Enable configuration of compute node interfaces by MaaS
Move testclient LXC contaner to the head node
Remove simulate-fabric role
Remove maas-simulate-fabric role
Remove onos-load-apps role
Remove test-client-install role (replaced by maas-test-client-install)
Remove single-node-pod.sh (replaced by cord-in-a-box.sh in cord repo)

Change-Id: I0fcf108ab674bb5473556e78a401837c161f5ea9
diff --git a/roles/automation-integration/tasks/main.yml b/roles/automation-integration/tasks/main.yml
index c76dadd..1d2c11e 100644
--- a/roles/automation-integration/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/automation-integration/tasks/main.yml
@@ -57,8 +57,6 @@
     - head-prep
     - juju-compute-setup
     - xos-compute-setup
-    - maas-simulate-fabric
-    - maas-test-client-install
 - name: Copy Required Ansible Variables
   become: yes
diff --git a/roles/maas-simulate-fabric/defaults/main.yml b/roles/maas-simulate-fabric/defaults/main.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index c86c5ee..0000000
--- a/roles/maas-simulate-fabric/defaults/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# maas-simulate-fabric/defaults/main.yml
-  - name: databr
-    addresses:
-      - ""
-      - ""
-    interfaces:
-      - veth0
-  - type: veth
-    dev: veth0
-    peer: fabric
-    mac: "02:42:0a:a8:00:01"
-# see note in playbook, won't apply until ansible gets module support
-  - table: nat
-    chain: POSTROUTING
-    source: ""
-    dest: "!"
-    jump: MASQUERADE
-  - name: net.ipv4.ip_forward
-    value: 1
-  - name: net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects
-    value: 0
-  - name: net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects
-    value: 0
-  - name: net.ipv4.conf.eth0.send_redirects
-    value: 0
-  - name: net.ipv4.conf.databr.send_redirects
-    value: 0
diff --git a/roles/maas-simulate-fabric/tasks/main.yml b/roles/maas-simulate-fabric/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index 08cbafe..0000000
--- a/roles/maas-simulate-fabric/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-- name: Install prerequisites
-  apt:
-    name={{ item }}
-    update_cache=yes
-    cache_valid_time=3600
-  become: yes
-  register: result
-  until: result | success
-  retries: 15
-  delay: 60
-  with_items:
-   - bridge-utils
-- name: Create bridges
-  when: "ansible_{{ item.name }} is not defined"
-  command: brctl addbr "{{ item.name }}"
-  with_items: "{{ simfabric_bridges }}"
-# note, not idempotent if failed between prior step and this step
-- name: Set IP addresses to bridges
-  when: "ansible_{{ item.0.name }} is not defined"
-  command: "ip addr add {{ item.1 }} dev {{ item.0.name }}"
-  with_subelements:
-   - "{{ simfabric_bridges }}"
-   - addresses
-- name: Run setup again to obtain bridge info
-  setup:
-- name: Start bridges
-  when: "not ansible_{{ item.name }}.active"
-  command: "ip link set dev {{ item.name }} up"
-  with_items: "{{ simfabric_bridges }}"
-- name: Create ip links
-  when: "ansible_{{ item.dev }} is not defined"
-  command: "ip link add dev {{ item.dev }} address {{ item.mac }} type {{ item.type }} peer name {{ item.peer }}"
-  with_items: "{{ simfabric_links }}"
-- name: Run setup again to obtain link info
-  setup:
-- name: Start interfaces
-  when: "not ansible_{{ item }}.active"
-  command: "ip link set dev {{ item }} up"
-  with_items:
-  - "{{ simfabric_links | map(attribute='dev') | list }}"
-  - "{{ simfabric_links | map(attribute='peer') | list }}"
-- name: Add interfaces to bridges
-  when: "not item.1 in ansible_{{ item.0.name }}.interfaces"
-  command: "brctl addif {{ item.0.name }} {{ item.1 }}"
-  with_subelements:
-   - "{{ simfabric_bridges }}"
-   - interfaces
-- name: Check for iptables rule
-  command: "iptables -t nat -C POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE"
-  register: iptables_check
-  failed_when: "iptables_check|failed and 'No chain/target/match by that name' not in iptables_check.stderr"
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint # FIXME: should use iptables module when it supports inversion of ranges
-- name: Create iptables rule
-  when: "iptables_check.rc != 0"
-  command: "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE"
-# the below will likely work when this pull makes it into ansible:
-# https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/1685
-#   - name: Configure iptables
-#     iptables: "table={{ item.table }} chain={{ item.chain }} source={{ item.source }} destination={{ item.dest }} jump={{ item.jump }}"
-#     with_items: "{{ simfabric_iptables }}"
-- name: Set kernel sysctl values
-  sysctl:
-    name="{{ item.name }}"
-    value="{{ item.value }}"
-    sysctl_set=yes
-    state=present
-    reload=yes
-  with_items: "{{ simfabric_sysctl }}"
diff --git a/roles/maas-test-client-install/tasks/main.yml b/roles/maas-test-client-install/tasks/main.yml
index 8e90c9e..e7fbc6a 100644
--- a/roles/maas-test-client-install/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/maas-test-client-install/tasks/main.yml
@@ -11,33 +11,16 @@
   delay: 60
    - lxc
+   - lxc-dev
+   - python-dev
-- name: set lxc bridge interface to be databr
+- name: Install PIP packages
+  pip:
+    name={{ item }}
   become: yes
-  lineinfile:
-    dest: /etc/lxc/default.conf
-    regexp: "^lxc.network.link ="
-    line: "lxc.network.link = databr"
-- name: Create testclient
-  become: yes
-  shell: lxc-ls | grep testclient || lxc-create -t ubuntu -n testclient
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint # FIXME: should used lxc_container module
-- name: Start testclient
-  become: yes
-  shell: lxc-info -n testclient -s | grep RUNNING || lxc-start -d -n testclient
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint # FIXME: should used lxc_container module
-- name: Set up networking inside the testclient for testing sample CORD subscriber
-  become: yes
-  shell: "{{ item }}"
+  register: result
+  until: result | success
+  retries: 15
+  delay: 60
-  - "lxc-attach -n testclient -- bash -c 'ip link show eth0.222 || ip link add link eth0 name eth0.222 type vlan id 222'"
-  - "lxc-attach -n testclient -- bash -c 'ip link show eth0.222.111 || ip link add link eth0.222 name eth0.222.111 type vlan id 111'"
-  - "lxc-attach -n testclient -- ifconfig eth0.222 up"
-  - "lxc-attach -n testclient -- ifconfig eth0.222.111 up"
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint # non-trivial use case
+   - lxc-python2
diff --git a/roles/onos-load-apps/defaults/main.yml b/roles/onos-load-apps/defaults/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e8a818e..0000000
--- a/roles/onos-load-apps/defaults/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# onos-load-apps/defaults/main.yml
-onos_cord_vm_hostname: "onos-cord-1"
-onos_web_user: "onos"
-onos_web_pass: "rocks"
-  - name: cord-config
-    onos_name: org.opencord.config
-  - name: vtn
-    onos_name: org.opencord.vtn
-cord_apps_repo_url: "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/public"
-cord_apps_version: "1.1-SNAPSHOT"
diff --git a/roles/onos-load-apps/files/onos-app b/roles/onos-load-apps/files/onos-app
deleted file mode 100644
index fb6fff6..0000000
--- a/roles/onos-load-apps/files/onos-app
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Tool to manage ONOS applications using REST API.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-export URL=http://$node:8181/onos/v1/applications
-export HDR="-HContent-Type:application/octet-stream"
-export HAJ="-HContent-Type:application/json"
-export curl="curl -sS --user $ONOS_WEB_USER:$ONOS_WEB_PASS"
-# Prints usage help
-function usage {
-    echo "usage: onos-app <node-ip> list" >&2
-    echo "       onos-app <node-ip> {install|install!} <app-file>" >&2
-    echo "       onos-app <node-ip> {reinstall|reinstall!} [<app-name>] <app-file>" >&2
-    echo "       onos-app <node-ip> {activate|deactivate|uninstall} <app-name>" >&2
-    exit 1
-# Extract app name from the specified *.oar file
-function appName {
-    aux=/tmp/aux$$.jar
-    cp $1 $aux
-    pushd /tmp >/dev/null
-    jar xf $aux app.xml && grep name= app.xml | cut -d\" -f2
-    rm -f $aux /tmp/app.xml
-    popd >/dev/null
-[ -z $node -o "$node" = "-h" -o "$node" = "--help" -o "$node" = "-?" ] && usage
-case $cmd in
-    list) $curl -X GET $URL;;
-    installUrl!|installUrl)
-        activate="false"
-        [ $cmd = "installUrl!" ] && activate="true"
-        [ $# -lt 3 ] && usage
-        appurl=$3
-        $curl -X POST $HAJ -d '{"url" : "'"$appurl"'", "activate" : "'$activate'" }' $URL
-        ;;
-    install!|install)
-        [ $cmd = "install!" ] && activate="?activate=true"
-        [ $# -lt 3 -o ! -f $app ] && usage
-        $curl -X POST $HDR $URL$activate --data-binary @$app
-        ;;
-    reinstall!|reinstall)
-        [ $cmd = "reinstall!" ] && activate="?activate=true"
-        [ $# -lt 4 -a ! -f "$3" ] && usage
-        [ $# -eq 4 -a ! -f "$4" ] && usage
-        oar=$4
-        [ $# -lt 4 ] && oar=$3 && app=$(appName $oar)
-        $curl -X DELETE $URL/$app
-        $curl -X POST $HDR $URL$activate --data-binary @$oar
-        ;;
-    uninstall)
-        [ $# -lt 3 ] && usage
-        $curl -X DELETE $URL/$app
-        ;;
-    activate)
-        [ $# -lt 3 ] && usage
-        $curl -X POST $URL/$app/active
-        ;;
-    deactivate)
-        [ $# -lt 3 ] && usage
-        $curl -X DELETE $URL/$app/active
-        ;;
-    *) usage;;
-echo # new line for prompt
-exit $status
diff --git a/roles/onos-load-apps/tasks/main.yml b/roles/onos-load-apps/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 515c3c4..0000000
--- a/roles/onos-load-apps/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-# onos-load-apps/tasks/main.yml
-- name: Disable loading of CORD apps from Maven repo
-  command: ansible xos-1 -u ubuntu -m lineinfile \
-    -a "dest=~/service-profile/{{ xos_configuration }}/make-vtn-external-yaml.sh state=absent regexp='install_dependencies'"
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint # running a sub-job
-- name: Create directory for CORD apps and load script
-  file:
-    state: directory
-    dest: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/cord_apps/"
-- name: Create cord_app_loader.sh script to load CORD apps
-  template:
-    src: "{{ item }}.j2"
-    dest: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/cord_apps/{{ item }}"
-    mode: 0755
-  with_items:
-    - cord_app_loader.sh
-- name: Copy onos-app REST API app loader tool
-  copy:
-    src: "{{ item }}"
-    dest: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/cord_apps/{{ item }}"
-    mode: 0755
-  with_items:
-   - onos-app
-- name: Wait for ONOS to be ready
-  wait_for:
-    host: "{{ onos_cord_vm_hostname }}"
-    port: 8181
-- name: Download CORD apps from maven repo
-  maven_artifact:
-    repository_url: "{{ cord_apps_repo_url }}"
-    group_id: "org.opencord"
-    artifact_id: "{{ item.name }}"
-    version: "{{ cord_apps_version }}"
-    extension: "oar"
-    dest: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/cord_apps/{{ item.name }}.oar"
-  with_items: "{{ cord_apps }}"
-  register: maven_artifact_dl
-# assumes no interruption between this and previous steps...
-- name: Install CORD apps
-  when: maven_artifact_dl.changed
-  command: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/cord_apps/cord_app_loader.sh"
diff --git a/roles/onos-load-apps/templates/cord_app_loader.sh.j2 b/roles/onos-load-apps/templates/cord_app_loader.sh.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 742f2d3..0000000
--- a/roles/onos-load-apps/templates/cord_app_loader.sh.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# onos-vm-install/templates/cord_loader.sh.j2
-# loads/activates .oar CORD app files into ONOS instance
-export ONOS_WEB_USER={{ onos_web_user }}
-export ONOS_WEB_PASS={{ onos_web_pass }}
-BASEDIR=$(dirname "$0") # current directory of script
-{% for cord_app in cord_apps %}
-${BASEDIR}/onos-app {{ onos_cord_vm_hostname }} install ${BASEDIR}/{{ cord_app.name }}.oar
-${BASEDIR}/onos-app {{ onos_cord_vm_hostname }} activate {{ cord_app.onos_name }}
-{% endfor %}
diff --git a/roles/simulate-fabric/defaults/main.yml b/roles/simulate-fabric/defaults/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c52e0c0..0000000
--- a/roles/simulate-fabric/defaults/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# simulate-fabric/defaults/main.yml
-  - name: databr
-    addresses:
-      - ""
-      - ""
-    interfaces:
-      - veth0
-  - type: veth
-    dev: veth0
-    peer: fabric
-    mac: "02:42:0a:a8:00:01"
-# see note in playbook, won't apply until ansible gets module support
-  - table: nat
-    chain: POSTROUTING
-    source: ""
-    dest: "!"
-    jump: MASQUERADE
-  - name: net.ipv4.ip_forward
-    value: 1
-  - name: net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects
-    value: 0
-  - name: net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects
-    value: 0
-  - name: net.ipv4.conf.eth0.send_redirects
-    value: 0
-  - name: net.ipv4.conf.databr.send_redirects
-    value: 0
diff --git a/roles/simulate-fabric/files/simulate-fabric-playbook.yml b/roles/simulate-fabric/files/simulate-fabric-playbook.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index ad326e1..0000000
--- a/roles/simulate-fabric/files/simulate-fabric-playbook.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-- hosts: nova-compute-1
-  remote_user: ubuntu
-  become: yes
-  tasks:
-    - name: Include configuration vars
-      include_vars: simulate-fabric-vars.yml
-    - name: Install prerequisites
-      apt:
-        name={{ item }}
-        update_cache=yes
-        cache_valid_time=3600
-      become: yes
-      register: result
-      until: result | success
-      retries: 15
-      delay: 60
-      with_items:
-       - bridge-utils
-    - name: Create bridges
-      when: "ansible_{{ item.name }} is not defined"
-      command: brctl addbr "{{ item.name }}"
-      with_items: "{{ simfabric_bridges }}"
-    # note, not idempotent if failed between prior step and this step
-    - name: Set IP addresses to bridges
-      when: "ansible_{{ item.0.name }} is not defined"
-      command: "ip addr add {{ item.1 }} dev {{ item.0.name }}"
-      with_subelements:
-       - "{{ simfabric_bridges }}"
-       - addresses
-    - name: Run setup again to obtain bridge info
-      setup:
-    - name: Start bridges
-      when: "not ansible_{{ item.name }}.active"
-      command: "ip link set dev {{ item.name }} up"
-      with_items: "{{ simfabric_bridges }}"
-    - name: Create ip links
-      when: "ansible_{{ item.dev }} is not defined"
-      command: "ip link add dev {{ item.dev }} address {{ item.mac }} type {{ item.type }} peer name {{ item.peer }}"
-      with_items: "{{ simfabric_links }}"
-    - name: Run setup again to obtain link info
-      setup:
-    - name: Start interfaces
-      when: "not ansible_{{ item }}.active"
-      command: "ip link set dev {{ item }} up"
-      with_items:
-      - "{{ simfabric_links | map(attribute='dev') | list }}"
-      - "{{ simfabric_links | map(attribute='peer') | list }}"
-    - name: Add interfaces to bridges
-      when: "not item.1 in ansible_{{ item.0.name }}.interfaces"
-      command: "brctl addif {{ item.0.name }} {{ item.1 }}"
-      with_subelements:
-       - "{{ simfabric_bridges }}"
-       - interfaces
-    - name: Check for iptables rule
-      command: "iptables -t nat -C POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE"
-      register: iptables_check
-      failed_when: "iptables_check|failed and 'No chain/target/match by that name' not in iptables_check.stderr"
-      tags:
-        - skip_ansible_lint # FIXME: should use iptables module when it supports inversion of ranges
-    - name: Create iptables rule
-      when: "iptables_check.rc != 0"
-      command: "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE"
-# the below will likely work when this pull makes it into ansible:
-# https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/1685
-#   - name: Configure iptables
-#     iptables: "table={{ item.table }} chain={{ item.chain }} source={{ item.source }} destination={{ item.dest }} jump={{ item.jump }}"
-#     with_items: "{{ simfabric_iptables }}"
-    - name: Set kernel sysctl values
-      sysctl:
-        name="{{ item.name }}"
-        value="{{ item.value }}"
-        sysctl_set=yes
-        state=present
-        reload=yes
-      with_items: "{{ simfabric_sysctl }}"
diff --git a/roles/simulate-fabric/tasks/main.yml b/roles/simulate-fabric/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f919ff..0000000
--- a/roles/simulate-fabric/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# simulate-fabric/tasks/main.yml
-- name: Create a vars file from template
-  template:
-    src=simulate-fabric-vars.yml.j2
-    dest={{ ansible_user_dir }}/simulate-fabric-vars.yml
-- name: Copy over simulate-fabric ansible playbook
-  copy:
-    src=simulate-fabric-playbook.yml
-    dest={{ ansible_user_dir }}/simulate-fabric-playbook.yml
-- name: Setup simulated fabric on nova-compute-1 using playbook
-  command: ansible-playbook {{ ansible_user_dir }}/simulate-fabric-playbook.yml
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint # running a sub-job
diff --git a/roles/simulate-fabric/templates/simulate-fabric-vars.yml.j2 b/roles/simulate-fabric/templates/simulate-fabric-vars.yml.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d183a2..0000000
--- a/roles/simulate-fabric/templates/simulate-fabric-vars.yml.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-{{ simfabric_bridges | to_nice_yaml }}
-{{ simfabric_links | to_nice_yaml }}
-{{ simfabric_iptables | to_nice_yaml }}
-{{ simfabric_sysctl | to_nice_yaml }}
diff --git a/roles/test-client-install/files/test-client-playbook.yml b/roles/test-client-install/files/test-client-playbook.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c802a83..0000000
--- a/roles/test-client-install/files/test-client-playbook.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-- hosts: nova-compute-1
-  remote_user: ubuntu
-  tasks:
-    - name: Install software
-      apt:
-        name={{ item }}
-        update_cache=yes
-        cache_valid_time=3600
-      become: yes
-      register: result
-      until: result | success
-      retries: 15
-      delay: 60
-      with_items:
-       - lxc
-    # replaces: sudo sed -i 's/lxcbr0/databr/' /etc/lxc/default.conf
-    - name: set lxc bridge interface to be databr
-      become: yes
-      lineinfile:
-        dest: /etc/lxc/default.conf
-        regexp: "^lxc.network.link ="
-        line: "lxc.network.link = databr"
-    - name: Create testclient
-      become: yes
-      shell: lxc-ls | grep testclient || lxc-create -t ubuntu -n testclient
-      tags:
-        - skip_ansible_lint # FIXME: should used lxc_container module
-    - name: Start testclient
-      become: yes
-      shell: lxc-info -n testclient -s | grep RUNNING || lxc-start -n testclient
-      tags:
-        - skip_ansible_lint # FIXME: should used lxc_container module
-    - name: Set up networking inside the testclient for testing sample CORD subscriber
-      become: yes
-      shell: "{{ item }}"
-      with_items:
-      - "lxc-attach -n testclient -- bash -c 'ip link show eth0.222 || ip link add link eth0 name eth0.222 type vlan id 222'"
-      - "lxc-attach -n testclient -- bash -c 'ip link show eth0.222.111 || ip link add link eth0.222 name eth0.222.111 type vlan id 111'"
-      - "lxc-attach -n testclient -- ifconfig eth0.222 up"
-      - "lxc-attach -n testclient -- ifconfig eth0.222.111 up"
-      tags:
-        - skip_ansible_lint # non-trivial use case
diff --git a/roles/test-client-install/tasks/main.yml b/roles/test-client-install/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index fdf4eaf..0000000
--- a/roles/test-client-install/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# test-client-install/tasks/main.yml
-- name: Copy over test-client ansible playbook
-  copy:
-    src=test-client-playbook.yml
-    dest={{ ansible_user_dir }}/test-client-playbook.yml
-- name: Run the test-client ansible playbook
-  command: ansible-playbook {{ ansible_user_dir }}/test-client-playbook.yml
-  async: 3600
-  poll: 0
-  register: test_client_playbook
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint # running a sub-job
diff --git a/roles/test-exampleservice/tasks/main.yml b/roles/test-exampleservice/tasks/main.yml
index 279a9d0..4cca9f5 100644
--- a/roles/test-exampleservice/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/test-exampleservice/tasks/main.yml
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
     - skip_ansible_lint # running a sub job
 - name: Get public IP of VM
-  shell: bash -c "source ~/admin-openrc.sh; nova interface-list {{ nova_id.stdout }}|grep -o -m 1 10.168.[[:digit:]]*.[[:digit:]]*"
+  shell: bash -c "source ~/admin-openrc.sh; nova interface-list {{ nova_id.stdout }}|grep -o -m 1 10.6.[[:digit:]]*.[[:digit:]]*"
   register: public_ip
     - skip_ansible_lint # running a sub job
@@ -61,12 +61,17 @@
     - skip_ansible_lint # running a sub job
 - name: Install curl in testclient
-  command: ssh -l ubuntu {{ node_name.stdout }} "sudo lxc-attach -n testclient -- apt-get -y install curl"
+  become: yes
+  lxc_container:
+    name: testclient
+    container_command: apt-get -y install curl
     - skip_ansible_lint # running a sub job
+# Don't use lxc_container in order to get output
 - name: Test connectivity to ExampleService from test client
-  command: ssh -l ubuntu {{ node_name.stdout }} "sudo lxc-attach -n testclient -- curl -s http://{{ public_ip.stdout }}"
+  become: yes
+  command: lxc-attach -n testclient -- curl -s http://{{ public_ip.stdout }}
   register: curltest
     - skip_ansible_lint # running a sub job
diff --git a/roles/test-vsg/defaults/main.yml b/roles/test-vsg/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45c23ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/test-vsg/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+fabric_bridge_on_head_node: "virbr3"
diff --git a/roles/test-vsg/tasks/main.yml b/roles/test-vsg/tasks/main.yml
index 9eb08a9..10fa0f5 100644
--- a/roles/test-vsg/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/test-vsg/tasks/main.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # test-vsg/tasks/main.yml
-# Run tests to check that the single-node deployment has worked
+# Run tests to check that the CORD-in-a-Box deployment has worked.
 - name: Create a sample CORD subscriber
   command: ansible xos-1 -u ubuntu -m shell \
@@ -54,16 +54,37 @@
     - skip_ansible_lint # running a sub job
-- name: Run dhclient inside testclient to get IP address from vSG
-  command: ssh -l ubuntu {{ node_name.stdout }} "sudo lxc-attach -n testclient -- dhclient eth0.222.111"
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint # running a sub job
+# Specifying this through container_config below was not working...
+- name: set lxc bridge interface
+  become: yes
+  lineinfile:
+    dest: /etc/lxc/default.conf
+    regexp: "^lxc.network.link ="
+    line: "lxc.network.link = {{ fabric_bridge_on_head_node }}"
+- name: Create testclient
+  become: yes
+  lxc_container:
+    name: testclient
+    container_log: true
+    template: ubuntu
+    state: started
+    template_options: --release trusty
+    container_command: |
+      ifdown eth0
+      sed -i 's/eth0 inet dhcp/eth0 inet manual/g' /etc/network/interfaces
+      ifup eth0
+      ip link show eth0.222 || ip link add link eth0 name eth0.222 type vlan id 222
+      ip link show eth0.222.111 || ip link add link eth0.222 name eth0.222.111 type vlan id 111
+      ifconfig eth0.222 up
+      ifconfig eth0.222.111 up
+      dhclient eth0.222.111
+# Don't use lxc_container so that we can get output
 - name: Test external connectivity in test client
-  command: ssh -l ubuntu {{ node_name.stdout }} "sudo lxc-attach -n testclient -- ping -c 3"
+  become: yes
+  command: lxc-attach -n testclient -- ping -c 3
   register: pingtest
-  tags:
-    - skip_ansible_lint # running a sub job
 - name: Output from ping test
   debug: var=pingtest.stdout_lines