Initial Framework for reading SFP capabilities by reading the EEPROM data.
Use the detected SFP data to derive the MAC and PON system mode.
Make the SFP EEPROM read mode configurable per platform through the
DYNAMIC_PON_TRX_SUPPORT '#define' defined in the platform vendor.h file.

Change-Id: I07d7763371d2f804a1e93ca38646b1a30198f8ee
diff --git a/agent/device/device.h b/agent/device/device.h
index 71259ac..a0118a1 100644
--- a/agent/device/device.h
+++ b/agent/device/device.h
@@ -17,8 +17,120 @@
 #ifndef __DEVICE_H__
 #define __DEVICE_H__
-#include "vendor.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <new>
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+extern "C"
+#include <bcmolt_api.h>
+#include <bcmolt_api_model_supporting_enums.h>
+using namespace std;
+// Constant definitions
+#define EEPROM_DATA_READ_SIZE 256 //bytes
+#define MAX_PONS_PER_TRX 2
+#define GPON_DOWNSTREAM_WAVELENGTH_NM 1490 // ITU-T G984.2 PMD specification
+#define XGSPON_DOWNSTREAM_WAVELENGTH_NM 1577 // ITU-T G9807.1 PMD specification
+// Structure definitions
+struct pon_data {
+    bool valid; // set to true if the below fields are set after reading eeprom data
+    uint32_t wavelength;
+    bcmolt_pon_type pon_type;
+    // add more fields as needed...
+struct trx_data {
+    int sfp_index;
+    string vendor_name;
+    uint8_t vendor_oui[3];
+    string vendor_part_no;
+    string vendor_rev;
+    bcmolt_pon_type trx_type;
+    pon_data p_data[MAX_PONS_PER_TRX];
+// Class Definitions
+// PonTrx: This class defines the member functions and attributes of the Pon Transceiver object
+class PonTrxBase {
+    public:
+        // Location of I2C file systems is pretty standard for Linux systems, and it is /sys/bus/i2c/devices
+        // Check here https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/i2c/i2c-sysfs.html#location-of-i2c-sysfs for documentation on Linux I2C
+        // The OLTs we work with are based on Linux, however if it is something different this can be overridden.
+        PonTrxBase(string eeprom_file_name="sfp_eeprom",
+                   int port_addr=50,
+                   string eeprom_file_format_name="/sys/bus/i2c/devices/%d-00%d/%s",
+                   string sfp_presence_command="/lib/platform-config/current/onl/bin/onlpdump -p");
+        // Reads, updates and returns the _sfp_presence_array from the OLT device
+        const set<int> read_sfp_presence_data();
+        // Returns the _sfp_presence_array
+        const set<int> get_sfp_presence_data();
+        // Reads the EEPROM data. The sfp_index is the bus index corresponding to the PON Trx
+        // returns true if success
+        bool read_eeprom_data_for_sfp(int sfp_index);
+        // Decodes the EEPROM data. The sfp_index is the bus index corresponding to the PON Trx
+        // returns true if success
+        bool decode_eeprom_data(int sfp_index);
+        // Get Trx Type based on SFP ID provided
+        bcmolt_pon_type get_sfp_mode(int sfp_index);
+        // Get PON Type based on optical wavelength specified
+        bcmolt_pon_type get_pon_type_from_wavelength(int wavelength);
+        // Get MAC System mode based on the olt mac id and the set of SFP IDs provided
+        pair<bcmolt_system_mode, bool> get_mac_system_mode(int, set<int>);
+        // Get Trx data
+        trx_data* get_trx_data(int sfp_index);
+        ~PonTrxBase();
+    protected:
+        set<int> _sfp_presence_data;
+        set<trx_data*> _t_data;
+        map<int, array<char, EEPROM_READ_PATH_SIZE>> _eeprom_read_path;
+        map<int, array<unsigned char, EEPROM_DATA_READ_SIZE>> _eeprom_data;
+        // Location of I2C file systems is pretty standard for Linux systems, and it is /sys/bus/i2c/devices
+        // Check here https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/i2c/i2c-sysfs.html#location-of-i2c-sysfs for documentation on Linux I2C
+        // The OLTs we work with are based on Linux, however if it is something different this can be overridden during objection creation.
+        string _eeprom_file_path_format = "/sys/bus/i2c/devices/%d-00%d/%s";
+        string _eeprom_file_name;
+        string _sfp_presence_command = "/lib/platform-config/current/onl/bin/onlpdump -p";
+        int _port_addr;
+// Extern definitions
 extern void vendor_init();