replace command with make

Change-Id: I3c20844fbdb02f22ae6b902351261da26f29b7ee
diff --git a/roles/test-exampleservice/tasks/main.yml b/roles/test-exampleservice/tasks/main.yml
index 4df5ea8..796abb4 100644
--- a/roles/test-exampleservice/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/test-exampleservice/tasks/main.yml
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@
 # Run tests to check that the single-node deployment has worked
 - name: Onboard ExampleService and instantiate a VM
-  command: chdir="{{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}" bash -c "make exampleservice |& tee xos-make-exampleservice.out"
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint
+  make:
+    chdir: "{{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}"
+    target: exampleservice
 - name: Pause 60 seconds (work around bug in synchronizer)
   pause: seconds=60
 - name: Re-run 'make vtn' (work around bug in synchronizer)
-  command: chdir="{{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}" bash -c "make vtn |& tee xos-makevtn3.out"
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint
+  make:
+    chdir: "{{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}"
+    target: vtn
 - name: Wait for ExampleService VM to come up
   shell: bash -c "source ~/; nova list --all-tenants|grep 'exampleservice.*ACTIVE' > /dev/null"