VOL-2292: Create application for scale testing of BAL

- Base framework created and is functional
- Able to provision ATT techprofile with scheduler, queue and eapol
  flow creation.
- Extensible framework provided to add various operator workflows
- README has details about how to build, run, configure and extend
  the framework.

Change-Id: I71774959281881278c14b48bee7f9adc0b81ec68
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/consul/api/config_entry_discoverychain.go b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/consul/api/config_entry_discoverychain.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77acfbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/consul/api/config_entry_discoverychain.go
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+package api
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"time"
+type ServiceRouterConfigEntry struct {
+	Kind string
+	Name string
+	Routes []ServiceRoute `json:",omitempty"`
+	CreateIndex uint64
+	ModifyIndex uint64
+func (e *ServiceRouterConfigEntry) GetKind() string        { return e.Kind }
+func (e *ServiceRouterConfigEntry) GetName() string        { return e.Name }
+func (e *ServiceRouterConfigEntry) GetCreateIndex() uint64 { return e.CreateIndex }
+func (e *ServiceRouterConfigEntry) GetModifyIndex() uint64 { return e.ModifyIndex }
+type ServiceRoute struct {
+	Match       *ServiceRouteMatch       `json:",omitempty"`
+	Destination *ServiceRouteDestination `json:",omitempty"`
+type ServiceRouteMatch struct {
+	HTTP *ServiceRouteHTTPMatch `json:",omitempty"`
+type ServiceRouteHTTPMatch struct {
+	PathExact  string `json:",omitempty"`
+	PathPrefix string `json:",omitempty"`
+	PathRegex  string `json:",omitempty"`
+	Header     []ServiceRouteHTTPMatchHeader     `json:",omitempty"`
+	QueryParam []ServiceRouteHTTPMatchQueryParam `json:",omitempty"`
+	Methods    []string                          `json:",omitempty"`
+type ServiceRouteHTTPMatchHeader struct {
+	Name    string
+	Present bool   `json:",omitempty"`
+	Exact   string `json:",omitempty"`
+	Prefix  string `json:",omitempty"`
+	Suffix  string `json:",omitempty"`
+	Regex   string `json:",omitempty"`
+	Invert  bool   `json:",omitempty"`
+type ServiceRouteHTTPMatchQueryParam struct {
+	Name    string
+	Present bool   `json:",omitempty"`
+	Exact   string `json:",omitempty"`
+	Regex   string `json:",omitempty"`
+type ServiceRouteDestination struct {
+	Service               string        `json:",omitempty"`
+	ServiceSubset         string        `json:",omitempty"`
+	Namespace             string        `json:",omitempty"`
+	PrefixRewrite         string        `json:",omitempty"`
+	RequestTimeout        time.Duration `json:",omitempty"`
+	NumRetries            uint32        `json:",omitempty"`
+	RetryOnConnectFailure bool          `json:",omitempty"`
+	RetryOnStatusCodes    []uint32      `json:",omitempty"`
+func (e *ServiceRouteDestination) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+	type Alias ServiceRouteDestination
+	exported := &struct {
+		RequestTimeout string `json:",omitempty"`
+		*Alias
+	}{
+		RequestTimeout: e.RequestTimeout.String(),
+		Alias:          (*Alias)(e),
+	}
+	if e.RequestTimeout == 0 {
+		exported.RequestTimeout = ""
+	}
+	return json.Marshal(exported)
+func (e *ServiceRouteDestination) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
+	type Alias ServiceRouteDestination
+	aux := &struct {
+		RequestTimeout string
+		*Alias
+	}{
+		Alias: (*Alias)(e),
+	}
+	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &aux); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	var err error
+	if aux.RequestTimeout != "" {
+		if e.RequestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(aux.RequestTimeout); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+type ServiceSplitterConfigEntry struct {
+	Kind string
+	Name string
+	Splits []ServiceSplit `json:",omitempty"`
+	CreateIndex uint64
+	ModifyIndex uint64
+func (e *ServiceSplitterConfigEntry) GetKind() string        { return e.Kind }
+func (e *ServiceSplitterConfigEntry) GetName() string        { return e.Name }
+func (e *ServiceSplitterConfigEntry) GetCreateIndex() uint64 { return e.CreateIndex }
+func (e *ServiceSplitterConfigEntry) GetModifyIndex() uint64 { return e.ModifyIndex }
+type ServiceSplit struct {
+	Weight        float32
+	Service       string `json:",omitempty"`
+	ServiceSubset string `json:",omitempty"`
+	Namespace     string `json:",omitempty"`
+type ServiceResolverConfigEntry struct {
+	Kind string
+	Name string
+	DefaultSubset  string                             `json:",omitempty"`
+	Subsets        map[string]ServiceResolverSubset   `json:",omitempty"`
+	Redirect       *ServiceResolverRedirect           `json:",omitempty"`
+	Failover       map[string]ServiceResolverFailover `json:",omitempty"`
+	ConnectTimeout time.Duration                      `json:",omitempty"`
+	CreateIndex uint64
+	ModifyIndex uint64
+func (e *ServiceResolverConfigEntry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+	type Alias ServiceResolverConfigEntry
+	exported := &struct {
+		ConnectTimeout string `json:",omitempty"`
+		*Alias
+	}{
+		ConnectTimeout: e.ConnectTimeout.String(),
+		Alias:          (*Alias)(e),
+	}
+	if e.ConnectTimeout == 0 {
+		exported.ConnectTimeout = ""
+	}
+	return json.Marshal(exported)
+func (e *ServiceResolverConfigEntry) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
+	type Alias ServiceResolverConfigEntry
+	aux := &struct {
+		ConnectTimeout string
+		*Alias
+	}{
+		Alias: (*Alias)(e),
+	}
+	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &aux); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	var err error
+	if aux.ConnectTimeout != "" {
+		if e.ConnectTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(aux.ConnectTimeout); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func (e *ServiceResolverConfigEntry) GetKind() string        { return e.Kind }
+func (e *ServiceResolverConfigEntry) GetName() string        { return e.Name }
+func (e *ServiceResolverConfigEntry) GetCreateIndex() uint64 { return e.CreateIndex }
+func (e *ServiceResolverConfigEntry) GetModifyIndex() uint64 { return e.ModifyIndex }
+type ServiceResolverSubset struct {
+	Filter      string `json:",omitempty"`
+	OnlyPassing bool   `json:",omitempty"`
+type ServiceResolverRedirect struct {
+	Service       string `json:",omitempty"`
+	ServiceSubset string `json:",omitempty"`
+	Namespace     string `json:",omitempty"`
+	Datacenter    string `json:",omitempty"`
+type ServiceResolverFailover struct {
+	Service       string   `json:",omitempty"`
+	ServiceSubset string   `json:",omitempty"`
+	Namespace     string   `json:",omitempty"`
+	Datacenters   []string `json:",omitempty"`