Port statistics collection

Change-Id: I15ad34d01267673cb64077bd89da0a8566531492
diff --git a/src/stats_collection.cc b/src/stats_collection.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de11c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/stats_collection.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+#include "stats_collection.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <openolt.grpc.pb.h>
+#include "indications.h"
+extern "C"
+#include <bcmos_system.h>
+#include <bal_api.h>
+#include <bal_api_end.h>
+#include <flow_fsm.h>
+#define FLOWS_COUNT 100
+bool isCollectingStatistics;
+bcmbal_flow_key* flows_keys = new bcmbal_flow_key[FLOWS_COUNT];
+bool init_done = false;
+void start_collecting_statistics() {
+    if (!init_done) {
+        memset(flows_keys, 0, FLOWS_COUNT * sizeof(bcmbal_flow_key));
+        init_done = true;
+    }
+    pthread_t statisticsCollectionThread;
+    isCollectingStatistics = true;
+    pthread_create(&statisticsCollectionThread, NULL, stats_collection, NULL);
+    std::cout << "Statistics collection thread started" << std::endl;
+void stop_collecting_statistics() {
+    isCollectingStatistics = false;
+openolt::PortStatistics* get_default_port_statistics() {
+    openolt::PortStatistics* port_stats = new openolt::PortStatistics;
+    port_stats->set_intf_id(-1);
+    port_stats->set_rx_bytes(-1);
+    port_stats->set_rx_packets(-1);
+    port_stats->set_rx_ucast_packets(-1);
+    port_stats->set_rx_mcast_packets(-1);
+    port_stats->set_rx_bcast_packets(-1);
+    port_stats->set_rx_error_packets(-1);
+    port_stats->set_tx_bytes(-1);
+    port_stats->set_tx_packets(-1);
+    port_stats->set_tx_ucast_packets(-1);
+    port_stats->set_tx_mcast_packets(-1);
+    port_stats->set_tx_bcast_packets(-1);
+    port_stats->set_tx_error_packets(-1);
+    port_stats->set_rx_crc_errors(-1);
+    port_stats->set_bip_errors(-1);
+    return port_stats;
+openolt::FlowStatistics* get_default_flow_statistics() {
+    openolt::FlowStatistics* flow_stats = new openolt::FlowStatistics;
+    flow_stats->set_flow_id(-1);
+    flow_stats->set_rx_bytes(-1);
+    flow_stats->set_rx_packets(-1);
+    flow_stats->set_tx_bytes(-1);
+    flow_stats->set_tx_packets(-1);
+    return flow_stats;
+openolt::PortStatistics* collectPortStatistics(int intf_id, bcmbal_intf_type intf_type) {
+    bcmos_errno err;
+    bcmbal_interface_stat stat;     /**< declare main API struct */
+    bcmbal_interface_key key = { }; /**< declare key */
+    bcmos_bool clear_on_read = false;
+    openolt::PortStatistics* port_stats = get_default_port_statistics();
+    // build key
+    key.intf_id = (bcmbal_intf_id) intf_id;
+    key.intf_type = intf_type;
+    /* init the API struct */
+    BCMBAL_STAT_INIT(&stat, interface, key);
+    BCMBAL_STAT_PROP_GET(&stat, interface, all_properties);
+    /* call API */
+    err = bcmbal_stat_get(DEFAULT_ATERM_ID, &stat.hdr, clear_on_read);
+    if (err == BCM_ERR_OK)
+    {
+        std::cout << "Interface statistics retrieved"
+                  << " intf_id:" << intf_id << std::endl;
+        port_stats->set_rx_bytes(stat.data.rx_bytes);
+        port_stats->set_rx_packets(stat.data.rx_packets);
+        port_stats->set_rx_ucast_packets(stat.data.rx_ucast_packets);
+        port_stats->set_rx_mcast_packets(stat.data.rx_mcast_packets);
+        port_stats->set_rx_bcast_packets(stat.data.rx_bcast_packets);
+        port_stats->set_rx_error_packets(stat.data.rx_error_packets);
+        port_stats->set_tx_bytes(stat.data.tx_bytes);
+        port_stats->set_tx_packets(stat.data.tx_packets);
+        port_stats->set_tx_ucast_packets(stat.data.tx_ucast_packets);
+        port_stats->set_tx_mcast_packets(stat.data.tx_mcast_packets);
+        port_stats->set_tx_bcast_packets(stat.data.tx_bcast_packets);
+        port_stats->set_tx_error_packets(stat.data.tx_error_packets);
+        port_stats->set_rx_crc_errors(stat.data.rx_crc_errors);
+        port_stats->set_bip_errors(stat.data.bip_errors);
+    } else {
+        std::cout << "ERROR: Failed to retrieve port statistics"
+                  << " intf_id:" << intf_id
+                  << " intf_type:" << intf_type << std::endl;
+    }
+    return port_stats;
+openolt::FlowStatistics* collectFlowStatistics(bcmbal_flow_id flow_id, bcmbal_flow_type flow_type) {
+    bcmos_errno err;
+    bcmbal_flow_stat stat;     /**< declare main API struct */
+    bcmbal_flow_key key = { }; /**< declare key */
+    bcmos_bool clear_on_read = false;
+    openolt::FlowStatistics* flow_stats = get_default_flow_statistics();
+    //Key
+    key.flow_id = flow_id;
+    key.flow_type = flow_type;
+    /* init the API struct */
+    BCMBAL_STAT_INIT(&stat, flow, key);
+    BCMBAL_STAT_PROP_GET(&stat, flow, all_properties);
+    err = bcmbal_stat_get(DEFAULT_ATERM_ID, &stat.hdr, clear_on_read);
+    if (err == BCM_ERR_OK)
+    {
+        std::cout << "Flow statistics retrieved"
+                  << " flow_id:" << flow_id
+                  << " flow_type:" << flow_type << std::endl;
+        flow_stats->set_rx_bytes(stat.data.rx_bytes);
+        flow_stats->set_rx_packets(stat.data.rx_packets);
+        flow_stats->set_tx_bytes(stat.data.tx_bytes);
+        flow_stats->set_tx_packets(stat.data.tx_packets);
+    } else {
+        std::cout   << "ERROR: Failed to retrieve flow statistics"
+                    << " flow_id:" << flow_id
+                    << " flow_type:" << flow_type << std::endl;
+    }
+    return flow_stats;
+void* stats_collection(void* x) {
+    time_t now;
+    while(isCollectingStatistics) {
+        //Ports statistics
+        //Uplink ports
+        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+            openolt::PortStatistics* port_stats = collectPortStatistics(i, BCMBAL_INTF_TYPE_NNI);
+            //FIXME Use clean port translation
+            port_stats->set_intf_id(128 + i);
+            time(&now);
+            port_stats->set_timestamp((int)now);
+            openolt::Indication ind;
+            ind.set_allocated_port_stats(port_stats);
+            oltIndQ.push(ind);
+        }
+        //Pon ports
+        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+            openolt::PortStatistics* port_stats = collectPortStatistics(i, BCMBAL_INTF_TYPE_PON);
+            //FIXME Use clean port translation
+            port_stats->set_intf_id((0x2 << 28) + i);
+            time(&now);
+            port_stats->set_timestamp((int)now);
+            openolt::Indication ind;
+            ind.set_allocated_port_stats(port_stats);
+            oltIndQ.push(ind);
+        }
+        //Flows statistics
+        // flow_inst *current_entry = NULL;
+        //
+        // TAILQ_FOREACH(current_entry,
+        //               &FLOW_FSM_FLOW_LIST_CTX_PTR->active_flow_list,
+        //               flow_inst_next) {
+        // int flows_measurements = 0;
+        //
+        // for (int i = 0; i < FLOWS_COUNT; i++) {
+        //
+        //     // bcmbal_flow_id flow_id = current_entry->api_req_flow_info.key.flow_id;
+        //     // bcmbal_flow_type flow_type = current_entry->api_req_flow_info.key.flow_type;
+        //
+        //     if (flows_keys[i].flow_id != 0) {
+        //         openolt::FlowStatistics* flow_stats = collectFlowStatistics(flows_keys[i].flow_id, flows_keys[i].flow_type);
+        //         if (flow_stats->rx_packets() == -1) {
+        //             //It Failed
+        //             flows_keys[i].flow_id = 0;
+        //         } else {
+        //             flow_stats->set_flow_id(flows_keys[i].flow_id);
+        //             time(&now);
+        //             flow_stats->set_timestamp((int)now);
+        //             openolt::Indication ind;
+        //             ind.set_allocated_flow_stats(flow_stats);
+        //             oltIndQ.push(ind);
+        //             flows_measurements ++;
+        //         }
+        //     }
+        //
+        // }
+        // std::cout << "Stats of " << flows_measurements << " flows retrieved" << std::endl;
+        sleep(COLLECTION_PERIOD);
+    }
+    std::cout << "Statistics collection thread terminated" << std::endl;
+/* Storing flow keys, temporary */
+void register_new_flow(bcmbal_flow_key key) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < FLOWS_COUNT; i++) {
+        if (flows_keys[i].flow_id == 0) {
+            flows_keys[i] = key;
+            break;
+        }
+    }