Fixing QCT POD config

Change-Id: If90da29d5d1dfb6d825cde17ff2bb3fd7f912fae
diff --git a/qct-pod1.yml b/qct-pod1.yml
index dced2f9..255ec01 100644
--- a/qct-pod1.yml
+++ b/qct-pod1.yml
@@ -1,47 +1,32 @@
-# Deployment configuration for a physical hardware POD
+# Deployment configuration for a phyical hardware POD
+  # IP address of the head node
   ip: ''
   # User name and password used by Ansible to connect to the host for remote
-  # provisioning. These default values are used for automated testing, change
-  # with care.
-  user: 'cord'
-  password: 'cord'
-  # Network address information for the head node:
-  #
-  # fabric_ip     - the IP address and mask bits to be used to configure the network
-  #                 interface connected to the leaf - spine fabric
-  #
-  # management_ip - the IP address and mask bits to be used to configure the network
-  #                 interface connecting the head node to the POD internal
-  #                 management network. The head node will deliver DHCP addresses to
-  #                 the other compute nodes over this interface
-  #
-  # external_ip   - the IP address and mask bits to be used to configure the network
-  #                 interface connecting the head node (and the POD) to the
-  #                 Internet. All traffic in the POD to external hosts will be
-  #                 NAT-ed through this interface
+  # provisioning
+  user: 'ubuntu'
+  password: 'ubuntu'
   fabric_ip: ''
   management_ip: ''
-  management_ignore_names: eth2
   external_ip: ''
-  #external_iface: 'eth0'
-  skipTags:
+  #external_iface: 'eth2'
+  management_network:
+  skipTags:
+  #  - 'reboot'
+  extraVars:
+    - 'management_ignore_names=eth2'
+    - 'fabric_ignore_names=eth2'
+# If passwords are not set, random passwords will be generated
-  compute_node: "ubuntu"
-  maas_admin: "admin"
-  maas_user: "cord"
+  #compute_node: ubuntu
+  #maas_admin: admin
+  #maas_user: cord
   imageVersion: candidate
-  # Experimental
-  #
-  # Specifies the subnet and address range that will be used to allocate IP addresses
-  # to the compute nodes as they are deployed into the POD.
-  fabric:
-    network:
-    range_low:
-    range_high: