VOL-2502: Update README.md for openolt agent after BAL3.2.3.2 migration
VOL-2503: Provides test target for openolt-agent for Jenkins CI Integration
VOL-2504: Reorganize openolt-agent core.cc file

Change-Id: Id22fb881fcb9cc19d1f2ba044716731157d3a64e
diff --git a/agent/src/core.cc b/agent/src/core_api_handler.cc
similarity index 65%
rename from agent/src/core.cc
rename to agent/src/core_api_handler.cc
index 0337bed..24e956d 100644
--- a/agent/src/core.cc
+++ b/agent/src/core_api_handler.cc
@@ -31,11 +31,12 @@
 #include "device.h"
 #include "core.h"
+#include "core_data.h"
 #include "indications.h"
 #include "stats_collection.h"
 #include "error_format.h"
 #include "state.h"
-#include "utils.h"
+#include "core_utils.h"
 extern "C"
@@ -56,171 +57,13 @@
 // #include <bcm_dev_log_task.h>
-dev_log_id openolt_log_id = bcm_dev_log_id_register("OPENOLT", DEV_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, DEV_LOG_ID_TYPE_BOTH);
-dev_log_id omci_log_id = bcm_dev_log_id_register("OMCI", DEV_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, DEV_LOG_ID_TYPE_BOTH);
-#define MAX_TM_QMP_ID 16
-#define MAX_TM_SCHED_ID 1023
-#define EAP_ETHER_TYPE 34958
-#define COUNT_OF(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))
-#define GET_FLOW_INTERFACE_TYPE(type) \
-       (type == BCMOLT_FLOW_INTERFACE_TYPE_PON) ? "PON" : \
-       (type == BCMOLT_FLOW_INTERFACE_TYPE_NNI) ? "NNI" : \
-       (type == BCMOLT_FLOW_INTERFACE_TYPE_HOST) ? "HOST" : "unknown"
-#define GET_PKT_TAG_TYPE(type) \
-       (type == BCMOLT_PKT_TAG_TYPE_UNTAGGED) ? "UNTAG" : \
-       (type == BCMOLT_PKT_TAG_TYPE_DOUBLE_TAG) ? "DOUBLE_TAG" : "unknown"
-#define GET_ACL_ACTION_TYPE(type) \
-       (type == BCMOLT_ACCESS_CONTROL_FWD_ACTION_TYPE_TRAP_TO_HOST) ? "trap_to_host" : \
-       (type == BCMOLT_ACCESS_CONTROL_FWD_ACTION_TYPE_DROP) ? "drop" : \
-       (type == BCMOLT_ACCESS_CONTROL_FWD_ACTION_TYPE_REDIRECT) ? "redirction" : "unknown"
-       (command == BCMOLT_MEMBERS_UPDATE_COMMAND_ADD) ? "add" : \
-       (command == BCMOLT_MEMBERS_UPDATE_COMMAND_REMOVE) ? "remove" : \
-       (command == BCMOLT_MEMBERS_UPDATE_COMMAND_SET) ? "set" : "unknown"
-#define GET_INTERFACE_TYPE(type) \
-       (type == BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_PON) ? "PON" : \
-       (type == BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_NNI) ? "NNI" : \
-       (type == BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_HOST) ? "HOST" : "unknown"
-static unsigned int num_of_nni_ports = 0;
-static unsigned int num_of_pon_ports = 0;
 static std::string intf_technologies[MAX_SUPPORTED_PON];
 static const std::string UNKNOWN_TECH("unknown");
 static const std::string MIXED_TECH("mixed");
 static std::string board_technology(UNKNOWN_TECH);
 static std::string chip_family(UNKNOWN_TECH);
-static unsigned int OPENOLT_FIELD_LEN = 200;
 static std::string firmware_version = "Openolt.2019.07.01";
-const uint32_t tm_upstream_sched_id_start = (MAX_SUPPORTED_PON == 16 ? \
-const uint32_t tm_downstream_sched_id_start = (MAX_SUPPORTED_PON == 16 ? \
-    tm_upstream_sched_id_start-16 : tm_upstream_sched_id_start-64);
-/* Max Queue ID supported is 7 so based on priority_q configured for GEMPORTS
-in TECH PROFILE respective Queue ID from this list will be used for both
-US and DS Queues*/
-const uint32_t queue_id_list[8] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
-const std::string upstream = "upstream";
-const std::string downstream = "downstream";
-const std::string multicast = "multicast";
-bcmolt_oltid dev_id = 0;
-/* Constants used for retrying some BAL APIs */
-const uint32_t BAL_API_RETRY_TIME_IN_USECS = 1000000;
-const uint32_t MAX_BAL_API_RETRY_COUNT = 5;
-/* Current session */
-static bcmcli_session *current_session;
-static bcmcli_entry *api_parent_dir;
-bcmos_bool status_bcm_cli_quit = BCMOS_FALSE;
-bcmos_task bal_cli_thread;
-const char *bal_cli_thread_name = "bal_cli_thread";
-uint16_t flow_id_counters = 0;
-State state;
-static std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> flowid_to_port; // For mapping upstream flows to logical ports
-static std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> flowid_to_gemport; // For mapping downstream flows into gemports
-static std::map<uint32_t, std::set<uint32_t> > port_to_flows; // For mapping logical ports to downstream flows
-/* This represents the Key to 'sched_map' map.
- Represents (pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, direction) */
-typedef std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, std::string> sched_map_key_tuple;
-/* 'sched_map' maps sched_map_key_tuple to DBA (Upstream) or
- Subscriber (Downstream) Scheduler ID */
-static std::map<sched_map_key_tuple, int> sched_map;
-/* Flow control is for flow_id and flow_type */
-typedef std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t> flow_pair;
-static std::map<flow_pair, int32_t> flow_map;
-/* This represents the Key to 'qos_type_map' map.
- Represents (pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id) */
-typedef std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> qos_type_map_key_tuple;
-/* 'qos_type_map' maps qos_type_map_key_tuple to qos_type*/
-static std::map<qos_type_map_key_tuple, bcmolt_egress_qos_type> qos_type_map;
-/* This represents the Key to 'sched_qmp_id_map' map.
-Represents (sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id) */
-typedef std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple;
-/* 'sched_qmp_id_map' maps sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple to TM Queue Mapping Profile ID */
-static std::map<sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple, int> sched_qmp_id_map;
-/* 'qmp_id_to_qmp_map' maps TM Queue Mapping Profile ID to TM Queue Mapping Profile */
-static std::map<int, std::vector < uint32_t > > qmp_id_to_qmp_map;
-// Flag used to watch whether mocked alloc_cfg_compltd_key is added to alloc_cfg_compltd_map
-#ifdef TEST_MODE
-bool ALLOC_CFG_FLAG = false;
-#define ALLOC_CFG_COMPLETE_WAIT_TIMEOUT 1000 // in milli-seconds
-// Map used to track response from BAL for ITU PON Alloc Configuration.
-// The key is alloc_cfg_compltd_key and value is a concurrent thread-safe queue which is
-// used for pushing (from BAL) and popping (at application) the results.
-std::map<alloc_cfg_compltd_key,  Queue<alloc_cfg_complete_result> *> alloc_cfg_compltd_map;
-// Lock to protect critical section data structure used for handling AllocObject configuration response.
-bcmos_fastlock alloc_cfg_wait_lock;
-/*** ACL Handling related data start ***/
-static std::map<acl_classifier_key, uint16_t> acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map;
-bool operator<(const acl_classifier_key& a1, const acl_classifier_key& a2)
-    return ((a1.ether_type + 2*a1.ip_proto + 3*a1.src_port + 4*a1.dst_port) <
-            (a2.ether_type + 2*a2.ip_proto + 3*a2.src_port + 4*a2.dst_port));
-typedef std::tuple<uint16_t, std::string> flow_id_flow_direction;
-typedef std::tuple<int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t> acl_id_gem_id_intf_id;
-static std::map<flow_id_flow_direction, acl_id_gem_id_intf_id> flow_to_acl_map;
-// Keeps a reference count of how many flows are referencing a given ACL ID.
-// Key represents the ACL-ID and value is number of flows referencing the given ACL-ID.
-// When there is at least one flow referencing the ACL-ID, the ACL should be installed.
-// When there are no flows referencing the ACL-ID, the ACL should be removed.
-static std::map<uint16_t, uint16_t> acl_ref_cnt;
-typedef std::tuple<uint16_t, uint16_t> gem_id_intf_id; // key to gem_ref_cnt
-// Keeps a reference count of how many ACL related flows are referencing a given (gem-id, pon_intf_id).
-// When there is at least on flow, we should install the gem. When there are no flows
-// the gem should be removed.
-static std::map<gem_id_intf_id, uint16_t> gem_ref_cnt;
-// Needed to keep track of how many flows for a given acl_id, intf_id and intf_type are
-// installed. When there is at least on flow for this key, we should have interface registered
-// for the given ACL-ID. When there are no flows, the intf should unregister itself from
-// the ACL-ID.
-typedef std::tuple<uint16_t, uint8_t, std::string> acl_id_intf_id_intf_type;
-static std::map<acl_id_intf_id_intf_type, uint16_t> intf_acl_registration_ref_cnt;
-#define MAX_ACL_ID 33
-std::bitset<MAX_ACL_ID> acl_id_bitset;
-/*** ACL Handling related data end ***/
-std::bitset<MAX_TM_SCHED_ID> tm_sched_bitset;
-std::bitset<MAX_TM_QMP_ID> tm_qmp_bitset;
-static bcmos_fastlock data_lock;
-#define MIN_ALLOC_ID_GPON 256
-#define MIN_ALLOC_ID_XGSPON 1024
 static bcmos_errno CreateSched(std::string direction, uint32_t access_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, uint32_t uni_id, \
                           uint32_t port_no, uint32_t alloc_id, tech_profile::AdditionalBW additional_bw, uint32_t weight, \
                           uint32_t priority, tech_profile::SchedulingPolicy sched_policy,
@@ -233,441 +76,6 @@
 static bcmos_errno CreateDefaultSched(uint32_t intf_id, const std::string direction);
 static bcmos_errno CreateDefaultQueue(uint32_t intf_id, const std::string direction);
-uint16_t get_dev_id(void) {
-    return dev_id;
-// Stubbed defntions of bcmolt_cfg_get required for unit-test
-#ifdef TEST_MODE
-extern bcmos_errno bcmolt_cfg_get__bal_state_stub(bcmolt_oltid olt_id, void* ptr);
-extern bcmos_errno bcmolt_cfg_get__onu_state_stub(bcmolt_oltid olt_id, void* ptr);
-extern bcmos_errno bcmolt_cfg_get__tm_sched_stub(bcmolt_oltid olt_id, void* ptr);
-extern bcmos_errno bcmolt_cfg_get__pon_intf_stub(bcmolt_oltid olt_id, void* ptr);
-extern bcmos_errno bcmolt_cfg_get__nni_intf_stub(bcmolt_oltid olt_id, void* ptr);
-extern bcmos_errno bcmolt_cfg_get__olt_topology_stub(bcmolt_oltid olt_id, void* ptr);
-extern bcmos_errno bcmolt_cfg_get__flow_stub(bcmolt_oltid olt_id, void* ptr);
-* Returns the default NNI (Upstream direction) or PON (Downstream direction) scheduler
-* Every NNI port and PON port have default scheduler.
-* The NNI0 default scheduler ID is 18432, and NNI1 is 18433 and so on.
-* Similarly, PON0 default scheduler ID is 16384. PON1 is 16385 and so on.
-* @param intf_id NNI or PON interface ID
-* @param direction "upstream" or "downstream"
-* @return default scheduler ID for the given interface.
-static inline int get_default_tm_sched_id(int intf_id, std::string direction) {
-    if (direction.compare(upstream) == 0) {
-        return tm_upstream_sched_id_start + intf_id;
-    } else if (direction.compare(downstream) == 0) {
-        return tm_downstream_sched_id_start + intf_id;
-    }
-    else {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "invalid direction - %s\n", direction.c_str());
-        return 0;
-    }
-* Gets a unique tm_sched_id for a given intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, gemport_id, direction
-* The tm_sched_id is locally cached in a map, so that it can rendered when necessary.
-* VOLTHA replays whole configuration on OLT reboot, so caching locally is not a problem
-* @param intf_id NNI or PON intf ID
-* @param onu_id ONU ID
-* @param uni_id UNI ID
-* @param gemport_id GEM Port ID
-* @param direction Upstream or downstream
-* @return tm_sched_id
-uint32_t get_tm_sched_id(int pon_intf_id, int onu_id, int uni_id, std::string direction) {
-    sched_map_key_tuple key(pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, direction);
-    int sched_id = -1;
-    std::map<sched_map_key_tuple, int>::const_iterator it = sched_map.find(key);
-    if (it != sched_map.end()) {
-        sched_id = it->second;
-    }
-    if (sched_id != -1) {
-        return sched_id;
-    }
-    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
-    // Complexity of O(n). Is there better way that can avoid linear search?
-    for (sched_id = 0; sched_id < MAX_TM_SCHED_ID; sched_id++) {
-        if (tm_sched_bitset[sched_id] == 0) {
-            tm_sched_bitset[sched_id] = 1;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-    if (sched_id < MAX_TM_SCHED_ID) {
-        bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
-        sched_map[key] = sched_id;
-        bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-        return sched_id;
-    } else {
-        return -1;
-    }
-* Free tm_sched_id for a given intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, gemport_id, direction
-* @param intf_id NNI or PON intf ID
-* @param onu_id ONU ID
-* @param uni_id UNI ID
-* @param gemport_id GEM Port ID
-* @param direction Upstream or downstream
-void free_tm_sched_id(int pon_intf_id, int onu_id, int uni_id, std::string direction) {
-    sched_map_key_tuple key(pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, direction);
-    std::map<sched_map_key_tuple, int>::const_iterator it;
-    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
-    it = sched_map.find(key);
-    if (it != sched_map.end()) {
-        tm_sched_bitset[it->second] = 0;
-        sched_map.erase(it);
-    }
-    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-bool is_tm_sched_id_present(int pon_intf_id, int onu_id, int uni_id, std::string direction) {
-    sched_map_key_tuple key(pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, direction);
-    std::map<sched_map_key_tuple, int>::const_iterator it = sched_map.find(key);
-    if (it != sched_map.end()) {
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-* Check whether given two tm qmp profiles are equal or not
-* @param tmq_map_profileA <vector> TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE
-* @param tmq_map_profileB <vector> TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE
-* @return boolean, true if given tmq_map_profiles are equal else false
-bool check_tm_qmp_equality(std::vector<uint32_t> tmq_map_profileA, std::vector<uint32_t> tmq_map_profileB) {
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TMQ_MAP_PROFILE_SIZE; i++) {
-        if (tmq_map_profileA[i] != tmq_map_profileB[i]) {
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    return true;
-* Modifies given queues_pbit_map to parsable format
-* e.g: Modifes "0b00000101" to "10100000"
-* @param queues_pbit_map PBIT MAP configured for each GEM in TECH PROFILE
-* @param size Queue count
-* @return string queues_pbit_map
-std::string* get_valid_queues_pbit_map(std::string *queues_pbit_map, uint32_t size) {
-    for(uint32_t i=0; i < size; i++) {
-        /* Deletes 2 characters from index number 0 */
-        queues_pbit_map[i].erase(0, 2);
-        std::reverse(queues_pbit_map[i].begin(), queues_pbit_map[i].end());
-    }
-    return queues_pbit_map;
-* Creates TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE for given queues_pbit_map and queues_priority_q
-* @param queues_pbit_map PBIT MAP configured for each GEM in TECH PROFILE
-* @param queues_priority_q PRIORITY_Q configured for each GEM in TECH PROFILE
-* @param size Queue count
-* @return <vector> TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE
-std::vector<uint32_t> get_tmq_map_profile(std::string *queues_pbit_map, uint32_t *queues_priority_q, uint32_t size) {
-    std::vector<uint32_t> tmq_map_profile(8,0);
-    for(uint32_t i=0; i < size; i++) {
-        for (uint32_t j = 0; j < queues_pbit_map[i].size(); j++) {
-            if (queues_pbit_map[i][j]=='1') {
-                tmq_map_profile.at(j) = queue_id_list[queues_priority_q[i]];
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return tmq_map_profile;
-* Gets corresponding tm_qmp_id for a given tmq_map_profile
-* @param <vector> TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE
-* @return tm_qmp_id
-int get_tm_qmp_id(std::vector<uint32_t> tmq_map_profile) {
-    int tm_qmp_id = -1;
-    std::map<int, std::vector < uint32_t > >::const_iterator it = qmp_id_to_qmp_map.begin();
-    while(it != qmp_id_to_qmp_map.end()) {
-        if(check_tm_qmp_equality(tmq_map_profile, it->second)) {
-            tm_qmp_id = it->first;
-            break;
-        }
-        it++;
-    }
-    return tm_qmp_id;
-* Updates sched_qmp_id_map with given sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, tm_qmp_id
-* @param upstream/downstream sched_id
-* @param PON intf ID
-* @param onu_id ONU ID
-* @param uni_id UNI ID
-* @param tm_qmp_id TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE ID
-void update_sched_qmp_id_map(uint32_t sched_id,uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, \
-                             uint32_t uni_id, int tm_qmp_id) {
-   bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
-   sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple key(sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id);
-   sched_qmp_id_map.insert(make_pair(key, tm_qmp_id));
-   bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-* Gets corresponding tm_qmp_id for a given sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id
-* @param upstream/downstream sched_id
-* @param PON intf ID
-* @param onu_id ONU ID
-* @param uni_id UNI ID
-* @return tm_qmp_id
-int get_tm_qmp_id(uint32_t sched_id,uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, uint32_t uni_id) {
-    sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple key(sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id);
-    int tm_qmp_id = -1;
-    std::map<sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple, int>::const_iterator it = sched_qmp_id_map.find(key);
-    if (it != sched_qmp_id_map.end()) {
-        tm_qmp_id = it->second;
-    }
-    return tm_qmp_id;
-* Gets a unique tm_qmp_id for a given tmq_map_profile
-* The tm_qmp_id is locally cached in a map, so that it can be rendered when necessary.
-* VOLTHA replays whole configuration on OLT reboot, so caching locally is not a problem
-* @param upstream/downstream sched_id
-* @param PON intf ID
-* @param onu_id ONU ID
-* @param uni_id UNI ID
-* @param <vector> TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE
-* @return tm_qmp_id
-int get_tm_qmp_id(uint32_t sched_id,uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, uint32_t uni_id, \
-                  std::vector<uint32_t> tmq_map_profile) {
-    int tm_qmp_id;
-    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
-    /* Complexity of O(n). Is there better way that can avoid linear search? */
-    for (tm_qmp_id = 0; tm_qmp_id < MAX_TM_QMP_ID; tm_qmp_id++) {
-        if (tm_qmp_bitset[tm_qmp_id] == 0) {
-            tm_qmp_bitset[tm_qmp_id] = 1;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-    if (tm_qmp_id < MAX_TM_QMP_ID) {
-        bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
-        qmp_id_to_qmp_map.insert(make_pair(tm_qmp_id, tmq_map_profile));
-        bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-        update_sched_qmp_id_map(sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, tm_qmp_id);
-        return tm_qmp_id;
-    } else {
-        return -1;
-    }
-* Free tm_qmp_id for a given sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id
-* @param upstream/downstream sched_id
-* @param PON intf ID
-* @param onu_id ONU ID
-* @param uni_id UNI ID
-* @param tm_qmp_id TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE ID
-* @return boolean, true if no more reference for TM QMP else false
-bool free_tm_qmp_id(uint32_t sched_id,uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, \
-                    uint32_t uni_id, int tm_qmp_id) {
-    bool result;
-    sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple key(sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id);
-    std::map<sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple, int>::const_iterator it = sched_qmp_id_map.find(key);
-    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
-    if (it != sched_qmp_id_map.end()) {
-        sched_qmp_id_map.erase(it);
-    }
-    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-    uint32_t tm_qmp_ref_count = 0;
-    std::map<sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple, int>::const_iterator it2 = sched_qmp_id_map.begin();
-    while(it2 != sched_qmp_id_map.end()) {
-        if(it2->second == tm_qmp_id) {
-            tm_qmp_ref_count++;
-        }
-        it2++;
-    }
-    if (tm_qmp_ref_count == 0) {
-        std::map<int, std::vector < uint32_t > >::const_iterator it3 = qmp_id_to_qmp_map.find(tm_qmp_id);
-        if (it3 != qmp_id_to_qmp_map.end()) {
-            bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
-            tm_qmp_bitset[tm_qmp_id] = 0;
-            qmp_id_to_qmp_map.erase(it3);
-            bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-            OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Reference count for tm qmp profile id %d is : %d. So clearing it\n", \
-                        tm_qmp_id, tm_qmp_ref_count);
-            result = true;
-        }
-    } else {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Reference count for tm qmp profile id %d is : %d. So not clearing it\n", \
-                    tm_qmp_id, tm_qmp_ref_count);
-        result = false;
-    }
-    return result;
-// Gets free ACL ID if available, else -1
-int get_acl_id() {
-    int acl_id;
-    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
-    /* Complexity of O(n). Is there better way that can avoid linear search? */
-    for (acl_id = 0; acl_id < MAX_ACL_ID; acl_id++) {
-        if (acl_id_bitset[acl_id] == 0) {
-            acl_id_bitset[acl_id] = 1;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-    if (acl_id < MAX_ACL_ID) {
-        return acl_id ;
-    } else {
-        return -1;
-    }
-// Frees up the ACL ID.
-void free_acl_id (int acl_id) {
-    if (acl_id < MAX_ACL_ID) {
-        bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
-        acl_id_bitset[acl_id] = 0;
-        bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-    }
-* Returns qos type as string
-* @param qos_type bcmolt_egress_qos_type enum
-std::string get_qos_type_as_string(bcmolt_egress_qos_type qos_type) {
-    switch (qos_type)
-    {
-        case BCMOLT_EGRESS_QOS_TYPE_NONE: return "NONE";
-        default: OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "qos-type-not-supported %d\n", qos_type);
-                 return "qos-type-not-supported";
-    }
-* Gets/Updates qos type for given pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id
-* @param PON intf ID
-* @param onu_id ONU ID
-* @param uni_id UNI ID
-* @param queue_size TrafficQueues Size
-* @return qos_type
-bcmolt_egress_qos_type get_qos_type(uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, uint32_t uni_id, uint32_t queue_size = 0) {
-    qos_type_map_key_tuple key(pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id);
-    bcmolt_egress_qos_type egress_qos_type = BCMOLT_EGRESS_QOS_TYPE_FIXED_QUEUE;
-    std::string qos_string;
-    std::map<qos_type_map_key_tuple, bcmolt_egress_qos_type>::const_iterator it = qos_type_map.find(key);
-    if (it != qos_type_map.end()) {
-        egress_qos_type = it->second;
-        qos_string = get_qos_type_as_string(egress_qos_type);
-        OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Qos-type for subscriber connected to pon_intf_id %d, onu_id %d and uni_id %d is %s\n", \
-                    pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, qos_string.c_str());
-    }
-    else {
-        /* QOS Type has been pre-defined as Fixed Queue but it will be updated based on number of GEMPORTS
-           associated for a given subscriber. If GEM count = 1 for a given subscriber, qos_type will be Fixed Queue
-           else Priority to Queue */
-        egress_qos_type = (queue_size > 1) ? \
-        bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
-        qos_type_map.insert(make_pair(key, egress_qos_type));
-        bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-        qos_string = get_qos_type_as_string(egress_qos_type);
-        OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Qos-type for subscriber connected to pon_intf_id %d, onu_id %d and uni_id %d is %s\n", \
-                    pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, qos_string.c_str());
-    }
-    return egress_qos_type;
-* Clears qos type for given pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id
-* @param PON intf ID
-* @param onu_id ONU ID
-* @param uni_id UNI ID
-void clear_qos_type(uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, uint32_t uni_id) {
-    qos_type_map_key_tuple key(pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id);
-    std::map<qos_type_map_key_tuple, bcmolt_egress_qos_type>::const_iterator it = qos_type_map.find(key);
-    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
-    if (it != qos_type_map.end()) {
-        qos_type_map.erase(it);
-        OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Cleared Qos-type for subscriber connected to pon_intf_id %d, onu_id %d and uni_id %d\n", \
-                    pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id);
-    }
-    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-* Returns Scheduler/Queue direction as string
-* @param direction as specified in tech_profile.proto
-std::string GetDirection(int direction) {
-    switch (direction)
-    {
-        case tech_profile::Direction::UPSTREAM: return upstream;
-        case tech_profile::Direction::DOWNSTREAM: return downstream;
-        default: OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "direction-not-supported %d\n", direction);
-                 return "direction-not-supported";
-    }
 inline const char *get_flow_acton_command(uint32_t command) {
     char actions[200] = { };
     char *s_actions_ptr = actions;
@@ -682,95 +90,6 @@
     return s_actions_ptr;
-// This method handles waiting for AllocObject configuration.
-// Returns error if the AllocObject is not in the appropriate state based on action requested.
-bcmos_errno wait_for_alloc_action(uint32_t intf_id, uint32_t alloc_id, AllocCfgAction action) {
-    Queue<alloc_cfg_complete_result> cfg_result;
-    alloc_cfg_compltd_key k(intf_id, alloc_id);
-    alloc_cfg_compltd_map[k] =  &cfg_result;
-    bcmos_errno err = BCM_ERR_OK;
-    #ifdef TEST_MODE
-    ALLOC_CFG_FLAG = true;
-    #endif
-    // Try to pop the result from BAL with a timeout of ALLOC_CFG_COMPLETE_WAIT_TIMEOUT ms
-    std::pair<alloc_cfg_complete_result, bool> result = cfg_result.pop(ALLOC_CFG_COMPLETE_WAIT_TIMEOUT);
-    if (result.second == false) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "timeout waiting for alloc cfg complete indication intf_id %d, alloc_id %d\n",
-                    intf_id, alloc_id);
-        // Invalidate the queue pointer.
-        bcmos_fastlock_lock(&alloc_cfg_wait_lock);
-        alloc_cfg_compltd_map[k] = NULL;
-        bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&alloc_cfg_wait_lock, 0);
-        err = BCM_ERR_INTERNAL;
-        #ifdef TEST_MODE
-        ALLOC_CFG_FLAG = false;
-        #endif
-    }
-    else if (result.first.status == ALLOC_CFG_STATUS_FAIL) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "error processing alloc cfg request intf_id %d, alloc_id %d\n",
-                    intf_id, alloc_id);
-        err = BCM_ERR_INTERNAL;
-    }
-    if (err == BCM_ERR_OK) {
-        if (action == ALLOC_OBJECT_CREATE) {
-            if (result.first.state != ALLOC_OBJECT_STATE_ACTIVE) {
-                OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "alloc object not in active state intf_id %d, alloc_id %d alloc_obj_state %d\n",
-                            intf_id, alloc_id, result.first.state);
-               err = BCM_ERR_INTERNAL;
-            } else {
-                OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Create upstream bandwidth allocation success, intf_id %d, alloc_id %d\n",
-                            intf_id, alloc_id);
-            }
-        } else { // ALLOC_OBJECT_DELETE
-              if (result.first.state != ALLOC_OBJECT_STATE_NOT_CONFIGURED) {
-                  OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "alloc object is not reset intf_id %d, alloc_id %d alloc_obj_state %d\n",
-                              intf_id, alloc_id, result.first.state);
-                  err = BCM_ERR_INTERNAL;
-              } else {
-                  OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Remove alloc object success, intf_id %d, alloc_id %d\n",
-                              intf_id, alloc_id);
-              }
-        }
-    }
-    // Remove entry from map
-    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&alloc_cfg_wait_lock);
-    alloc_cfg_compltd_map.erase(k);
-    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&alloc_cfg_wait_lock, 0);
-    #ifdef TEST_MODE
-    ALLOC_CFG_FLAG = false;
-    #endif
-    return err;
-char* openolt_read_sysinfo(const char* field_name, char* field_val)
-   FILE *fp;
-   /* Prepare the command*/
-   char command[150];
-   snprintf(command, sizeof command, "bash -l -c \"onlpdump -s\" | perl -ne 'print $1 if /%s: (\\S+)/'", field_name);
-   /* Open the command for reading. */
-   fp = popen(command, "r");
-   if (fp == NULL) {
-       /*The client has to check for a Null field value in this case*/
-       OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id,  "Failed to query the %s\n", field_name);
-       return field_val;
-   }
-   /*Read the field value*/
-   if (fp) {
-       uint8_t ret;
-       ret = fread(field_val, OPENOLT_FIELD_LEN, 1, fp);
-       if (ret >= OPENOLT_FIELD_LEN)
-           OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id,  "Read data length %u\n", ret);
-       pclose(fp);
-   }
-   return field_val;
 Status GetDeviceInfo_(openolt::DeviceInfo* device_info) {
@@ -894,104 +213,6 @@
     return Status::OK;
-Status pushOltOperInd(uint32_t intf_id, const char *type, const char *state)
-    openolt::Indication ind;
-    openolt::IntfOperIndication* intf_oper_ind = new openolt::IntfOperIndication;
-    intf_oper_ind->set_type(type);
-    intf_oper_ind->set_intf_id(intf_id);
-    intf_oper_ind->set_oper_state(state);
-    ind.set_allocated_intf_oper_ind(intf_oper_ind);
-    oltIndQ.push(ind);
-    return Status::OK;
-/* Build CLI prompt */
-static void openolt_cli_get_prompt_cb(bcmcli_session *session, char *buf, uint32_t max_len)
-    snprintf(buf, max_len, CLI_HOST_PROMPT_FORMAT, dev_id);
-static int _bal_apiend_cli_thread_handler(long data)
-    char init_string[]="\n";
-    bcmcli_session *sess = current_session;
-    bcmos_task_parm bal_cli_task_p_dummy;
-    /* Switch to interactive mode if not stopped in the init script */
-    if (!bcmcli_is_stopped(sess)) {
-        /* Force a CLI command prompt
-         * The string passed into the parse function
-         * must be modifiable, so a string constant like
-         * bcmcli_parse(current_session, "\n") will not
-         * work.
-         */
-        bcmcli_parse(sess, init_string);
-        /* Process user input until EOF or quit command */
-        bcmcli_driver(sess);
-    }
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "BAL API End CLI terminated\n");
-    /* Cleanup */
-    bcmcli_session_close(current_session);
-    bcmcli_token_destroy(NULL);
-    return 0;
-/* Init API CLI commands for the current device */
-bcmos_errno bcm_openolt_api_cli_init(bcmcli_entry *parent_dir, bcmcli_session *session)
-    bcmos_errno rc;
-    api_parent_dir = parent_dir;
-    rc = bcm_api_cli_set_commands(session);
-    /* Subscribe for device change indication */
-    rc = rc ? rc : bcmolt_olt_sel_ind_register(_api_cli_olt_change_ind);
-    return rc;
-static bcmos_errno bcm_cli_quit(bcmcli_session *session, const bcmcli_cmd_parm parm[], uint16_t n_parms)
-    bcmcli_stop(session);
-    bcmcli_session_print(session, "CLI terminated by 'Quit' command\n");
-    status_bcm_cli_quit = BCMOS_TRUE;
-    return BCM_ERR_OK;
-int get_status_bcm_cli_quit(void) {
-     return status_bcm_cli_quit;
-bcmos_errno bcmolt_apiend_cli_init() {
-    bcmos_errno ret;
-    bcmos_task_parm bal_cli_task_p = {};
-    bcmos_task_parm bal_cli_task_p_dummy;
-    /** before creating the task, check if it is already created by the other half of BAL i.e. Core side */
-    if (BCM_ERR_OK != bcmos_task_query(&bal_cli_thread, &bal_cli_task_p_dummy)) {
-        /* Create BAL CLI thread */
-        bal_cli_task_p.name = bal_cli_thread_name;
-        bal_cli_task_p.handler = _bal_apiend_cli_thread_handler;
-        bal_cli_task_p.priority = TASK_PRIORITY_CLI;
-        ret = bcmos_task_create(&bal_cli_thread, &bal_cli_task_p);
-        if (BCM_ERR_OK != ret) {
-            bcmos_printf("Couldn't create BAL API end CLI thread\n");
-            return ret;
-        }
-    }
 Status Enable_(int argc, char *argv[]) {
     bcmos_errno err;
     bcmolt_host_init_parms init_parms = {};
@@ -1162,29 +383,6 @@
     return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::UNKNOWN, "failed to re-enable olt ,few PON ports are still in disabled state");
-bcmos_errno get_pon_interface_status(bcmolt_interface pon_ni, bcmolt_interface_state *state) {
-    bcmos_errno err;
-    bcmolt_pon_interface_key pon_key;
-    bcmolt_pon_interface_cfg pon_cfg;
-    pon_key.pon_ni = pon_ni;
-    BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&pon_cfg, pon_interface, pon_key);
-    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET_PRESENT(&pon_cfg.data, pon_interface_cfg_data, state);
-    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET_PRESENT(&pon_cfg.data, pon_interface_cfg_data, itu);
-    #ifdef TEST_MODE
-    // It is impossible to mock the setting of pon_cfg.data.state because
-    // the actual bcmolt_cfg_get passes the address of pon_cfg.hdr and we cannot
-    // set the pon_cfg.data.state. So a new stub function is created and address
-    // of pon_cfg is passed. This is one-of case where we need to add test specific
-    // code in production code.
-    err = bcmolt_cfg_get__pon_intf_stub(dev_id, &pon_cfg);
-    #else
-    err = bcmolt_cfg_get(dev_id, &pon_cfg.hdr);
-    #endif
-    *state = pon_cfg.data.state;
-    return err;
 inline uint64_t get_flow_status(uint16_t flow_id, uint16_t flow_type, uint16_t data_id) {
     bcmos_errno err;
     bcmolt_flow_key flow_key;
@@ -1600,36 +798,6 @@
     return Status::OK;
-/* Same as bcmolt_cfg_get but with added logic of retrying the API
-   in case of some specific failures like timeout or object not yet ready
-bcmos_errno bcmolt_cfg_get_mult_retry(bcmolt_oltid olt, bcmolt_cfg *cfg) {
-    bcmos_errno err;
-    uint32_t current_try = 0;
-    while (current_try < MAX_BAL_API_RETRY_COUNT) {
-        err = bcmolt_cfg_get(olt, cfg);
-        current_try++;
-        if (err == BCM_ERR_STATE || err == BCM_ERR_TIMEOUT) {
-            OPENOLT_LOG(WARNING, openolt_log_id, "bcmolt_cfg_get: err = %s\n", bcmos_strerror(err));
-            bcmos_usleep(BAL_API_RETRY_TIME_IN_USECS);
-            continue;
-        }
-        else {
-           break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (err != BCM_ERR_OK) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "bcmolt_cfg_get tried (%d) times with retry time(%d usecs) err = %s\n",
-                           current_try,
-                           BAL_API_RETRY_TIME_IN_USECS,
-                           bcmos_strerror(err));
-    }
-    return err;
 Status ProbeDeviceCapabilities_() {
     bcmos_errno err;
     bcmolt_device_cfg dev_cfg = { };
@@ -1727,87 +895,6 @@
     return Status::OK;
-#if 0
-Status ProbePonIfTechnology_() {
-    // Probe maximum extent possible as configured into BAL driver to determine
-    // which are active in the current BAL topology. And for those
-    // that are active, determine each port's access technology, i.e. "gpon" or "xgspon".
-    for (uint32_t intf_id = 0; intf_id < num_of_pon_ports; ++intf_id) {
-        bcmolt_pon_interface_cfg interface_obj;
-        bcmolt_pon_interface_key interface_key;
-        interface_key.pon_ni = intf_id;
-        BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&interface_obj, pon_interface, interface_key);
-        if (board_technology == "XGS-PON"
-            BCMOLT_MSG_FIELD_GET(&interface_obj, xgs_ngpon2_trx);
-        else if (board_technology == "GPON")
-            BCMOLT_MSG_FIELD_GET(&interface_obj, gpon_trx);
-        bcmos_errno err = bcmolt_cfg_get(dev_id, &interface_obj.hdr);
-        if (err != BCM_ERR_OK) {
-            intf_technologies[intf_id] = UNKNOWN_TECH;
-            if(err != BCM_ERR_RANGE) OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "Failed to get PON config: %d err %d\n", intf_id, err);
-        }
-        else {
-            if (board_technology == "XGS-PON") {
-                switch(interface_obj.data.xgpon_trx.transceiver_type) {
-                    case BCMOLT_XGPON_TRX_TYPE_LTH_7222_PC:
-                    case BCMOLT_XGPON_TRX_TYPE_WTD_RTXM266_702:
-                    case BCMOLT_XGPON_TRX_TYPE_LTH_7222_BC_PLUS:
-                    case BCMOLT_XGPON_TRX_TYPE_LTH_7226_PC:
-                    case BCMOLT_XGPON_TRX_TYPE_LTH_5302_PC:
-                    case BCMOLT_XGPON_TRX_TYPE_LTH_7226_A_PC_PLUS:
-                    case BCMOLT_XGPON_TRX_TYPE_D272RR_SSCB_DM:
-                        intf_technologies[intf_id] = "XGS-PON";
-                        break;
-                }
-            } else if (board_technology == "GPON") {
-                switch(interface_obj.data.gpon_trx.transceiver_type) {
-                    case BCMOLT_TRX_TYPE_SPS_43_48_H_HP_CDE_SD_2013:
-                    case BCMOLT_TRX_TYPE_LTE_3680_M:
-                    case BCMOLT_TRX_TYPE_SOURCE_PHOTONICS:
-                    case BCMOLT_TRX_TYPE_LTE_3680_P_TYPE_C_PLUS:
-                    case BCMOLT_TRX_TYPE_LTE_3680_P_BC:
-                        intf_technologies[intf_id] = "GPON";
-                        break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (board_technology != UNKNOWN_TECH) {
-                board_technology = intf_technologies[intf_id];
-            } else if (board_technology != MIXED_TECH && board_technology != intf_technologies[intf_id]) {
-                intf_technologies[intf_id] = MIXED_TECH;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return Status::OK;
-unsigned NumNniIf_() {return num_of_nni_ports;}
-unsigned NumPonIf_() {return num_of_pon_ports;}
-bcmos_errno get_nni_interface_status(bcmolt_interface id, bcmolt_interface_state *state) {
-    bcmos_errno err;
-    bcmolt_nni_interface_key nni_key;
-    bcmolt_nni_interface_cfg nni_cfg;
-    nni_key.id = id;
-    BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&nni_cfg, nni_interface, nni_key);
-    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET_PRESENT(&nni_cfg.data, nni_interface_cfg_data, state);
-    #ifdef TEST_MODE
-    // It is impossible to mock the setting of nni_cfg.data.state because
-    // the actual bcmolt_cfg_get passes the address of nni_cfg.hdr and we cannot
-    // set the nni_cfg.data.state. So a new stub function is created and address
-    // of nni_cfg is passed. This is one-of case where we need to add test specific
-    // code in production code.
-    err = bcmolt_cfg_get__nni_intf_stub(dev_id, &nni_cfg);
-    #else
-    err = bcmolt_cfg_get(dev_id, &nni_cfg.hdr);
-    #endif
-    *state = nni_cfg.data.state;
-    return err;
 Status SetStateUplinkIf_(uint32_t intf_id, bool set_state) {
     bcmos_errno err = BCM_ERR_OK;
@@ -2195,492 +1282,6 @@
     return Status::OK;
-uint32_t GetPortNum_(uint32_t flow_id) {
-    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
-    uint32_t port_no = 0;
-    std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t >::const_iterator it = flowid_to_port.find(flow_id);
-    if (it != flowid_to_port.end()) {
-        port_no = it->second;
-    }
-    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-    return port_no;
-#define ACL_LOG(level,msg,err) \
-    do { \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(level, openolt_log_id, "--------> %s (acl_id %d) err: %d <--------\n", msg, key.id, err); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(level, openolt_log_id, "action_type %s\n", \
-        GET_ACL_ACTION_TYPE(action_type)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(level, openolt_log_id, "classifier(ether type %d), ip_proto %d, src_port %d, dst_port %d\n", \
-        acl_key.ether_type, acl_key.ip_proto, acl_key.src_port, acl_key.dst_port); \
-    } while(0)
-#define FLOW_LOG(level,msg,err) \
-    do { \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(level, openolt_log_id, "--------> %s (flow_id %d) err: %d <--------\n", msg, key.flow_id, err); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(level, openolt_log_id, "intf_id %d, onu_id %d, uni_id %d, port_no %u, cookie %"PRIu64"\n", \
-        access_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, port_no, cookie); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(level, openolt_log_id, "flow_type %s, queue_id %d, sched_id %d\n", flow_type.c_str(), \
-        cfg.data.egress_qos.u.fixed_queue.queue_id, cfg.data.egress_qos.tm_sched.id); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(level, openolt_log_id, "Ingress(intfd_type %s, intf_id %d), Egress(intf_type %s, intf_id %d)\n", \
-        GET_FLOW_INTERFACE_TYPE(cfg.data.ingress_intf.intf_type), cfg.data.ingress_intf.intf_id,  \
-        GET_FLOW_INTERFACE_TYPE(cfg.data.egress_intf.intf_type), cfg.data.egress_intf.intf_id); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(level, openolt_log_id, "classifier(o_vid %d, o_pbits %d, i_vid %d, i_pbits %d, ether type 0x%x)\n", \
-        c_val.o_vid, c_val.o_pbits, c_val.i_vid, c_val.i_pbits,  classifier.eth_type()); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(level, openolt_log_id, "classifier(ip_proto 0x%x, gemport_id %d, src_port %d, dst_port %d, pkt_tag_type %s)\n", \
-        c_val.ip_proto, gemport_id, c_val.src_port,  c_val.dst_port, GET_PKT_TAG_TYPE(c_val.pkt_tag_type)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(level, openolt_log_id, "action(cmds_bitmask %s, o_vid %d, o_pbits %d, i_vid %d, i_pbits %d)\n\n", \
-        get_flow_acton_command(a_val.cmds_bitmask), a_val.o_vid, a_val.o_pbits, a_val.i_vid, a_val.i_pbits); \
-    } while(0)
-#define FLOW_PARAM_LOG() \
-    do { \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "--------> flow comparison (now before) <--------\n"); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "flow_id (%d %d)\n", \
-        key.flow_id, it->first.first); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "onu_id (%d %lu)\n", \
-        cfg.data.onu_id , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, ONU_ID)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "type (%d %lu)\n", \
-        key.flow_type, get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, FLOW_TYPE)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "svc_port_id (%d %lu)\n", \
-        cfg.data.svc_port_id, get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, SVC_PORT_ID));  \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "priority (%d %lu)\n", \
-        cfg.data.priority, get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, PRIORITY)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "cookie (%lu %lu)\n", \
-        cfg.data.cookie, get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, COOKIE)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "ingress intf_type (%s %s)\n", \
-        GET_FLOW_INTERFACE_TYPE(cfg.data.ingress_intf.intf_type), \
-        GET_FLOW_INTERFACE_TYPE(get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, INGRESS_INTF_TYPE))); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "ingress intf id (%d %lu)\n", \
-        cfg.data.ingress_intf.intf_id , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, INGRESS_INTF_ID)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "egress intf_type (%d %lu)\n", \
-        cfg.data.egress_intf.intf_type , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, EGRESS_INTF_TYPE)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "egress intf_id (%d %lu)\n", \
-        cfg.data.egress_intf.intf_id , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, EGRESS_INTF_ID)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "classifier o_vid (%d %lu)\n", \
-        c_val.o_vid , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, CLASSIFIER_O_VID)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "classifier o_pbits (%d %lu)\n", \
-        c_val.o_pbits , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, CLASSIFIER_O_PBITS)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "classifier i_vid (%d %lu)\n", \
-        c_val.i_vid , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, CLASSIFIER_I_VID)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "classifier i_pbits (%d %lu)\n", \
-        c_val.i_pbits , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, CLASSIFIER_I_PBITS)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "classifier ether_type (0x%x 0x%lx)\n", \
-        c_val.ether_type , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, CLASSIFIER_ETHER_TYPE));  \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "classifier ip_proto (%d %lu)\n", \
-        c_val.ip_proto , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, CLASSIFIER_IP_PROTO)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "classifier src_port (%d %lu)\n", \
-        c_val.src_port , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, CLASSIFIER_SRC_PORT)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "classifier dst_port (%d %lu)\n", \
-        c_val.dst_port , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, CLASSIFIER_DST_PORT)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "classifier pkt_tag_type (%s %s)\n", \
-        GET_PKT_TAG_TYPE(c_val.pkt_tag_type), \
-        GET_PKT_TAG_TYPE(get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, CLASSIFIER_PKT_TAG_TYPE))); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "classifier egress_qos type (%d %lu)\n", \
-        cfg.data.egress_qos.type , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, EGRESS_QOS_TYPE)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "classifier egress_qos queue_id (%d %lu)\n", \
-        cfg.data.egress_qos.u.fixed_queue.queue_id, \
-        get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, EGRESS_QOS_QUEUE_ID)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "classifier egress_qos sched_id (%d %lu)\n", \
-        cfg.data.egress_qos.tm_sched.id, \
-        get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, EGRESS_QOS_TM_SCHED_ID)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "classifier cmds_bitmask (%s %s)\n", \
-        get_flow_acton_command(a_val.cmds_bitmask), \
-        get_flow_acton_command(get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, ACTION_CMDS_BITMASK))); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "action o_vid (%d %lu)\n", \
-        a_val.o_vid , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, ACTION_O_VID)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "action i_vid (%d %lu)\n", \
-        a_val.i_vid , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, ACTION_I_VID)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "action o_pbits (%d %lu)\n", \
-        a_val.o_pbits , get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, ACTION_O_PBITS)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "action i_pbits (%d %lu)\n\n", \
-        a_val.i_pbits, get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, ACTION_I_PBITS)); \
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "group_id (%d %lu)\n\n", \
-        a_val.group_id, get_flow_status(it->first.first, it->first.second, GROUP_ID)); \
-    } while(0)
-//#define SHOW_FLOW_PARAM
-Status install_gem_port(int32_t intf_id, int32_t onu_id, int32_t gemport_id) {
-    bcmos_errno err;
-    bcmolt_itupon_gem_cfg cfg; /* declare main API struct */
-    bcmolt_itupon_gem_key key = {}; /* declare key */
-    bcmolt_gem_port_configuration configuration = {};
-    key.pon_ni = intf_id;
-    key.gem_port_id = gemport_id;
-    BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&cfg, itupon_gem, key);
-    bcmolt_gem_port_direction configuration_direction;
-    configuration_direction = BCMOLT_GEM_PORT_DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL;
-    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&configuration, gem_port_configuration, direction, configuration_direction);
-    bcmolt_gem_port_type configuration_type;
-    configuration_type = BCMOLT_GEM_PORT_TYPE_UNICAST;
-    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&configuration, gem_port_configuration, type, configuration_type);
-    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&cfg.data, itupon_gem_cfg_data, configuration, configuration);
-    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&cfg.data, itupon_gem_cfg_data, onu_id, onu_id);
-    bcmolt_control_state encryption_mode;
-    encryption_mode = BCMOLT_CONTROL_STATE_DISABLE;
-    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&cfg.data, itupon_gem_cfg_data, encryption_mode, encryption_mode);
-    bcmolt_us_gem_port_destination upstream_destination_queue;
-    upstream_destination_queue = BCMOLT_US_GEM_PORT_DESTINATION_DATA;
-    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&cfg.data, itupon_gem_cfg_data, upstream_destination_queue, upstream_destination_queue);
-    bcmolt_control_state control;
-    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&cfg.data, itupon_gem_cfg_data, control, control);
-    err = bcmolt_cfg_set(dev_id, &cfg.hdr);
-    if(err != BCM_ERR_OK) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "failed to install gem_port = %d\n", gemport_id);
-        return bcm_to_grpc_err(err, "Access_Control set ITU PON Gem port failed");
-    }
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "gem port installed successfully = %d\n", gemport_id);
-    return Status::OK;
-Status remove_gem_port(int32_t intf_id, int32_t gemport_id) {
-    bcmolt_itupon_gem_cfg gem_cfg;
-    bcmolt_itupon_gem_key key = {
-        .pon_ni = (bcmolt_interface)intf_id,
-        .gem_port_id = (bcmolt_gem_port_id)gemport_id
-    };
-    bcmos_errno err;
-    BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&gem_cfg, itupon_gem, key);
-    err = bcmolt_cfg_clear(dev_id, &gem_cfg.hdr);
-    if (err != BCM_ERR_OK)
-    {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "failed to remove gem_port = %d err=%s\n", gemport_id, gem_cfg.hdr.hdr.err_text);
-        return bcm_to_grpc_err(err, "Access_Control clear ITU PON Gem port failed");
-    }
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "gem port removed successfully = %d\n", gemport_id);
-    return Status::OK;
-Status update_acl_interface(int32_t intf_id, bcmolt_interface_type intf_type, uint32_t access_control_id,
-                bcmolt_members_update_command acl_cmd) {
-    bcmos_errno err;
-    bcmolt_access_control_interfaces_update oper; /* declare main API struct */
-    bcmolt_access_control_key acl_key = {}; /* declare key */
-    bcmolt_intf_ref interface_ref_list_elem = {};
-    bcmolt_interface_type interface_ref_list_elem_intf_type;
-    bcmolt_interface_id interface_ref_list_elem_intf_id;
-    bcmolt_intf_ref_list_u8 interface_ref_list = {};
-        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "acl cmd = %d not supported currently\n", acl_cmd);
-        return bcm_to_grpc_err(BCM_ERR_PARM, "unsupported acl cmd");
-    }
-    interface_ref_list.arr = (bcmolt_intf_ref*)bcmos_calloc(sizeof(bcmolt_intf_ref)*1);
-    if (interface_ref_list.arr == NULL)
-         return bcm_to_grpc_err(BCM_ERR_PARM, "allocate interface_ref_list failed");
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "update acl interface received for intf_id = %d, intf_type = %s, acl_id = %d, acl_cmd = %s\n",
-            intf_id, intf_type == BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_PON? "pon": "nni", access_control_id,
-            acl_cmd == BCMOLT_MEMBERS_UPDATE_COMMAND_ADD? "add": "remove");
-    acl_key.id = access_control_id;
-    /* Initialize the API struct. */
-    BCMOLT_OPER_INIT(&oper, access_control, interfaces_update, acl_key);
-    bcmolt_members_update_command command;
-    command = acl_cmd;
-    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&oper.data, access_control_interfaces_update_data, command, command);
-    interface_ref_list_elem_intf_type = intf_type;
-    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&interface_ref_list_elem, intf_ref, intf_type, interface_ref_list_elem_intf_type);
-    interface_ref_list_elem_intf_id = intf_id;
-    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&interface_ref_list_elem, intf_ref, intf_id, interface_ref_list_elem_intf_id);
-    interface_ref_list.len = 1;
-    BCMOLT_ARRAY_ELEM_SET(&interface_ref_list, 0, interface_ref_list_elem);
-    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&oper.data, access_control_interfaces_update_data, interface_ref_list, interface_ref_list);
-    err =  bcmolt_oper_submit(dev_id, &oper.hdr);
-    if (err != BCM_ERR_OK) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "update acl interface fail for intf_id = %d, intf_type = %s, acl_id = %d, acl_cmd = %s\n",
-            intf_id, intf_type == BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_PON? "pon": "nni", access_control_id,
-            acl_cmd == BCMOLT_MEMBERS_UPDATE_COMMAND_ADD? "add": "remove");
-        return bcm_to_grpc_err(err, "Access_Control submit interface failed");
-    }
-    bcmos_free(interface_ref_list.arr);
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "update acl interface success for intf_id = %d, intf_type = %s, acl_id = %d, acl_cmd = %s\n",
-            intf_id, intf_type == BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_PON? "pon": "nni", access_control_id,
-            acl_cmd == BCMOLT_MEMBERS_UPDATE_COMMAND_ADD? "add": "remove");
-    return Status::OK;
-Status install_acl(const acl_classifier_key acl_key) {
-    bcmos_errno err;
-    bcmolt_access_control_cfg cfg;
-    bcmolt_access_control_key key = { };
-    bcmolt_classifier c_val = { };
-    // hardcode the action for now.
-    bcmolt_access_control_fwd_action_type action_type = BCMOLT_ACCESS_CONTROL_FWD_ACTION_TYPE_TRAP_TO_HOST;
-    int acl_id = get_acl_id();
-    if (acl_id < 0) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "exhausted acl_id for eth_type = %d, ip_proto = %d, src_port = %d, dst_port = %d\n",
-                acl_key.ether_type, acl_key.ip_proto, acl_key.src_port, acl_key.dst_port);
-        bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-        return bcm_to_grpc_err(BCM_ERR_INTERNAL, "exhausted acl id");
-    }
-    key.id = acl_id;
-    /* config access control instance */
-    BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&cfg, access_control, key);
-    if (acl_key.ether_type > 0) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "Access_Control classify ether_type 0x%04x\n", acl_key.ether_type);
-        BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&c_val, classifier, ether_type, acl_key.ether_type);
-    }
-    if (acl_key.ip_proto > 0) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "Access_Control classify ip_proto %d\n", acl_key.ip_proto);
-        BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&c_val, classifier, ip_proto, acl_key.ip_proto);
-    }
-    if (acl_key.dst_port > 0) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "Access_Control classify dst_port %d\n", acl_key.dst_port);
-        BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&c_val, classifier, dst_port, acl_key.dst_port);
-    }
-    if (acl_key.src_port > 0) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "Access_Control classify src_port %d\n", acl_key.src_port);
-        BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&c_val, classifier, src_port, acl_key.src_port);
-    }
-    BCMOLT_MSG_FIELD_SET(&cfg, classifier, c_val);
-    BCMOLT_MSG_FIELD_SET(&cfg, priority, 10000);
-    BCMOLT_MSG_FIELD_SET(&cfg, forwarding_action.action, action_type);
-    err = bcmolt_cfg_set(dev_id, &cfg.hdr);
-    if (err != BCM_ERR_OK) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "Access_Control set configuration failed, Error %d\n", err);
-        // Free the acl_id
-        free_acl_id(acl_id);
-        return bcm_to_grpc_err(err, "Access_Control set configuration failed");
-    }
-    ACL_LOG(INFO, "ACL add ok", err);
-    // Update the map that we have installed an acl for the given classfier.
-    acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map[acl_key] = acl_id;
-    return Status::OK;
-Status remove_acl(int acl_id) {
-    bcmos_errno err;
-    bcmolt_access_control_cfg cfg; /* declare main API struct */
-    bcmolt_access_control_key key = {}; /* declare key */
-    key.id = acl_id;
-    /* Initialize the API struct. */
-    BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&cfg, access_control, key);
-    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET_PRESENT(&cfg.data, access_control_cfg_data, state);
-    err = bcmolt_cfg_get(dev_id, &cfg.hdr);
-    if (err != BCM_ERR_OK) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "Access_Control get state failed\n");
-        return bcm_to_grpc_err(err, "Access_Control get state failed");
-    }
-    if (cfg.data.state == BCMOLT_CONFIG_STATE_CONFIGURED) {
-        key.id = acl_id;
-        /* Initialize the API struct. */
-        BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&cfg, access_control, key);
-        err = bcmolt_cfg_clear(dev_id, &cfg.hdr);
-        if (err != BCM_ERR_OK) {
-            // Should we free acl_id here ? We should ideally never land here..
-            OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "Error %d while removing Access_Control rule ID %d\n",
-                err, acl_id);
-            return Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, "Failed to remove Access_Control");
-        }
-    }
-    // Free up acl_id
-    free_acl_id(acl_id);
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "acl removed successfully %d\n", acl_id);
-    return Status::OK;
-// Formulates ACL Classifier Key based on the following fields
-// a. ether_type b. ip_proto c. src_port d. dst_port
-// If any of the field is not available it is populated as -1.
-void formulate_acl_classifier_key(acl_classifier_key *key, const ::openolt::Classifier& classifier) {
-        // TODO: Is 0 a valid value for any of the following classifiers?
-        // because in the that case, the 'if' check would fail and -1 would be filled as value.
-        //
-        if (classifier.eth_type()) {
-            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "classify ether_type 0x%04x\n", classifier.eth_type());
-            key->ether_type = classifier.eth_type();
-        } else key->ether_type = -1;
-        if (classifier.ip_proto()) {
-            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "classify ip_proto %d\n", classifier.ip_proto());
-            key->ip_proto = classifier.ip_proto();
-        } else key->ip_proto = -1;
-        if (classifier.src_port()) {
-            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "classify src_port %d\n", classifier.src_port());
-            key->src_port = classifier.src_port();
-        } else key->src_port = -1;
-        if (classifier.dst_port()) {
-            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "classify dst_port %d\n", classifier.dst_port());
-            key->dst_port = classifier.dst_port();
-        } else key->dst_port = -1;
-Status handle_acl_rule_install(int32_t onu_id, uint32_t flow_id,
-                               const std::string flow_type, int32_t access_intf_id,
-                               int32_t network_intf_id, int32_t gemport_id,
-                               const ::openolt::Classifier& classifier) {
-    int acl_id;
-    int32_t intf_id = flow_type.compare(upstream) == 0? access_intf_id: network_intf_id;
-    const std::string intf_type = flow_type.compare(upstream) == 0? "pon": "nni";
-    bcmolt_interface_type olt_if_type = intf_type == "pon"? BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_PON: BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_NNI;
-    Status resp;
-    // few map keys we are going to use later.
-    flow_id_flow_direction fl_id_fl_dir(flow_id, flow_type);
-    gem_id_intf_id gem_intf(gemport_id, access_intf_id);
-    acl_classifier_key acl_key;
-    formulate_acl_classifier_key(&acl_key, classifier);
-    const acl_classifier_key acl_key_const = {.ether_type=acl_key.ether_type, .ip_proto=acl_key.ip_proto,
-        .src_port=acl_key.src_port, .dst_port=acl_key.dst_port};
-    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
-    // Check if the acl is already installed
-    if (acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map.count(acl_key_const) > 0) {
-        // retreive the acl_id
-        acl_id = acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map[acl_key_const];
-        acl_id_gem_id_intf_id ac_id_gm_id_if_id(acl_id, gemport_id, intf_id);
-        if (flow_to_acl_map.count(fl_id_fl_dir)) {
-            // coult happen if same trap flow is received again
-            OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "flow and related acl already handled, nothing more to do\n");
-            bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-            return Status::OK;
-        }
-        OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Acl for flow_id=%u with eth_type = %d, ip_proto = %d, src_port = %d, dst_port = %d already installed with acl id = %u\n",
-                flow_id, acl_key.ether_type, acl_key.ip_proto, acl_key.src_port, acl_key.dst_port, acl_id);
-        // The acl_ref_cnt is needed to know how many flows refer an ACL.
-        // When the flow is removed, we decrement the reference count.
-        // When the reference count becomes 0, we remove the ACL.
-        if (acl_ref_cnt.count(acl_id) > 0) {
-            acl_ref_cnt[acl_id] ++;
-        } else {
-            // We should ideally not land here. The acl_ref_cnt should have been
-            // initialized the first time acl was installed.
-            acl_ref_cnt[acl_id] = 1;
-        }
-    } else {
-        resp = install_acl(acl_key_const);
-        if (!resp.ok()) {
-            OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "Acl for flow_id=%u with eth_type = %d, ip_proto = %d, src_port = %d, dst_port = %d failed\n",
-                    flow_id, acl_key_const.ether_type, acl_key_const.ip_proto, acl_key_const.src_port, acl_key_const.dst_port);
-            bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-            return resp;
-        }
-        acl_id = acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map[acl_key_const];
-        // Initialize the acl reference count
-        acl_ref_cnt[acl_id] = 1;
-        OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "acl add success for flow_id=%u with acl_id=%d\n", flow_id, acl_id);
-    }
-    // Register the interface for the given acl
-    acl_id_intf_id_intf_type ac_id_inf_id_inf_type(acl_id, intf_id, intf_type);
-    // This is needed to keep a track of which interface (pon/nni) has registered for an ACL.
-    // If it is registered, how many flows refer to it.
-    if (intf_acl_registration_ref_cnt.count(ac_id_inf_id_inf_type) > 0) {
-        intf_acl_registration_ref_cnt[ac_id_inf_id_inf_type]++;
-    } else {
-        // The given interface is not registered for the ACL. We need to do it now.
-        resp = update_acl_interface(intf_id, olt_if_type, acl_id, BCMOLT_MEMBERS_UPDATE_COMMAND_ADD);
-        if (!resp.ok()){
-            OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "failed to update acl interfaces intf_id=%d, intf_type=%s, acl_id=%d", intf_id, intf_type.c_str(), acl_id);
-            // TODO: Ideally we should return error from hear and clean up other other stateful
-            // counters we creaed earlier. Will leave it out for now.
-        } 
-        intf_acl_registration_ref_cnt[ac_id_inf_id_inf_type] = 1;
-    }
-    // Install the gem port if needed.
-    if (gemport_id > 0 && access_intf_id >= 0) {
-        if (gem_ref_cnt.count(gem_intf) > 0) {
-            // The gem port is already installed
-            // Increment the ref counter indicating number of flows referencing this gem port
-            gem_ref_cnt[gem_intf]++;
-            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "increment gem_ref_cnt in acl handler, ref_cnt=%d\n", gem_ref_cnt[gem_intf]);
-        } else {
-            // We should ideally never land here. The gem port should have been created the
-            // first time ACL was installed.
-            // Install the gem port
-            Status resp = install_gem_port(access_intf_id, onu_id, gemport_id);
-            if (!resp.ok()) {
-                // TODO: We might need to reverse all previous data, but leave it out for now.
-                OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "failed to install the gemport=%d for acl_id=%d, intf_id=%d\n", gemport_id, acl_id, access_intf_id);
-                bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-                return resp;
-            }
-            // Initialize the refence count for the gemport.
-            gem_ref_cnt[gem_intf] = 1;
-            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "intialized gem ref count in acl handler\n");
-        }
-    } else {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "not incrementing gem_ref_cnt in acl handler flow_id=%d, gemport_id=%d, intf_id=%d\n", flow_id, gemport_id, access_intf_id);
-    }
-    // Update the flow_to_acl_map
-    // This info is needed during flow remove. We need to which ACL ID and GEM PORT ID
-    // the flow was referring to.
-    // After retrieving the ACL ID and GEM PORT ID, we decrement the corresponding
-    // reference counters for those ACL ID and GEMPORT ID.
-    acl_id_gem_id_intf_id ac_id_gm_id_if_id(acl_id, gemport_id, intf_id);
-    flow_to_acl_map[fl_id_fl_dir] = ac_id_gm_id_if_id;
-    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
-    return Status::OK;
 Status FlowAdd_(int32_t access_intf_id, int32_t onu_id, int32_t uni_id, uint32_t port_no,
                 uint32_t flow_id, const std::string flow_type,
                 int32_t alloc_id, int32_t network_intf_id,
@@ -2783,19 +1384,6 @@
-        /* removed by BAL v3.0
-        if (classifier.o_tpid()) {
-            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "classify o_tpid 0x%04x\n", classifier.o_tpid());
-            BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_SET(&val, classifier, o_tpid, classifier.o_tpid());
-        }
-        */
-        /* removed by BAL v3.0
-        if (classifier.i_tpid()) {
-            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "classify i_tpid 0x%04x\n", classifier.i_tpid());
-            BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_SET(&val, classifier, i_tpid, classifier.i_tpid());
-        }
-        */
         if (classifier.eth_type()) {
             ether_type = classifier.eth_type();
             OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "classify ether_type 0x%04x\n", classifier.eth_type());
@@ -2894,12 +1482,7 @@
         OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "action pop o_tag\n");
         BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&a_val, action, cmds_bitmask, BCMOLT_ACTION_CMD_ID_REMOVE_OUTER_TAG);
-    /* removed by BAL v3.0
-    if (cmd.trap_to_host()) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "action trap-to-host\n");
-        BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_SET(&val, action, cmds_bitmask, BCMBAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_TRAP_TO_HOST);
-    }
-    */
     if (action.o_vid()) {
         OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "action o_vid=%d\n", action.o_vid());
         o_vid = action.o_vid();
@@ -2910,12 +1493,7 @@
         OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "action o_pbits=0x%x\n", action.o_pbits());
         BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&a_val, action, o_pbits, action.o_pbits());
-    /* removed by BAL v3.0
-    if (action.o_tpid()) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "action o_tpid=0x%04x\n", action.o_tpid());
-        BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_SET(&val, action, o_tpid, action.o_tpid());
-    }
-    */
     if (action.i_vid()) {
         OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "action i_vid=%d\n", action.i_vid());
         BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&a_val, action, i_vid, action.i_vid());
@@ -2925,12 +1503,7 @@
         OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "action i_pbits=0x%x\n", action.i_pbits());
         BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&a_val, action, i_pbits, action.i_pbits());
-    /* removed by BAL v3.0
-    if (action.i_tpid()) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "action i_tpid=0x%04x\n", action.i_tpid());
-        BCMBAL_ATTRIBUTE_PROP_SET(&val, action, i_tpid, action.i_tpid());
-    }
-    */
     BCMOLT_MSG_FIELD_SET(&cfg, action, a_val);
     if ((access_intf_id >= 0) && (onu_id >= 0)) {
@@ -3088,57 +1661,6 @@
     return Status::OK;
-void clear_gem_port(int gemport_id, int access_intf_id) {
-    gem_id_intf_id gem_intf(gemport_id, access_intf_id);
-    if (gemport_id > 0 && access_intf_id >= 0 && gem_ref_cnt.count(gem_intf) > 0) {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "decrementing gem_ref_cnt gemport_id=%d access_intf_id=%d\n", gemport_id, access_intf_id);
-        gem_ref_cnt[gem_intf]--;
-        if (gem_ref_cnt[gem_intf] == 0) {
-            // For datapath flow this may not be necessary (to be verified)
-            remove_gem_port(access_intf_id, gemport_id);
-            gem_ref_cnt.erase(gem_intf);
-            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "removing gem_ref_cnt entry gemport_id=%d access_intf_id=%d\n", gemport_id, access_intf_id);
-        } else {
-            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "gem_ref_cnt  not zero yet gemport_id=%d access_intf_id=%d\n", gemport_id, access_intf_id);
-        }
-    } else {
-        OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "not decrementing gem_ref_cnt gemport_id=%d access_intf_id=%d\n", gemport_id, access_intf_id);
-    }
-Status handle_acl_rule_cleanup(int16_t acl_id, int32_t gemport_id, int32_t intf_id, const std::string flow_type) {
-    const std::string intf_type= flow_type.compare(upstream) == 0 ? "pon": "nni";
-    acl_id_intf_id_intf_type ac_id_inf_id_inf_type(acl_id, intf_id, intf_type);
-    intf_acl_registration_ref_cnt[ac_id_inf_id_inf_type]--;
-    if (intf_acl_registration_ref_cnt[ac_id_inf_id_inf_type] == 0) {
-        bcmolt_interface_type olt_if_type = intf_type == "pon"? BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_PON: BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_NNI;
-        Status resp = update_acl_interface(intf_id, olt_if_type, acl_id, BCMOLT_MEMBERS_UPDATE_COMMAND_REMOVE);
-        if (!resp.ok()){
-            OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "failed to update acl interfaces intf_id=%d, intf_type=%s, acl_id=%d", intf_id, intf_type.c_str(), acl_id);
-        }
-        intf_acl_registration_ref_cnt.erase(ac_id_inf_id_inf_type);
-    }
-    acl_ref_cnt[acl_id]--;
-    if (acl_ref_cnt[acl_id] == 0) {
-        remove_acl(acl_id);
-        acl_ref_cnt.erase(acl_id);
-        // Iterate acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map and delete classifier the key corresponding to acl_id
-        std::map<acl_classifier_key, uint16_t>::iterator it;
-        for (it=acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map.begin(); it!=acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map.end(); ++it)  {
-            if (it->second == acl_id) {
-                OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "cleared classifier key corresponding to acl_id = %d\n", acl_id);
-                acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map.erase(it->first);
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    clear_gem_port(gemport_id, intf_id);
-    return Status::OK;
 Status FlowRemove_(uint32_t flow_id, const std::string flow_type) {
     bcmolt_flow_cfg cfg;
@@ -3878,52 +2400,6 @@
     return Status::OK;
-Status check_connection() {
-    int maxTrials = 60;
-    while (!bcmolt_api_conn_mgr_is_connected(dev_id)) {
-        sleep(1);
-        if (--maxTrials == 0)
-            return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, "check connection failed");
-        else
-            OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "waiting for daemon connection ...\n");
-    }
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "daemon is connected\n");
-    return Status::OK;
-Status check_bal_ready() {
-    bcmos_errno err;
-    int maxTrials = 30;
-    bcmolt_olt_cfg olt_cfg = { };
-    bcmolt_olt_key olt_key = { };
-    BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&olt_cfg, olt, olt_key);
-    BCMOLT_MSG_FIELD_GET(&olt_cfg, bal_state);
-    while (olt_cfg.data.bal_state != BCMOLT_BAL_STATE_BAL_AND_SWITCH_READY) {
-        if (--maxTrials == 0)
-            return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, "check bal ready failed");
-        sleep(5);
-        #ifdef TEST_MODE
-        // It is impossible to mock the setting of olt_cfg.data.bal_state because
-        // the actual bcmolt_cfg_get passes the address of olt_cfg.hdr and we cannot
-        // set the olt_cfg.data.bal_state. So a new stub function is created and address
-        // of olt_cfg is passed. This is one-of case where we need to add test specific
-        // code in production code.
-        if (bcmolt_cfg_get__bal_state_stub(dev_id, &olt_cfg)) {
-        #else
-        if (bcmolt_cfg_get(dev_id, &olt_cfg.hdr)) {
-        #endif
-            continue;
-        }
-        else
-            OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "waiting for BAL ready ...\n");
-    }
-    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "BAL is ready\n");
-    return Status::OK;
 Status PerformGroupOperation_(const openolt::Group *group_cfg) {
     bcmos_errno err;
diff --git a/agent/src/core_data.cc b/agent/src/core_data.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc98400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agent/src/core_data.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include "Queue.h"
+#include <sstream>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <thread>
+#include <bitset>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include "device.h"
+#include "core.h"
+#include "core_data.h"
+#include "indications.h"
+#include "stats_collection.h"
+#include "error_format.h"
+#include "state.h"
+#include "core_utils.h"
+extern "C"
+#include <bcmolt_api.h>
+#include <bcmolt_host_api.h>
+#include <bcmolt_api_model_supporting_enums.h>
+#include <bcmolt_api_conn_mgr.h>
+//CLI header files
+#include <bcmcli_session.h>
+#include <bcmcli.h>
+#include <bcm_api_cli.h>
+#include <bcmos_common.h>
+#include <bcm_config.h>
+// FIXME : dependency problem
+// #include <bcm_common_gpon.h>
+// #include <bcm_dev_log_task.h>
+dev_log_id openolt_log_id = bcm_dev_log_id_register("OPENOLT", DEV_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, DEV_LOG_ID_TYPE_BOTH);
+dev_log_id omci_log_id = bcm_dev_log_id_register("OMCI", DEV_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, DEV_LOG_ID_TYPE_BOTH);
+unsigned int num_of_nni_ports = 0;
+unsigned int num_of_pon_ports = 0;
+const uint32_t tm_upstream_sched_id_start = (MAX_SUPPORTED_PON == 16 ? \
+const uint32_t tm_downstream_sched_id_start = (MAX_SUPPORTED_PON == 16 ? \
+    tm_upstream_sched_id_start-16 : tm_upstream_sched_id_start-64);
+/* Max Queue ID supported is 7 so based on priority_q configured for GEMPORTS
+in TECH PROFILE respective Queue ID from this list will be used for both
+US and DS Queues*/
+const uint32_t queue_id_list[8] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
+const std::string upstream = "upstream";
+const std::string downstream = "downstream";
+const std::string multicast = "multicast";
+bcmolt_oltid dev_id = 0;
+/* Constants used for retrying some BAL APIs */
+const uint32_t BAL_API_RETRY_TIME_IN_USECS = 1000000;
+const uint32_t MAX_BAL_API_RETRY_COUNT = 5;
+const unsigned int OPENOLT_FIELD_LEN = 200;
+/* Current session */
+bcmcli_session *current_session;
+bcmcli_entry *api_parent_dir;
+bcmos_bool status_bcm_cli_quit = BCMOS_FALSE;
+bcmos_task bal_cli_thread;
+const char *bal_cli_thread_name = "bal_cli_thread";
+uint16_t flow_id_counters = 0;
+State state;
+std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> flowid_to_port; // For mapping upstream flows to logical ports
+std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> flowid_to_gemport; // For mapping downstream flows into gemports
+std::map<uint32_t, std::set<uint32_t> > port_to_flows; // For mapping logical ports to downstream flows
+/* This represents the Key to 'sched_map' map.
+ Represents (pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, direction) */
+typedef std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, std::string> sched_map_key_tuple;
+/* 'sched_map' maps sched_map_key_tuple to DBA (Upstream) or
+ Subscriber (Downstream) Scheduler ID */
+std::map<sched_map_key_tuple, int> sched_map;
+/* Flow control is for flow_id and flow_type */
+typedef std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t> flow_pair;
+std::map<flow_pair, int32_t> flow_map;
+/* This represents the Key to 'qos_type_map' map.
+ Represents (pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id) */
+typedef std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> qos_type_map_key_tuple;
+/* 'qos_type_map' maps qos_type_map_key_tuple to qos_type*/
+std::map<qos_type_map_key_tuple, bcmolt_egress_qos_type> qos_type_map;
+/* This represents the Key to 'sched_qmp_id_map' map.
+Represents (sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id) */
+typedef std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple;
+/* 'sched_qmp_id_map' maps sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple to TM Queue Mapping Profile ID */
+std::map<sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple, int> sched_qmp_id_map;
+/* 'qmp_id_to_qmp_map' maps TM Queue Mapping Profile ID to TM Queue Mapping Profile */
+std::map<int, std::vector < uint32_t > > qmp_id_to_qmp_map;
+// Flag used to watch whether mocked alloc_cfg_compltd_key is added to alloc_cfg_compltd_map
+#ifdef TEST_MODE
+bool ALLOC_CFG_FLAG = false;
+// Map used to track response from BAL for ITU PON Alloc Configuration.
+// The key is alloc_cfg_compltd_key and value is a concurrent thread-safe queue which is
+// used for pushing (from BAL) and popping (at application) the results.
+std::map<alloc_cfg_compltd_key,  Queue<alloc_cfg_complete_result> *> alloc_cfg_compltd_map;
+// Lock to protect critical section data structure used for handling AllocObject configuration response.
+bcmos_fastlock alloc_cfg_wait_lock;
+/*** ACL Handling related data start ***/
+std::map<acl_classifier_key, uint16_t> acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map;
+bool operator<(const acl_classifier_key& a1, const acl_classifier_key& a2)
+    return ((a1.ether_type + 2*a1.ip_proto + 3*a1.src_port + 4*a1.dst_port) <
+            (a2.ether_type + 2*a2.ip_proto + 3*a2.src_port + 4*a2.dst_port));
+typedef std::tuple<uint16_t, std::string> flow_id_flow_direction;
+typedef std::tuple<int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t> acl_id_gem_id_intf_id;
+std::map<flow_id_flow_direction, acl_id_gem_id_intf_id> flow_to_acl_map;
+// Keeps a reference count of how many flows are referencing a given ACL ID.
+// Key represents the ACL-ID and value is number of flows referencing the given ACL-ID.
+// When there is at least one flow referencing the ACL-ID, the ACL should be installed.
+// When there are no flows referencing the ACL-ID, the ACL should be removed.
+std::map<uint16_t, uint16_t> acl_ref_cnt;
+typedef std::tuple<uint16_t, uint16_t> gem_id_intf_id; // key to gem_ref_cnt
+// Keeps a reference count of how many ACL related flows are referencing a given (gem-id, pon_intf_id).
+// When there is at least on flow, we should install the gem. When there are no flows
+// the gem should be removed.
+std::map<gem_id_intf_id, uint16_t> gem_ref_cnt;
+// Needed to keep track of how many flows for a given acl_id, intf_id and intf_type are
+// installed. When there is at least on flow for this key, we should have interface registered
+// for the given ACL-ID. When there are no flows, the intf should unregister itself from
+// the ACL-ID.
+typedef std::tuple<uint16_t, uint8_t, std::string> acl_id_intf_id_intf_type;
+std::map<acl_id_intf_id_intf_type, uint16_t> intf_acl_registration_ref_cnt;
+std::bitset<MAX_ACL_ID> acl_id_bitset;
+/*** ACL Handling related data end ***/
+std::bitset<MAX_TM_SCHED_ID> tm_sched_bitset;
+std::bitset<MAX_TM_QMP_ID> tm_qmp_bitset;
+// Lock used to gaurd critical section during various API handling at the core_api_handler
+bcmos_fastlock data_lock;
diff --git a/agent/src/core_data.h b/agent/src/core_data.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c900f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agent/src/core_data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <bitset>
+#include "core.h"
+#include "Queue.h"
+extern "C"
+#include <bcmolt_api.h>
+#include <bcmolt_api_model_supporting_enums.h>
+#include <bcmolt_api_conn_mgr.h>
+//CLI header files
+#include <bcmcli_session.h>
+#include <bcmcli.h>
+#include <bcm_api_cli.h>
+#include <bcmos_common.h>
+#include <bcm_config.h>
+// FIXME : dependency problem
+// #include <bcm_common_gpon.h>
+// #include <bcm_dev_log_task.h>
+#define ALLOC_CFG_COMPLETE_WAIT_TIMEOUT 1000 // in milli-seconds
+#define MIN_ALLOC_ID_GPON 256
+#define MIN_ALLOC_ID_XGSPON 1024
+#define MAX_ACL_ID 33
+// **************************************//
+// Enums and structures used by the core //
+// **************************************//
+enum FLOW_CFG {
+    ONU_ID = 0,
+    FLOW_TYPE = 1,
+    SVC_PORT_ID = 2,
+    PRIORITY = 3,
+    COOKIE = 4,
+    EGRESS_INTF_ID = 8,
+    EGRESS_QOS_TYPE = 18,
+    ACTION_O_VID = 22,
+    ACTION_O_PBITS = 23,
+    ACTION_I_VID = 24,
+    ACTION_I_PBITS = 25,
+    STATE = 26,
+    GROUP_ID = 27
+enum AllocCfgAction {
+enum AllocObjectState {
+enum AllocCfgStatus {
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t pon_intf_id;
+    uint32_t alloc_id;
+    AllocObjectState state;
+    AllocCfgStatus status;
+} alloc_cfg_complete_result;
+// key for map used for tracking ITU PON Alloc Configuration results from BAL
+typedef std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t> alloc_cfg_compltd_key;
+// The elements in this acl_classifier_key structure constitute key to
+// acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map.
+// Fill invalid values in the acl_classifier_key structure to -1.
+typedef struct acl_classifier_key {
+    int32_t ether_type;
+    int16_t ip_proto;
+    int32_t src_port;
+    int32_t dst_port;
+    // Add more classifiers elements as needed here
+    // For now, ACLs will be classified only based on
+    // above elements.
+} acl_classifier_key;
+// *******************************************************//
+// Extern Variable/Constant declarations used by the core //
+// *******************************************************//
+extern State state;
+extern dev_log_id openolt_log_id;
+extern dev_log_id omci_log_id;
+extern unsigned int num_of_nni_ports;
+extern unsigned int num_of_pon_ports;
+extern const uint32_t tm_upstream_sched_id_start;
+extern const uint32_t tm_downstream_sched_id_start;
+extern const uint32_t queue_id_list[8];
+extern const std::string upstream;
+extern const std::string downstream;
+extern const std::string multicast;
+extern bcmolt_oltid dev_id;
+extern const uint32_t BAL_API_RETRY_TIME_IN_USECS;
+extern const uint32_t MAX_BAL_API_RETRY_COUNT;
+extern const unsigned int OPENOLT_FIELD_LEN;
+/* Current session */
+extern bcmcli_session *current_session;
+extern bcmcli_entry *api_parent_dir;
+extern bcmos_bool status_bcm_cli_quit;
+extern bcmos_task bal_cli_thread;
+extern const char *bal_cli_thread_name;
+extern uint16_t flow_id_counters;
+extern std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> flowid_to_port; // For mapping upstream flows to logical ports
+extern std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> flowid_to_gemport; // For mapping downstream flows into gemports
+extern std::map<uint32_t, std::set<uint32_t> > port_to_flows; // For mapping logical ports to downstream flows
+/* This represents the Key to 'sched_map' map.
+ Represents (pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, direction) */
+typedef std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, std::string> sched_map_key_tuple;
+/* 'sched_map' maps sched_map_key_tuple to DBA (Upstream) or
+ Subscriber (Downstream) Scheduler ID */
+extern std::map<sched_map_key_tuple, int> sched_map;
+/* Flow control is for flow_id and flow_type */
+typedef std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t> flow_pair;
+extern std::map<flow_pair, int32_t> flow_map;
+/* This represents the Key to 'qos_type_map' map.
+ Represents (pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id) */
+typedef std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> qos_type_map_key_tuple;
+/* 'qos_type_map' maps qos_type_map_key_tuple to qos_type*/
+extern std::map<qos_type_map_key_tuple, bcmolt_egress_qos_type> qos_type_map;
+/* This represents the Key to 'sched_qmp_id_map' map.
+Represents (sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id) */
+typedef std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple;
+/* 'sched_qmp_id_map' maps sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple to TM Queue Mapping Profile ID */
+extern std::map<sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple, int> sched_qmp_id_map;
+/* 'qmp_id_to_qmp_map' maps TM Queue Mapping Profile ID to TM Queue Mapping Profile */
+extern std::map<int, std::vector < uint32_t > > qmp_id_to_qmp_map;
+// Flag used to watch whether mocked alloc_cfg_compltd_key is added to alloc_cfg_compltd_map
+#ifdef TEST_MODE
+extern bool ALLOC_CFG_FLAG;
+// Map used to track response from BAL for ITU PON Alloc Configuration.
+// The key is alloc_cfg_compltd_key and value is a concurrent thread-safe queue which is
+// used for pushing (from BAL) and popping (at application) the results.
+extern std::map<alloc_cfg_compltd_key,  Queue<alloc_cfg_complete_result> *> alloc_cfg_compltd_map;
+// Lock to protect critical section data structure used for handling AllocObject configuration response.
+extern bcmos_fastlock alloc_cfg_wait_lock;
+/*** ACL Handling related data start ***/
+extern std::map<acl_classifier_key, uint16_t> acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map;
+extern bool operator<(const acl_classifier_key& a1, const acl_classifier_key& a2);
+typedef std::tuple<uint16_t, std::string> flow_id_flow_direction;
+typedef std::tuple<int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t> acl_id_gem_id_intf_id;
+extern std::map<flow_id_flow_direction, acl_id_gem_id_intf_id> flow_to_acl_map;
+// Keeps a reference count of how many flows are referencing a given ACL ID.
+// Key represents the ACL-ID and value is number of flows referencing the given ACL-ID.
+// When there is at least one flow referencing the ACL-ID, the ACL should be installed.
+// When there are no flows referencing the ACL-ID, the ACL should be removed.
+extern std::map<uint16_t, uint16_t> acl_ref_cnt;
+typedef std::tuple<uint16_t, uint16_t> gem_id_intf_id; // key to gem_ref_cnt
+// Keeps a reference count of how many ACL related flows are referencing a given (gem-id, pon_intf_id).
+// When there is at least on flow, we should install the gem. When there are no flows
+// the gem should be removed.
+extern std::map<gem_id_intf_id, uint16_t> gem_ref_cnt;
+// Needed to keep track of how many flows for a given acl_id, intf_id and intf_type are
+// installed. When there is at least on flow for this key, we should have interface registered
+// for the given ACL-ID. When there are no flows, the intf should unregister itself from
+// the ACL-ID.
+typedef std::tuple<uint16_t, uint8_t, std::string> acl_id_intf_id_intf_type;
+extern std::map<acl_id_intf_id_intf_type, uint16_t> intf_acl_registration_ref_cnt;
+extern std::bitset<MAX_ACL_ID> acl_id_bitset;
+/*** ACL Handling related data end ***/
+extern std::bitset<MAX_TM_SCHED_ID> tm_sched_bitset;
+extern std::bitset<MAX_TM_QMP_ID> tm_qmp_bitset;
+extern Queue<openolt::Indication> oltIndQ;
+extern bcmos_fastlock data_lock;
diff --git a/agent/src/core_utils.cc b/agent/src/core_utils.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f63ca52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agent/src/core_utils.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1221 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "core_utils.h"
+std::string serial_number_to_str(bcmolt_serial_number* serial_number) {
+    char buff[SERIAL_NUMBER_SIZE+1];
+    sprintf(buff, "%c%c%c%c%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X",
+            serial_number->vendor_id.arr[0],
+            serial_number->vendor_id.arr[1],
+            serial_number->vendor_id.arr[2],
+            serial_number->vendor_id.arr[3],
+            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[0]>>4 & 0x0f,
+            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[0] & 0x0f,
+            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[1]>>4 & 0x0f,
+            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[1] & 0x0f,
+            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[2]>>4 & 0x0f,
+            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[2] & 0x0f,
+            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[3]>>4 & 0x0f,
+            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[3] & 0x0f);
+    return buff;
+std::string vendor_specific_to_str(char const * const vendor_specific) {
+    char buff[SERIAL_NUMBER_SIZE+1];
+    sprintf(buff, "%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X",
+            vendor_specific[0]>>4 & 0x0f,
+            vendor_specific[0] & 0x0f,
+            vendor_specific[1]>>4 & 0x0f,
+            vendor_specific[1] & 0x0f,
+            vendor_specific[2]>>4 & 0x0f,
+            vendor_specific[2] & 0x0f,
+            vendor_specific[3]>>4 & 0x0f,
+            vendor_specific[3] & 0x0f);
+    return buff;
+* Returns the default NNI (Upstream direction) or PON (Downstream direction) scheduler
+* Every NNI port and PON port have default scheduler.
+* The NNI0 default scheduler ID is 18432, and NNI1 is 18433 and so on.
+* Similarly, PON0 default scheduler ID is 16384. PON1 is 16385 and so on.
+* @param intf_id NNI or PON interface ID
+* @param direction "upstream" or "downstream"
+* @return default scheduler ID for the given interface.
+uint16_t get_dev_id(void) {
+    return dev_id;
+int get_default_tm_sched_id(int intf_id, std::string direction) {
+    if (direction.compare(upstream) == 0) {
+        return tm_upstream_sched_id_start + intf_id;
+    } else if (direction.compare(downstream) == 0) {
+        return tm_downstream_sched_id_start + intf_id;
+    }
+    else {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "invalid direction - %s\n", direction.c_str());
+        return 0;
+    }
+* Gets a unique tm_sched_id for a given intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, gemport_id, direction
+* The tm_sched_id is locally cached in a map, so that it can rendered when necessary.
+* VOLTHA replays whole configuration on OLT reboot, so caching locally is not a problem
+* @param intf_id NNI or PON intf ID
+* @param onu_id ONU ID
+* @param uni_id UNI ID
+* @param gemport_id GEM Port ID
+* @param direction Upstream or downstream
+* @return tm_sched_id
+uint32_t get_tm_sched_id(int pon_intf_id, int onu_id, int uni_id, std::string direction) {
+    sched_map_key_tuple key(pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, direction);
+    int sched_id = -1;
+    std::map<sched_map_key_tuple, int>::const_iterator it = sched_map.find(key);
+    if (it != sched_map.end()) {
+        sched_id = it->second;
+    }
+    if (sched_id != -1) {
+        return sched_id;
+    }
+    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
+    // Complexity of O(n). Is there better way that can avoid linear search?
+    for (sched_id = 0; sched_id < MAX_TM_SCHED_ID; sched_id++) {
+        if (tm_sched_bitset[sched_id] == 0) {
+            tm_sched_bitset[sched_id] = 1;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+    if (sched_id < MAX_TM_SCHED_ID) {
+        bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
+        sched_map[key] = sched_id;
+        bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+        return sched_id;
+    } else {
+        return -1;
+    }
+* Free tm_sched_id for a given intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, gemport_id, direction
+* @param intf_id NNI or PON intf ID
+* @param onu_id ONU ID
+* @param uni_id UNI ID
+* @param gemport_id GEM Port ID
+* @param direction Upstream or downstream
+void free_tm_sched_id(int pon_intf_id, int onu_id, int uni_id, std::string direction) {
+    sched_map_key_tuple key(pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, direction);
+    std::map<sched_map_key_tuple, int>::const_iterator it;
+    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
+    it = sched_map.find(key);
+    if (it != sched_map.end()) {
+        tm_sched_bitset[it->second] = 0;
+        sched_map.erase(it);
+    }
+    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+bool is_tm_sched_id_present(int pon_intf_id, int onu_id, int uni_id, std::string direction) {
+    sched_map_key_tuple key(pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, direction);
+    std::map<sched_map_key_tuple, int>::const_iterator it = sched_map.find(key);
+    if (it != sched_map.end()) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+* Check whether given two tm qmp profiles are equal or not
+* @param tmq_map_profileA <vector> TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE
+* @param tmq_map_profileB <vector> TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE
+* @return boolean, true if given tmq_map_profiles are equal else false
+bool check_tm_qmp_equality(std::vector<uint32_t> tmq_map_profileA, std::vector<uint32_t> tmq_map_profileB) {
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TMQ_MAP_PROFILE_SIZE; i++) {
+        if (tmq_map_profileA[i] != tmq_map_profileB[i]) {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+* Modifies given queues_pbit_map to parsable format
+* e.g: Modifes "0b00000101" to "10100000"
+* @param queues_pbit_map PBIT MAP configured for each GEM in TECH PROFILE
+* @param size Queue count
+* @return string queues_pbit_map
+std::string* get_valid_queues_pbit_map(std::string *queues_pbit_map, uint32_t size) {
+    for(uint32_t i=0; i < size; i++) {
+        /* Deletes 2 characters from index number 0 */
+        queues_pbit_map[i].erase(0, 2);
+        std::reverse(queues_pbit_map[i].begin(), queues_pbit_map[i].end());
+    }
+    return queues_pbit_map;
+* Creates TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE for given queues_pbit_map and queues_priority_q
+* @param queues_pbit_map PBIT MAP configured for each GEM in TECH PROFILE
+* @param queues_priority_q PRIORITY_Q configured for each GEM in TECH PROFILE
+* @param size Queue count
+* @return <vector> TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE
+std::vector<uint32_t> get_tmq_map_profile(std::string *queues_pbit_map, uint32_t *queues_priority_q, uint32_t size) {
+    std::vector<uint32_t> tmq_map_profile(8,0);
+    for(uint32_t i=0; i < size; i++) {
+        for (uint32_t j = 0; j < queues_pbit_map[i].size(); j++) {
+            if (queues_pbit_map[i][j]=='1') {
+                tmq_map_profile.at(j) = queue_id_list[queues_priority_q[i]];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return tmq_map_profile;
+* Gets corresponding tm_qmp_id for a given tmq_map_profile
+* @param <vector> TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE
+* @return tm_qmp_id
+int get_tm_qmp_id(std::vector<uint32_t> tmq_map_profile) {
+    int tm_qmp_id = -1;
+    std::map<int, std::vector < uint32_t > >::const_iterator it = qmp_id_to_qmp_map.begin();
+    while(it != qmp_id_to_qmp_map.end()) {
+        if(check_tm_qmp_equality(tmq_map_profile, it->second)) {
+            tm_qmp_id = it->first;
+            break;
+        }
+        it++;
+    }
+    return tm_qmp_id;
+* Updates sched_qmp_id_map with given sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, tm_qmp_id
+* @param upstream/downstream sched_id
+* @param PON intf ID
+* @param onu_id ONU ID
+* @param uni_id UNI ID
+* @param tm_qmp_id TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE ID
+void update_sched_qmp_id_map(uint32_t sched_id,uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, \
+                             uint32_t uni_id, int tm_qmp_id) {
+   bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
+   sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple key(sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id);
+   sched_qmp_id_map.insert(make_pair(key, tm_qmp_id));
+   bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+* Gets corresponding tm_qmp_id for a given sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id
+* @param upstream/downstream sched_id
+* @param PON intf ID
+* @param onu_id ONU ID
+* @param uni_id UNI ID
+* @return tm_qmp_id
+int get_tm_qmp_id(uint32_t sched_id,uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, uint32_t uni_id) {
+    sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple key(sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id);
+    int tm_qmp_id = -1;
+    std::map<sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple, int>::const_iterator it = sched_qmp_id_map.find(key);
+    if (it != sched_qmp_id_map.end()) {
+        tm_qmp_id = it->second;
+    }
+    return tm_qmp_id;
+* Gets a unique tm_qmp_id for a given tmq_map_profile
+* The tm_qmp_id is locally cached in a map, so that it can be rendered when necessary.
+* VOLTHA replays whole configuration on OLT reboot, so caching locally is not a problem
+* @param upstream/downstream sched_id
+* @param PON intf ID
+* @param onu_id ONU ID
+* @param uni_id UNI ID
+* @param <vector> TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE
+* @return tm_qmp_id
+int get_tm_qmp_id(uint32_t sched_id,uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, uint32_t uni_id, \
+                  std::vector<uint32_t> tmq_map_profile) {
+    int tm_qmp_id;
+    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
+    /* Complexity of O(n). Is there better way that can avoid linear search? */
+    for (tm_qmp_id = 0; tm_qmp_id < MAX_TM_QMP_ID; tm_qmp_id++) {
+        if (tm_qmp_bitset[tm_qmp_id] == 0) {
+            tm_qmp_bitset[tm_qmp_id] = 1;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+    if (tm_qmp_id < MAX_TM_QMP_ID) {
+        bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
+        qmp_id_to_qmp_map.insert(make_pair(tm_qmp_id, tmq_map_profile));
+        bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+        update_sched_qmp_id_map(sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, tm_qmp_id);
+        return tm_qmp_id;
+    } else {
+        return -1;
+    }
+* Free tm_qmp_id for a given sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id
+* @param upstream/downstream sched_id
+* @param PON intf ID
+* @param onu_id ONU ID
+* @param uni_id UNI ID
+* @param tm_qmp_id TM QUEUE MAPPING PROFILE ID
+* @return boolean, true if no more reference for TM QMP else false
+bool free_tm_qmp_id(uint32_t sched_id,uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, \
+                    uint32_t uni_id, int tm_qmp_id) {
+    bool result;
+    sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple key(sched_id, pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id);
+    std::map<sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple, int>::const_iterator it = sched_qmp_id_map.find(key);
+    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
+    if (it != sched_qmp_id_map.end()) {
+        sched_qmp_id_map.erase(it);
+    }
+    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+    uint32_t tm_qmp_ref_count = 0;
+    std::map<sched_qmp_id_map_key_tuple, int>::const_iterator it2 = sched_qmp_id_map.begin();
+    while(it2 != sched_qmp_id_map.end()) {
+        if(it2->second == tm_qmp_id) {
+            tm_qmp_ref_count++;
+        }
+        it2++;
+    }
+    if (tm_qmp_ref_count == 0) {
+        std::map<int, std::vector < uint32_t > >::const_iterator it3 = qmp_id_to_qmp_map.find(tm_qmp_id);
+        if (it3 != qmp_id_to_qmp_map.end()) {
+            bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
+            tm_qmp_bitset[tm_qmp_id] = 0;
+            qmp_id_to_qmp_map.erase(it3);
+            bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+            OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Reference count for tm qmp profile id %d is : %d. So clearing it\n", \
+                        tm_qmp_id, tm_qmp_ref_count);
+            result = true;
+        }
+    } else {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Reference count for tm qmp profile id %d is : %d. So not clearing it\n", \
+                    tm_qmp_id, tm_qmp_ref_count);
+        result = false;
+    }
+    return result;
+// Gets free ACL ID if available, else -1
+int get_acl_id() {
+    int acl_id;
+    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
+    /* Complexity of O(n). Is there better way that can avoid linear search? */
+    for (acl_id = 0; acl_id < MAX_ACL_ID; acl_id++) {
+        if (acl_id_bitset[acl_id] == 0) {
+            acl_id_bitset[acl_id] = 1;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+    if (acl_id < MAX_ACL_ID) {
+        return acl_id ;
+    } else {
+        return -1;
+    }
+// Frees up the ACL ID.
+void free_acl_id (int acl_id) {
+    if (acl_id < MAX_ACL_ID) {
+        bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
+        acl_id_bitset[acl_id] = 0;
+        bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+    }
+* Returns qos type as string
+* @param qos_type bcmolt_egress_qos_type enum
+std::string get_qos_type_as_string(bcmolt_egress_qos_type qos_type) {
+    switch (qos_type)
+    {
+        case BCMOLT_EGRESS_QOS_TYPE_NONE: return "NONE";
+        default: OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "qos-type-not-supported %d\n", qos_type);
+                 return "qos-type-not-supported";
+    }
+* Gets/Updates qos type for given pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id
+* @param PON intf ID
+* @param onu_id ONU ID
+* @param uni_id UNI ID
+* @param queue_size TrafficQueues Size
+* @return qos_type
+bcmolt_egress_qos_type get_qos_type(uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, uint32_t uni_id, uint32_t queue_size) {
+    qos_type_map_key_tuple key(pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id);
+    bcmolt_egress_qos_type egress_qos_type = BCMOLT_EGRESS_QOS_TYPE_FIXED_QUEUE;
+    std::string qos_string;
+    std::map<qos_type_map_key_tuple, bcmolt_egress_qos_type>::const_iterator it = qos_type_map.find(key);
+    if (it != qos_type_map.end()) {
+        egress_qos_type = it->second;
+        qos_string = get_qos_type_as_string(egress_qos_type);
+        OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Qos-type for subscriber connected to pon_intf_id %d, onu_id %d and uni_id %d is %s\n", \
+                    pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, qos_string.c_str());
+    }
+    else {
+        /* QOS Type has been pre-defined as Fixed Queue but it will be updated based on number of GEMPORTS
+           associated for a given subscriber. If GEM count = 1 for a given subscriber, qos_type will be Fixed Queue
+           else Priority to Queue */
+        egress_qos_type = (queue_size > 1) ? \
+        bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
+        qos_type_map.insert(make_pair(key, egress_qos_type));
+        bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+        qos_string = get_qos_type_as_string(egress_qos_type);
+        OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Qos-type for subscriber connected to pon_intf_id %d, onu_id %d and uni_id %d is %s\n", \
+                    pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id, qos_string.c_str());
+    }
+    return egress_qos_type;
+* Clears qos type for given pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id
+* @param PON intf ID
+* @param onu_id ONU ID
+* @param uni_id UNI ID
+void clear_qos_type(uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, uint32_t uni_id) {
+    qos_type_map_key_tuple key(pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id);
+    std::map<qos_type_map_key_tuple, bcmolt_egress_qos_type>::const_iterator it = qos_type_map.find(key);
+    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
+    if (it != qos_type_map.end()) {
+        qos_type_map.erase(it);
+        OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Cleared Qos-type for subscriber connected to pon_intf_id %d, onu_id %d and uni_id %d\n", \
+                    pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id);
+    }
+    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+* Returns Scheduler/Queue direction as string
+* @param direction as specified in tech_profile.proto
+std::string GetDirection(int direction) {
+    switch (direction)
+    {
+        case tech_profile::Direction::UPSTREAM: return upstream;
+        case tech_profile::Direction::DOWNSTREAM: return downstream;
+        default: OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "direction-not-supported %d\n", direction);
+                 return "direction-not-supported";
+    }
+// This method handles waiting for AllocObject configuration.
+// Returns error if the AllocObject is not in the appropriate state based on action requested.
+bcmos_errno wait_for_alloc_action(uint32_t intf_id, uint32_t alloc_id, AllocCfgAction action) {
+    Queue<alloc_cfg_complete_result> cfg_result;
+    alloc_cfg_compltd_key k(intf_id, alloc_id);
+    alloc_cfg_compltd_map[k] =  &cfg_result;
+    bcmos_errno err = BCM_ERR_OK;
+    #ifdef TEST_MODE
+    ALLOC_CFG_FLAG = true;
+    #endif
+    // Try to pop the result from BAL with a timeout of ALLOC_CFG_COMPLETE_WAIT_TIMEOUT ms
+    std::pair<alloc_cfg_complete_result, bool> result = cfg_result.pop(ALLOC_CFG_COMPLETE_WAIT_TIMEOUT);
+    if (result.second == false) {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "timeout waiting for alloc cfg complete indication intf_id %d, alloc_id %d\n",
+                    intf_id, alloc_id);
+        // Invalidate the queue pointer.
+        bcmos_fastlock_lock(&alloc_cfg_wait_lock);
+        alloc_cfg_compltd_map[k] = NULL;
+        bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&alloc_cfg_wait_lock, 0);
+        err = BCM_ERR_INTERNAL;
+        #ifdef TEST_MODE
+        ALLOC_CFG_FLAG = false;
+        #endif
+    }
+    else if (result.first.status == ALLOC_CFG_STATUS_FAIL) {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "error processing alloc cfg request intf_id %d, alloc_id %d\n",
+                    intf_id, alloc_id);
+        err = BCM_ERR_INTERNAL;
+    }
+    if (err == BCM_ERR_OK) {
+        if (action == ALLOC_OBJECT_CREATE) {
+            if (result.first.state != ALLOC_OBJECT_STATE_ACTIVE) {
+                OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "alloc object not in active state intf_id %d, alloc_id %d alloc_obj_state %d\n",
+                            intf_id, alloc_id, result.first.state);
+               err = BCM_ERR_INTERNAL;
+            } else {
+                OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Create upstream bandwidth allocation success, intf_id %d, alloc_id %d\n",
+                            intf_id, alloc_id);
+            }
+        } else { // ALLOC_OBJECT_DELETE
+              if (result.first.state != ALLOC_OBJECT_STATE_NOT_CONFIGURED) {
+                  OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "alloc object is not reset intf_id %d, alloc_id %d alloc_obj_state %d\n",
+                              intf_id, alloc_id, result.first.state);
+                  err = BCM_ERR_INTERNAL;
+              } else {
+                  OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Remove alloc object success, intf_id %d, alloc_id %d\n",
+                              intf_id, alloc_id);
+              }
+        }
+    }
+    // Remove entry from map
+    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&alloc_cfg_wait_lock);
+    alloc_cfg_compltd_map.erase(k);
+    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&alloc_cfg_wait_lock, 0);
+    #ifdef TEST_MODE
+    ALLOC_CFG_FLAG = false;
+    #endif
+    return err;
+char* openolt_read_sysinfo(const char* field_name, char* field_val)
+   FILE *fp;
+   /* Prepare the command*/
+   char command[150];
+   snprintf(command, sizeof command, "bash -l -c \"onlpdump -s\" | perl -ne 'print $1 if /%s: (\\S+)/'", field_name);
+   /* Open the command for reading. */
+   fp = popen(command, "r");
+   if (fp == NULL) {
+       /*The client has to check for a Null field value in this case*/
+       OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id,  "Failed to query the %s\n", field_name);
+       return field_val;
+   }
+   /*Read the field value*/
+   if (fp) {
+       uint8_t ret;
+       ret = fread(field_val, OPENOLT_FIELD_LEN, 1, fp);
+       if (ret >= OPENOLT_FIELD_LEN)
+           OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id,  "Read data length %u\n", ret);
+       pclose(fp);
+   }
+   return field_val;
+Status pushOltOperInd(uint32_t intf_id, const char *type, const char *state)
+    openolt::Indication ind;
+    openolt::IntfOperIndication* intf_oper_ind = new openolt::IntfOperIndication;
+    intf_oper_ind->set_type(type);
+    intf_oper_ind->set_intf_id(intf_id);
+    intf_oper_ind->set_oper_state(state);
+    ind.set_allocated_intf_oper_ind(intf_oper_ind);
+    oltIndQ.push(ind);
+    return Status::OK;
+/* Build CLI prompt */
+void openolt_cli_get_prompt_cb(bcmcli_session *session, char *buf, uint32_t max_len)
+    snprintf(buf, max_len, CLI_HOST_PROMPT_FORMAT, dev_id);
+int _bal_apiend_cli_thread_handler(long data)
+    char init_string[]="\n";
+    bcmcli_session *sess = current_session;
+    bcmos_task_parm bal_cli_task_p_dummy;
+    /* Switch to interactive mode if not stopped in the init script */
+    if (!bcmcli_is_stopped(sess)) {
+        /* Force a CLI command prompt
+         * The string passed into the parse function
+         * must be modifiable, so a string constant like
+         * bcmcli_parse(current_session, "\n") will not
+         * work.
+         */
+        bcmcli_parse(sess, init_string);
+        /* Process user input until EOF or quit command */
+        bcmcli_driver(sess);
+    }
+    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "BAL API End CLI terminated\n");
+    /* Cleanup */
+    bcmcli_session_close(current_session);
+    bcmcli_token_destroy(NULL);
+    return 0;
+/* Init API CLI commands for the current device */
+bcmos_errno bcm_openolt_api_cli_init(bcmcli_entry *parent_dir, bcmcli_session *session)
+    bcmos_errno rc;
+    api_parent_dir = parent_dir;
+    rc = bcm_api_cli_set_commands(session);
+    /* Subscribe for device change indication */
+    rc = rc ? rc : bcmolt_olt_sel_ind_register(_api_cli_olt_change_ind);
+    return rc;
+bcmos_errno bcm_cli_quit(bcmcli_session *session, const bcmcli_cmd_parm parm[], uint16_t n_parms)
+    bcmcli_stop(session);
+    bcmcli_session_print(session, "CLI terminated by 'Quit' command\n");
+    status_bcm_cli_quit = BCMOS_TRUE;
+    return BCM_ERR_OK;
+int get_status_bcm_cli_quit(void) {
+     return status_bcm_cli_quit;
+bcmos_errno bcmolt_apiend_cli_init() {
+    bcmos_errno ret;
+    bcmos_task_parm bal_cli_task_p = {};
+    bcmos_task_parm bal_cli_task_p_dummy;
+    /** before creating the task, check if it is already created by the other half of BAL i.e. Core side */
+    if (BCM_ERR_OK != bcmos_task_query(&bal_cli_thread, &bal_cli_task_p_dummy)) {
+        /* Create BAL CLI thread */
+        bal_cli_task_p.name = bal_cli_thread_name;
+        bal_cli_task_p.handler = _bal_apiend_cli_thread_handler;
+        bal_cli_task_p.priority = TASK_PRIORITY_CLI;
+        ret = bcmos_task_create(&bal_cli_thread, &bal_cli_task_p);
+        if (BCM_ERR_OK != ret) {
+            bcmos_printf("Couldn't create BAL API end CLI thread\n");
+            return ret;
+        }
+    }
+bcmos_errno get_pon_interface_status(bcmolt_interface pon_ni, bcmolt_interface_state *state) {
+    bcmos_errno err;
+    bcmolt_pon_interface_key pon_key;
+    bcmolt_pon_interface_cfg pon_cfg;
+    pon_key.pon_ni = pon_ni;
+    BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&pon_cfg, pon_interface, pon_key);
+    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET_PRESENT(&pon_cfg.data, pon_interface_cfg_data, state);
+    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET_PRESENT(&pon_cfg.data, pon_interface_cfg_data, itu);
+    #ifdef TEST_MODE
+    // It is impossible to mock the setting of pon_cfg.data.state because
+    // the actual bcmolt_cfg_get passes the address of pon_cfg.hdr and we cannot
+    // set the pon_cfg.data.state. So a new stub function is created and address
+    // of pon_cfg is passed. This is one-of case where we need to add test specific
+    // code in production code.
+    err = bcmolt_cfg_get__pon_intf_stub(dev_id, &pon_cfg);
+    #else
+    err = bcmolt_cfg_get(dev_id, &pon_cfg.hdr);
+    #endif
+    *state = pon_cfg.data.state;
+    return err;
+/* Same as bcmolt_cfg_get but with added logic of retrying the API
+   in case of some specific failures like timeout or object not yet ready
+bcmos_errno bcmolt_cfg_get_mult_retry(bcmolt_oltid olt, bcmolt_cfg *cfg) {
+    bcmos_errno err;
+    uint32_t current_try = 0;
+    while (current_try < MAX_BAL_API_RETRY_COUNT) {
+        err = bcmolt_cfg_get(olt, cfg);
+        current_try++;
+        if (err == BCM_ERR_STATE || err == BCM_ERR_TIMEOUT) {
+            OPENOLT_LOG(WARNING, openolt_log_id, "bcmolt_cfg_get: err = %s\n", bcmos_strerror(err));
+            bcmos_usleep(BAL_API_RETRY_TIME_IN_USECS);
+            continue;
+        }
+        else {
+           break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (err != BCM_ERR_OK) {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "bcmolt_cfg_get tried (%d) times with retry time(%d usecs) err = %s\n",
+                           current_try,
+                           BAL_API_RETRY_TIME_IN_USECS,
+                           bcmos_strerror(err));
+    }
+    return err;
+unsigned NumNniIf_() {return num_of_nni_ports;}
+unsigned NumPonIf_() {return num_of_pon_ports;}
+bcmos_errno get_nni_interface_status(bcmolt_interface id, bcmolt_interface_state *state) {
+    bcmos_errno err;
+    bcmolt_nni_interface_key nni_key;
+    bcmolt_nni_interface_cfg nni_cfg;
+    nni_key.id = id;
+    BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&nni_cfg, nni_interface, nni_key);
+    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET_PRESENT(&nni_cfg.data, nni_interface_cfg_data, state);
+    #ifdef TEST_MODE
+    // It is impossible to mock the setting of nni_cfg.data.state because
+    // the actual bcmolt_cfg_get passes the address of nni_cfg.hdr and we cannot
+    // set the nni_cfg.data.state. So a new stub function is created and address
+    // of nni_cfg is passed. This is one-of case where we need to add test specific
+    // code in production code.
+    err = bcmolt_cfg_get__nni_intf_stub(dev_id, &nni_cfg);
+    #else
+    err = bcmolt_cfg_get(dev_id, &nni_cfg.hdr);
+    #endif
+    *state = nni_cfg.data.state;
+    return err;
+Status install_gem_port(int32_t intf_id, int32_t onu_id, int32_t gemport_id) {
+    bcmos_errno err;
+    bcmolt_itupon_gem_cfg cfg; /* declare main API struct */
+    bcmolt_itupon_gem_key key = {}; /* declare key */
+    bcmolt_gem_port_configuration configuration = {};
+    key.pon_ni = intf_id;
+    key.gem_port_id = gemport_id;
+    BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&cfg, itupon_gem, key);
+    bcmolt_gem_port_direction configuration_direction;
+    configuration_direction = BCMOLT_GEM_PORT_DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL;
+    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&configuration, gem_port_configuration, direction, configuration_direction);
+    bcmolt_gem_port_type configuration_type;
+    configuration_type = BCMOLT_GEM_PORT_TYPE_UNICAST;
+    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&configuration, gem_port_configuration, type, configuration_type);
+    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&cfg.data, itupon_gem_cfg_data, configuration, configuration);
+    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&cfg.data, itupon_gem_cfg_data, onu_id, onu_id);
+    bcmolt_control_state encryption_mode;
+    encryption_mode = BCMOLT_CONTROL_STATE_DISABLE;
+    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&cfg.data, itupon_gem_cfg_data, encryption_mode, encryption_mode);
+    bcmolt_us_gem_port_destination upstream_destination_queue;
+    upstream_destination_queue = BCMOLT_US_GEM_PORT_DESTINATION_DATA;
+    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&cfg.data, itupon_gem_cfg_data, upstream_destination_queue, upstream_destination_queue);
+    bcmolt_control_state control;
+    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&cfg.data, itupon_gem_cfg_data, control, control);
+    err = bcmolt_cfg_set(dev_id, &cfg.hdr);
+    if(err != BCM_ERR_OK) {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "failed to install gem_port = %d\n", gemport_id);
+        return bcm_to_grpc_err(err, "Access_Control set ITU PON Gem port failed");
+    }
+    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "gem port installed successfully = %d\n", gemport_id);
+    return Status::OK;
+Status remove_gem_port(int32_t intf_id, int32_t gemport_id) {
+    bcmolt_itupon_gem_cfg gem_cfg;
+    bcmolt_itupon_gem_key key = {
+        .pon_ni = (bcmolt_interface)intf_id,
+        .gem_port_id = (bcmolt_gem_port_id)gemport_id
+    };
+    bcmos_errno err;
+    BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&gem_cfg, itupon_gem, key);
+    err = bcmolt_cfg_clear(dev_id, &gem_cfg.hdr);
+    if (err != BCM_ERR_OK)
+    {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "failed to remove gem_port = %d err=%s\n", gemport_id, gem_cfg.hdr.hdr.err_text);
+        return bcm_to_grpc_err(err, "Access_Control clear ITU PON Gem port failed");
+    }
+    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "gem port removed successfully = %d\n", gemport_id);
+    return Status::OK;
+Status update_acl_interface(int32_t intf_id, bcmolt_interface_type intf_type, uint32_t access_control_id,
+                bcmolt_members_update_command acl_cmd) {
+    bcmos_errno err;
+    bcmolt_access_control_interfaces_update oper; /* declare main API struct */
+    bcmolt_access_control_key acl_key = {}; /* declare key */
+    bcmolt_intf_ref interface_ref_list_elem = {};
+    bcmolt_interface_type interface_ref_list_elem_intf_type;
+    bcmolt_interface_id interface_ref_list_elem_intf_id;
+    bcmolt_intf_ref_list_u8 interface_ref_list = {};
+        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "acl cmd = %d not supported currently\n", acl_cmd);
+        return bcm_to_grpc_err(BCM_ERR_PARM, "unsupported acl cmd");
+    }
+    interface_ref_list.arr = (bcmolt_intf_ref*)bcmos_calloc(sizeof(bcmolt_intf_ref)*1);
+    if (interface_ref_list.arr == NULL)
+         return bcm_to_grpc_err(BCM_ERR_PARM, "allocate interface_ref_list failed");
+    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "update acl interface received for intf_id = %d, intf_type = %s, acl_id = %d, acl_cmd = %s\n",
+            intf_id, intf_type == BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_PON? "pon": "nni", access_control_id,
+            acl_cmd == BCMOLT_MEMBERS_UPDATE_COMMAND_ADD? "add": "remove");
+    acl_key.id = access_control_id;
+    /* Initialize the API struct. */
+    BCMOLT_OPER_INIT(&oper, access_control, interfaces_update, acl_key);
+    bcmolt_members_update_command command;
+    command = acl_cmd;
+    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&oper.data, access_control_interfaces_update_data, command, command);
+    interface_ref_list_elem_intf_type = intf_type;
+    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&interface_ref_list_elem, intf_ref, intf_type, interface_ref_list_elem_intf_type);
+    interface_ref_list_elem_intf_id = intf_id;
+    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&interface_ref_list_elem, intf_ref, intf_id, interface_ref_list_elem_intf_id);
+    interface_ref_list.len = 1;
+    BCMOLT_ARRAY_ELEM_SET(&interface_ref_list, 0, interface_ref_list_elem);
+    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&oper.data, access_control_interfaces_update_data, interface_ref_list, interface_ref_list);
+    err =  bcmolt_oper_submit(dev_id, &oper.hdr);
+    if (err != BCM_ERR_OK) {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "update acl interface fail for intf_id = %d, intf_type = %s, acl_id = %d, acl_cmd = %s\n",
+            intf_id, intf_type == BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_PON? "pon": "nni", access_control_id,
+            acl_cmd == BCMOLT_MEMBERS_UPDATE_COMMAND_ADD? "add": "remove");
+        return bcm_to_grpc_err(err, "Access_Control submit interface failed");
+    }
+    bcmos_free(interface_ref_list.arr);
+    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "update acl interface success for intf_id = %d, intf_type = %s, acl_id = %d, acl_cmd = %s\n",
+            intf_id, intf_type == BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_PON? "pon": "nni", access_control_id,
+            acl_cmd == BCMOLT_MEMBERS_UPDATE_COMMAND_ADD? "add": "remove");
+    return Status::OK;
+Status install_acl(const acl_classifier_key acl_key) {
+    bcmos_errno err;
+    bcmolt_access_control_cfg cfg;
+    bcmolt_access_control_key key = { };
+    bcmolt_classifier c_val = { };
+    // hardcode the action for now.
+    bcmolt_access_control_fwd_action_type action_type = BCMOLT_ACCESS_CONTROL_FWD_ACTION_TYPE_TRAP_TO_HOST;
+    int acl_id = get_acl_id();
+    if (acl_id < 0) {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "exhausted acl_id for eth_type = %d, ip_proto = %d, src_port = %d, dst_port = %d\n",
+                acl_key.ether_type, acl_key.ip_proto, acl_key.src_port, acl_key.dst_port);
+        bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+        return bcm_to_grpc_err(BCM_ERR_INTERNAL, "exhausted acl id");
+    }
+    key.id = acl_id;
+    /* config access control instance */
+    BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&cfg, access_control, key);
+    if (acl_key.ether_type > 0) {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "Access_Control classify ether_type 0x%04x\n", acl_key.ether_type);
+        BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&c_val, classifier, ether_type, acl_key.ether_type);
+    }
+    if (acl_key.ip_proto > 0) {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "Access_Control classify ip_proto %d\n", acl_key.ip_proto);
+        BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&c_val, classifier, ip_proto, acl_key.ip_proto);
+    }
+    if (acl_key.dst_port > 0) {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "Access_Control classify dst_port %d\n", acl_key.dst_port);
+        BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&c_val, classifier, dst_port, acl_key.dst_port);
+    }
+    if (acl_key.src_port > 0) {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "Access_Control classify src_port %d\n", acl_key.src_port);
+        BCMOLT_FIELD_SET(&c_val, classifier, src_port, acl_key.src_port);
+    }
+    BCMOLT_MSG_FIELD_SET(&cfg, classifier, c_val);
+    BCMOLT_MSG_FIELD_SET(&cfg, priority, 10000);
+    BCMOLT_MSG_FIELD_SET(&cfg, forwarding_action.action, action_type);
+    err = bcmolt_cfg_set(dev_id, &cfg.hdr);
+    if (err != BCM_ERR_OK) {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "Access_Control set configuration failed, Error %d\n", err);
+        // Free the acl_id
+        free_acl_id(acl_id);
+        return bcm_to_grpc_err(err, "Access_Control set configuration failed");
+    }
+    ACL_LOG(INFO, "ACL add ok", err);
+    // Update the map that we have installed an acl for the given classfier.
+    acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map[acl_key] = acl_id;
+    return Status::OK;
+Status remove_acl(int acl_id) {
+    bcmos_errno err;
+    bcmolt_access_control_cfg cfg; /* declare main API struct */
+    bcmolt_access_control_key key = {}; /* declare key */
+    key.id = acl_id;
+    /* Initialize the API struct. */
+    BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&cfg, access_control, key);
+    BCMOLT_FIELD_SET_PRESENT(&cfg.data, access_control_cfg_data, state);
+    err = bcmolt_cfg_get(dev_id, &cfg.hdr);
+    if (err != BCM_ERR_OK) {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "Access_Control get state failed\n");
+        return bcm_to_grpc_err(err, "Access_Control get state failed");
+    }
+    if (cfg.data.state == BCMOLT_CONFIG_STATE_CONFIGURED) {
+        key.id = acl_id;
+        /* Initialize the API struct. */
+        BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&cfg, access_control, key);
+        err = bcmolt_cfg_clear(dev_id, &cfg.hdr);
+        if (err != BCM_ERR_OK) {
+            // Should we free acl_id here ? We should ideally never land here..
+            OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "Error %d while removing Access_Control rule ID %d\n",
+                err, acl_id);
+            return Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, "Failed to remove Access_Control");
+        }
+    }
+    // Free up acl_id
+    free_acl_id(acl_id);
+    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "acl removed successfully %d\n", acl_id);
+    return Status::OK;
+// Formulates ACL Classifier Key based on the following fields
+// a. ether_type b. ip_proto c. src_port d. dst_port
+// If any of the field is not available it is populated as -1.
+void formulate_acl_classifier_key(acl_classifier_key *key, const ::openolt::Classifier& classifier) {
+        // TODO: Is 0 a valid value for any of the following classifiers?
+        // because in the that case, the 'if' check would fail and -1 would be filled as value.
+        //
+        if (classifier.eth_type()) {
+            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "classify ether_type 0x%04x\n", classifier.eth_type());
+            key->ether_type = classifier.eth_type();
+        } else key->ether_type = -1;
+        if (classifier.ip_proto()) {
+            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "classify ip_proto %d\n", classifier.ip_proto());
+            key->ip_proto = classifier.ip_proto();
+        } else key->ip_proto = -1;
+        if (classifier.src_port()) {
+            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "classify src_port %d\n", classifier.src_port());
+            key->src_port = classifier.src_port();
+        } else key->src_port = -1;
+        if (classifier.dst_port()) {
+            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "classify dst_port %d\n", classifier.dst_port());
+            key->dst_port = classifier.dst_port();
+        } else key->dst_port = -1;
+Status handle_acl_rule_install(int32_t onu_id, uint32_t flow_id,
+                               const std::string flow_type, int32_t access_intf_id,
+                               int32_t network_intf_id, int32_t gemport_id,
+                               const ::openolt::Classifier& classifier) {
+    int acl_id;
+    int32_t intf_id = flow_type.compare(upstream) == 0? access_intf_id: network_intf_id;
+    const std::string intf_type = flow_type.compare(upstream) == 0? "pon": "nni";
+    bcmolt_interface_type olt_if_type = intf_type == "pon"? BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_PON: BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_NNI;
+    Status resp;
+    // few map keys we are going to use later.
+    flow_id_flow_direction fl_id_fl_dir(flow_id, flow_type);
+    gem_id_intf_id gem_intf(gemport_id, access_intf_id);
+    acl_classifier_key acl_key;
+    formulate_acl_classifier_key(&acl_key, classifier);
+    const acl_classifier_key acl_key_const = {.ether_type=acl_key.ether_type, .ip_proto=acl_key.ip_proto,
+        .src_port=acl_key.src_port, .dst_port=acl_key.dst_port};
+    bcmos_fastlock_lock(&data_lock);
+    // Check if the acl is already installed
+    if (acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map.count(acl_key_const) > 0) {
+        // retreive the acl_id
+        acl_id = acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map[acl_key_const];
+        acl_id_gem_id_intf_id ac_id_gm_id_if_id(acl_id, gemport_id, intf_id);
+        if (flow_to_acl_map.count(fl_id_fl_dir)) {
+            // coult happen if same trap flow is received again
+            OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "flow and related acl already handled, nothing more to do\n");
+            bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+            return Status::OK;
+        }
+        OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "Acl for flow_id=%u with eth_type = %d, ip_proto = %d, src_port = %d, dst_port = %d already installed with acl id = %u\n",
+                flow_id, acl_key.ether_type, acl_key.ip_proto, acl_key.src_port, acl_key.dst_port, acl_id);
+        // The acl_ref_cnt is needed to know how many flows refer an ACL.
+        // When the flow is removed, we decrement the reference count.
+        // When the reference count becomes 0, we remove the ACL.
+        if (acl_ref_cnt.count(acl_id) > 0) {
+            acl_ref_cnt[acl_id] ++;
+        } else {
+            // We should ideally not land here. The acl_ref_cnt should have been
+            // initialized the first time acl was installed.
+            acl_ref_cnt[acl_id] = 1;
+        }
+    } else {
+        resp = install_acl(acl_key_const);
+        if (!resp.ok()) {
+            OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "Acl for flow_id=%u with eth_type = %d, ip_proto = %d, src_port = %d, dst_port = %d failed\n",
+                    flow_id, acl_key_const.ether_type, acl_key_const.ip_proto, acl_key_const.src_port, acl_key_const.dst_port);
+            bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+            return resp;
+        }
+        acl_id = acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map[acl_key_const];
+        // Initialize the acl reference count
+        acl_ref_cnt[acl_id] = 1;
+        OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "acl add success for flow_id=%u with acl_id=%d\n", flow_id, acl_id);
+    }
+    // Register the interface for the given acl
+    acl_id_intf_id_intf_type ac_id_inf_id_inf_type(acl_id, intf_id, intf_type);
+    // This is needed to keep a track of which interface (pon/nni) has registered for an ACL.
+    // If it is registered, how many flows refer to it.
+    if (intf_acl_registration_ref_cnt.count(ac_id_inf_id_inf_type) > 0) {
+        intf_acl_registration_ref_cnt[ac_id_inf_id_inf_type]++;
+    } else {
+        // The given interface is not registered for the ACL. We need to do it now.
+        resp = update_acl_interface(intf_id, olt_if_type, acl_id, BCMOLT_MEMBERS_UPDATE_COMMAND_ADD);
+        if (!resp.ok()){
+            OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "failed to update acl interfaces intf_id=%d, intf_type=%s, acl_id=%d", intf_id, intf_type.c_str(), acl_id);
+            // TODO: Ideally we should return error from hear and clean up other other stateful
+            // counters we creaed earlier. Will leave it out for now.
+        } 
+        intf_acl_registration_ref_cnt[ac_id_inf_id_inf_type] = 1;
+    }
+    // Install the gem port if needed.
+    if (gemport_id > 0 && access_intf_id >= 0) {
+        if (gem_ref_cnt.count(gem_intf) > 0) {
+            // The gem port is already installed
+            // Increment the ref counter indicating number of flows referencing this gem port
+            gem_ref_cnt[gem_intf]++;
+            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "increment gem_ref_cnt in acl handler, ref_cnt=%d\n", gem_ref_cnt[gem_intf]);
+        } else {
+            // We should ideally never land here. The gem port should have been created the
+            // first time ACL was installed.
+            // Install the gem port
+            Status resp = install_gem_port(access_intf_id, onu_id, gemport_id);
+            if (!resp.ok()) {
+                // TODO: We might need to reverse all previous data, but leave it out for now.
+                OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "failed to install the gemport=%d for acl_id=%d, intf_id=%d\n", gemport_id, acl_id, access_intf_id);
+                bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+                return resp;
+            }
+            // Initialize the refence count for the gemport.
+            gem_ref_cnt[gem_intf] = 1;
+            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "intialized gem ref count in acl handler\n");
+        }
+    } else {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "not incrementing gem_ref_cnt in acl handler flow_id=%d, gemport_id=%d, intf_id=%d\n", flow_id, gemport_id, access_intf_id);
+    }
+    // Update the flow_to_acl_map
+    // This info is needed during flow remove. We need to which ACL ID and GEM PORT ID
+    // the flow was referring to.
+    // After retrieving the ACL ID and GEM PORT ID, we decrement the corresponding
+    // reference counters for those ACL ID and GEMPORT ID.
+    acl_id_gem_id_intf_id ac_id_gm_id_if_id(acl_id, gemport_id, intf_id);
+    flow_to_acl_map[fl_id_fl_dir] = ac_id_gm_id_if_id;
+    bcmos_fastlock_unlock(&data_lock, 0);
+    return Status::OK;
+void clear_gem_port(int gemport_id, int access_intf_id) {
+    gem_id_intf_id gem_intf(gemport_id, access_intf_id);
+    if (gemport_id > 0 && access_intf_id >= 0 && gem_ref_cnt.count(gem_intf) > 0) {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "decrementing gem_ref_cnt gemport_id=%d access_intf_id=%d\n", gemport_id, access_intf_id);
+        gem_ref_cnt[gem_intf]--;
+        if (gem_ref_cnt[gem_intf] == 0) {
+            // For datapath flow this may not be necessary (to be verified)
+            remove_gem_port(access_intf_id, gemport_id);
+            gem_ref_cnt.erase(gem_intf);
+            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "removing gem_ref_cnt entry gemport_id=%d access_intf_id=%d\n", gemport_id, access_intf_id);
+        } else {
+            OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "gem_ref_cnt  not zero yet gemport_id=%d access_intf_id=%d\n", gemport_id, access_intf_id);
+        }
+    } else {
+        OPENOLT_LOG(DEBUG, openolt_log_id, "not decrementing gem_ref_cnt gemport_id=%d access_intf_id=%d\n", gemport_id, access_intf_id);
+    }
+Status handle_acl_rule_cleanup(int16_t acl_id, int32_t gemport_id, int32_t intf_id, const std::string flow_type) {
+    const std::string intf_type= flow_type.compare(upstream) == 0 ? "pon": "nni";
+    acl_id_intf_id_intf_type ac_id_inf_id_inf_type(acl_id, intf_id, intf_type);
+    intf_acl_registration_ref_cnt[ac_id_inf_id_inf_type]--;
+    if (intf_acl_registration_ref_cnt[ac_id_inf_id_inf_type] == 0) {
+        bcmolt_interface_type olt_if_type = intf_type == "pon"? BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_PON: BCMOLT_INTERFACE_TYPE_NNI;
+        Status resp = update_acl_interface(intf_id, olt_if_type, acl_id, BCMOLT_MEMBERS_UPDATE_COMMAND_REMOVE);
+        if (!resp.ok()){
+            OPENOLT_LOG(ERROR, openolt_log_id, "failed to update acl interfaces intf_id=%d, intf_type=%s, acl_id=%d", intf_id, intf_type.c_str(), acl_id);
+        }
+        intf_acl_registration_ref_cnt.erase(ac_id_inf_id_inf_type);
+    }
+    acl_ref_cnt[acl_id]--;
+    if (acl_ref_cnt[acl_id] == 0) {
+        remove_acl(acl_id);
+        acl_ref_cnt.erase(acl_id);
+        // Iterate acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map and delete classifier the key corresponding to acl_id
+        std::map<acl_classifier_key, uint16_t>::iterator it;
+        for (it=acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map.begin(); it!=acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map.end(); ++it)  {
+            if (it->second == acl_id) {
+                OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "cleared classifier key corresponding to acl_id = %d\n", acl_id);
+                acl_classifier_to_acl_id_map.erase(it->first);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    clear_gem_port(gemport_id, intf_id);
+    return Status::OK;
+Status check_bal_ready() {
+    bcmos_errno err;
+    int maxTrials = 30;
+    bcmolt_olt_cfg olt_cfg = { };
+    bcmolt_olt_key olt_key = { };
+    BCMOLT_CFG_INIT(&olt_cfg, olt, olt_key);
+    BCMOLT_MSG_FIELD_GET(&olt_cfg, bal_state);
+    while (olt_cfg.data.bal_state != BCMOLT_BAL_STATE_BAL_AND_SWITCH_READY) {
+        if (--maxTrials == 0)
+            return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, "check bal ready failed");
+        sleep(5);
+        #ifdef TEST_MODE
+        // It is impossible to mock the setting of olt_cfg.data.bal_state because
+        // the actual bcmolt_cfg_get passes the address of olt_cfg.hdr and we cannot
+        // set the olt_cfg.data.bal_state. So a new stub function is created and address
+        // of olt_cfg is passed. This is one-of case where we need to add test specific
+        // code in production code.
+        if (bcmolt_cfg_get__bal_state_stub(dev_id, &olt_cfg)) {
+        #else
+        if (bcmolt_cfg_get(dev_id, &olt_cfg.hdr)) {
+        #endif
+            continue;
+        }
+        else
+            OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "waiting for BAL ready ...\n");
+    }
+    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "BAL is ready\n");
+    return Status::OK;
+Status check_connection() {
+    int maxTrials = 60;
+    while (!bcmolt_api_conn_mgr_is_connected(dev_id)) {
+        sleep(1);
+        if (--maxTrials == 0)
+            return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, "check connection failed");
+        else
+            OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "waiting for daemon connection ...\n");
+    }
+    OPENOLT_LOG(INFO, openolt_log_id, "daemon is connected\n");
+    return Status::OK;
diff --git a/agent/src/core_utils.h b/agent/src/core_utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a7c6bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agent/src/core_utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "core.h"
+#include "core_data.h"
+#include "error_format.h"
+extern "C"
+#include <bcmolt_api.h>
+#include <bcmolt_host_api.h>
+#include <bcmolt_api_model_supporting_enums.h>
+#include <bcmolt_api_model_supporting_structs.h>
+#include <bcmolt_api_conn_mgr.h>
+//CLI header files
+#include <bcmcli_session.h>
+#include <bcmcli.h>
+#include <bcm_api_cli.h>
+#include <bcmos_common.h>
+#include <bcm_config.h>
+// FIXME : dependency problem
+// #include <bcm_common_gpon.h>
+// #include <bcm_dev_log_task.h>
+std::string serial_number_to_str(bcmolt_serial_number* serial_number);
+std::string vendor_specific_to_str(const char* const serial_number);
+uint16_t get_dev_id(void);
+int get_default_tm_sched_id(int intf_id, std::string direction);
+uint32_t get_tm_sched_id(int pon_intf_id, int onu_id, int uni_id, std::string direction);
+void free_tm_sched_id(int pon_intf_id, int onu_id, int uni_id, std::string direction);
+bool is_tm_sched_id_present(int pon_intf_id, int onu_id, int uni_id, std::string direction);
+bool check_tm_qmp_equality(std::vector<uint32_t> tmq_map_profileA, std::vector<uint32_t> tmq_map_profileB);
+std::string* get_valid_queues_pbit_map(std::string *queues_pbit_map, uint32_t size);
+std::vector<uint32_t> get_tmq_map_profile(std::string *queues_pbit_map, uint32_t *queues_priority_q, uint32_t size);
+int get_tm_qmp_id(std::vector<uint32_t> tmq_map_profile);
+void update_sched_qmp_id_map(uint32_t sched_id,uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id,
+                             uint32_t uni_id, int tm_qmp_id);
+int get_tm_qmp_id(uint32_t sched_id,uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, uint32_t uni_id);
+int get_tm_qmp_id(uint32_t sched_id,uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, uint32_t uni_id,
+                  std::vector<uint32_t> tmq_map_profile);
+bool free_tm_qmp_id(uint32_t sched_id,uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id,
+                    uint32_t uni_id, int tm_qmp_id);
+int get_acl_id();
+void free_acl_id (int acl_id);
+std::string get_qos_type_as_string(bcmolt_egress_qos_type qos_type);
+bcmolt_egress_qos_type get_qos_type(uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, uint32_t uni_id, uint32_t queue_size=0);
+void clear_qos_type(uint32_t pon_intf_id, uint32_t onu_id, uint32_t uni_id);
+std::string GetDirection(int direction);
+bcmos_errno wait_for_alloc_action(uint32_t intf_id, uint32_t alloc_id, AllocCfgAction action);
+char* openolt_read_sysinfo(const char* field_name, char* field_val);
+Status pushOltOperInd(uint32_t intf_id, const char *type, const char *state);
+void openolt_cli_get_prompt_cb(bcmcli_session *session, char *buf, uint32_t max_len);
+int _bal_apiend_cli_thread_handler(long data);
+bcmos_errno bcm_openolt_api_cli_init(bcmcli_entry *parent_dir, bcmcli_session *session);
+bcmos_errno bcm_cli_quit(bcmcli_session *session, const bcmcli_cmd_parm parm[], uint16_t n_parms);
+int get_status_bcm_cli_quit(void);
+bcmos_errno bcmolt_apiend_cli_init();
+bcmos_errno get_pon_interface_status(bcmolt_interface pon_ni, bcmolt_interface_state *state);
+bcmos_errno bcmolt_cfg_get_mult_retry(bcmolt_oltid olt, bcmolt_cfg *cfg);
+unsigned NumNniIf_();
+unsigned NumPonIf_();
+bcmos_errno get_nni_interface_status(bcmolt_interface id, bcmolt_interface_state *state);
+Status install_gem_port(int32_t intf_id, int32_t onu_id, int32_t gemport_id);
+Status remove_gem_port(int32_t intf_id, int32_t gemport_id);
+Status update_acl_interface(int32_t intf_id, bcmolt_interface_type intf_type, uint32_t access_control_id,
+                bcmolt_members_update_command acl_cmd);
+Status install_acl(const acl_classifier_key acl_key);
+Status remove_acl(int acl_id);
+void formulate_acl_classifier_key(acl_classifier_key *key, const ::openolt::Classifier& classifier);
+Status handle_acl_rule_install(int32_t onu_id, uint32_t flow_id,
+                               const std::string flow_type, int32_t access_intf_id,
+                               int32_t network_intf_id, int32_t gemport_id,
+                               const ::openolt::Classifier& classifier);
+void clear_gem_port(int gemport_id, int access_intf_id);
+Status handle_acl_rule_cleanup(int16_t acl_id, int32_t gemport_id, int32_t intf_id, const std::string flow_type);
+Status check_bal_ready();
+Status check_connection();
diff --git a/agent/src/indications.cc b/agent/src/indications.cc
index c9f112e..b4eeb58 100644
--- a/agent/src/indications.cc
+++ b/agent/src/indications.cc
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
 #include "indications.h"
 #include "core.h"
-#include "utils.h"
+#include "core_data.h"
+#include "core_utils.h"
 #include "stats_collection.h"
 #include "translation.h"
 #include "state.h"
diff --git a/agent/src/stats_collection.cc b/agent/src/stats_collection.cc
index f0feca4..9caa98e 100644
--- a/agent/src/stats_collection.cc
+++ b/agent/src/stats_collection.cc
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "indications.h"
 #include "core.h"
+#include "core_data.h"
 #include "translation.h"
 extern "C"
diff --git a/agent/src/utils.cc b/agent/src/utils.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 21ca84b..0000000
--- a/agent/src/utils.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include "utils.h"
-std::string serial_number_to_str(bcmolt_serial_number* serial_number) {
-    char buff[SERIAL_NUMBER_SIZE+1];
-    sprintf(buff, "%c%c%c%c%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X",
-            serial_number->vendor_id.arr[0],
-            serial_number->vendor_id.arr[1],
-            serial_number->vendor_id.arr[2],
-            serial_number->vendor_id.arr[3],
-            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[0]>>4 & 0x0f,
-            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[0] & 0x0f,
-            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[1]>>4 & 0x0f,
-            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[1] & 0x0f,
-            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[2]>>4 & 0x0f,
-            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[2] & 0x0f,
-            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[3]>>4 & 0x0f,
-            serial_number->vendor_specific.arr[3] & 0x0f);
-    return buff;
-std::string vendor_specific_to_str(char const * const vendor_specific) {
-    char buff[SERIAL_NUMBER_SIZE+1];
-    sprintf(buff, "%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X",
-            vendor_specific[0]>>4 & 0x0f,
-            vendor_specific[0] & 0x0f,
-            vendor_specific[1]>>4 & 0x0f,
-            vendor_specific[1] & 0x0f,
-            vendor_specific[2]>>4 & 0x0f,
-            vendor_specific[2] & 0x0f,
-            vendor_specific[3]>>4 & 0x0f,
-            vendor_specific[3] & 0x0f);
-    return buff;
diff --git a/agent/src/utils.h b/agent/src/utils.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c35d6f0..0000000
--- a/agent/src/utils.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <string>
-extern "C"
-#include <bcmos_system.h>
-#include <bcmolt_api.h>
-#include <bcmolt_api_model_supporting_structs.h>
-std::string serial_number_to_str(bcmolt_serial_number* serial_number);
-std::string vendor_specific_to_str(const char* const serial_number);