VOL-2292: Create application for scale testing of BAL

- Base framework created and is functional
- Able to provision ATT techprofile with scheduler, queue and eapol
  flow creation.
- Extensible framework provided to add various operator workflows
- README has details about how to build, run, configure and extend
  the framework.

Change-Id: I71774959281881278c14b48bee7f9adc0b81ec68
diff --git a/vendor/go.uber.org/multierr/Makefile b/vendor/go.uber.org/multierr/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4bf73d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/go.uber.org/multierr/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+PACKAGES := $(shell glide nv)
+GO_FILES := $(shell \
+	find . '(' -path '*/.*' -o -path './vendor' ')' -prune \
+	-o -name '*.go' -print | cut -b3-)
+.PHONY: install
+	glide --version || go get github.com/Masterminds/glide
+	glide install
+.PHONY: build
+	go build -i $(PACKAGES)
+.PHONY: test
+	go test -cover -race $(PACKAGES)
+.PHONY: gofmt
+	$(eval FMT_LOG := $(shell mktemp -t gofmt.XXXXX))
+	@gofmt -e -s -l $(GO_FILES) > $(FMT_LOG) || true
+	@[ ! -s "$(FMT_LOG)" ] || (echo "gofmt failed:" | cat - $(FMT_LOG) && false)
+.PHONY: govet
+	$(eval VET_LOG := $(shell mktemp -t govet.XXXXX))
+	@go vet $(PACKAGES) 2>&1 \
+		| grep -v '^exit status' > $(VET_LOG) || true
+	@[ ! -s "$(VET_LOG)" ] || (echo "govet failed:" | cat - $(VET_LOG) && false)
+.PHONY: golint
+	@go get golang.org/x/lint/golint
+	$(eval LINT_LOG := $(shell mktemp -t golint.XXXXX))
+	@cat /dev/null > $(LINT_LOG)
+	@$(foreach pkg, $(PACKAGES), golint $(pkg) >> $(LINT_LOG) || true;)
+	@[ ! -s "$(LINT_LOG)" ] || (echo "golint failed:" | cat - $(LINT_LOG) && false)
+.PHONY: staticcheck
+	@go get honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck
+	$(eval STATICCHECK_LOG := $(shell mktemp -t staticcheck.XXXXX))
+	@staticcheck $(PACKAGES) 2>&1 > $(STATICCHECK_LOG) || true
+	@[ ! -s "$(STATICCHECK_LOG)" ] || (echo "staticcheck failed:" | cat - $(STATICCHECK_LOG) && false)
+.PHONY: lint
+lint: gofmt govet golint staticcheck
+.PHONY: cover
+	./scripts/cover.sh $(shell go list $(PACKAGES))
+	go tool cover -html=cover.out -o cover.html
+	@go get go.uber.org/tools/update-license
+	@update-license \
+		$(shell go list -json $(PACKAGES) | \
+			jq -r '.Dir + "/" + (.GoFiles | .[])')
+.PHONY: install_ci
+install_ci: install
+	go get github.com/wadey/gocovmerge
+	go get github.com/mattn/goveralls
+	go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover
+.PHONY: test_ci
+test_ci: install_ci
+	./scripts/cover.sh $(shell go list $(PACKAGES))