OSAM-26 Implementation of Abstract OLT Interfaces PreProvisionOnt, ProvisionOntFull and DeleteOnt

Change-Id: I7dce313ef9ecba79a05261f2ef7c858b51ed3d35
diff --git a/osam-core/external/src/main/proto/abstract_olt_api.proto b/osam-core/external/src/main/proto/abstract_olt_api.proto
index ce9a322..055acd9 100644
--- a/osam-core/external/src/main/proto/abstract_olt_api.proto
+++ b/osam-core/external/src/main/proto/abstract_olt_api.proto
@@ -1,149 +1,222 @@
-//Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.


-//  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

-//  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

-//  You may obtain a copy of the License at


-//       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


-//  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

-//  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

-//  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

-//  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

-//  limitations under the License.


-syntax = "proto3";

-package api;

-import "google/api/annotations.proto";


-option java_multiple_files = true;

-option java_package = "org.onap.osam.grpc";

-option java_outer_classname = "AbstractOLTProto";


-message EchoMessage{

-   string Ping =1;


-message EchoReplyMessage{

-   string Pong =1;



-message AddChassisMessage{

-   string CLLI =1;

-   string XOSIP =2;

-   int32 XOSPort=3;

-   string XOSUser=4;

-   string XOSPassword=5;

-   int32 Rack=6;

-   int32 Shelf=7;


-message AddChassisReturn{

-   string DeviceID = 1;


-message ChangeXOSUserPasswordMessage{

-   string CLLI =1;

-   string XOSUser=2;

-   string XOSPassword=3;


-message ChangeXOSUserPasswordReturn{

-   bool Success=1;



-message AddOLTChassisMessage{

-   string CLLI=1;

-   string SlotIP=2;

-   fixed32 SlotPort=3;

-   string Hostname=4;

-   fixed32 NumPorts = 5;

-   bool Activate = 6;

-   enum OltDriver {

-      openoltDriver= 0;

-      asfvolt16Driver=1;

-      adtranDriver=2;

-      tibitsDriver=3;

-   }

-   OltDriver Driver=7;

-   enum OltType{

-      edgecore=0;

-      adtran=1;

-      tibit=2;

-   }

-   OltType Type=8;



-message AddOLTChassisReturn {

-   string DeviceID =1;

-   string ChassisDeviceID =2;



-message AddOntMessage{

-   string CLLI=1;

-   int32 SlotNumber=2;

-   int32 PortNumber=3;

-   int32 OntNumber=4;

-   string SerialNumber=5;


-message AddOntReturn{

-   bool Success=1;



-message DeleteOntMessage{

-   string CLLI=1;

-   int32 SlotNumber=2;

-   int32 PortNumber=3;

-   int32 OntNumber=4;

-   string SerialNumber=5;


-message DeleteOntReturn{

-   bool Success=1;


-message OutputMessage{

-   string Something=1;


-message OutputReturn{

-   bool Success=1;


-service AbstractOLT{

-   rpc Echo(EchoMessage) returns (EchoReplyMessage){

-      option(google.api.http)={

-        post:"/v1/Echo"

-	body:"*"

-      };

-   }

-   rpc CreateChassis(AddChassisMessage) returns (AddChassisReturn) {

-      option(google.api.http) = {

-         post: "/v1/CreateAbstractChassis"

-	 body:"*"

-      };

-   }

-   rpc ChangeXOSUserPassword(ChangeXOSUserPasswordMessage) returns(ChangeXOSUserPasswordReturn){

-      option(google.api.http)={

-        post:"/v1/ChangeXOSUserPassword"

-	body:"*"

-      };

-   }

-   rpc CreateOLTChassis(AddOLTChassisMessage) returns (AddOLTChassisReturn) {

-      option(google.api.http) = {

-         post: "/v1/CreateOLTChassis"

-	 body:"*"

-      };

-   }

-   rpc ProvisionOnt(AddOntMessage) returns (AddOntReturn) {

-      option(google.api.http) = {

-         post:"/v1/ProvsionOnt"

-	 body:"*"

-      };

-   }

-   rpc DeleteOnt(DeleteOntMessage) returns (DeleteOntReturn){

-      option(google.api.http)={

-        post:"/v1/DeleteOnt"

-	body:"*"

-      };

-   }

-   rpc Output(OutputMessage)returns(OutputReturn){

-      option(google.api.http)={

-        post:"/v1/Output"

-	body:"*"

-      };

-   }



+//Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+//  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+//  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+//  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+//  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+//  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+//  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+//  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+//  limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+package api;
+import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_package = "org.onap.osam.grpc";
+option java_outer_classname = "AbstractOLTProto";
+message EchoMessage{
+   string Ping =1;
+message EchoReplyMessage{
+   string Pong =1;
+message AddChassisMessage{
+   string CLLI =1;
+   string XOSIP =2;
+   int32 XOSPort=3;
+   string XOSUser=4;
+   string XOSPassword=5;
+   int32 Rack=6;
+   int32 Shelf=7;
+message AddChassisReturn{
+   string DeviceID = 1;
+message ChangeXOSUserPasswordMessage{
+   string CLLI =1;
+   string XOSUser=2;
+   string XOSPassword=3;
+message ChangeXOSUserPasswordReturn{
+   bool Success=1;
+message AddOLTChassisMessage{
+   string CLLI=1;
+   string SlotIP=2;
+   fixed32 SlotPort=3;
+   string Hostname=4;
+   fixed32 NumPorts = 5;
+   bool Activate = 6;
+   enum OltDriver {
+      openoltDriver= 0;
+      asfvolt16Driver=1;
+      adtranDriver=2;
+      tibitsDriver=3;
+   }
+   OltDriver Driver=7;
+   enum OltType{
+      edgecore=0;
+      adtran=1;
+      tibit=2;
+   }
+   OltType Type=8;
+message AddOLTChassisReturn {
+   string DeviceID =1;
+   string ChassisDeviceID =2;
+message AddOntMessage{
+   string CLLI=1;
+   int32 SlotNumber=2;
+   int32 PortNumber=3;
+   int32 OntNumber=4;
+   string SerialNumber=5;
+message PreProvisionOntMessage{
+   string CLLI=1;
+   int32 SlotNumber=2;
+   int32 PortNumber=3;
+   int32 OntNumber=4;
+   uint32 STag=5;
+   uint32 CTag=6;
+   string NasPortID=7;
+   string CircuitID=8;
+   string TechProfile=9;
+   string SpeedProfile=10;
+message AddOntFullMessage{
+   string CLLI=1;
+   int32 SlotNumber=2;
+   int32 PortNumber=3;
+   int32 OntNumber=4;
+   string SerialNumber=5;
+   uint32 STag=6;
+   uint32 CTag=7;
+   string NasPortID=8;
+   string CircuitID=9;
+message AddOntReturn{
+   bool Success=1;
+message DeleteOntMessage{
+   string CLLI=1;
+   int32 SlotNumber=2;
+   int32 PortNumber=3;
+   int32 OntNumber=4;
+   string SerialNumber=5;
+message DeleteOntReturn{
+   bool Success=1;
+message ReflowMessage{
+message ReflowReturn{
+    bool Success=1;
+message OutputMessage{
+   string Something=1;
+message OutputReturn{
+   bool Success=1;
+message FullInventoryMessage{
+message InventoryMessage{
+   string Clli=1;
+message InventoryReturn{
+   string JsonDump=1;
+service AbstractOLT{
+   rpc Echo(EchoMessage) returns (EchoReplyMessage){
+      option(google.api.http)={
+        post:"/v1/Echo"
+	body:"*"
+      };
+   }
+   rpc CreateChassis(AddChassisMessage) returns (AddChassisReturn) {
+      option(google.api.http) = {
+         post: "/v1/CreateAbstractChassis"
+	 body:"*"
+      };
+   }
+   rpc ChangeXOSUserPassword(ChangeXOSUserPasswordMessage) returns(ChangeXOSUserPasswordReturn){
+      option(google.api.http)={
+        post:"/v1/ChangeXOSUserPassword"
+	body:"*"
+      };
+   }
+   rpc CreateOLTChassis(AddOLTChassisMessage) returns (AddOLTChassisReturn) {
+      option(google.api.http) = {
+         post: "/v1/CreateOLTChassis"
+	 body:"*"
+      };
+   }
+   rpc PreProvisionOnt(PreProvisionOntMessage) returns (AddOntReturn) {
+      option(google.api.http) = {
+         post:"/v1/PreProvsionOnt"
+	 body:"*"
+      };
+   }
+   rpc ActivateSerial(AddOntMessage) returns (AddOntReturn) {
+      option(google.api.http) = {
+         post:"/v1/ActivateSerial"
+	 body:"*"
+      };
+   }
+   rpc ProvisionOnt(AddOntMessage) returns (AddOntReturn) {
+      option(google.api.http) = {
+         post:"/v1/ProvsionOnt"
+	 body:"*"
+      };
+   }
+   rpc ProvisionOntFull(AddOntFullMessage) returns (AddOntReturn) {
+      option(google.api.http) = {
+         post:"/v1/ProvsionOtFull"
+	 body:"*"
+      };
+   }
+   rpc DeleteOnt(DeleteOntMessage) returns (DeleteOntReturn){
+      option(google.api.http)={
+        post:"/v1/DeleteOnt"
+	body:"*"
+      };
+   }
+   rpc Reflow(ReflowMessage)returns (ReflowReturn){
+       option(google.api.http)={
+           post:"/v1/Reflow"
+           body:"*"
+       };
+   }
+   rpc Output(OutputMessage)returns(OutputReturn){
+      option(google.api.http)={
+        post:"/v1/Output"
+	    body:"*"
+      };
+   }
+   rpc GetFullInventory(FullInventoryMessage)returns(InventoryReturn){
+      option(google.api.http)={
+        post:"/v1/FullInventory"
+	    body:"*"
+      };
+   }
+   rpc GetInventory(InventoryMessage)returns(InventoryReturn){
+      option(google.api.http)={
+        post:"/v1/Inventory"
+	    body:"*"
+      };
+   }