save stderr in addition to stdout

Change-Id: I54470ea18f976e0e6e0f872bd7d33033ca88c750
diff --git a/roles/xos-start/tasks/main.yml b/roles/xos-start/tasks/main.yml
index a819727..f832910 100644
--- a/roles/xos-start/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/xos-start/tasks/main.yml
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
 - name: Build XOS containers
   command: ansible xos-1 -u ubuntu -m shell \
-    -a "cd {{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}; make local_containers | tee xos-build.out"
+    -a "bash -c \"cd {{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}; make local_containers |& tee xos-build.out\""
 - name: Onboard services and start XOS
   command: ansible xos-1 -u ubuntu -m shell \
-    -a "cd {{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}; make xos | tee xos-onboard.out"
+    -a "bash -c \"cd {{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}; make xos |& tee xos-onboard.out\""
 - name: Pause to let XOS initialize
   pause: seconds=120