved
@@ -558,24 +682,24 @@
             # function get_jql_fixversion()
             case "$arg" in
-                  *excl)
-                      [[ ! -v fixversion_excl ]] && { declare -g -a fixversion_excl=(); }
-                      val="\"$1\""; shift
-                      html_encode val
-                      fixversion_excl+=("$val");
-                      ;;
+                *excl)
+                    [[ ! -v fixversion_excl ]] && { declare -g -a fixversion_excl=(); }
+                    val="\"$1\""; shift
+                    html_encode val
+                    fixversion_excl+=("$val");
+                    ;;
-                  *incl)
-                      [[ ! -v fixversion_incl ]] && { declare -g -a fixversion_incl=(); }
-                      val="\"$1\""; shift
-                      html_encode val
-                      fixversion_incl+=("$val");
-                      ;;
+                *incl)
+                    [[ ! -v fixversion_incl ]] && { declare -g -a fixversion_incl=(); }
+                    val="\"$1\""; shift
+                    html_encode val
+                    fixversion_incl+=("$val");
+                    ;;
-                  *not-empty) declare -g -i fixversion_not_empty=1 ;;
-                   *is-empty) declare -g -i fixversion_is_empty=1  ;;
+                *not-empty) declare -g -i fixversion_not_empty=1 ;;
+                *is-empty) declare -g -i fixversion_is_empty=1  ;;
-                  *) error "Detected invalid --fixversion-* modifier" ;;
+                *) error "Detected invalid --fixversion-* modifier" ;;
@@ -584,25 +708,25 @@
             case "$arg" in
                 *start) declare -g resolved_start="$1"; shift ;;
-                  *end) declare -g resolved_end="$1";   shift ;;
+                *end) declare -g resolved_end="$1";   shift ;;
                 *not-empty) declare -g resolved_not_empty="$1" ;;
-                    *empty) declare -g resolved_is_empty="$1"  ;;
+                *empty) declare -g resolved_is_empty="$1"  ;;
-                  *excl)
-                      [[ ! -v resolved_excl ]] && { declare -g -a resolved_excl=(); }
-                      val="\"$1\""; shift
-                      html_encode val
-                      resolved_excl+=("$val");
-                      ;;
-                  *incl)
-                      [[ ! -v resolved_incl ]] && { declare -g -a resolved_incl=(); }
-                      val="\"$1\""; shift
-                      html_encode val
-                      resolved_incl+=("$val");
-                      ;;
-                 *) ;;
-                     *) error "Detected invalid --resolved-* modifier" ;;
+                *excl)
+                    [[ ! -v resolved_excl ]] && { declare -g -a resolved_excl=(); }
+                    val="\"$1\""; shift
+                    html_encode val
+                    resolved_excl+=("$val");
+                    ;;
+                *incl)
+                    [[ ! -v resolved_incl ]] && { declare -g -a resolved_incl=(); }
+                    val="\"$1\""; shift
+                    html_encode val
+                    resolved_incl+=("$val");
+                    ;;
+                *) ;;
+                *) error "Detected invalid --resolved-* modifier" ;;
@@ -617,8 +741,14 @@
         ##---]  BOOL  [---##
-        --[aA][nN][dD]) declare -g -i bool_and=1 ;;
-        --[oO][rR])     declare -g -i bool_or=1  ;;
+        --[aA][nN][dD])
+            declare -g -i bool_and=1
+            declare -g -i bool_and_or=1 # ! -v else toggle
+            ;;
+        --[oO][rR])
+            declare -g -i bool_or=1
+            declare -g -i bool_and_or=0
+            ;;
         ##---]  MEMBER  [---##
@@ -626,7 +756,7 @@
         --[iI][nN])     declare -g -i bool_in=1  ;;
         --[nN][oO][tT]) declare -g -i bool_not=1 ;;
-        [A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]-[0-9]*)
+        [A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]-[0-9]*) # VOL-xxxx (jira ticket)
             case "$arg" in
@@ -648,6 +778,23 @@
+        ## ---------------------------
+        ## Search all fields for value
+        ## ---------------------------
+        [[:word:]]*)
+            echo "MATCHED: [$arg] (LINENO: $LINENO)"
+            declare -a args=()
+            args+=('--OR')
+            args+=('--component'  "$arg")
+            args+=('--label-incl' "$arg")
+            args+=('--text-or'    "$arg")
+            [[ $# -gt 0 ]] && { args+=("$@"); }
+            set -- "${args[@]}"
+            ;;
+        -*) error "Detected unknown switch [$arg]" ;;
         # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
         # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -655,10 +802,12 @@
         # -japan          -- exclude term
         # [STEM] summary ~ "customize"    -- finds stem 'custom' in the Summary field
+            echo "MATCHED: [$arg] (LINENO: $LINENO)"
             declare -p text_and
             error "Detected unknown argument $arg"
 ## --------------
@@ -677,6 +826,20 @@
 do_resolved                       suffix0
 do_fixversion                     suffix0
+declare -p suffix0
+if [[ -v getopt_argv_AND ]]; then
+    query="$(join_by 'AND' "${suffix0[0]}")"
+elif [[ -v getopt_argv_OR ]]; then
+    query="$(join_by 'OR' "${suffix0[0]}")"
+    error "Ambiguous query [argv needs: --and or --or]"
+# banner "$(declare -p query)"
 gen_filter filter suffix0