remove obsolete playbook and roles

Change-Id: I6ebf68318e2314b42d3648ac5617ff9e7ed07300
diff --git a/cord-single-playbook.yml b/cord-single-playbook.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f5e491..0000000
--- a/cord-single-playbook.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Installs the single node cord-pod XOS configuration, using Juju to provision
-# the OpenStack installation inside of VM's on the head node.
-# This is used by `scripts/` for E2E testing.
-- name: Include vars
-  hosts: head
-  tasks:
-    - name: Include variables
-      include_vars: "{{ item }}"
-      with_items:
-        - vars/cord_single_defaults.yml
-        - vars/cord.yml
-        - vars/example_keystone.yml
-- name: Check Prerequisites
-  hosts: head
-  roles:
-    - prereqs-common
-- name: DNS Server and apt-cacher-ng Setup
-  hosts: head
-  become: yes
-  roles:
-    - dns-nsd
-    - dns-unbound
-    - apt-cacher-ng
-- name: Configure all hosts to use DNS server
-  hosts: head
-  become: yes
-  roles:
-    - dns-configure
-- name: Prep systems
-  hosts: head
-  become: yes
-  roles:
-    - common-prep
-    - { role: cloudlab-prep, when: on_cloudlab }
-- name: Configure head node, create VM's
-  hosts: head
-  roles:
-    - { role: head-prep, become: yes }
-    - { role: config-virt, become: yes }
-    - create-vms
-- name: Set up VM's, juju, simulate fabric
-  hosts: head
-  roles:
-    - xos-vm-install
-    - onos-vm-install
-    - juju-setup
-    - simulate-fabric
-    - { role: test-client-install, when: test_client_install }
-    - docker-compose
-    - onos-load-apps
-    - xos-start
diff --git a/roles/xos-start/tasks/main.yml b/roles/xos-start/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c7ebb1..0000000
--- a/roles/xos-start/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# xos-start/tasks/main.yml
-- name: Build XOS containers
-  command: ansible xos-1 -u ubuntu -m shell \
-    -a "bash -c \"set -o pipefail; cd {{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}; make local_containers |& tee xos-build.out\""
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint
-- name: Onboard services and start XOS
-  command: ansible xos-1 -u ubuntu -m shell \
-    -a "bash -c \"set -o pipefail; cd {{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}; make xos |& tee xos-onboard.out\""
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint
-- name: Pause to let XOS initialize
-  pause: seconds=120
-- name: Initial VTN configuration
-  command: ansible xos-1 -u ubuntu -m shell \
-    -a "cd {{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}; make vtn"
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint
-- name: Initial fabric configuration
-  command: ansible xos-1 -u ubuntu -m shell \
-    -a "cd {{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}; make fabric"
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint
-- name: Pause to let ONOS initialize
-  pause: seconds=20
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint
-- name: Configure CORD services
-  command: ansible xos-1 -u ubuntu -m shell \
-    -a "cd {{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}; make cord"
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint
diff --git a/roles/xos-vm-install/defaults/main.yml b/roles/xos-vm-install/defaults/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 14d04ab..0000000
--- a/roles/xos-vm-install/defaults/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-orchestration_dest: "~"
-xos_repo_url: ""
-xos_repo_dest: "~/xos"
-xos_repo_branch: "HEAD"
-xos_configuration: "devel"
-xos_container_rebuild: False
-service_profile_repo_url: ""
-service_profile_repo_dest: "~/service-profile"
-service_profile_repo_branch: "HEAD"
-docker_opts: ""
-docker_tag: "latest"
-docker_registry: ""
-local_docker_registry: "docker-registry:5000"
-local_docker_tag: "{{ deploy_docker_tag | default('candidate') }}"
diff --git a/roles/xos-vm-install/files/docker.j2 b/roles/xos-vm-install/files/docker.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 48f5c5c..0000000
--- a/roles/xos-vm-install/files/docker.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Docker Upstart and SysVinit configuration file
-# Customize location of Docker binary (especially for development testing).
-# Use DOCKER_OPTS to modify the daemon startup options.
-#DOCKER_OPTS="--dns --dns"
-DOCKER_OPTS="{{ docker_opts }}"
-# If you need Docker to use an HTTP proxy, it can also be specified here.
-#export http_proxy=""
-# This is also a handy place to tweak where Docker's temporary files go.
-#export TMPDIR="/mnt/bigdrive/docker-tmp"
diff --git a/roles/xos-vm-install/files/xos-setup-cord-pod-playbook.yml b/roles/xos-vm-install/files/xos-setup-cord-pod-playbook.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index ac4adc6..0000000
--- a/roles/xos-vm-install/files/xos-setup-cord-pod-playbook.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-- hosts: xos-1
-  remote_user: ubuntu
-  tasks:
-    - name: Include configuration vars
-      include_vars: xos-setup-vars.yml
-    - name: Install prerequisites
-      apt:
-        name={{ item }}
-        update_cache=yes
-        cache_valid_time=3600
-      become: yes
-      with_items:
-       - git
-       - make
-       - curl
-       - python-novaclient
-       - python-neutronclient
-       - python-keystoneclient
-       - python-glanceclient
-    - name: Check to see if xos_install/orchestration directory exists
-      local_action: stat path="{{ playbook_dir }}/xos_install/orchestration"
-      register: orchestration
-     # Two methods to install:
-     #   1) If running from cord-in-a-box, then xos_install/orchestration will
-     #      be populated with the checked-out xos repositories, and we can
-     #      now copy them to the XOS VM.
-     #   2) If not running from cord-in-a-box, then xos_install will not
-     #      exist, and we will check out the repos using git.
-    - name: Copy repositories to the XOS VM
-      synchronize:
-           src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/xos_install/orchestration/"
-           dest: "{{ orchestration_dest }}"
-      when:
-           orchestration.stat.exists == True
-    - name: Clone XOS repo
-      git:
-        repo={{ xos_repo_url }}
-        dest={{ xos_repo_dest }}
-        version={{ xos_repo_branch }}
-        force=yes
-      when:
-          orchestration.stat.exists == False
-    - name: Clone service-profile repo
-      git:
-        repo={{ service_profile_repo_url }}
-        dest={{ service_profile_repo_dest }}
-        version={{ service_profile_repo_branch }}
-        force=yes
-      when:
-        orchestration.stat.exists == False
-    - name: Copy over SSH keys
-      copy:
-        src=~/.ssh/{{ item }}
-        dest={{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}/
-        owner={{ ansible_user_id }} mode=0600
-      with_items:
-       - id_rsa
-       -
-    - name: copy over node_key
-      copy:
-        src={{ node_private_key }}
-        dest={{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}/node_key
-        owner={{ ansible_user_id }} mode=0600
-    - name: Download Glance VM images
-      get_url:
-        url={{ item.url }}
-        checksum={{ item.checksum }}
-        dest={{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}/images/{{ }}.img
-      with_items: "{{ xos_images }}"
-    - name: Check to see if registry is reachable
-      command: curl -sf http://{{ local_docker_registry }}
-      ignore_errors: yes
-      register: docker_registry_check
-      tags:
-        - skip_ansible_lint
-    - name: Use registry if it is available
-      set_fact:
-         docker_registry: "{{ local_docker_registry }}"
-         docker_opts: "--insecure-registry {{ local_docker_registry }}"
-         docker_tag: "{{ deploy_docker_tag }}"
-      when: docker_registry_check|succeeded
-    - name: Set docker options
-      become: yes
-      template: src=docker.j2 dest=/etc/default/docker
-      register: set_docker_opts
-    # Note this needs to be executed now, not as a handler,  as the pull
-    # operations won't succeed without it.
-    - name: restart docker
-      become: yes
-      service: name=docker state=restarted
-      when: set_docker_opts.changed
-      tags:
-        - skip_ansible_lint # Wants this to be a handler
-    - name: Pull docker images for XOS
-      become: yes
-      command: docker pull {{ docker_registry }}/{{ item }}:{{ docker_tag }}
-      with_items:
-        - xosproject/xos-base
-        - xosproject/xos-postgres
-        - xosproject/cord-app-build
-        - redis
-      tags:
-        - skip_ansible_lint
-    - name: Tag the images downloaded from the local registry
-      command: docker tag {{ docker_registry }}/{{ item }}:{{ docker_tag }} {{ item }}:latest
-      with_items:
-        - xosproject/xos-base
-        - xosproject/xos-postgres
-        - xosproject/cord-app-build
-        - redis
-      when: docker_registry_check|succeeded
-    - name: Rebuild XOS containers
-      when: xos_container_rebuild
-      command: make {{ item }}
-        chdir="{{ xos_repo_dest }}/containers/xos/"
-      with_items:
-       - base
diff --git a/roles/xos-vm-install/files/xos-setup-devel-playbook.yml b/roles/xos-vm-install/files/xos-setup-devel-playbook.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f7d3851..0000000
--- a/roles/xos-vm-install/files/xos-setup-devel-playbook.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-- hosts: xos-1
-  remote_user: ubuntu
-  tasks:
-    - name: Include configuration vars
-      include_vars: xos-setup-vars.yml
-    - name: Install prerequisites
-      apt:
-        name={{ item }}
-        update_cache=yes
-        cache_valid_time=3600
-      become: yes
-      with_items:
-       - git
-       - make
-       - curl
-       - python-novaclient
-       - python-neutronclient
-       - python-keystoneclient
-       - python-glanceclient
-    - name: Clone XOS repo
-      git:
-        repo={{ xos_repo_url }}
-        dest={{ xos_repo_dest }}
-        version={{ xos_repo_branch }}
-        force=yes
-    - name: Clone service-profile repo
-      git:
-        repo={{ service_profile_repo_url }}
-        dest={{ service_profile_repo_dest }}
-        version={{ service_profile_repo_branch }}
-        force=yes
-    - name: Copy over SSH keys
-      copy:
-        src=~/.ssh/{{ item }}
-        dest={{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}/
-        owner={{ ansible_user_id }} mode=0600
-      with_items:
-       - id_rsa
-       -
-    - name: copy over node_key
-      copy:
-        src={{ node_private_key }}
-        dest={{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}/node_key
-        owner={{ ansible_user_id }} mode=0600
-    - name: Download Glance VM images
-      get_url:
-        url={{ item.url }}
-        checksum={{ item.checksum }}
-        dest={{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}/images/{{ }}.img
-      with_items: "{{ xos_images }}"
-    - name: Pull database image
-      become: yes
-      command: docker pull {{ item }}
-      with_items:
-        - xosproject/xos-postgres
-      tags:
-        - skip_ansible_lint # Should replace with, when replacements are stable
-    - name: Pull docker images for XOS
-      when: not xos_container_rebuild
-      become: yes
-      command: docker pull {{ item }}
-      with_items:
-        - xosproject/xos-base
-    - name: Rebuild XOS containers
-      when: xos_container_rebuild
-      command: make {{ item }}
-        chdir="{{ xos_repo_dest }}/containers/xos/"
-      with_items:
-       - base
diff --git a/roles/xos-vm-install/tasks/main.yml b/roles/xos-vm-install/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ecf5b3..0000000
--- a/roles/xos-vm-install/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# xos-vm-install/tasks/main.yml
-# Install XOS on a sub vm by calling ansible
-- name: Create a vars file from template
-  template:
-    src=xos-setup-vars.yml.j2
-    dest={{ ansible_user_dir }}/xos-setup-vars.yml
-- name: Check to see if orchestration directory exists
-  local_action: stat path="{{ playbook_dir }}/../../orchestration"
-  register: orchestration
-- name: Make xos_install directory
-  file: path="{{ ansible_user_dir }}/xos_install" state=directory
-  when: orchestration.stat.exists == True
-- name: Copy repositories to the head node
-  synchronize:
-      src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../orchestration"
-      dest: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/xos_install/"
-  when:
-      False # orchestration.stat.exists == True
-- name: Check to see if onos_apps directory exists
-  local_action: stat path="{{ playbook_dir }}/../../onos-apps/apps"
-  register: onos_apps
-- name: Copy in onos-apps that have XOS code
-  synchronize:
-      src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../onos-apps/apps/{{ item }}"
-      dest: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/xos_install/orchestration/xos_services/"
-  with_items:
-      - vtn
-      - olt
-  when:
-      False # (orchestration.stat.exists == True) and (onos_apps.stat.exists == True)
-- name: Copy over XOS ansible playbook
-  copy:
-    src=xos-setup-{{ xos_configuration }}-playbook.yml
-    dest={{ ansible_user_dir }}/xos-setup-playbook.yml
-- name: Create template directory
-  file: path="{{ ansible_user_dir }}/templates" state=directory
-- name: Copy over necessary templates
-  copy:
-    src={{ item }}
-    dest={{ ansible_user_dir }}/templates/{{ item }}
-  with_items:
-    - docker.j2
-- name: Run the XOS ansible playbook
-  command: ansible-playbook {{ ansible_user_dir }}/xos-setup-playbook.yml
-  async: 4800
-  poll: 0
-  register: xos_setup_playbook
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint # running a sub-job
diff --git a/roles/xos-vm-install/templates/xos-setup-vars.yml.j2 b/roles/xos-vm-install/templates/xos-setup-vars.yml.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 95b21b4..0000000
--- a/roles/xos-vm-install/templates/xos-setup-vars.yml.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-orchestration_dest: "{{ orchestration_dest }}"
-xos_repo_url: "{{ xos_repo_url }}"
-xos_repo_dest: "{{ xos_repo_dest }}"
-xos_repo_branch: "{{ xos_repo_branch }}"
-xos_configuration: "{{ xos_configuration }}"
-xos_container_rebuild: {{ xos_container_rebuild }}
-{{ xos_images | to_nice_yaml }}
-service_profile_repo_url: "{{ service_profile_repo_url }}"
-service_profile_repo_dest: "{{ service_profile_repo_dest }}"
-service_profile_repo_branch: "{{ service_profile_repo_branch }}"
-node_private_key: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/node_key"
-docker_opts: "{{ docker_opts }}"
-docker_tag: "{{ docker_tag }}"
-docker_registry: "{{ docker_registry }}"
-local_docker_registry: "{{ local_docker_registry }}"
-deploy_docker_registry: "{{ deploy_docker_registry }}"
-deploy_docker_tag: "{{ deploy_docker_tag }}"