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ONOS Service

This service manages ONOS and apps contained within ONOS. Although at this time CORD typically uses only one deployment of ONOS on a pod, this service is capable of managing multiple deployments of ONOS.

The ONOS Service is responsible for:

  • Pushing global configuration to ONOS.
  • Installing and activating applications.
  • Pushing application specific configuration.
  • Deactivating and uninstalling applications.


This service is comprised of two models:

  • ONOSService. Contains global service parameters. In addition to standard Service fields such as the name of the service, this model contains the following ONOS specific fields:
    • rest_hostname. Hostname of ONOS rest API endpoint.
    • rest_port. Port of ONOS rest endpoint.
    • rest_username. Username to use when authenticating to ONOS.
    • rest_password. Password to use when authenticating to ONOS.
  • ONOSApp represents an ONOS application and tracks its dependencies. This model extends the ServiceInstance model, adding the following fields:
    • app_id. Application identifier.
    • dependencies. Comma-separated list of apps that must be installed before this app.
    • url. URL at which the application is available, if it needs to be downloaded.
    • version. Version of the app.

In addtion to the above models, this service uses ServiceAttributes and ServiceInstanceAttributes to hold additional configuration details for the ONOSService and ONOSApp models.

For more information about the models, please refer to the xproto definition

Example TOSCA

The following TOSCA recipe is a subset of a recipe taken from the seba-services profile that configures ONOS services as for the 6.1 release of CORD. For the complete recipe, please see the SEBA profile.

imports: - custom_types/onosapp.yaml - custom_types/onosservice.yaml - custom_types/serviceinstanceattribute.yaml description: Configures the VOLTHA ONOS service topology_template: node_templates: service#onos: type: tosca.nodes.ONOSService properties: name: onos kind: data rest_hostname: "onos-ui.default.svc.cluster.local" rest_port: 8181 onos_app#olt: type: tosca.nodes.ONOSApp properties: name: olt app_id: org.opencord.olt url: version: 2.1.0 dependencies: org.opencord.sadis requirements: - owner: node: service#onos relationship: tosca.relationships.BelongsToOne onos_app#sadis: type: tosca.nodes.ONOSApp properties: name: sadis app_id: org.opencord.sadis url: version: 2.2.0 requirements: - owner: node: service#onos relationship: tosca.relationships.BelongsToOne olt-config-attr: type: tosca.nodes.ServiceInstanceAttribute properties: name: /onos/v1/configuration/org.opencord.olt.impl.Olt?preset=true value: > { "enableDhcpOnProvisioning" : true } requirements: - service_instance: node: onos_app#olt relationship: tosca.relationships.BelongsToOne sadis-config-attr: type: tosca.nodes.ServiceInstanceAttribute properties: name: /onos/v1/network/configuration/apps/org.opencord.sadis value: > { "sadis" : { "integration" : { "cache" : { "maxsize" : 1000, "ttl": "PT300S" }, "url" : "http://sadis-service:8000/subscriber/%s" } } } requirements: - service_instance: node: onos_app#sadis relationship: tosca.relationships.BelongsToOne

Integration with other Services

The ONOS service is a dependency of many other services, including the Fabric and Fabric-crosconnect services. The ONOS service often is responsible for bringing up and configuring apps that these other services use.

Synchronization workflow


Any time an ONOSService model is created/updated, the synchronizer checks for the corresponding ServiceAttributes and if any are found it pushes the configuration to ONOS.


Any time an ONOSServiceInstance model is created/updated, the synchronizer checks for the corresponding ServiceInstanceAttributes and if any are found:

  • checks for the application dependencies
  • if they are not matched
    • defer the synchronization
  • if they are matched
    • it pushes the configuration to ONOS
    • it installs/activates the application in ONOS

ONOS Applications can be activated if they already present in the container by providing the app_id. If an application is not already present in the container then it can be installed from a remote .oar, in which case it is necessary to also provide an url and a version