Updating the checksum of monitoring service custom images as the old ones are replaced

Change-Id: I4bd9ccddb0cd36243e6ba9eaf9f61607a59f8724
1 file changed
tree: e821e8c54827b745268f409b07a5715311857c05
  1. .gitreview
  4. LICENSE.txt
  6. README.md
  7. Vagrantfile
  8. ansible.cfg
  9. ansible/
  10. build.gradle
  11. buildSrc/
  12. cloudlab-openstack-playbook.yml
  13. config/
  14. cord-automation.yml
  15. cord-compute-playbook.yml
  16. cord-deploy-onos.yml
  17. cord-deploy-openstack.yml
  18. cord-deploy-xos.yml
  19. cord-diag-playbook.yml
  20. cord-head-playbook.yml
  21. cord-post-deploy-playbook.yml
  22. cord-prep-platform.yml
  23. docs/
  24. filter_plugins/
  25. gradle.properties
  26. gradle/
  27. gradlew
  28. gradlew.bat
  29. group_vars/
  30. inventory/
  31. library/
  32. opencloud-multi-playbook.yml
  33. roles/
  34. scripts/
  35. templates/
  36. vars/
  37. xos-reinstall-playbook.yml


This repository contains Ansible playbooks for installing and configuring software components on a CORD POD: OpenStack, ONOS, and XOS. It is a sub-module of the main CORD repository.

To install a single-node CORD POD, read INSTALL_SINGLE_NODE.md.

Otherwise you should start with the CORD repository.

Lint checking your code

Before commit, please run scripts/lintcheck.sh, which will perform the same lint check that Jenkins performs when in review in Gerrit.