How to add a TOSCA recipe to platform-install

All the data model bootstrapping in XOS is done via TOSCA in platform install. There two ansible roles involved in that:

  • cord-profile responsible to generate the recipes
  • xos-config responsible for onboarding the recipes

Here is a list of changes you'll need to make in order to add a new recipe to your profiles:

Create a new template in cord-profile

You can create as many templates as needed under /platform-install/roles/cord-profile/templates. These are ansible templates, and they use the jinja2 syntax.

For example a basic template can be site.yml.j2:

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0

description: created by platform-install, need to add M-CORD services later

   - custom_types/xos.yaml

    {{ site_name }}:
      type: tosca.nodes.Site

You can use here all the variables defined in the build glossary.

Add the template to your profile manifest

In platform-install/profile_manifests locate the profile that your using and open it.

Locate a section called xos_tosca_config_templates (if it's missing create it), and add there the list of templates you want to be generated and onboarded, eg:

  - site.yml

NOTE: the template name is whatever you specify in this list plus .j2