Adding proper onlab POD config for master branch

Change-Id: I5ed7f14876e5d1572bd6042f6223b089b858ffda
diff --git a/onlab.yml b/onlab.yml
index bbe2b5e..dfda974 100644
--- a/onlab.yml
+++ b/onlab.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,25 @@
 # Deployment configuration for a physical hardware POD
+# this is used to generate the genconfig/cord-inv file
   ip: ''
-  # User name and password used by Ansible to connect to the host for remote
-  # provisioning. These default values are used for automated testing, change
-  # with care.
-  user: 'cord'
-  password: 'cord'
+  ansible_user: 'cord'
+  ansible_ssh_pass: 'cord'
+  ansible_ssh_port: 22
+  # set to the profile of cord you want to install
+  cord_profile: 'rcord'
+  # directories on the head node that the cord dir is copied to, and profile is created in
+  cord_dir: '/opt/cord'
+  cord_profile_dir: '/opt/cord_profile'
+  # all of these are written to genconfig/config.yml, and needs a rework
   # Network address information for the head node:
   # fabric_ip     - the IP address and mask bits to be used to configure the network