Drop prefixize.py
diff --git a/prefixize.py b/prefixize.py
deleted file mode 100644
index affb73f..0000000
--- a/prefixize.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2
-Adds ObjectiveC prefixes to the Protocol Buffers entities.
-Used with Protoc objective C compiler: https://github.com/alexeyxo/protobuf-objc
-@author Ph4r05
-import sys
-import re
-import plyproto.parser
-import plyproto.model as m
-import argparse
-import traceback
-import os.path
-class MyVisitor(m.Visitor):
- content=""
- offset=0
- doNameSanitization=False
- statementsChanged=0
- prefix=""
- reserved = ['auto','else','long','switch','break','enum','register','typedef','case','extern','return',
- 'union','char','float','short','unsigned','const','for','signed','void','continue','goto',
- 'sizeof','volatile','default','if','static','while','do','int','struct','_Packed','double',
- 'protocol','interface','implementation','NSObject','NSInteger','NSNumber','CGFloat','property',
- 'nonatomic', 'retain','strong', 'weak', 'unsafe_unretained', 'readwrite' 'readonly',
- 'hash', 'description', 'id']
- def prefixize(self, lu, oldId):
- '''
- Simple frefixization - with constant prefix to all identifiers (flat).
- :param lu:
- :return:
- '''
- return self.replace(lu, self.prefix + str(oldId))
- def replace(self, lu, newCode):
- '''
- Replaces given LU string occurrence with the new one. Modifies local state.
- :param lu:
- :param newCode:
- :return:
- '''
- if not hasattr(lu, "lexspan"):
- raise Exception("LU does not implement lexspan, %s" % lu)
- if lu.lexspan == None:
- raise Exception("LU has None lexspan, %s" % lu)
- # Computing code positions/lengths.
- constCodePart=""
- oldCodeLen=lu.lexspan[1] - (lu.lexspan[0]-len(constCodePart))
- codeStart=self.offset+lu.lexspan[0]-1-len(constCodePart)
- codeEnd=self.offset+lu.lexspan[1]-1
- # Change the content, replace with the new version.
- newCodeLen = len(newCode)
- newContent = self.content[:codeStart] + newCode + self.content[codeEnd:]
- self.content = newContent
- self.offset += newCodeLen - oldCodeLen
- self.statementsChanged+=1
- def isNameInvalid(self, name):
- '''
- Returns true if name conflicts with objectiveC. It cannot be from the list of a reserved words
- or starts with init or new.
- :param name:
- :return:
- '''
- return name in self.reserved or name.startswith('init') or name.startswith('new')
- def sanitizeName(self, obj):
- '''
- Replaces entity name if it is considered conflicting.
- :param obj:
- :return:
- '''
- if not self.doNameSanitization:
- return
- if isinstance(obj, m.Name):
- n = str(obj.value)
- if self.isNameInvalid(n):
- if self.verbose>1:
- print "!!Invalid name: %s, %s" % (n, obj)
- self.replace(obj.value, 'x'+n)
- elif isinstance(obj, m.LU):
- return
- else:
- return
- def __init__(self):
- super(MyVisitor, self).__init__()
- self.first_field = True
- self.first_method = True
- def visit_PackageStatement(self, obj):
- '''Ignore'''
- return True
- def visit_ImportStatement(self, obj):
- '''Ignore'''
- return True
- def visit_OptionStatement(self, obj):
- '''Ignore'''
- return True
- def visit_LU(self, obj):
- return True
- def visit_default(self, obj):
- return True
- def visit_FieldDirective(self, obj):
- '''Ignore, Field directive, e.g., default value.'''
- n = str(obj.name)
- if n == 'default':
- self.sanitizeName(obj.value)
- return True
- def visit_FieldType(self, obj):
- '''Field type, if type is name, then it may need refactoring consistent with refactoring rules according to the table'''
- return True
- def visit_FieldDefinition(self, obj):
- '''New field defined in a message, check type, if is name, prefixize.'''
- if self.verbose > 4:
- print "\tField: name=%s, lex=%s parent=%s" % (obj.name, obj.lexspan, obj.parent!=None)
- if isinstance(obj.ftype, m.Name):
- self.prefixize(obj.ftype, obj.ftype.value)
- self.sanitizeName(obj.ftype)
- self.sanitizeName(obj.name)
- return True
- def visit_EnumFieldDefinition(self, obj):
- if self.verbose > 4:
- print "\tEnumField: name=%s, %s" % (obj.name, obj)
- self.sanitizeName(obj.name)
- return True
- def visit_EnumDefinition(self, obj):
- '''New enum definition, refactor name'''
- if self.verbose > 3:
- print "Enum, [%s] body=%s\n\n" % (obj.name, obj.body)
- self.prefixize(obj.name, obj.name.value)
- return True
- def visit_MessageDefinition(self, obj):
- '''New message, refactor name, w.r.t. path'''
- if self.verbose > 3:
- print "Message, [%s] lex=%s body=|%s|\n" % (obj.name, obj.lexspan, obj.body)
- self.prefixize(obj.name, str(obj.name.value))
- self.sanitizeName(obj.name)
- return True
- def visit_MessageExtension(self, obj):
- '''New message extension, refactor'''
- if self.verbose > 3:
- print "MessageEXT, [%s] body=%s\n\n" % (obj.name, obj.body)
- self.prefixize(obj.name, obj.name.value)
- self.sanitizeName(obj.name)
- return True
- def visit_MethodDefinition(self, obj):
- self.sanitizeName(obj.name)
- return True
- def visit_ServiceDefinition(self, obj):
- self.sanitizeName(obj.name)
- return True
- def visit_ExtensionsDirective(self, obj):
- return True
- def visit_Literal(self, obj):
- return True
- def visit_Name(self, obj):
- return True
- def visit_DotName(self, obj):
- return True
- def visit_Proto(self, obj):
- return True
-# Main executable code
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Log statements formating string converter.', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
- parser.add_argument('-i','--in-place', help='Overwrites provided file with the new content', required=False, default=False, dest='inplace')
- parser.add_argument('-p','--prefix', help='Constant prefix to be prepended to the entities found', required=False, default="", dest='prefix')
- parser.add_argument('-o','--outdir', help='Output directory', required=False, default="", dest='outdir')
- parser.add_argument('-e','--echo', help='Writes output to the standard output', required=False, default=False)
- parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose', help='Writes output to the standard output', required=False, default=0, type=int)
- parser.add_argument('-s','--sanitize', help='If set, performs entity name sanitization - renames conflicting names', required=False, default=0, type=int)
- parser.add_argument('file')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- # Load the file and instantiate the visitor object.
- p = plyproto.parser.ProtobufAnalyzer()
- if args.verbose>0:
- print " [-] Processing file: %s" % (args.file)
- # Start the parsing.
- try:
- v = MyVisitor()
- v.offset = 0
- v.prefix = args.prefix
- v.verbose = args.verbose
- v.doNameSanitization = args.sanitize > 0
- with open(args.file, 'r') as content_file:
- v.content = content_file.read()
- tree = p.parse_file(args.file)
- tree.accept(v)
- # If here, probably no exception occurred.
- if args.echo:
- print v.content
- if args.outdir != None and len(args.outdir)>0 and v.statementsChanged>0:
- outfile = args.outdir + '/' + v.prefix + os.path.basename(args.file).capitalize()
- with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
- f.write(v.content)
- if args.inplace and v.statementsChanged>0:
- with open(args.file, 'w') as f:
- f.write(v.content)
- if args.verbose>0:
- print " [-] Processing finished, changed=%d" % v.statementsChanged
- except Exception as e:
- print " Error occurred! file[%s]" % (args.file), e
- if args.verbose>1:
- print '-'*60
- traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
- print '-'*60
- sys.exit(1)