added roles for NSD and Unbound dns servers
diff --git a/roles/dns-unbound/templates/unbound.conf.j2 b/roles/dns-unbound/templates/unbound.conf.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1583028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/dns-unbound/templates/unbound.conf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# unbound.conf (configured by Ansible)
+  {% for cidr_ipv4 in unbound_interfaces %}
+  interface: {{ cidr_ipv4 | ipaddr('address') }}
+  {% endfor %}
+  verbosity: 1
+  port: 53
+  do-ip4: yes
+  do-udp: yes
+  do-tcp: yes
+  # allow from localhost
+  access-control: allow
+  # allow from local networks
+  {% for cidr_ipv4 in unbound_interfaces %}
+  access-control: {{ cidr_ipv4 | ipaddr('network') }}/28 allow
+  {% endfor %}
+{% if nsd_zones is defined %}
+# allow unbound to query localhost, where nsd is listening
+do-not-query-localhost: no
+# allow reverse queries for RFC1918 addresses
+{% for zone in nsd_zones %}
+local-zone: "{{ zone.name_reverse_unbound }}." nodefault
+{% endfor %}
+# stub-zones zones that nsd is serving
+{% for zone in nsd_zones %}
+  name: "{{ }}"
+  stub-addr: {{ nsd_ip | default("") }}
+  name: "{{ zone.name_reverse_unbound }}."
+  stub-addr: {{ nsd_ip | default("") }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}