Refactor interface/bridge handling

Change-Id: I83fd9eb3e8440ba277b7b4d1ed41cb18347b6916
diff --git a/roles/interface-config/templates/fabric.cfg.j2 b/roles/interface-config/templates/fabric.cfg.j2
index 0547f6a..d4ae88b 100644
--- a/roles/interface-config/templates/fabric.cfg.j2
+++ b/roles/interface-config/templates/fabric.cfg.j2
@@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
 # Created by platform-install: interface-config/templates/fabric.cfg.j2
 {% for node in physical_node_list if node.name == ansible_hostname %}
-# fabricbridge between physical bond and virtual interfaces for VTN
-auto fabricbridge
-iface fabricbridge inet manual
-  pre-up ip link add fabricbridge type bridge
-  bridge_ports fabricbond vethfabric0
+{% if fabric_net_interfaces %}
+# physical network members of fabricbond
+{% for fab_int in fabric_net_interfaces %}
+auto {{ fab_int }}
+iface {{ fab_int }} inet manual
+  pre-up ip link set {{ fab_int }} master fabricbond
+  bond-master fabricbond
+  bond-primary {{ fabric_net_interfaces | join(' ') }}
+  post-down ip link set dev {{ fab_int }} nomaster
-# fabric bond of physical interfaces for VTN
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if node.name == headnode %}
+# fabricbond of physical interfaces on head node
 auto fabricbond
 iface fabricbond inet manual
   pre-up ip link add fabricbond type bond
@@ -17,67 +25,57 @@
   bond-mode active-backup
   post-down ip link del fabricbond
-{% if fabric_net_interfaces %}
-# physical network members of fabricbond
-{% for fab_int in fabric_net_interfaces %}
-auto {{ fab_int }}
-iface {{ fab_int }} inet manual
-  pre-up ip link set {{ mgmt_int }} master fabricbond
-  bond-master fabricbond
-  bond-mode active-backup
-  bond-primary {{ management_net_interfaces | join(' ') }}
-  post-down ip link set dev {{ mgmt_int }} nomaster
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-# vethfabric0/vethfabric1 interfaces connect from VTN br-int to fabricbridge
-# vethfabric0: connected to fabricbridge
-auto vethfabric0
-iface vethfabric0 inet manual
-  pre-up ip link add vethfabric0 type veth peer name vethfabric1
-  pre-up ip link set vethfabric0 up
-  post-up ip link set dev vethfabric0 master fabricbridge
-  pre-down ip link set dev vethfabric0 nomaster
-  post-down ip link del vethfabric0
-# vethfabric1: becomes a part of br-int, which takes over the IP address
-{% set vtn_veth_ip = ( vtn_net_public_cidr | ipaddr(node.ipv4_last_octet) | ipaddr('address')) %}
-auto vethfabric1
-iface vethfabric1 inet static
-  address {{ vtn_veth_ip }}
+# fabricbridge
+{% set vtn_ip = ( vtn_net_public_cidr | ipaddr(node.ipv4_last_octet) | ipaddr('address')) %}
+auto fabricbridge
+iface fabricbridge inet static
+  pre-up ip link add fabricbridge type bridge
+  bridge_ports fabricbond
+  address {{ vtn_ip }}
   network {{ vtn_net_public_cidr | ipaddr('network') }}
   netmask {{ vtn_net_public_cidr | ipaddr('netmask') }}
-  gateway {{ vtn_net_public_cidr | ipaddr('1') | ipaddr('address') }}
   broadcast {{ vtn_net_public_cidr | ipaddr('broadcast') }}
-  hwaddress ether {{ ( vtn_net_public_hwaddr_prefix ~ ( vtn_veth_ip | ip4_hex )) | hwaddr('unix') }}
+  hwaddress ether {{ ( vtn_net_public_hwaddr_prefix ~ ( vtn_ip | ip4_hex )) | hwaddr('unix') }}
+  post-down ip link del fabricbridge
 {% if use_addresspool_vsg %}
 # vSG public gateway
-{% set ap_vsg_veth_ip = ( addresspool_vsg_cidr | ipaddr(node.ipv4_last_octet) | ipaddr('address')) %}
-auto vethfabric1:0
-iface vethfabric1:0 inet static
-  address {{ ap_vsg_veth_ip }}
+{% set ap_vsg_ip = ( addresspool_vsg_cidr | ipaddr(node.ipv4_last_octet) | ipaddr('address')) %}
+auto fabricbridge:0
+iface fabricbridge:0 inet static
+  address {{ ap_vsg_ip }}
   network {{ addresspool_vsg_cidr | ipaddr('network') }}
   netmask {{ addresspool_vsg_cidr | ipaddr('netmask') }}
-  gateway {{ addresspool_vsg_cidr | ipaddr('1') | ipaddr('address') }}
   broadcast {{ addresspool_vsg_cidr | ipaddr('broadcast') }}
-  hwaddress ether {{ ( addresspool_vsg_hwaddr_prefix ~ ( ap_vsg_eth_ip | ip4_hex )) | hwaddr('unix') }}
 {% endif %}
 {% if use_addresspool_public %}
 # public network gateway
-{% set ap_pub_veth_ip = ( addresspool_public_cidr | ipaddr(node.ipv4_last_octet) | ipaddr('address')) %}
-auto vethfabric1:1
-iface vethfabric1:1 inet static
-  address {{ ap_pub_veth_ip }}
+{% set ap_pub_ip = ( addresspool_public_cidr | ipaddr(node.ipv4_last_octet) | ipaddr('address')) %}
+auto fabricbridge:1
+iface fabricbridge:1 inet static
+  address {{ ap_pub_ip }}
   network {{ addresspool_public_cidr | ipaddr('network') }}
   netmask {{ addresspool_public_cidr | ipaddr('netmask') }}
-  gateway {{ addresspool_public_cidr | ipaddr('1') | ipaddr('address') }}
   broadcast {{ addresspool_public_cidr | ipaddr('broadcast') }}
-  hwaddress ether {{ ( addresspool_public_hwaddr_prefix ~ ( ap_pub_veth_ip | ip4_hex )) | hwaddr('unix') }}
 {% endif %}
+{% else %}
+# Compute nodes only have a fabricbond, which is put into br-int by VTN
+{% set vtn_ip = ( vtn_net_public_cidr | ipaddr(node.ipv4_last_octet) | ipaddr('address')) %}
+auto fabricbond
+iface fabricbond inet static
+  pre-up ip link add fabricbond type bond
+  pre-up ip link set fabricbond up
+  address {{ vtn_ip }}
+  network {{ vtn_net_public_cidr | ipaddr('network') }}
+  netmask {{ vtn_net_public_cidr | ipaddr('netmask') }}
+  broadcast {{ vtn_net_public_cidr | ipaddr('broadcast') }}
+  hwaddress ether {{ ( vtn_net_public_hwaddr_prefix ~ ( vtn_ip | ip4_hex )) | hwaddr('unix') }}
+  bond-miimon 100
+  bond-slaves none
+  bond-mode active-backup
+  post-down ip link del fabricbond
+{% endif %}
 {% endfor %}
diff --git a/roles/interface-config/templates/management.cfg.j2 b/roles/interface-config/templates/management.cfg.j2
index bb3c1e6..de8d942 100644
--- a/roles/interface-config/templates/management.cfg.j2
+++ b/roles/interface-config/templates/management.cfg.j2
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
   hwaddress ether {{ ( vtn_net_management_host_hwaddr_prefix ~ ( mgmtbr_ip | ip4_hex )) | hwaddr('unix') }}
   dns-search {{ site_suffix }}
   dns-nameservers {{ dns_servers | join(" ") }}
+  post-down ip link del mgmtbridge
 # management bond of physical interfaces
 auto mgmtbond