VOL-2014: Rebase bal30-dev branch with master and re-verify sanity with SEBA2.0 and VOLTHA2.x before merge to master
Squashed all commits from bal30-dev branch to master branch as a single commit.
Bumped version to 2.0.0-dev .
Update README.md with the required ONL version for BAL3.1 .
VOL-2130: Wrong queue id assigned for downstream queue on tm_sched
for the subscriber when using single gem port.
Use queue_id as 0 when using single gem port.
Issues need to be taken care:
VOL-1580: Support reporting ONU Registration ID as part of ONU Activation Indication
- commented the code developed for VOL-1580 to fetch ONU registration ID as it uses BAL2.6 specific API's.
- Need to check how the same can be achieved using BAL3.x API's to fetch ONU registration ID
Set .gitreview defaultbranch to bal30-dev
Rebase change - Removed .gitreview defaultbranch so that by default it will point to master
Change-Id: Ib57e52e98cf09f4fa3dbaa9156a4375b7dc6ee43
Rebase: [VOL-1635] [BAL3.0 Bridade] OLT Activation [VOL-1636] [BAL3.0 Bridade] ONU Discovery,
This OpenOLT agent supports the BAL V3.0.3.3 SDK. OLT/ONU activation from voltha-1.7 is successful
Change-Id: I860b31317172139cd4c4244a93e79e0c3ce4fdf8
Rebase: [VOL-1685][BAL3.0 Bridade] generate OpenOLT debian package file
Change-Id: Ib0332d948602bf7892b6aae91a4147356237f7e2
Rebase: [VOL-1685][BAL3.0 Brigade] generate OpenOLT debian package file
missing copy shell files (dev_mgmt_daemon and openolt).
Change-Id: Id29dc24be4d1d5fc12a26884e5b5a69de91fbd69
Rebase: [VOL-1685][BAL3.0 Brigade] generate OpenOLT debian package file
Change-Id: Ic5453616c0dbdbc1fb1eb241feba1cbfca5e8e85
Rebase: [VOL-1852][BAL3.0 Brigade] Support Edge-core OLT ASFvOLT16 (XGS-PON) and
ASGvOLT64 (GPON) devices
Change-Id: I316d35bc76c38b5381e8896148b4ee5cebbd1099
VOL-1850: Fix packet duplication with TM Queue Mapping profile
Fix for US and DS scheduler ID allocation irrespective of device type(asfvolt16/asfvolt64)
README.md file update with BAL3.1.1.1 specifications
Change-Id: I255bf7a4ff35771e9c628bb822ba2190a1fcd5ed
Rebase: [VOL-1787] : This commit sets up a unit-test framework for openolt
agent based on gtest, gmock and c-mock utilities.
A sample unit-test case to test EnableOlt success case is also
added. More test cases will be added in future commit.
Change-Id: If020be489a04d97df5fcbc15e9207deeee2fcfac
Rebase: [VOL-2040]: Patch the macro required by core.cc into bcmos_system.h file
Change-Id: Ic841785b2ce451b1acaf007074b8c458687bc753
Rebase: [VOL-2043] : OLT Enable Test Case
- Added more test cases for OLT Enable. Now covers all scenarios.
- Fixed typos in unit test README.md
Change-Id: Ib931d89cedee78fe40ca67761a028365a047ebc3
Rebase: VOL-1941: Use protobufs from the voltha-protos repo, not a copy
- Use protobufs from the voltha-protos repo, not a copy
- Provided option to specify the openolt proto version via make option
- Removed duplicate README.md
Change-Id: Id67714c8119521f8358aaa9245268c47b7e843cf
diff --git a/protos/Makefile b/protos/Makefile
index aa5f8da..7f2c78c 100644
--- a/protos/Makefile
+++ b/protos/Makefile
@@ -14,21 +14,30 @@
HOST_SYSTEM = $(shell uname | cut -f 1 -d_)
+# OpenOLT Proto version.
+# This specifies the GIT tag in https://github.com/opencord/voltha-protos
+# repo that we need to refer to, to pick the right version of
+# openolt.proto and tech_profile.proto
CXX ?= g++
-CPPFLAGS += `pkg-config --cflags protobuf grpc` -I googleapis/gens
+CPPFLAGS += `pkg-config --cflags protobuf grpc` -I googleapis/gens -I./
CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11
#LDFLAGS += -L/usr/local/lib `pkg-config --libs protobuf grpc++ grpc` -ldl
PROTOC = protoc
GRPC_CPP_PLUGIN = grpc_cpp_plugin
-OBJS = tech_profile.pb.o tech_profile.grpc.pb.o openolt.pb.o openolt.grpc.pb.o ./googleapis/gens/google/api/annotations.grpc.pb.o ./googleapis/gens/google/api/annotations.pb.o ./googleapis/gens/google/api/http.pb.o
+OBJS = voltha_protos/tech_profile.pb.o voltha_protos/tech_profile.grpc.pb.o voltha_protos/openolt.pb.o voltha_protos/openolt.grpc.pb.o ./googleapis/gens/google/api/annotations.grpc.pb.o ./googleapis/gens/google/api/annotations.pb.o ./googleapis/gens/google/api/http.pb.o
-all: googleapis libopenoltapi.a
+all: googleapis get_openolt_proto libopenoltapi.a
libopenoltapi.a: $(OBJS)
- ar ru $@ $^
+ ar cr $@ $^
ranlib $@
@@ -40,16 +49,27 @@
make -C googleapis LANGUAGE=cpp GRPCPLUGIN=$(GRPC_CPP_PLUGIN_PATH) all; \
-.PRECIOUS: %.grpc.pb.cc
-%.grpc.pb.cc: %.proto
+ if [ ! -e "voltha_protos" ]; then \
+ mkdir voltha_protos; \
+ fi;\
+ if [ ! -e "voltha_protos/openolt.proto" ]; then \
+ wget -O voltha_protos/openolt.proto https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opencord/voltha-protos/$(OPENOLT_PROTO_VER)/protos/voltha_protos/openolt.proto; \
+ fi; \
+ if [ ! -e "tech_profile.proto" ]; then \
+ wget -O voltha_protos/tech_profile.proto https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opencord/voltha-protos/$(OPENOLT_PROTO_VER)/protos/voltha_protos/tech_profile.proto; \
+ fi;
+.PRECIOUS: voltha_protos/%.grpc.pb.cc
+voltha_protos/%.grpc.pb.cc: voltha_protos/%.proto
$(PROTOC) --proto_path=. -I./googleapis --grpc_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(GRPC_CPP_PLUGIN_PATH) $<
-.PRECIOUS: %.pb.cc
-%.pb.cc: %.proto
- $(PROTOC) --proto_path=. -I./googleapis --cpp_out=. $<
+.PRECIOUS: voltha_protos/%.pb.cc
+voltha_protos/%.pb.cc: voltha_protos/%.proto
+ $(PROTOC) --proto_path=. -I./googleapis -I./ --cpp_out=. $<
- rm -f *.o *.pb.cc *.pb.h *.a
+ rm *.a && cd voltha_protos/ && rm -f *.o *.pb.cc *.pb.h
distclean: clean
rm -rf googleapis
diff --git a/protos/openolt.proto b/protos/openolt.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index ccc2d05..0000000
--- a/protos/openolt.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Networking Foundation
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at:
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-syntax = "proto3";
-package openolt;
-import "google/api/annotations.proto";
-import "tech_profile.proto";
-service Openolt {
- rpc DisableOlt(Empty) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/Disable"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc ReenableOlt(Empty) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/Reenable"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc ActivateOnu(Onu) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/EnableOnu"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc DeactivateOnu(Onu) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/DisableOnu"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc DeleteOnu(Onu) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/DeleteOnu"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc OmciMsgOut(OmciMsg) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/OmciMsgOut"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc OnuPacketOut(OnuPacket) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/OnuPacketOut"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc UplinkPacketOut(UplinkPacket) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/UplinkPacketOut"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc FlowAdd(Flow) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/FlowAdd"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc FlowRemove(Flow) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/FlowRemove"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc HeartbeatCheck(Empty) returns (Heartbeat) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/HeartbeatCheck"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc EnablePonIf(Interface) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/EnablePonIf"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc GetPonIf(Interface) returns (IntfIndication) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/GetPonIf"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc DisablePonIf(Interface) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/DisablePonIf"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc GetDeviceInfo(Empty) returns (DeviceInfo) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/GetDeviceInfo"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc Reboot(Empty) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/Reboot"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc CollectStatistics(Empty) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/CollectStatistics"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc CreateTrafficSchedulers(tech_profile.TrafficSchedulers) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/CreateTrafficSchedulers"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc RemoveTrafficSchedulers(tech_profile.TrafficSchedulers) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/RemoveTrafficSchedulers"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc CreateTrafficQueues(tech_profile.TrafficQueues) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/CreateTrafficQueues"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc RemoveTrafficQueues(tech_profile.TrafficQueues) returns (Empty) {
- option (google.api.http) = {
- post: "/v1/RemoveTrafficQueues"
- body: "*"
- };
- }
- rpc EnableIndication(Empty) returns (stream Indication) {}
-message Indication {
- oneof data {
- OltIndication olt_ind = 1;
- IntfIndication intf_ind = 2;
- IntfOperIndication intf_oper_ind = 3;
- OnuDiscIndication onu_disc_ind = 4;
- OnuIndication onu_ind = 5;
- OmciIndication omci_ind = 6;
- PacketIndication pkt_ind = 7;
- PortStatistics port_stats = 8;
- FlowStatistics flow_stats = 9;
- AlarmIndication alarm_ind= 10;
- }
-message AlarmIndication {
- oneof data {
- LosIndication los_ind = 1;
- DyingGaspIndication dying_gasp_ind = 2;
- OnuAlarmIndication onu_alarm_ind = 3;
- OnuStartupFailureIndication onu_startup_fail_ind = 4;
- OnuSignalDegradeIndication onu_signal_degrade_ind = 5;
- OnuDriftOfWindowIndication onu_drift_of_window_ind = 6;
- OnuLossOfOmciChannelIndication onu_loss_omci_ind = 7;
- OnuSignalsFailureIndication onu_signals_fail_ind = 8;
- OnuTransmissionInterferenceWarning onu_tiwi_ind = 9;
- OnuActivationFailureIndication onu_activation_fail_ind = 10;
- OnuProcessingErrorIndication onu_processing_error_ind = 11;
- }
-message OltIndication {
- string oper_state = 1; // up, down
-message IntfIndication {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- string oper_state = 2; // up, down
-message OnuDiscIndication {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- SerialNumber serial_number = 2;
-message OnuIndication {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
- string oper_state = 3; // up, down
- string admin_state = 5; // up, down
- SerialNumber serial_number = 4;
- bytes registration_id = 6; // reg_id of onu
-message IntfOperIndication {
- string type = 1; // nni, pon
- fixed32 intf_id = 2;
- string oper_state = 3; // up, down
-message OmciIndication {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
- bytes pkt = 3;
-message PacketIndication {
- string intf_type = 5; // nni, pon, unknown
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 gemport_id = 2;
- fixed32 flow_id = 3;
- fixed32 port_no = 6;
- fixed64 cookie = 7;
- bytes pkt = 4;
-message Interface {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
-message Heartbeat {
- fixed32 heartbeat_signature = 1;
-message Onu {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
- SerialNumber serial_number = 3;
- fixed32 pir = 4; // peak information rate assigned to onu
-message OmciMsg {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
- bytes pkt = 3;
-message OnuPacket {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
- fixed32 port_no = 4;
- fixed32 gemport_id = 5;
- bytes pkt = 3;
-message UplinkPacket {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- bytes pkt = 2;
-message DeviceInfo {
- string vendor = 1;
- string model = 2;
- string hardware_version = 3;
- string firmware_version = 4;
- string device_id = 16;
- string device_serial_number = 17;
- // Total number of pon intf ports on the device
- fixed32 pon_ports = 12;
- // If using global per-device technology profile. To be deprecated
- string technology = 5;
- fixed32 onu_id_start = 6;
- fixed32 onu_id_end = 7;
- fixed32 alloc_id_start = 8;
- fixed32 alloc_id_end = 9;
- fixed32 gemport_id_start = 10;
- fixed32 gemport_id_end = 11;
- fixed32 flow_id_start = 13;
- fixed32 flow_id_end = 14;
- message DeviceResourceRanges {
- // List of 0 or more intf_ids that use the same technology and pools.
- // If 0 intf_ids supplied, it implies ALL interfaces
- repeated fixed32 intf_ids = 1;
- // Technology profile for this pool
- string technology = 2;
- message Pool {
- enum PoolType {
- ONU_ID = 0;
- ALLOC_ID = 1;
- FLOW_ID = 3;
- }
- enum SharingType {
- SHARED_BY_ALL_INTF_ALL_TECH = 1; // Shared across all interfaces in all technologies in all ranges
- SHARED_BY_ALL_INTF_SAME_TECH = 2; // Shared across all interfaces of the same technology used in this range
- }
- PoolType type = 1;
- SharingType sharing = 2;
- fixed32 start = 3; // lower bound on IDs allocated from this pool
- fixed32 end = 4; // upper bound on IDs allocated from this pool
- }
- repeated Pool pools = 3;
- }
- repeated DeviceResourceRanges ranges = 15;
-message Classifier {
- fixed32 o_tpid = 1;
- fixed32 o_vid = 2;
- fixed32 i_tpid = 3;
- fixed32 i_vid = 4;
- fixed32 o_pbits = 5;
- fixed32 i_pbits = 6;
- fixed32 eth_type = 7;
- bytes dst_mac = 8;
- bytes src_mac = 9;
- fixed32 ip_proto = 10;
- fixed32 dst_ip = 11;
- fixed32 src_ip = 12;
- fixed32 src_port = 13;
- fixed32 dst_port = 14;
- string pkt_tag_type = 15; // untagged, single_tag, double_tag
-message ActionCmd {
- bool add_outer_tag = 1;
- bool remove_outer_tag = 2;
- bool trap_to_host = 3;
-message Action {
- ActionCmd cmd = 1;
- fixed32 o_vid = 2;
- fixed32 o_pbits = 3;
- fixed32 o_tpid = 4;
- fixed32 i_vid = 5;
- fixed32 i_pbits = 6;
- fixed32 i_tpid = 7;
-message Flow {
- sfixed32 access_intf_id = 1;
- sfixed32 onu_id = 2;
- sfixed32 uni_id = 11;
- fixed32 flow_id = 3;
- string flow_type = 4; // upstream, downstream, broadcast, multicast
- sfixed32 alloc_id = 10;
- sfixed32 network_intf_id = 5;
- sfixed32 gemport_id = 6;
- Classifier classifier = 7;
- Action action = 8;
- sfixed32 priority = 9;
- fixed64 cookie = 12; // must be provided for any flow with trap_to_host action. Returned in PacketIndication
- fixed32 port_no = 13; // must be provided for any flow with trap_to_host action. Returned in PacketIndication
-message SerialNumber {
- bytes vendor_id = 1;
- bytes vendor_specific = 2;
-message PortStatistics {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed64 rx_bytes = 2;
- fixed64 rx_packets = 3;
- fixed64 rx_ucast_packets = 4;
- fixed64 rx_mcast_packets = 5;
- fixed64 rx_bcast_packets = 6;
- fixed64 rx_error_packets = 7;
- fixed64 tx_bytes = 8;
- fixed64 tx_packets = 9;
- fixed64 tx_ucast_packets = 10;
- fixed64 tx_mcast_packets = 11;
- fixed64 tx_bcast_packets = 12;
- fixed64 tx_error_packets = 13;
- fixed64 rx_crc_errors = 14;
- fixed64 bip_errors = 15;
- fixed32 timestamp = 16;
-message FlowStatistics {
- fixed32 flow_id = 1;
- fixed64 rx_bytes = 2;
- fixed64 rx_packets = 3;
- fixed64 tx_bytes = 8;
- fixed64 tx_packets = 9;
- fixed32 timestamp = 16;
-message LosIndication {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- string status = 2;
-message DyingGaspIndication {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
- string status = 3;
-message OnuAlarmIndication {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
- string los_status = 3;
- string lob_status = 4;
- string lopc_miss_status = 5;
- string lopc_mic_error_status = 6;
-message OnuStartupFailureIndication {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
- string status = 3;
-message OnuSignalDegradeIndication {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
- string status = 3;
- fixed32 inverse_bit_error_rate = 4;
-message OnuDriftOfWindowIndication {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
- string status = 3;
- fixed32 drift = 4;
- fixed32 new_eqd = 5;
-message OnuLossOfOmciChannelIndication {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
- string status = 3;
-message OnuSignalsFailureIndication {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
- string status = 3;
- fixed32 inverse_bit_error_rate = 4;
-message OnuTransmissionInterferenceWarning {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
- string status = 3;
- fixed32 drift = 4;
-message OnuActivationFailureIndication {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
-message OnuProcessingErrorIndication {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
-message Empty {}
diff --git a/protos/tech_profile.proto b/protos/tech_profile.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b98e2d..0000000
--- a/protos/tech_profile.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Networking Foundation
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at:
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-syntax = "proto3";
-package tech_profile;
-import "google/api/annotations.proto";
-enum Direction {
-enum SchedulingPolicy {
- WRR = 0;
- StrictPriority = 1;
- Hybrid = 2;
-enum AdditionalBW {
- AdditionalBW_None = 0;
- AdditionalBW_NA = 1;
- AdditionalBW_BestEffort = 2;
- AdditionalBW_Auto = 3;
-enum DiscardPolicy {
- TailDrop = 0;
- WTailDrop = 1;
- Red = 2;
- WRed = 3;
-enum InferredAdditionBWIndication {
- InferredAdditionBWIndication_None = 0;
- InferredAdditionBWIndication_Assured = 1;
- InferredAdditionBWIndication_BestEffort = 2;
-message SchedulerConfig {
- Direction direction = 1;
- AdditionalBW additional_bw = 2; // Valid on for “direction == Upstream”.
- fixed32 priority = 3;
- fixed32 weight = 4;
- SchedulingPolicy sched_policy = 5;
-message TrafficShapingInfo {
- fixed32 cir = 1;
- fixed32 cbs = 2;
- fixed32 pir = 3;
- fixed32 pbs = 4;
- fixed32 gir = 5; // only if “direction == Upstream ”
- InferredAdditionBWIndication add_bw_ind = 6; // only if “direction == Upstream”
-message TrafficScheduler {
- Direction direction = 1;
- fixed32 alloc_id = 2; // valid only if “direction == Upstream ”
- SchedulerConfig scheduler = 3;
- TrafficShapingInfo traffic_shaping_info = 4;
-message TrafficSchedulers {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
- fixed32 uni_id = 4;
- fixed32 port_no = 5;
- repeated TrafficScheduler traffic_scheds = 3;
-message TailDropDiscardConfig {
- fixed32 queue_size = 1;
-message RedDiscardConfig {
- fixed32 min_threshold = 1;
- fixed32 max_threshold = 2;
- fixed32 max_probability = 3;
-message WRedDiscardConfig {
- RedDiscardConfig green = 1;
- RedDiscardConfig yellow = 2;
- RedDiscardConfig red = 3;
-message DiscardConfig {
- DiscardPolicy discard_policy = 1;
- oneof discard_config {
- TailDropDiscardConfig tail_drop_discard_config = 2;
- RedDiscardConfig red_discard_config = 3;
- WRedDiscardConfig wred_discard_config = 4;
- }
-message TrafficQueue {
- Direction direction = 1;
- fixed32 gemport_id = 2;
- string pbit_map = 3;
- bool aes_encryption = 4;
- SchedulingPolicy sched_policy = 5;
- fixed32 priority = 6;
- fixed32 weight = 7;
- DiscardPolicy discard_policy = 8;
- DiscardConfig discard_config = 9;
-message TrafficQueues {
- fixed32 intf_id = 1;
- fixed32 onu_id = 2;
- fixed32 uni_id = 4;
- fixed32 port_no = 5;
- repeated TrafficQueue traffic_queues = 6;