playbook to refresh compute nodes, timeouts lengthened, docs
added profile_name file to cord_profile dir
fix syntax error

Change-Id: I94392a7f3018aabee4c4fb0eb781fd152aa3745b
diff --git a/ b/
index a50de6a..e089f36 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -49,15 +49,24 @@
 ### Creating a development environment on you machine
-If you are doing work that does not involve `openstack` you can create a development environment on your local machine. This environment is mostly designed to do `GUI`, `APIs` and `modeling` related work. It can also be useful to test a `synchronizer` whose job is sinchronizing data using REST APIs.
+If you are doing work that does not involve `openstack` you can create a
+development environment inside a VM on your local machine. This environment is
+mostly designed to do `GUI`, `APIs` and `modeling` related work. It can also be
+useful to test a `synchronizer` whose job is synchronizing data using REST
-To do that we provided a `Vagrant` vm.
-From this folder just execute `vagrant up head-node`. We'll create an Ubuntu based VM with all the `cord` code shared from your local machine, so that you can make your changes locally and quickly test the outcome.
+To do that we provided a `Vagrant` VM.  From this folder just execute `vagrant
+up head-node`. We'll create an Ubuntu based VM with all the `cord` code shared
+from your local machine, so that you can make your changes locally and quickly
+test the outcome.
-Once the `vm` is created you can connect to it with `vagrant ssh head-node` and then from the `~/cord/build/platform-install` execute the profile you are interested in.
-For instance you can spin up the `frontend` configuration with: `ansible-playbook -i inventory/frontend deploy-xos-playbook.yml`.
+Once the `vm` is created you can connect to it with `vagrant ssh head-node` and
+then from the `~/cord/build/platform-install` execute the profile you are
+interested in.  For instance you can spin up the `frontend` configuration with:
+`ansible-playbook -i inventory/frontend deploy-xos-playbook.yml`.
-_Note that the `` script is automatically invoked by the provisioning script and the `vagrant` vm requires VirtualBox_
+_Note that the `` script is automatically invoked by the
+provisioning script and the `vagrant` vm requires VirtualBox_
 ### Credentials
@@ -156,19 +165,20 @@
 to set up a virtual multi-node R-CORD pod on a single host.
 If you've already built a CiaB and want to go through the dev loop described
-above on the head/production node, when running `ansible-playbook`, you must
-pass the path to the configuration file that was generated during the build to
-the `ansible-playbook` command:
+above on the head/production node, when running `ansible-playbook` you must
+pass the path to the configuration file that was generated by Gradle during the
-ansible-playbook -i inventory/rcord --extra-vars @../genconfig/config.yml -playbook.yml
+ansible-playbook -i inventory/head-localhost --extra-vars @../genconfig/config.yml playbook.yml
 You may find the following shell aliases to be helpful during development:
-alias xos-teardown="pushd /opt/cord/build/platform-install; ansible-playbook -i inventory/rcord --extra-vars @../genconfig/config.yml teardown-playbook.yml"
-alias xos-deploy="pushd /opt/cord/build/platform-install; ansible-playbook -i inventory/rcord --extra-vars @../genconfig/config.yml deploy-xos-playbook.yml"
+alias xos-teardown="pushd /opt/cord/build/platform-install; ansible-playbook -i inventory/head-localhost --extra-vars @/opt/cord/build/genconfig/config.yml teardown-playbook.yml"
+alias xos-deploy="pushd /opt/cord/build/platform-install; ansible-playbook -i inventory/head-localhost --extra-vars @/opt/cord/build/genconfig/config.yml deploy-xos-playbook.yml"
+alias compute-node-refresh="pushd /opt/cord/build/platform-install; ansible-playbook -i /etc/maas/ansible/pod-inventory --extra-vars=@/opt/cord/build/genconfig/config.yml compute-node-refresh-playbook.yml"
 alias xos-cleanup-images="docker rmi xosproject/xos-ui xosproject/xos"
diff --git a/compute-node-refresh-playbook.yml b/compute-node-refresh-playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fb618b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compute-node-refresh-playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# compute-node-refresh-playbook.yml
+# Re-adds compute nodes to a XOS after a teardown cycle
+# This analogous to the legacy `make vtn` command in service-profile
+# On physical/CiaB w/MaaS:
+#  ansible-playbook -i /etc/maas/ansible/pod-inventory --extra-vars=@/opt/cord/build/genconfig/config.yml compute-node-refresh-playbook.yml
+- name: Include vars
+  hosts: all
+  tasks:
+    - name: Include variables
+      include_vars: "{{ item }}"
+      with_items:
+        - "profile_manifests/{{ cord_profile }}.yml"
+        - profile_manifests/local_vars.yml
+- name: Recreate compute node configuration
+  hosts: head
+  roles:
+    - compute-node-config
+- include: add-onboard-containers-playbook.yml
+- name: Enable compute nodes in XOS
+  hosts: xos_ui
+  connection: docker
+  roles:
+    - compute-node-enable
diff --git a/roles/compute-node-config/templates/openstack-compute-vtn.yaml.j2 b/roles/compute-node-config/templates/openstack-compute-vtn.yaml.j2
index b43e1e3..0e89cdc 100644
--- a/roles/compute-node-config/templates/openstack-compute-vtn.yaml.j2
+++ b/roles/compute-node-config/templates/openstack-compute-vtn.yaml.j2
@@ -28,7 +28,13 @@
 # VTN networking for OpenStack Compute Nodes
 {% for node in groups["compute"] %}
-{% if 'ipv4' in hostvars[node]['ansible_fabric'] %}
+{% if (('ipv4' in hostvars[node]['ansible_fabric']) or
+       ('ipv4' in hostvars[node]['ansible_br_int'])) %}
+{% if ('ipv4' in hostvars[node]['ansible_fabric']) %}
+{% set node_interface = hostvars[node]['ansible_fabric'] %}
+{% else %}
+{% set node_interface = hostvars[node]['ansible_br_int'] %}
+{% endif %}
 # Compute node, fully defined in compute-nodes.yaml
     {{ hostvars[node]['ansible_hostname'] }}:
@@ -43,7 +49,7 @@
       type: tosca.nodes.Tag
         name: bridgeId
-        value: of:0000{{ hostvars[node]['ansible_fabric']['macaddress'] | hwaddr('bare') }}
+        value: of:0000{{ node_interface['macaddress'] | hwaddr('bare') }}
         - target:
             node: {{ hostvars[node]['ansible_hostname'] }}
@@ -71,7 +77,7 @@
       type: tosca.nodes.Tag
         name: dataPlaneIp
-        value: {{ ( hostvars[node]['ansible_fabric']['ipv4']['address'] ~ '/' ~ hostvars[node]['ansible_fabric']['ipv4']['netmask'] ) | ipaddr('cidr') }}
+        value: {{ ( node_interface['ipv4']['address'] ~ '/' ~ node_interface['ipv4']['netmask'] ) | ipaddr('cidr') }}
         - target:
             node: {{ hostvars[node]['ansible_hostname'] }}
diff --git a/roles/compute-node-config/templates/openstack-compute.yaml.j2 b/roles/compute-node-config/templates/openstack-compute.yaml.j2
index b0849dc..7325aa4 100644
--- a/roles/compute-node-config/templates/openstack-compute.yaml.j2
+++ b/roles/compute-node-config/templates/openstack-compute.yaml.j2
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
 # OpenStack compute nodes
 {% for node in groups["compute"] %}
-{% if 'ipv4' in hostvars[node]['ansible_fabric'] %}
+{% if (('ipv4' in hostvars[node]['ansible_fabric']) or
+       ('ipv4' in hostvars[node]['ansible_br_int'])) %}
     {{ hostvars[node]['ansible_hostname'] }}:
       type: tosca.nodes.Node
diff --git a/roles/compute-node-enable/tasks/main.yml b/roles/compute-node-enable/tasks/main.yml
index 5f3557c..f746241 100644
--- a/roles/compute-node-enable/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/compute-node-enable/tasks/main.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
 # compute-node-enable/tasks/main.yml
 - name: Load TOSCA to add OpenStack compute nodes
-  command: "python /opt/xos/tosca/ {{ xos_admin_user }} {{ cord_profile_dir }}/openstack-compute.yaml"
+  command: "python /opt/xos/tosca/ {{ xos_admin_user }} {{ cord_profile_dir }}/{{ item }}"
+  with_items:
+    - openstack.yaml
+    - openstack-compute.yaml
     - skip_ansible_lint # TOSCA loading should be idempotent
@@ -11,7 +14,10 @@
     seconds: 20
 - name: Load TOSCA to enable VTN on OpenStack compute nodes
-  command: "python /opt/xos/tosca/ {{ xos_admin_user }} {{ cord_profile_dir }}/openstack-compute-vtn.yaml"
+  command: "python /opt/xos/tosca/ {{ xos_admin_user }} {{ cord_profile_dir }}/{{ item }}"
+  with_items:
+    - vtn-service.yaml
+    - openstack-compute-vtn.yaml
     - skip_ansible_lint # TOSCA loading should be idempotent
diff --git a/roles/cord-profile/tasks/main.yml b/roles/cord-profile/tasks/main.yml
index 628947b..aa17d52 100644
--- a/roles/cord-profile/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/cord-profile/tasks/main.yml
@@ -11,6 +11,12 @@
     owner: "{{ ansible_user_id }}"
     group: "{{ ansible_user_gid }}"
+- name: Create cord_profile/profile_name with the name of the profile
+  copy:
+    dest: "{{ cord_profile_dir }}/profile_name"
+    content: "{{ cord_profile }}"
+    mode: 0644
 - name: Create subdirectories inside cord_profile directory
     path: "{{ cord_profile_dir }}/{{ item }}"
diff --git a/roles/xos-onboarding/tasks/main.yml b/roles/xos-onboarding/tasks/main.yml
index 841125b..9f02a01 100644
--- a/roles/xos-onboarding/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/xos-onboarding/tasks/main.yml
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
   register: xos_onboard_status
   until: '"true" in xos_onboard_status.content'
   retries: 60
-  delay: 5
+  delay: 10
   with_items: "{{ xos_libraries }}"
 - name: Wait for services to be onboarded
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
   register: xos_onboard_status
   until: '"true" in xos_onboard_status.content'
   retries: 60
-  delay: 5
+  delay: 10
   with_items: "{{ xos_services }}"
 - name: Wait for XOS to be onboarded after service onboarding
@@ -88,5 +88,5 @@
   register: xos_onboard_status
   until: '"true" in xos_onboard_status.content'
   retries: 60
-  delay: 5
+  delay: 10