VOL-4019: Initial commit with grpc nbi, sbi, etcd, kafka and hw management rpcs.

Change-Id: I78feaf7da284028fc61f42c5e0c5f56e72fe9e78
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/log.go b/vendor/github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/log.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2614a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/log.go
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+package metrics
+import (
+	"time"
+type Logger interface {
+	Printf(format string, v ...interface{})
+// Log outputs each metric in the given registry periodically using the given logger.
+func Log(r Registry, freq time.Duration, l Logger) {
+	LogScaled(r, freq, time.Nanosecond, l)
+// LogOnCue outputs each metric in the given registry on demand through the channel
+// using the given logger
+func LogOnCue(r Registry, ch chan interface{}, l Logger) {
+	LogScaledOnCue(r, ch, time.Nanosecond, l)
+// LogScaled outputs each metric in the given registry periodically using the given
+// logger. Print timings in `scale` units (eg time.Millisecond) rather than nanos.
+func LogScaled(r Registry, freq time.Duration, scale time.Duration, l Logger) {
+	ch := make(chan interface{})
+	go func(channel chan interface{}) {
+		for _ = range time.Tick(freq) {
+			channel <- struct{}{}
+		}
+	}(ch)
+	LogScaledOnCue(r, ch, scale, l)
+// LogScaledOnCue outputs each metric in the given registry on demand through the channel
+// using the given logger. Print timings in `scale` units (eg time.Millisecond) rather
+// than nanos.
+func LogScaledOnCue(r Registry, ch chan interface{}, scale time.Duration, l Logger) {
+	du := float64(scale)
+	duSuffix := scale.String()[1:]
+	for _ = range ch {
+		r.Each(func(name string, i interface{}) {
+			switch metric := i.(type) {
+			case Counter:
+				l.Printf("counter %s\n", name)
+				l.Printf("  count:       %9d\n", metric.Count())
+			case Gauge:
+				l.Printf("gauge %s\n", name)
+				l.Printf("  value:       %9d\n", metric.Value())
+			case GaugeFloat64:
+				l.Printf("gauge %s\n", name)
+				l.Printf("  value:       %f\n", metric.Value())
+			case Healthcheck:
+				metric.Check()
+				l.Printf("healthcheck %s\n", name)
+				l.Printf("  error:       %v\n", metric.Error())
+			case Histogram:
+				h := metric.Snapshot()
+				ps := h.Percentiles([]float64{0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999})
+				l.Printf("histogram %s\n", name)
+				l.Printf("  count:       %9d\n", h.Count())
+				l.Printf("  min:         %9d\n", h.Min())
+				l.Printf("  max:         %9d\n", h.Max())
+				l.Printf("  mean:        %12.2f\n", h.Mean())
+				l.Printf("  stddev:      %12.2f\n", h.StdDev())
+				l.Printf("  median:      %12.2f\n", ps[0])
+				l.Printf("  75%%:         %12.2f\n", ps[1])
+				l.Printf("  95%%:         %12.2f\n", ps[2])
+				l.Printf("  99%%:         %12.2f\n", ps[3])
+				l.Printf("  99.9%%:       %12.2f\n", ps[4])
+			case Meter:
+				m := metric.Snapshot()
+				l.Printf("meter %s\n", name)
+				l.Printf("  count:       %9d\n", m.Count())
+				l.Printf("  1-min rate:  %12.2f\n", m.Rate1())
+				l.Printf("  5-min rate:  %12.2f\n", m.Rate5())
+				l.Printf("  15-min rate: %12.2f\n", m.Rate15())
+				l.Printf("  mean rate:   %12.2f\n", m.RateMean())
+			case Timer:
+				t := metric.Snapshot()
+				ps := t.Percentiles([]float64{0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999})
+				l.Printf("timer %s\n", name)
+				l.Printf("  count:       %9d\n", t.Count())
+				l.Printf("  min:         %12.2f%s\n", float64(t.Min())/du, duSuffix)
+				l.Printf("  max:         %12.2f%s\n", float64(t.Max())/du, duSuffix)
+				l.Printf("  mean:        %12.2f%s\n", t.Mean()/du, duSuffix)
+				l.Printf("  stddev:      %12.2f%s\n", t.StdDev()/du, duSuffix)
+				l.Printf("  median:      %12.2f%s\n", ps[0]/du, duSuffix)
+				l.Printf("  75%%:         %12.2f%s\n", ps[1]/du, duSuffix)
+				l.Printf("  95%%:         %12.2f%s\n", ps[2]/du, duSuffix)
+				l.Printf("  99%%:         %12.2f%s\n", ps[3]/du, duSuffix)
+				l.Printf("  99.9%%:       %12.2f%s\n", ps[4]/du, duSuffix)
+				l.Printf("  1-min rate:  %12.2f\n", t.Rate1())
+				l.Printf("  5-min rate:  %12.2f\n", t.Rate5())
+				l.Printf("  15-min rate: %12.2f\n", t.Rate15())
+				l.Printf("  mean rate:   %12.2f\n", t.RateMean())
+			}
+		})
+	}