VOL-4217: Update to latest version of protos and voltha-lib-go for
voltha-2.9 release. Tested with BAL3.10

Change-Id: Ibdc5978a1f2df713965a27ce26d0e22c1ffa366a
diff --git a/core/resource_manager.go b/core/resource_manager.go
index 255e1be..bfadf5f 100644
--- a/core/resource_manager.go
+++ b/core/resource_manager.go
@@ -18,29 +18,29 @@
 package core
 import (
-	"sync"
-	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v4/pkg/log"
-	ponrmgr "github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v4/pkg/ponresourcemanager"
-	"github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v4/go/openolt"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v7/pkg/log"
+	ponrmgr "github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v7/pkg/ponresourcemanager"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v7/pkg/techprofile"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v5/go/openolt"
+	"sync"
+const (
+	basePathKvStore = "service/voltha"
 // OpenOltResourceMgr holds resource related information as provided below for each field
 type OpenOltResourceMgr struct {
 	deviceInfo *openolt.DeviceInfo
-	// This protects concurrent onu_id allocate/delete calls on a per PON port basis
-	OnuIDMgmtLock []sync.RWMutex
-	// This protects concurrent flow_id allocate/delete calls. We do not need this on a
-	// per PON port basis as flow IDs are unique across the OLT.
-	FlowIDMgmtLock sync.RWMutex
-	// This protects concurrent GemID and AllocID allocate/delete calls on a per PON port basis
-	GemIDAllocIDLock []sync.RWMutex
+	intfID uint32 // pon interface id
 	// array of pon resource managers per interface technology
-	ResourceMgrs map[uint32]*ponrmgr.PONResourceManager
+	PonRsrMgr      *ponrmgr.PONResourceManager
+	TechprofileRef techprofile.TechProfileIf
+	FlowIDMgmtLock sync.RWMutex
 	flow_id uint64
@@ -48,98 +48,45 @@
 // NewResourceMgr init a New resource manager instance which in turn instantiates pon resource manager
 // instances according to technology. Initializes the default resource ranges for all
 // the resources.
-func NewResourceMgr(deviceID string, KVStoreHostPort string, kvStoreType string, deviceType string, devInfo *openolt.DeviceInfo) *OpenOltResourceMgr {
+func NewResourceMgr(deviceID string, KVStoreHostPort string, kvStoreType string, deviceType string, ponID uint32, devInfo *openolt.DeviceInfo) *OpenOltResourceMgr {
 	var ResourceMgr OpenOltResourceMgr
 	logger.Debugf(nil, "Init new resource manager")
 	ResourceMgr.deviceInfo = devInfo
-	NumPONPorts := devInfo.GetPonPorts()
-	ResourceMgr.OnuIDMgmtLock = make([]sync.RWMutex, NumPONPorts)
-	ResourceMgr.GemIDAllocIDLock = make([]sync.RWMutex, NumPONPorts)
-	ResourceMgr.FlowIDMgmtLock = sync.RWMutex{}
-	Ranges := make(map[string]*openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges)
-	RsrcMgrsByTech := make(map[string]*ponrmgr.PONResourceManager)
-	ResourceMgr.ResourceMgrs = make(map[uint32]*ponrmgr.PONResourceManager)
-	// TODO self.args = registry('main').get_args()
-	/*
-	   If a legacy driver returns protobuf without any ranges,s synthesize one from
-	   the legacy global per-device information. This, in theory, is temporary until
-	   the legacy drivers are upgrade to support pool ranges.
-	*/
-	if devInfo.Ranges == nil {
-		var ranges openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges
-		ranges.Technology = devInfo.GetTechnology()
-		var index uint32
-		for index = 0; index < NumPONPorts; index++ {
-			ranges.IntfIds = append(ranges.IntfIds, index)
-		}
-		var Pool openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool
-		Pool.Type = openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_ONU_ID
-		Pool.Start = devInfo.OnuIdStart
-		Pool.End = devInfo.OnuIdEnd
-		Pool.Sharing = openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_DEDICATED_PER_INTF
-		onuPool := Pool
-		ranges.Pools = append(ranges.Pools, &onuPool)
-		Pool.Type = openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_ALLOC_ID
-		Pool.Start = devInfo.AllocIdStart
-		Pool.End = devInfo.AllocIdEnd
-		Pool.Sharing = openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_SHARED_BY_ALL_INTF_ALL_TECH
-		allocPool := Pool
-		ranges.Pools = append(ranges.Pools, &allocPool)
-		Pool.Type = openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_GEMPORT_ID
-		Pool.Start = devInfo.GemportIdStart
-		Pool.End = devInfo.GemportIdEnd
-		Pool.Sharing = openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_SHARED_BY_ALL_INTF_ALL_TECH
-		gemPool := Pool
-		ranges.Pools = append(ranges.Pools, &gemPool)
-		Pool.Type = openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_FLOW_ID
-		Pool.Start = devInfo.FlowIdStart
-		Pool.End = devInfo.FlowIdEnd
-		Pool.Sharing = openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_SHARED_BY_ALL_INTF_ALL_TECH
-		ranges.Pools = append(ranges.Pools, &Pool)
-		// Add to device info
-		devInfo.Ranges = append(devInfo.Ranges, &ranges)
-	}
+	ResourceMgr.intfID = ponID
+	ctx := context.Background()
+	newCtx := context.WithValue(ctx, "ponIf", ponID)
 	// Create a separate Resource Manager instance for each range. This assumes that
 	// each technology is represented by only a single range
-	var GlobalPONRsrcMgr *ponrmgr.PONResourceManager
-	var err error
 	for _, TechRange := range devInfo.Ranges {
-		technology := TechRange.Technology
-		logger.Debugf(nil, "Device info technology %s", technology)
-		Ranges[technology] = TechRange
-		RsrcMgrsByTech[technology], err = ponrmgr.NewPONResourceManager(nil, technology, deviceType, deviceID,
-			kvStoreType, KVStoreHostPort)
-		if err != nil {
-			logger.Errorf(nil, "Failed to create pon resource manager instance for technology %s", technology)
-			return nil
+		for _, intfID := range TechRange.IntfIds {
+			if intfID == ponID {
+				technology := TechRange.Technology
+				logger.Debugf(context.Background(), "Device info technology %s, intf-id %v", technology, ponID)
+				rsrMgr, err := ponrmgr.NewPONResourceManager(newCtx, technology, deviceType, deviceID,
+					kvStoreType, KVStoreHostPort, basePathKvStore)
+				if err != nil {
+					logger.Errorf(context.Background(), "Failed to create pon resource manager instance for technology %s", technology)
+					return nil
+				}
+				ResourceMgr.PonRsrMgr = rsrMgr
+				// self.initialize_device_resource_range_and_pool(resource_mgr, global_resource_mgr, arange)
+				InitializeDeviceResourceRangeAndPool(rsrMgr, TechRange, devInfo)
+				if err := ResourceMgr.PonRsrMgr.InitDeviceResourcePoolForIntf(context.Background(), intfID); err != nil {
+					logger.Fatal(context.Background(), "failed-to-initialize-device-resource-pool-intf-id-%v-device-id", ResourceMgr.intfID)
+					return nil
+				}
+			}
-		// resource_mgrs_by_tech[technology] = resource_mgr
-		if GlobalPONRsrcMgr == nil {
-			GlobalPONRsrcMgr = RsrcMgrsByTech[technology]
-		}
-		for _, IntfID := range TechRange.IntfIds {
-			ResourceMgr.ResourceMgrs[(IntfID)] = RsrcMgrsByTech[technology]
-		}
-		// self.initialize_device_resource_range_and_pool(resource_mgr, global_resource_mgr, arange)
-		InitializeDeviceResourceRangeAndPool(RsrcMgrsByTech[technology], GlobalPONRsrcMgr,
-			TechRange, devInfo)
-	// After we have initialized resource ranges, initialize the
-	// resource pools accordingly.
-	for _, PONRMgr := range RsrcMgrsByTech {
-		_ = PONRMgr.InitDeviceResourcePool(context.Background())
+	var err error
+	ResourceMgr.TechprofileRef, err = techprofile.NewTechProfile(newCtx, ResourceMgr.PonRsrMgr, ResourceMgr.PonRsrMgr.Backend,
+		ResourceMgr.PonRsrMgr.Address, basePathKvStore)
+	if err != nil || ResourceMgr.TechprofileRef == nil {
+		logger.Errorw(nil, "failed-to-allocate-to-techprofile-for-pon-port", log.Fields{"intfID": ponID, "err": err})
+		return nil
 	logger.Info(nil, "Initialization of  resource manager success!")
 	return &ResourceMgr
@@ -148,147 +95,55 @@
 // device specific information. If KV doesn't exist
 // or is broader than the device, the device's information will
 // dictate the range limits
-func InitializeDeviceResourceRangeAndPool(ponRMgr *ponrmgr.PONResourceManager, globalPONRMgr *ponrmgr.PONResourceManager,
+func InitializeDeviceResourceRangeAndPool(ponRMgr *ponrmgr.PONResourceManager,
 	techRange *openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges, devInfo *openolt.DeviceInfo) {
+	// var ONUIDShared, AllocIDShared, GEMPortIDShared openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_SharingType
+	var ONUIDStart, ONUIDEnd, AllocIDStart, AllocIDEnd, GEMPortIDStart, GEMPortIDEnd uint32
+	var ONUIDShared, AllocIDShared, GEMPortIDShared, FlowIDShared uint32
+	// The below variables are just dummy and needed to pass as arguments to InitDefaultPONResourceRanges function.
+	// The openolt adapter does not need flowIDs to be managed as it is managed on the OLT device
+	// The UNI IDs are dynamically generated by openonu adapter for every discovered UNI.
+	var flowIDDummyStart, flowIDDummyEnd uint32 = 1, 2
+	var uniIDDummyStart, uniIDDummyEnd uint32 = 0, 1
 	// init the resource range pool according to the sharing type
-	logger.Debugf(nil, "Resource range pool init for technology %s", ponRMgr.Technology)
-	// first load from KV profiles
-	status := ponRMgr.InitResourceRangesFromKVStore(context.Background())
-	if !status {
-		logger.Debugf(nil, "Failed to load resource ranges from KV store for tech %s", ponRMgr.Technology)
-	}
-	/*
-	   Then apply device specific information. If KV doesn't exist
-	   or is broader than the device, the device's information will
-	   dictate the range limits
-	*/
-	logger.Debugf(nil, "Using device info to init pon resource ranges for tech", ponRMgr.Technology)
-	ONUIDStart := devInfo.OnuIdStart
-	ONUIDEnd := devInfo.OnuIdEnd
-	ONUIDShared := openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_DEDICATED_PER_INTF
-	ONUIDSharedPoolID := uint32(0)
-	AllocIDStart := devInfo.AllocIdStart
-	AllocIDEnd := devInfo.AllocIdEnd
-	AllocIDShared := openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_SHARED_BY_ALL_INTF_ALL_TECH // TODO EdgeCore/BAL limitation
-	AllocIDSharedPoolID := uint32(0)
-	GEMPortIDStart := devInfo.GemportIdStart
-	GEMPortIDEnd := devInfo.GemportIdEnd
-	GEMPortIDShared := openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_SHARED_BY_ALL_INTF_ALL_TECH // TODO EdgeCore/BAL limitation
-	GEMPortIDSharedPoolID := uint32(0)
-	FlowIDStart := devInfo.FlowIdStart
-	FlowIDEnd := devInfo.FlowIdEnd
-	FlowIDShared := openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_SHARED_BY_ALL_INTF_ALL_TECH // TODO EdgeCore/BAL limitation
-	FlowIDSharedPoolID := uint32(0)
-	var FirstIntfPoolID uint32
-	var SharedPoolID uint32
-	/*
-	 * As a zero check is made against SharedPoolID to check whether the resources are shared across all intfs
-	 * if resources are shared across interfaces then SharedPoolID is given a positive number.
-	 */
-	for _, FirstIntfPoolID = range techRange.IntfIds {
-		// skip the intf id 0
-		if FirstIntfPoolID == 0 {
-			continue
-		}
-		break
-	}
+	logger.Debugw(nil, "Device info init", log.Fields{"technology": techRange.Technology,
+		"onu_id_start": ONUIDStart, "onu_id_end": ONUIDEnd,
+		"alloc_id_start": AllocIDStart, "alloc_id_end": AllocIDEnd,
+		"gemport_id_start": GEMPortIDStart, "gemport_id_end": GEMPortIDEnd,
+		"intf_ids": techRange.IntfIds,
+	})
 	for _, RangePool := range techRange.Pools {
-		if RangePool.Sharing == openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_SHARED_BY_ALL_INTF_ALL_TECH {
-			SharedPoolID = FirstIntfPoolID
-		} else if RangePool.Sharing == openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_SHARED_BY_ALL_INTF_SAME_TECH {
-			SharedPoolID = FirstIntfPoolID
-		} else {
-			SharedPoolID = 0
-		}
+		// FIXME: Remove hardcoding
 		if RangePool.Type == openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_ONU_ID {
 			ONUIDStart = RangePool.Start
 			ONUIDEnd = RangePool.End
-			ONUIDShared = RangePool.Sharing
-			ONUIDSharedPoolID = SharedPoolID
+			ONUIDShared = uint32(RangePool.Sharing)
 		} else if RangePool.Type == openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_ALLOC_ID {
 			AllocIDStart = RangePool.Start
 			AllocIDEnd = RangePool.End
-			AllocIDShared = RangePool.Sharing
-			AllocIDSharedPoolID = SharedPoolID
+			AllocIDShared = uint32(RangePool.Sharing)
 		} else if RangePool.Type == openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_GEMPORT_ID {
 			GEMPortIDStart = RangePool.Start
 			GEMPortIDEnd = RangePool.End
-			GEMPortIDShared = RangePool.Sharing
-			GEMPortIDSharedPoolID = SharedPoolID
-		} else if RangePool.Type == openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_FLOW_ID {
-			FlowIDStart = RangePool.Start
-			FlowIDEnd = RangePool.End
-			FlowIDShared = RangePool.Sharing
-			FlowIDSharedPoolID = SharedPoolID
+			GEMPortIDShared = uint32(RangePool.Sharing)
-	logger.Debugw(nil, "Device info init", log.Fields{"technology": techRange.Technology,
-		"onu_id_start": ONUIDStart, "onu_id_end": ONUIDEnd, "onu_id_shared_pool_id": ONUIDSharedPoolID,
-		"alloc_id_start": AllocIDStart, "alloc_id_end": AllocIDEnd,
-		"alloc_id_shared_pool_id": AllocIDSharedPoolID,
-		"gemport_id_start":        GEMPortIDStart, "gemport_id_end": GEMPortIDEnd,
-		"gemport_id_shared_pool_id": GEMPortIDSharedPoolID,
-		"flow_id_start":             FlowIDStart,
-		"flow_id_end_idx":           FlowIDEnd,
-		"flow_id_shared_pool_id":    FlowIDSharedPoolID,
-		"intf_ids":                  techRange.IntfIds,
-		"uni_id_start":              0,
-		"uni_id_end_idx":            1, /*MaxUNIIDperONU()*/
-	})
-	ponRMgr.InitDefaultPONResourceRanges(nil, ONUIDStart, ONUIDEnd, ONUIDSharedPoolID,
-		AllocIDStart, AllocIDEnd, AllocIDSharedPoolID,
-		GEMPortIDStart, GEMPortIDEnd, GEMPortIDSharedPoolID,
-		FlowIDStart, FlowIDEnd, FlowIDSharedPoolID, 0, 1,
+	ponRMgr.InitDefaultPONResourceRanges(nil, ONUIDStart, ONUIDEnd, ONUIDShared,
+		AllocIDStart, AllocIDEnd, AllocIDShared,
+		GEMPortIDStart, GEMPortIDEnd, GEMPortIDShared,
+		flowIDDummyStart, flowIDDummyEnd, FlowIDShared, uniIDDummyStart, uniIDDummyEnd,
 		devInfo.PonPorts, techRange.IntfIds)
-	// For global sharing, make sure to refresh both local and global resource manager instances' range
-	if ONUIDShared == openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_SHARED_BY_ALL_INTF_ALL_TECH {
-		globalPONRMgr.UpdateRanges(nil, ponrmgr.ONU_ID_START_IDX, ONUIDStart, ponrmgr.ONU_ID_END_IDX, ONUIDEnd,
-			"", 0, nil)
-		ponRMgr.UpdateRanges(nil, ponrmgr.ONU_ID_START_IDX, ONUIDStart, ponrmgr.ONU_ID_END_IDX, ONUIDEnd,
-			"", 0, globalPONRMgr)
-	}
-	if AllocIDShared == openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_SHARED_BY_ALL_INTF_ALL_TECH {
-		globalPONRMgr.UpdateRanges(nil, ponrmgr.ALLOC_ID_START_IDX, AllocIDStart, ponrmgr.ALLOC_ID_END_IDX, AllocIDEnd,
-			"", 0, nil)
-		ponRMgr.UpdateRanges(nil, ponrmgr.ALLOC_ID_START_IDX, AllocIDStart, ponrmgr.ALLOC_ID_END_IDX, AllocIDEnd,
-			"", 0, globalPONRMgr)
-	}
-	if GEMPortIDShared == openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_SHARED_BY_ALL_INTF_ALL_TECH {
-		globalPONRMgr.UpdateRanges(nil, ponrmgr.GEMPORT_ID_START_IDX, GEMPortIDStart, ponrmgr.GEMPORT_ID_END_IDX, GEMPortIDEnd,
-			"", 0, nil)
-		ponRMgr.UpdateRanges(nil, ponrmgr.GEMPORT_ID_START_IDX, GEMPortIDStart, ponrmgr.GEMPORT_ID_END_IDX, GEMPortIDEnd,
-			"", 0, globalPONRMgr)
-	}
-	if FlowIDShared == openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_SHARED_BY_ALL_INTF_ALL_TECH {
-		globalPONRMgr.UpdateRanges(nil, ponrmgr.FLOW_ID_START_IDX, FlowIDStart, ponrmgr.FLOW_ID_END_IDX, FlowIDEnd,
-			"", 0, nil)
-		ponRMgr.UpdateRanges(nil, ponrmgr.FLOW_ID_START_IDX, FlowIDStart, ponrmgr.FLOW_ID_END_IDX, FlowIDEnd,
-			"", 0, globalPONRMgr)
-	}
-	// Make sure loaded range fits the platform bit encoding ranges
-	ponRMgr.UpdateRanges(nil, ponrmgr.UNI_ID_START_IDX, 0, ponrmgr.UNI_ID_END_IDX /* TODO =OpenOltPlatform.MAX_UNIS_PER_ONU-1*/, 1, "", 0, nil)
 // Delete clears used resources for the particular olt device being deleted
 func (RsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) Delete() error {
-	for _, rsrcMgr := range RsrcMgr.ResourceMgrs {
-		if err := rsrcMgr.ClearDeviceResourcePool(context.Background()); err != nil {
-			logger.Debug(nil, "Failed to clear device resource pool")
-			return err
-		}
+	if err := RsrcMgr.PonRsrMgr.ClearDeviceResourcePool(context.Background()); err != nil {
+		logger.Debug(nil, "Failed to clear device resource pool")
+		return err
 	logger.Debug(nil, "Cleared device resource pool")
 	return nil
@@ -296,17 +151,21 @@
 // GetONUID returns the available OnuID for the given pon-port
 func (RsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) GetONUID(ponIntfID uint32) (uint32, error) {
-	RsrcMgr.OnuIDMgmtLock[ponIntfID].Lock()
-	defer RsrcMgr.OnuIDMgmtLock[ponIntfID].Unlock()
-	// Check if Pon Interface ID is present in Resource-manager-map
-	ONUIDs, err := RsrcMgr.ResourceMgrs[ponIntfID].GetResourceID(context.Background(), ponIntfID,
+	ctx := context.Background()
+	newCtx := context.WithValue(ctx, "ponIf", ponIntfID)
+	// Get ONU id for a provided pon interface ID.
+	onuID, err := RsrcMgr.TechprofileRef.GetResourceID(newCtx, ponIntfID,
 		ponrmgr.ONU_ID, 1)
 	if err != nil {
 		logger.Errorf(nil, "Failed to get resource for interface %d for type %s",
 			ponIntfID, ponrmgr.ONU_ID)
-		return uint32(0), err
+		return 0, err
-	return ONUIDs[0], err
+	if len(onuID) > 0 {
+		return onuID[0], err
+	}
+	return 0, err // return onuID 0 on error
 // GetFlowID return flow ID for a given pon interface id, onu id and uni id