OSAM infra seed code - merge with osam-core side-by-side - fixed warnings in onap-enabler POMs

Change-Id: I0cd9ea39d4b7c1dc088ab0ecd6fb787c7f490e5e
Signed-off-by: Aharoni, Pavel (pa0916) <pavel.aharoni@intl.att.com>
diff --git a/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/asdc.properties b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/asdc.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..970730b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/asdc.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@





+#asdc.client.rest.auth=Basic VklEOnZpbjNSaXBlbmVkSnVtYjBKZXRTcHJpbmtsZXM=






+#asdc.client.rest.auth=Basic VGVzdDoxMjM0NTY=





+asdc.client.rest.auth=Basic dmlkOnZpZGlzdA==

diff --git a/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/quartz.properties b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/quartz.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92ab425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/quartz.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@

+# Quartz configurations for Quantum Work Flow									#



+org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId = AUTO



+# Main configurations

+org.quartz.threadPool.class = org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool

+org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 30



+# Configure JobStore  



+org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold = 60000


+org.quartz.jobStore.class = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX

+org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate

+org.quartz.jobStore.useProperties = false

+#org.quartz.jobStore.dataSource = myDS

+org.quartz.jobStore.tablePrefix = FN_QZ_


+org.quartz.jobStore.isClustered = true

+org.quartz.jobStore.clusterCheckinInterval = 20000



+# Configure Datasources  



+org.quartz.dataSource.myDS.driver = org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver

+org.quartz.dataSource.myDS.URL = jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/vid_openecomp_epsdk

+org.quartz.dataSource.myDS.user = euser

+org.quartz.dataSource.myDS.password = euser

+org.quartz.dataSource.myDS.maxConnections = 5

+org.quartz.dataSource.myDS.validationQuery=select 0 from dual

diff --git a/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/raptor.properties b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/raptor.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0d01fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/raptor.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+##C## Mention the name of the framework. At present RAPTOR supports FUSION


+##C## Determines the priority for the debug message.


+##C## Determines the number of records can be downloaded in excel when you select "download all" option.



+##C## Determines the number of records to be displayed in a single page.


+##C## Determines the list size in the form field.


+##C## Determines the scheduler interval

+#scheduler_interval=0 => disabled


+##C## System Name


+##C## This is used for Bread crumbs.


+##C## whether to allow SQL-based report definition (security risk); super users are always allowed to create SQL-based reports


+##C## Determines whether to include disclaimer page at the bottom of each screen



+##C## Determines whether to display the form page as a separate page before running the report


+##C## Determines whether to include the form page on the report data page


+##C## Determines whether to cache chart data in the session => faster re-display if the data volume does not get too large


+##C## Determines whether to cache report data for the currently displayed page in the session => faster re-display

+	##C## if the data volume does not get too large


+##C## Determines Chart width


+##C## Determines Chart height


+##C## Determines whether to permit report deletion only by report owner or by everyone with "write" access


+##C## Determines whether to log each report execution and update time and user ID


+##C## Determines whether to cache user roles info in memory (saves many DB reads, but does not account for roles

+	##C## assigned after the cache was loaded)


+##C## Determines whether to convert month formats (e.g. MM/YYYY) to the last day of the month (true) or

+        ##C## first day (false) - like 12/2003 is converted to either 12/31/2003 or 12/01/2003


+##C## Determines whether to print the report title in the download files


+##C## Determines whether to show report description when the report is run and in the quick links


+##C## Determines whether to skip labels on the Line chart axis when they overlap

+#DEPRECATED skip_chart_labels_to_fit=no

+##C## Determines whether to show chart types that are purpose and/or data specific


+##C## Determines whether to allow the user to change the chart type at runtime


+##C## Determines whether to display the report title as chart title as well


+##C## Determines whether to merge/blank multi-level row headings in cross-tab report


+##C## Determines whether to display chart when displaying the report at first or just a "Show Chart" button


+##C## Determines whether to print the form field values in the download files


+##C## Determines the limitation to the characters in chart label.


+##C## Determines whether to users with read-only rights for a report can copy it


+##C## Determines the no of decimals to be displayed in Totals column

+#max_decimals_on_totals=-1 => don't truncate, display all decimal digits


+##C## Determines which JFreeChart to use.



+# Added this restriction so that heavily used system which contain

+# more than 1000 users can enable this feature not to display whole

+# users in the drop down menu


+##Sheet name




+## this directory is mentioned if the flat file is downloaded using shell script




+## whatever request mentioned here would be parsed in sql and request parameter would be filled



+## footer mentioned here appears in downloaded excel

+footer_first_line=AT&T Proprietary

+footer_second_line=Use Pursuant to Company Instructions

+## to run report in popup window


+## to run each report in new popup window if the above is selected


+## "Yes" allows the request param to be passed to the drill down report


+## Show PDF download icon


+# Show Folder Tree


+#Show folder tree only for Admin Users


+#folder tree should be minimized


+## whatever session mentioned here would be parsed in sql and session parameter would be filled




+#schedule limit for end users


+# customized query if you need any restrictions for schedule and security tab for fusion



+# customized query if you need any restrictions for schedule and security tab for prisms example

+#schedule_custom_query_for_users=SELECT au.user_id, au.first_name||' '||au.last_name user_name FROM app_user au order by 2

+schedule_custom_query_for_users=SELECT au.user_id id, au.first_name||' '||au.last_name name FROM app_user au where user_id = 1 order by 2

+#schedule_custom_query_for_roles=SELECT ar.role_id, ar.descr role_name FROM app_role ar order by 2

+schedule_date_pattern=MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a

+## This is used to display in right format in chart timestamp axis as we give in the sql




+chart_hourly_format=MM/dd HH






+schedule_help_text=This form is used to schedule a specific Reporting Platform report to be delivered to one or more email addresses associated with your Company's Business Direct user logins.  Note that report output delivered via email does not include the capability to drill down/back up to additional data levels.  So, select the appropriate data level report for the scheduled report.  View the status of scheduled report requests in the My Schedules menu item.




+display_session_param_pdfexcel=login_id;Login Id

+session_params_for_displaying_in_scheduling=login_id;Login Id


+#gmap properties





+# output folder for files generated on server side


+# tile size in pixel


+#check if map is disabled or not

















+custom_submit_button_text=Run Button





diff --git a/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/raptor_app_fusion.properties b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/raptor_app_fusion.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c65ad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/raptor_app_fusion.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@




















diff --git a/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/raptor_db_fusion.properties b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/raptor_db_fusion.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/raptor_db_fusion.properties
diff --git a/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/raptor_pdf.properties b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/raptor_pdf.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffb42a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/raptor_pdf.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+## pdf file specific properties



+#reduce the font size from html config



+#data row background(white), alternate(light light blue/gray)



+#header font (white)  background (gray)



+#footer header



+pdf_att_proprietary=AT&T Proprietary\nUse Pursuant to Company Instructions



+pdf_date_pattern=MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a

+##page number position at 1 - footer middle, 0 -- header right, 2 - both









+# please use false if you want landscape to be default.


diff --git a/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/sql.properties b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/sql.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0f89f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/sql.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+#SQL Statements for PostgreSQL




+load.custom.report.xml = SELECT cr.report_xml FROM cr_report cr WHERE rep_id=?


+# need to copy to oracle

+load.remoteDB.schema = SELECT 'local' SCHEMA_ID, 'local' SCHEMA_DESC, null DATASOURCE_TYPE  FROM dual union SELECT a.SCHEMA_ID, a.SCHEMA_DESC, DATASOURCE_TYPE  FROM SCHEMA_INFO a  where schema_id <> 'local' order by schema_id

+load.remoteDB.schema.where = SELECT a.SCHEMA_ID, a.SCHEMA_DESC, DATASOURCE_TYPE  FROM SCHEMA_INFO a where schema_id = '[schema_id]'

+#formfield rendering


+formfield.id.name.sql.prefix=SELECT id, name FROM (

+formfield.id.name.sql=SELECT id, name




+report.security.create= SELECT coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) AS owner_id, cr.create_id,  DATE_FORMAT(cr.create_date, '%m/%d/%Y') create_date, maint_id,  DATE_FORMAT(cr.maint_date, '%m/%d/%Y')  update_date, cr.public_yn FROM cr_report cr WHERE cr.rep_id = [rw.getReportID()]


+db.update.report.xml = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.report_xml FROM cr_report cr WHERE rep_id=? FOR UPDATE


+update.custom.report.rec = UPDATE cr_report SET title='[Utils.oracleSafe(rw.getReportName())]', descr='[Utils.oracleSafe(rw.getReportDescr())]', public_yn='[(rw.isPublic()]', menu_id='[rw.getMenuID()]', menu_approved_yn='[(rw.isMenuApproved()]', owner_id=[rw.getOwnerID()], maint_id=[rw.getUpdateID()], maint_date=STR_TO_DATE('[rw.getUpdateDate()]', '[Globals.getOracleTimeFormat()]'), dashboard_type_yn='[(rw.isDashboardType()]', dashboard_yn= '[(rw.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_DASHBOARD)]' WHERE rep_id = [rw.getReportID()]


+is.report.already.scheduled = select rep_id from cr_report_schedule where rep_id = ?


+create.custom.report.rec = INSERT INTO cr_report(rep_id, title, descr, public_yn, menu_id, menu_approved_yn, report_xml, owner_id, create_id, create_date, maint_id, maint_date, dashboard_type_yn, dashboard_yn, folder_id) VALUES([rw.getReportID()], '[Utils.oracleSafe(rw.getReportName())]', '[Utils.oracleSafe(rw.getReportDescr())]', '[rw.isPublic()]', '[rw.getMenuID()]', '[rw.isMenuApproved()]', '<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>', [rw.getOwnerID()], [rw.getCreateID()], STR_TO_DATE('[rw.getCreateDate()]', '[Globals.getOracleTimeFormat()]'), [rw.getUpdateID()], STR_TO_DATE('[rw.getUpdateDate()]', '[Globals.getOracleTimeFormat()]'), '[rw.isDashboardType()]', '[rw.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_DASHBOARD)]',[rw.getFolderId()]) 


+get.user.report.names = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.title FROM cr_report cr WHERE coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID]							


+get.report.owner.id = SELECT coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) AS owner FROM cr_report cr WHERE rep_id = ?						


+delete.report.record.log = DELETE FROM cr_report_log WHERE rep_id = [reportID]


+delete.report.record.users = DELETE FROM cr_report_schedule_users WHERE rep_id = [reportID]


+delete.report.record.schedule = DELETE FROM cr_report_schedule WHERE rep_id = [reportID]


+delete.report.record.access = DELETE FROM cr_report_access WHERE rep_id = [reportID]


+delete.report.record.email = DELETE FROM cr_report_email_sent_log WHERE rep_id = [reportID]


+delete.report.record.favorite = DELETE FROM cr_favorite_reports WHERE rep_id = [reportID]


+delete.report.record.report = DELETE FROM cr_report WHERE rep_id = [reportID]


+load.quick.links =  select finalcr.rep_id, finalcr.title, finalcr.descr from (SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.title, cr.descr FROM (SELECT rep_id, MIN(read_only_yn) read_only_yn FROM ((SELECT ua.rep_id, ua.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ua WHERE ua.user_id = [userID]) UNION ALL (SELECT ra.rep_id, ra.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ra WHERE ra.role_id IN ([roleList.toString()]))) report_access GROUP BY rep_id) ra LEFT JOIN cr_report cr ON cr.rep_id = ra.rep_id WHERE cr.menu_id LIKE '%[nvls(menuId)]%' AND cr.menu_approved_yn = 'Y' AND (coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] OR cr.public_yn = 'Y' OR ra.read_only_yn IS NOT NULL) UNION SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.title, cr.descr FROM cr_report cr WHERE cr.menu_id LIKE '%[nvls(menuId)]%' AND (coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] OR cr.public_yn = 'Y' or EXISTS (select * from fn_user_role where user_id=[userID] and role_id in (1)))) finalcr ORDER BY finalcr.title


+load.folder.reports = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.rep_id report_id, concat([rep_title_sql] , (CASE WHEN cr.public_yn = 'Y' THEN '' ELSE '[PRIVATE_ICON]' END),cr.title,'</a>') title, cr.descr, concat(au.first_name,' ',au.last_name) owner_name, DATE_FORMAT(cr.create_date, '%m/%d/%Y') create_date, CASE WHEN coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] THEN 'N' ELSE coalesce(ra.read_only_yn, 'Y') END read_only_yn, CASE WHEN coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END user_is_owner_yn FROM cr_report cr JOIN app_user au ON coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = au.user_id AND cr.folder_id= '[folderId]' LEFT JOIN (SELECT rep_id, MIN(read_only_yn) read_only_yn FROM ((SELECT ua.rep_id, ua.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ua WHERE ua.user_id = [userID]) UNION ALL(SELECT ra.rep_id, ra.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ra WHERE ra.role_id IN ([roleList.toString()]))) report_access GROUP BY rep_id) ra ON cr.rep_id = ra.rep_id

+#If roleList.toString() is '' PostgreSQL returns an error - needs to be null instead of empty


+load.folder.reports.user = AND coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID]	


+load.folder.reports.publicsql = AND (coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] OR cr.public_yn = 'Y' OR ra.read_only_yn IS NOT NULL)


+load.quick.download.links = SELECT a.file_name, b.title,DATE_FORMAT(a.dwnld_start_time, '%W %d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%s') as time, a.dwnld_start_time FROM cr_report_dwnld_log a, cr_report b where a.user_id = [userID] and a.rep_id = b.rep_id and (a.dwnld_start_time) >= STR_TO_DATE(DATE_FORMAT(now() -  INTERVAL 1 DAY, '%m/%d/%Y'), '%m/%d/%Y') and a.record_ready_time is not null order by a.dwnld_start_time


+load.reports.to.schedule = SELECT cr.rep_id, Initcap(cr.title), cr.descr FROM cr_report cr LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT rep_id, MIN(read_only_yn) read_only_yn FROM ((SELECT ua.rep_id, ua.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ua WHERE ua.user_id = [userID]) UNION ALL (SELECT ra.rep_id, ra.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ra WHERE ra.role_id IN ([roleList.toString()]))) report_access GROUP BY rep_id) ra ON cr.rep_id = ra.rep_id AND (cr.public_yn = 'Y' OR ra.read_only_yn IS NOT NULL or cr.owner_id = [userID] )ORDER BY Initcap(cr.title)


+load.reports.to.add.in.dashboard = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.title, cr.descr FROM cr_report cr LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT rep_id, MIN(read_only_yn) read_only_yn FROM ((SELECT ua.rep_id, ua.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ua WHERE ua.user_id = [userID]) UNION ALL (SELECT ra.rep_id, ra.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ra WHERE ra.role_id IN ([roleList.toString()]))) report_access GROUP BY rep_id) ra ON cr.rep_id = ra.rep_id AND (coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] OR cr.public_yn = 'Y' OR ra.read_only_yn IS NOT NULL) AND (cr.dashboard_yn = 'N' or cr.dashboard_yn is null) ORDER BY cr.title


+load.my.recent.links = select rep_id, title, descr, form_fields from ( select rep_id, title, descr, form_fields from  (select cr.rep_id, cr.title, a.form_fields,  cr.descr, a.log_time, a.user_id, a.action, a.action_value from cr_report_log a, cr_report cr where user_id = [userID] AND action = 'Report Execution Time' and a.rep_id = cr.rep_id order by log_time desc) AS x) AS y where LIMIT 1, 6


+create.report.log.entry = INSERT INTO cr_report_log (rep_id, log_time, user_id, action, action_value, form_fields) VALUES([reportID], now(), [userID], '[action]' , '[executionTime]', '[form_fields]')


+create.report.log.entry.exec.time = INSERT INTO cr_report_log (rep_id, log_time, user_id, action, action_value, form_fields) VALUES([reportID], NOW() + INTERVAL 1 SECOND, [userID], '[action]' , '[executionTime]', '[formFields]')


+clear.report.log.entries = DELETE FROM cr_report_log WHERE rep_id = ? and user_id = ?


+load.report.log.entries = SELECT x.log_time, x.user_id, (CASE WHEN x.action = 'Report Execution Time' THEN  concat('<a href=\"[AppUtils.getRaptorActionURL()]report.run.container&c_master=',x.rep_id,'&',x.form_fields,'&fromReportLog=Y&display_content=Y&noFormFields=Y&refresh=Y\">',x.action,'</a>') ELSE x.action END) action, (CASE WHEN x.action = 'Report Execution Time' THEN  action_value  ELSE 'N/A' END) time_taken, (CASE WHEN x.action = 'Report Execution Time' THEN concat('<a href=\"[AppUtils.getRaptorActionURL()]report.run.container&c_master=',x.rep_id,'&',x.form_fields,'&fromReportLog=Y&display_content=Y&noFormFields=Y&refresh=Y\"><img src=\"[AppUtils.getImgFolderURL()]test_run.gif" width=\"12\" height=\"12\" border=0 alt=\"Run report\"/></a>') ELSE 'N/A' END) run_image, x.name FROM  (SELECT rl.rep_id, DATE_FORMAT(rl.log_time, '%m/%d/%Y %h:%i:%s %p') log_time, rl.action_value, concat(fuser.last_name ,', ',fuser.first_name) name, rl.user_id, rl.action, rl.form_fields FROM cr_report_log rl, fn_user fuser WHERE rl.rep_id = [nvls(reportId)] and rl.action != 'Report Run' and fuser.user_id = rl.user_id ORDER BY rl.log_time DESC) x  LIMIT 100


+does.user.can.schedule.report = select crs.sched_user_id, count(*) from cr_report_schedule crs where sched_user_id = [userId] group by crs.sched_user_id having count(*) >= [Globals.getScheduleLimit()]


+does.user.can.schedule = select crs.schedule_id from cr_report_schedule crs where schedule_id = [scheduleId]


+get.system.date.time = select DATE_FORMAT(now(),'%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s')


+get.next.day.date.time = select DATE_FORMAT(NOW() + INTERVAL 1 DAY,'%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s')


+get.next.fifteen.minutes.date.time = select DATE_FORMAT(NOW() + INTERVAL 15 MINUTES,'%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s')


+get.next.thirty.minutes.date.time = select DATE_FORMAT(NOW() + INTERVAL 30 MINUTES,'%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s')


+get.template.file = select template_file from cr_report_template_map where report_id = [reportId]


+load.pdf.img.lookup = select image_id, image_loc from cr_raptor_pdf_img


+load.action.img.lookup = select image_id, image_loc from cr_raptor_action_img





+report.values.map.def.a = SELECT x FROM (SELECT DISTINCT 


+report.values.map.def.b = TO_CHAR([colName], '[nvl(displayFormat, AppConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT)]')


+report.values.map.def.c = [colName] 


+report.values.map.def.d =  x FROM [rdef.getTableById(tableId).getTableName()] WHERE [colName] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY 1) xx LIMIT <= [Globals.getDefaultPageSize()]


+test.sched.cond.popup = SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS ([sql])


+download.all.email.sent = Select user_id, rep_id from CR_REPORT_EMAIL_SENT_LOG where gen_key='[pdfAttachmentKey.trim()]' and log_id =[report_email_sent_log_id.trim()] and (now() - sent_date) < '1 day' limit 1


+download.all.gen.key = select schedule_id from cr_report_email_sent_log u where U.GEN_KEY = '[pdfAttachmentKey]'


+download.all.retrieve = SELECT au.user_id FROM (SELECT rs.schedule_id, rs.rep_id FROM cr_report_schedule rs WHERE rs.enabled_yn='Y' AND rs.run_date IS NOT NULL  AND rs.schedule_id = [scheduleId]) x, cr_report r, app_user au WHERE x.rep_id = r.rep_id  AND au.user_id IN (SELECT rsu.user_id FROM cr_report_schedule_users rsu WHERE rsu.schedule_id = x.schedule_id and rsu.schedule_id = [scheduleId]  UNION SELECT ur.user_id FROM fn_user_role ur WHERE ur.role_id IN (SELECT rsu2.role_id FROM cr_report_schedule_users rsu2 WHERE rsu2.schedule_id = x.schedule_id and  rsu2.schedule_id = [scheduleId]))


+download.all.insert = insert into cr_report_dwnld_log (user_id,rep_id,file_name,dwnld_start_time,filter_params) values (?,?,?,?,?)




+report.wrapper.format = SELECT coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) owner_id, cr.create_id, DATE_FORMAT(cr.create_date, '[Globals.getOracleTimeFormat()]') create_date, maint_id, DATE_FORMAT(cr.maint_date, '[Globals.getOracleTimeFormat()]') update_date, cr.menu_id, cr.menu_approved_yn FROM cr_report cr WHERE cr.rep_id= [reportID]


+generate.subset.sql = SELECT [colNames.toString()] FROM (SELECT  [colNames.toString()] FROM ([reportSQL]) AS x ) AS y 


+report.sql.only.first.part = SELECT [colNames.toString()] FROM (SELECT [colNames.toString()] FROM (


+report.sql.only.second.part.a = [startRow] 


+report.sql.only.second.part.b = [pageSize]

+#MYSQL: LIMIT [startRow], [pageSize]

+#ORacle: rownum >= [startRow] and rownum <= ([startRow]+[pageSize])

+#Postgre: limit [pageSize] offset [startRow] 


+report.sql.only.second.part.b.noorderby =  LIMIT [startRow]


+generate.sql.visual.select = SELECT


+generate.sql.visual.count = COUNT(*) cnt


+generate.sql.visual.dual = 

+#No DUAL table in PostgreSQL so this is blank




+load.crosstab.report.data = SELECT  [colNames.toString()] FROM ( [reportSQL] 




+generate.sql.handler = SELECT  x.* from ([sql]) AS x LIMIT 2


+generate.sql.select = SELECT [colNames.toString()] FROM (SELECT  [colNames.toString()] FROM ([sql]) AS y) AS x 




+load.schedule.data = SELECT rs.enabled_yn, DATE_FORMAT(rs.start_date, '%m/%d/%Y') start_date, DATE_FORMAT(rs.end_date, '%m/%d/%Y') end_date, DATE_FORMAT(rs.run_date, '%m/%d/%Y') run_date, coalesce(DATE_FORMAT(rs.run_date, '%h'), '12') run_hour, coalesce(DATE_FORMAT(rs.run_date, '%i'), '00') run_min, coalesce(DATE_FORMAT(rs.run_date, '%p'), 'AM') run_ampm, rs.recurrence, rs.conditional_yn, rs.notify_type, rs.max_row, rs.initial_formfields, rs.schedule_id, coalesce(DATE_FORMAT(rs.end_date, '%h'), '11') end_hour, coalesce(DATE_FORMAT(rs.end_date, '%i'), '45') end_min, coalesce(DATE_FORMAT(rs.end_date, '%p'), 'PM') end_ampm, encrypt_yn, attachment_yn FROM cr_report_schedule rs WHERE rs.rep_id = [reportID]


+load.schedule.getid = SELECT rsu.user_id, concat(fuser.last_name,', ',fuser.first_name), fuser.login_id FROM cr_report_schedule_users rsu, fn_user fuser WHERE rsu.rep_id = [reportID]  AND rsu.schedule_id = [getScheduleID()] and rsu.user_id IS NOT NULL and rsu.user_id = fuser.user_id


+load.schedule.users = SELECT rsu.role_id FROM cr_report_schedule_users rsu WHERE rsu.rep_id = [reportID] AND rsu.schedule_id = [getScheduleID()] AND rsu.role_id IS NOT NULL


+new.schedule.data = select coalesce(max(schedule_id),0)+1  AS sequence from cr_report_schedule


+new.report.data = select coalesce(max(rep_id),0)+1  AS rep_id from cr_report


+execute.update = DELETE FROM cr_report_schedule_users WHERE rep_id = [reportID] and schedule_id = [getScheduleID()]


+execute.update.users = INSERT INTO cr_report_schedule_users (schedule_id, rep_id, user_id, role_id, order_no) VALUES([getScheduleID()], [reportID], [emailToUsers.get(i)).getId()], NULL, [(i + 1)])


+execute.update.roles = INSERT INTO cr_report_schedule_users (schedule_id, rep_id, user_id, role_id, order_no) VALUES([getScheduleID()], [reportID], NULL, [emailToRoles.get(i)).getId()], [((emailToUsers.size() + i + 1)])


+execute.update.activity = INSERT into cr_schedule_activity_log (schedule_id, notes, run_time) values ([getScheduleID()],'Submitted:Schedule',TO_DATE('[getRunDate()] [getRunHour()]:[getRunMin()] [getRunAMPM()]', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI AM'))


+delete.schedule.data = SELECT 1 FROM cr_report_schedule WHERE rep_id = [reportID] and sched_user_id = [getScheduleUserID()] and schedule_id = [getScheduleID()]


+delete.schedule.data.users = DELETE FROM cr_report_schedule_users WHERE rep_id = [reportID]  and schedule_id = [getScheduleID()]


+delete.schedule.data.id = DELETE FROM cr_report_schedule where rep_id = [reportID] and sched_user_id = [getScheduleUserID()] and schedule_id = [getScheduleID()]


+load.cond.sql = SELECT condition_large_sql FROM cr_report_schedule WHERE schedule_id=?


+load.cond.sql.select = SELECT condition_sql FROM cr_report_schedule WHERE schedule_id = [scheduleId]


+persist.cond.sql.update = update cr_report_schedule set condition_large_sql = '' where  schedule_id = [scheduleId]

+#EMPTY CLOB() changed to ''


+persist.cond.sql.large = SELECT condition_large_sql FROM cr_report_schedule cr WHERE schedule_id=? FOR UPDATE


+persist.cond.sql.set = update cr_report_schedule set condition_sql = ? where schedule_id = [scheduleId]




+get.data.view.actions = SELECT ts.web_view_action FROM cr_table_source ts WHERE ts.web_view_action IS NOT NULL


+get.public.report.id.names = SELECT rep_id, title FROM cr_report WHERE public_yn = 'Y' ORDER BY title


+get.private.accessible.names.a = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.title FROM cr_report cr WHERE cr.rep_id not in (select rep_id from cr_report_access cra where user_id =  '[user_id]' 


+get.private.accessible.names.if =  OR role_id in (


+get.private.accessible.names.b =  ) AND public_yn = 'N' and cr.owner_id = '[user_id]' order by 2 


+get.group.accessible.names.a = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.title FROM cr_report cr  WHERE cr.rep_id  in (select rep_id from cr_report_access cra where user_id =  '[user_id]'


+get.group.accessible.names.b =  )  AND public_yn = 'N' order by 2 


+get.report.table.sources.a = SELECT table_name, display_name, pk_fields, web_view_action, large_data_source_yn, filter_sql FROM cr_table_source 


+get.report.table.sources.where =  where SOURCE_DB= '[dBInfo]'


+get.report.table.sources.if =  where SOURCE_DB is null or SOURCE_DB = '[AppConstants.DB_LOCAL]'


+get.report.table.sources.else =  ORDER BY table_name


+grab.report.table.a = SELECT ts.table_name, ts.display_name, ts.pk_fields, ts.web_view_action, ts.large_data_source_yn, ts.filter_sql FROM cr_table_source ts  WHERE 


+grab.report.table.if = ts.SOURCE_DB= '[dBInfo]'


+grab.report.table.else = (ts.SOURCE_DB is null or ts.SOURCE_DB = '[AppConstants.DB_LOCAL]')


+grab.report.table.b =  except SELECT ts.table_name, ts.display_name, ts.pk_fields,  ts.web_view_action,  ts.large_data_source_yn, ts.filter_sql from cr_table_source ts where table_name in (select table_name from  cr_table_role where role_id not IN [sb.toString()]) and 


+grab.report.table.c =  ORDER BY 1 


+get.report.table.crjoin = SELECT src_table_name, dest_table_name, join_expr FROM cr_table_join


+get.report.table.joins = SELECT tj.src_table_name, tj.dest_table_name, tj.join_expr FROM cr_table_join tj WHERE ((EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cr_table_role trs WHERE trs.table_name=tj.src_table_name AND trs.role_id IN [sb.toString()])) OR (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cr_table_role trs WHERE trs.table_name=tj.src_table_name))) AND ((EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cr_table_role trd WHERE trd.table_name=tj.dest_table_name AND trd.role_id IN [sb.toString()])) OR (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cr_table_role trd WHERE trd.table_name=tj.dest_table_name)))


+generate.report.table.col = SELECT a.table_name, a.column_name, a.data_type, a.label FROM user_column_def a WHERE a.table_name = '[tableName.toUpperCase()]' ORDER BY a.column_id


+generate.db.user.sql.a = SELECT utc.table_name, utc.column_name, utc.data_type, 


+generate.db.user.sql.if = utc.column_name FROM user_tab_columns utc 


+generate.db.user.sql.else = coalesce(x.label, utc.column_name) FROM user_tab_columns utc 


+generate.db.user.sql.b = WHERE utc.table_name = '[tableName.toUpperCase()]' 


+generate.db.user.sql.c = AND utc.table_name = x.table_name AND utc.column_name = x.column_name 


+generate.db.user.sql.d = ORDER BY utc.column_id 




+load.report.search.result = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.rep_id report_id, [rep_title_sql] title, cr.descr, concat(au.first_name,' ',au.last_name) owner_name, DATE_FORMAT(cr.create_date, '%m/%d/%Y') create_date, CASE WHEN coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] THEN 'N' ELSE coalesce(ra.read_only_yn, 'Y') END read_only_yn, CASE WHEN coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END user_is_owner_yn, case when report_xml like '%<allowSchedule>N</allowSchedule>%' then 'N' when report_xml like '%<allowSchedule>Y</allowSchedule>%' or 1 = (select distinct 1 from cr_report_schedule where rep_id = cr.rep_id) then 'Y' else 'N' end FROM cr_report cr JOIN fn_user au ON coalesce (cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = au.user_id [fReportID] [fReportName] LEFT JOIN(SELECT rep_id, MIN(read_only_yn) read_only_yn FROM ((SELECT ua.rep_id, ua.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ua WHERE ua.user_id = [userID]) UNION ALL (SELECT ra.rep_id, ra.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ra WHERE ra.role_id IN ([roleList.toString()]))) report_access GROUP BY rep_id) ra ON ra.rep_id = cr.rep_id


+load.report.search.instr = WHERE cr.menu_id LIKE '%[menuId]%'


+load.report.search.result.user = WHERE coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID]


+load.report.search.result.public = WHERE (coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] OR cr.public_yn = 'Y' OR ra.read_only_yn IS NOT NULL)


+load.report.search.result.fav =  WHERE cr.rep_id in (select rep_id from cr_favorite_reports where user_id = [userID]


+load.report.search.result.sort = ORDER BY CASE coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) WHEN [userID] THEN ' ' WHEN 'upper(concat(au.first_name,' ',au.last_name))' ELSE 'upper(cr.title)' END


+load.folder.report.result = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.rep_id report_id, concat([rep_title_sql] , (CASE WHEN cr.public_yn = 'Y' THEN '' ELSE '[PRIVATE_ICON]' END),cr.title,'</a>') title, cr.descr, concat(au.first_name,' ',au.last_name) owner_name, TO_CHAR(cr.create_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') create_date, CASE WHEN coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] THEN 'N' ELSE coalesce(ra.read_only_yn, 'Y') END read_only_yn, CASE WHEN coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END user_is_owner_yn FROM cr_report cr JOIN fn_user au ON coalesce (cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = au.user_id AND TO_CHAR(cr.rep_id, 'FM99999999') like coalesce('%[fReportID]%', TO_CHAR(cr.rep_id, 'FM99999999')) AND UPPER(cr.title) LIKE UPPER('%[fReportName]%') LEFT JOIN(SELECT rep_id, MIN(read_only_yn) read_only_yn FROM ((SELECT ua.rep_id, ua.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ua WHERE ua.user_id = [userID]) UNION ALL (SELECT ra.rep_id, ra.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ra WHERE ra.role_id IN ([roleList.toString()]))) report_access GROUP BY rep_id) ra ON ra.rep_id = cr.rep_id


+load.folder.report.result.sort =  ORDER BY CASE coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) WHEN [userID] THEN ' ' WHEN '(concat(au.first_name,' ',au.last_name))' ELSE 'cr.title' END




+process.filter.add.edit = '[argValue]'




+persist.report.adhoc = SELECT nextval('[Globals.getAdhocReportSequence()]') AS sequence




+initialize.roles = SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cr_table_role)


+initialize.version = SELECT cr_raptor.get_version


+# scheduler



+scheduler.available.schedules = SELECT x.rep_id, x.schedule_id, x.conditional_yn, x.condition_large_sql, x.notify_type, x.max_row, x.initial_formfields, x.processed_formfields, r.title, x.user_id FROM ( SELECT rs.rep_id, rs.schedule_id, rs.sched_user_id user_id, rs.conditional_yn, rs.condition_large_sql, rs.notify_type, rs.max_row, rs.initial_formfields, rs.processed_formfields  FROM cr_report_schedule rs  WHERE rs.enabled_yn='Y'  AND rs.start_date <= [currentDate]  AND  (rs.end_date >= [currentDate] or rs.end_date is null )  AND rs.run_date IS NOT NULL  ) x, cr_report r  WHERE x.rep_id = r.rep_id


+random.string = select ( concat('Z' , round(random() * 1000000000000) ) )



+scheduler.user.emails = SELECT au.user_id FROM (SELECT rs.schedule_id, rs.rep_id FROM cr_report_schedule rs WHERE rs.enabled_yn='Y' AND rs.start_date <= now() AND rs.end_date  >= now() AND rs.run_date IS NOT NULL AND rs.schedule_id = [p_schedule_id] ) x, cr_report r, fn_user au WHERE x.rep_id = r.rep_id AND au.user_id IN (SELECT rsu.user_id FROM cr_report_schedule_users rsu WHERE rsu.schedule_id = x.schedule_id and rsu.schedule_id = [p_schedule_id] UNION SELECT ur.user_id FROM fn_user_role ur WHERE ur.role_id IN (SELECT rsu2.role_id FROM cr_report_schedule_users rsu2 WHERE rsu2.schedule_id = x.schedule_id and rsu2.schedule_id = [p_schedule_id]))  



+# my logins


+app.query = SELECT APP_ID, ML_APP_NAME, MOTS_ID from fn_app






+user.profile.log.query = SELECT DISTINCT IFNULL(SBCID, '') CUID, '' AWID, CONCAT('"' , IFNULL(SBCID, '') , '"') APPLICATIONUSERID , CONCAT('"' , ROLE_NAME , '"')  PROFILE_NAME  FROM FN_USER A, FN_USER_ROLE B, FN_ROLE C WHERE A.USER_ID \= B.USER_ID AND B.ROLE_ID \= C.ROLE_ID AND A.ACTIVE_YN \= 'Y' AND C.ACTIVE_YN \= 'Y' AND a.sbcid is not null  AND ((B.APP_ID \= 1 and C.ROLE_NAME <> 'Standard User') or (B.APP_ID \= ? and B.APP_ID <> 1)) ORDER BY 1




+# basic sql


+seq.next.val = SELECT nextval('[sequenceName]') AS id


+current.date = now()


+nvl = IFNULL


+# report security

+report.user.access = SELECT ra.role_id, ra.user_id, ra.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ra WHERE ra.rep_id = [reportID]

+add.user.access = INSERT INTO cr_report_access (rep_id, order_no, role_id, user_id, read_only_yn) VALUES([reportID], IFNULL((select order_no from (SELECT MAX(order_no) AS order_no FROM cr_report_access WHERE rep_id=[reportID]) AS temp), 0)+1, NULL, [userID], '[readOnlyAccess]')

+update.user.access = UPDATE cr_report_access SET read_only_yn='[readOnlyAccess]' WHERE rep_id=[reportID] AND user_id=[userID]

+remove.user.access = DELETE FROM cr_report_access WHERE rep_id=[reportID] AND user_id=[userID]

+add.role.access = INSERT INTO cr_report_access (rep_id, order_no, role_id, user_id, read_only_yn) VALUES([reportID], IFNULL((select order_no from (SELECT MAX(order_no) AS order_no FROM cr_report_access WHERE rep_id=[reportID]) AS temp), 0)+1, [roleID], NULL, '[readOnlyAccess]')

+update.role.access = UPDATE cr_report_access SET read_only_yn='[readOnlyAccess]' WHERE rep_id=[reportID] AND role_id=[roleID]

+remove.role.access = DELETE FROM cr_report_access WHERE rep_id=[reportID] AND role_id=[roleID]


diff --git a/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/system.properties b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/system.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20ddc0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/system.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# Properties read by ECOMP Core library, epsdk-core.jar



+# The following properties should NOT be changed by partner applications.



+application_user_id           = 30000

+post_default_role_id          = 16

+clustered                     = true


+#Enable Fusion Mobile capabilities for the application

+mobile_enable			  	  = false


+# Cache config file is needed on the classpath

+cache_config_file_path        = /WEB-INF/classes/cache.ccf

+cache_switch                  = 199

+cache_load_on_startup         = false


+user_name					  = fullName

+decryption_key				  = AGLDdG4D04BKm2IxIWEr8o==




















+db.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

+#db.connectionURL = jdbc:mysql://demeter.homer.att.com:3306/ecomp_sdk_1707_att

+db.connectionURL = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/vid_portal

+db.userName = euser

+db.password = euser

+db.hib.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect

+db.min_pool_size = 5

+db.max_pool_size = 10

+hb.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect

+# SQL statements are logged to stdout

+hb.show_sql = true

+hb.idle_connection_test_period = 3600

+app_display_name					  = VID

+files_path = /opt/app/vid/license


+# menu settings

+#menu_query_name                      = menuData

+#menu_properties_file_location        = /WEB-INF/fusion/menu/

+#application_menu_set_name            = APP

+#application_menu_attribute_name      = applicationMenuData

+#application_menu_properties_name     = menu.properties

+#business_direct_menu_set_name        = BD

+#business_direct_menu_properties_name = bd.menu.properties

+#business_direct_menu_attribute_name  = businessDirectMenuData


+application_name              = Virtual Infrastructure Deployment



+#element map files

+#element_map_file_path = /tmp

+#element_map_icon_path = app/vid/icons/

+element_map_file_path = app/fusionapp/files/

+element_map_icon_path = app/fusionapp/icons/


+#aai related properties

+#dev server





+#ist servers

























+#Cron Schedules have 6 required fields and 1 optional field:

+# Seconds Minutes Hours Day-of-Month Month Day-of-Week Year

+log_cron                      = 0 0/1 * * * ?;

+mylogins_feed_cron            = 0 0/60 * * * ?;

+#sessiontimeout_feed_cron	  = 0 * * * * ? *

+my_login_feed_output_dir      = /tmp/MyLogins


+# ECOMP Portal Shared Context REST API URL

+ecomp_shared_context_rest_url= https://www.ecomp.att.com:8080/ecompportal/context


+# Link shown in Help menu

+contact_us_link = https://wiki.web.att.com/display/EcompPortal/ECOMP+Portal+Home


+# Camunda cockpit link

+camunda_cockpit_link = https://cloopwf.client.research.att.com:8443/camunda/app/cockpit/default/#/dashboard

+# An Unique 128-bit value defined to identify a specific version

+# of an application deployed on a specific virtual machine.

+# This value must be generated and updated by the application 

+# which is using the ECOMP SDK at the time of its deployment.

+# Online Unique UUID generator - https://www.uuidgenerator.net/



+#  R Cloud feature



+#ECOMP redirect url

+#ecomp_redirect_url = https://webtest.csp.att.com/ecomp_portal_dev_n1/ecompui/process_csp

+#ecomp_rest_url = https://webtest.csp.att.com/ecomp_portal_dev_n1/ecompui/auxapi

+# Replace these default values with the ones for your specific App.  Ecomp Portal admin obtains from EP website.

+#ueb_app_mailbox_name = ECOMP-PORTAL-OUTBOX-90

+#ueb_app_key = sYH0NJnsKmJC1B2A

+#ueb_app_secret = YOtknsT2wVFz9WISlSPDaAtd


+#MSO related properties

















































+# Application base URL has the host and app context only; a proper prefix of the on-boarded URL.

+# Only required for applications using WebJunction or FE/BE separation.  For example:

+# app_base_url = https://www.e-access.att.com/app_junction/app_context/


diff --git a/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/system.properties.cml b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/system.properties.cml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51e788e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/conf/system.properties.cml
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Properties read by ECOMP Core library, epsdk-core.jar



+# The following properties should NOT be changed by partner applications.



+application_user_id           = 30000

+post_default_role_id          = 16

+clustered                     = true


+#Enable Fusion Mobile capabilities for the application

+mobile_enable			  	  = false


+# Cache config file is needed on the classpath

+cache_config_file_path        = /WEB-INF/classes/cache.ccf

+cache_switch                  = 199

+cache_load_on_startup         = false


+user_name					  = fullName

+decryption_key				  = AGLDdG4D04BKm2IxIWEr8o==



+# The following properties REQUIRE changes by partner applications.

























+db.driver = org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver

+#db.connectionURL = jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/vid_openecomp_epsdk

+#db.userName = ecomp_sdk_user

+#db.password = ecomp_sdk_pass

+db.hib.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect

+db.min_pool_size = 5

+db.max_pool_size = 10

+hb.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect

+# SQL statements are logged to stdout

+hb.show_sql = true

+hb.idle_connection_test_period = 3600


+app_display_name = EPSDK App ATT

+# license file area

+files_path = /tmp


+#element map files

+element_map_file_path = app/fusionapp/files/

+element_map_icon_path = app/fusionapp/icons/


+#Cron Schedules have 6 required fields and 1 optional field:

+# Seconds Minutes Hours Day-of-Month Month Day-of-Week Year

+log_cron                      = 0 0/1 * * * ?;


+# ECOMP Portal Shared Context REST API URL

+ecomp_shared_context_rest_url= https://www.ecomp.att.com:8080/ecompportal/context


+# Link shown in Help menu

+contact_us_link = https://wiki.web.att.com/display/EcompPortal/ECOMP+Portal+Home


+# Camunda cockpit link

+camunda_cockpit_link = https://cloopwf.client.research.att.com:8443/camunda/app/cockpit/default/#/dashboard


+# An Unique 128-bit value defined to identify a specific version

+# of an application deployed on a specific virtual machine.

+# This value must be generated and updated by the application 

+# which is using the ECOMP SDK at the time of its deployment.

+# Online Unique UUID generator - https://www.uuidgenerator.net/



+#  R Cloud feature



+# Application base URL has the host and app context only; a proper prefix of the on-boarded URL.

+# Only required for applications using WebJunction or FE/BE separation.  For example:

+# app_base_url = https://www.e-access.att.com/app_junction/app_context/

diff --git a/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/fusion/conf/fusion.properties b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/fusion/conf/fusion.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b482c21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onap-enabler-be/src/test/resources/WEB-INF/fusion/conf/fusion.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# domain settings

+#domain_class_location = com.att.fusion.domain.


+# validator settings

+#default_error_message = Default error message


+# login settings

+login_method_csp            = csp

+login_method_web_junction   = web_junction

+login_method_backdoor       = backdoor

+login_method_attribute_name = login_method


+#login message

+login.error.hrid.empty = Login failed, please contact system administrator. 

+login.error.hrid.not-found = User not found, please contact system administrator.

+login.error.user.inactive = Account is disabled, please contact system administrator.


+# CSP settings

+csp_cookie_name          = attESSec

+csp_gate_keeper_data_key = MgmtSysCtr

+csp_gate_keeper_prod_key = PROD

+csp_login_url            = https://www.e-access.att.com/empsvcs/hrpinmgt/pagLogin/?sysName=MgmtSysCtr&retURL=

+csp_logout_url           = https://www.e-access.att.com/empsvcs/hrpinmgt/pagLogout/?retURL=


+authentication_mechanism = BOTH


+#csp_gate_keeper_prod_key = DEVL

+user_attribute_name      = user

+#csp_login_url = https://www.e-access.att.com/empsvcs/hrpinmgt/pagLogin/?sysName=MgmtSysCtr&retURL=

+#csp_logout_url = https://webtest.csp.att.com/empsvcs/hrpinmgt/pagLogout/?retURL=


+# Web Junction settings

+#web_junction_user_id_header_name = iv-user


+# User Session settings

+#user_attribute_name           = user

+roles_attribute_name          = roles

+role_functions_attribute_name = role_functions

+role_function_list            = role_function_list

+#client_device_attribute_name  = client_device

+#client_device_emulation       = false

+#client_device_type_to_emulate = com.att.fusion.web.clientdevice.mobile.IPhoneDevice


+# POST settings

+post_initial_context_factory = com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory

+post_provider_url            = ldap://ldap.webphone.att.com:389

+post_security_principal      = ou=people,o=att,c=us

+post_max_result_size         = 499


+# menu settings

+menu_query_name                      = menuData

+#menu_properties_file_location        = /WEB-INF/fusion/menu/

+application_menu_set_name            = APP

+application_menu_attribute_name      = applicationMenuData

+#application_menu_properties_name     = menu.properties

+business_direct_menu_set_name        = BD

+#business_direct_menu_properties_name = bd.menu.properties

+business_direct_menu_attribute_name  = businessDirectMenuData


+# RAPTOR config settings

+#raptor_config_file_path = /WEB-INF/conf/


+# Role settings

+sys_admin_role_id = 1

+#sys_admin_role_function_delete_from_ui = true


+# Profile Search settings

