Tagged by CORD Jenkins version-tag job: 2094, for Gerrit patchset: 14817
Separate dockerfiles for more efficient build

Change-Id: I526f4317ada36d1ac24d904d3ffb873611c0225c
6 files changed
tree: ef239a56ca4d9bdb989d7c74d4fc7d6196de7f95
  1. .gitreview
  2. Dockerfile.base
  3. Dockerfile.enb
  4. Dockerfile.ue
  5. Makefile
  6. README.md


This repository includes Dockerfile that incorporates and packages openairinteface eNB and UE release v1.0.0. Note that the images are set to be built with ETHERNET as transport protocol and tested with L2 nFAPI simulator setup only. Related Helm chart and deployment script can be found https://github.com/opencord/helm-charts and https://github.com/opencord/automation-tools.