Migration to new event defination for OpenONU adapter

     This commit is for the migation of alarms and kpi fw in
     pyvoltha to the new event fw and has the following changes:

     1. Alarms definations are changed to events and modified accordingly
        to incorporate the changes in event proto message

     2. Kpis module is also moved under the events fw

Change-Id: Icfbb28e364b662ea8483b7472fe21ddf4551372e
diff --git a/pyvoltha/adapters/extensions/events/kpi/onu/onu_omci_pm.py b/pyvoltha/adapters/extensions/events/kpi/onu/onu_omci_pm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e2af4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyvoltha/adapters/extensions/events/kpi/onu/onu_omci_pm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import arrow
+from voltha_protos.device_pb2 import PmConfig, PmGroupConfig
+from voltha_protos.events_pb2 import MetricInformation, MetricMetaData
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.events.kpi.adapter_pm_metrics import AdapterPmMetrics
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.events.kpi.onu.onu_pm_interval_metrics import OnuPmIntervalMetrics
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci_entities import UniG
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci_entities import PptpEthernetUni
+class OnuOmciPmMetrics(AdapterPmMetrics):
+    """ ONU OMCI related metrics """
+    # Metric default settings
+    #
+    #  Frequency values are in 1/10ths of a second
+    #
+    OMCI_DEV_KEY = 'omci-onu-dev'
+    DEFAULT_OMCI_CC_FREQUENCY = (2 * 60) * 10
+    DEFAULT_OPTICAL_FREQUENCY = (15 * 60 * 10)
+    DEFAULT_UNI_STATUS_FREQUENCY = (15 * 60 * 10)
+    def __init__(self, event_mgr, core_proxy, device_id, logical_device_id, serial_number,
+                 grouped=False, freq_override=False, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Initializer for shared ONU Device Adapter OMCI CC PM metrics
+        :param core_proxy: (CoreProxy) Core proxy for the device
+        :param device_id: (str) Device ID
+        :param logical_device_id: (str) VOLTHA Logical Device ID
+        :param grouped: (bool) Flag indicating if statistics are managed as a group
+        :param freq_override: (bool) Flag indicating if frequency collection can be specified
+                                     on a per group basis
+        :param kwargs: (dict) Device Adapter specific values. For an ONU Device adapter, the
+                              expected key-value pairs are listed below. If not provided, the
+                              associated PM statistics are not gathered:
+                              'omci-onu-dev': Reference to the OMCI OnuDeviceEtnry object for
+                                         retrieval of OpenOMCI Communications channel statistics
+                                         and retrieval of polled statistics.
+        """
+        super(OnuOmciPmMetrics, self).__init__(event_mgr, core_proxy, device_id, logical_device_id, serial_number,
+                                               grouped=grouped, freq_override=freq_override,
+                                               **kwargs)
+        self._omci_onu_device = kwargs.pop(OnuOmciPmMetrics.OMCI_DEV_KEY, None)
+        self._omci_cc = self._omci_onu_device.omci_cc if self._omci_onu_device is not None else None
+        self.omci_cc_pm_names = {
+            ('tx_frames', PmConfig.COUNTER),
+            ('tx_errors', PmConfig.COUNTER),
+            ('rx_frames', PmConfig.COUNTER),
+            ('rx_unknown_tid', PmConfig.COUNTER),
+            ('rx_onu_frames', PmConfig.COUNTER),        # Rx ONU autonomous messages
+            ('rx_unknown_me', PmConfig.COUNTER),        # Managed Entities without a decode definition
+            ('rx_timeouts', PmConfig.COUNTER),
+            ('rx_late', PmConfig.COUNTER),
+            ('consecutive_errors', PmConfig.COUNTER),
+            ('reply_min', PmConfig.GAUGE),      # Milliseconds
+            ('reply_max', PmConfig.GAUGE),      # Milliseconds
+            ('reply_average', PmConfig.GAUGE),  # Milliseconds
+            ('hp_tx_queue_len', PmConfig.GAUGE),
+            ('lp_tx_queue_len', PmConfig.GAUGE),
+            ('max_hp_tx_queue', PmConfig.GAUGE),
+            ('max_lp_tx_queue', PmConfig.GAUGE),
+        }
+        self.omci_cc_metrics_config = {m: PmConfig(name=m, type=t, enabled=True)
+                                       for (m, t) in self.omci_cc_pm_names}
+        self.omci_optical_pm_names = {
+            ('intf_id', PmConfig.CONTEXT),
+            ('transmit_power', PmConfig.GAUGE),
+            ('receive_power', PmConfig.GAUGE),
+        }
+        self.omci_optical_metrics_config = {m: PmConfig(name=m, type=t, enabled=True)
+                                            for (m, t) in self.omci_optical_pm_names}
+        self.omci_uni_pm_names = {
+            ('intf_id', PmConfig.CONTEXT),
+            ('ethernet_type', PmConfig.GAUGE),     # PPTP Ethernet ME
+            ('oper_status', PmConfig.GAUGE),       # PPTP Ethernet ME
+            ('pptp_admin_state', PmConfig.GAUGE),  # PPTP Ethernet ME
+            ('uni_admin_state', PmConfig.GAUGE),   # UNI-G ME
+        }
+        self.omci_uni_metrics_config = {m: PmConfig(name=m, type=t, enabled=True)
+                                        for (m, t) in self.omci_uni_pm_names}
+        self.openomci_interval_pm = OnuPmIntervalMetrics(event_mgr, core_proxy, device_id, logical_device_id,
+                                                         serial_number)
+    def update(self, pm_config):
+        # TODO: Test frequency override capability for a particular group
+        if self.default_freq != pm_config.default_freq:
+            # Update the callback to the new frequency.
+            self.default_freq = pm_config.default_freq
+            self.lc.stop()
+            self.lc.start(interval=self.default_freq / 10)
+        if pm_config.grouped:
+            for group in pm_config.groups:
+                group_config = self.pm_group_metrics.get(group.group_name)
+                if group_config is not None:
+                    group_config.enabled = group.enabled
+        else:
+            msg = 'There are on independent OMCI metrics, only group metrics at this time'
+            raise NotImplemented(msg)
+        self.openomci_interval_pm.update(pm_config)
+    def make_proto(self, pm_config=None):
+        assert pm_config is not None
+        # OMCI only supports grouped metrics
+        if self._omci_onu_device is None or not self.grouped:
+            return pm_config
+        pm_omci_cc_stats = PmGroupConfig(group_name=OnuOmciPmMetrics.OMCI_CC_GROUP_NAME,
+                                         group_freq=OnuOmciPmMetrics.DEFAULT_OMCI_CC_FREQUENCY,
+                                         enabled=OnuOmciPmMetrics.DEFAULT_OMCI_CC_ENABLED)
+        self.pm_group_metrics[pm_omci_cc_stats.group_name] = pm_omci_cc_stats
+        pm_omci_optical_stats = PmGroupConfig(group_name=OnuOmciPmMetrics.OPTICAL_GROUP_NAME,
+                                              group_freq=OnuOmciPmMetrics.DEFAULT_OPTICAL_FREQUENCY,
+                                              enabled=OnuOmciPmMetrics.DEFAULT_OPTICAL_ENABLED)
+        self.pm_group_metrics[pm_omci_optical_stats.group_name] = pm_omci_optical_stats
+        pm_omci_uni_stats = PmGroupConfig(group_name=OnuOmciPmMetrics.UNI_STATUS_GROUP_NAME,
+                                          group_freq=OnuOmciPmMetrics.DEFAULT_UNI_STATUS_FREQUENCY,
+                                          enabled=OnuOmciPmMetrics.DEFAULT_UNI_STATUS_ENABLED)
+        self.pm_group_metrics[pm_omci_uni_stats.group_name] = pm_omci_uni_stats
+        stats_and_config = [(pm_omci_cc_stats, self.omci_cc_metrics_config),
+                            (pm_omci_optical_stats, self.omci_optical_metrics_config),
+                            (pm_omci_uni_stats, self.omci_cc_metrics_config)]
+        for stats, config in stats_and_config:
+            for m in sorted(config):
+                pm = config[m]
+                stats.metrics.extend([PmConfig(name=pm.name,
+                                               type=pm.type,
+                                               enabled=pm.enabled)])
+            pm_config.groups.extend([stats])
+        # Also create OMCI Interval PM configs
+        return self.openomci_interval_pm.make_proto(pm_config)
+    def collect_metrics(self, data=None):
+        """
+        Collect metrics for this adapter.
+        The data collected (or passed in) is a list of pairs/tuples.  Each
+        pair is composed of a MetricMetaData metadata-portion and list of MetricValuePairs
+        that contains a single individual metric or list of metrics if this is a
+        group metric.
+        This method is called for each adapter at a fixed frequency.
+        TODO: Currently all group metrics are collected on a single timer tick.
+              This needs to be fixed as independent group or instance collection is
+              desirable.
+        :param data: (list) Existing list of collected metrics (MetricInformation).
+                            This is provided to allow derived classes to call into
+                            further encapsulated classes.
+        :return: (list) metadata and metrics pairs - see description above
+        """
+        if data is None:
+            data = list()
+        # Note: Interval PM is collection done autonomously, not through this method
+        if self._omci_cc is not None:
+            group_name = OnuOmciPmMetrics.OMCI_CC_GROUP_NAME
+            if self.pm_group_metrics[group_name].enabled:
+                group_data = self.collect_group_metrics(group_name,
+                                                        self._omci_cc,
+                                                        self.omci_cc_pm_names,
+                                                        self.omci_cc_metrics_config)
+                if group_data is not None:
+                    data.append(group_data)
+            # Optical and UNI data is collected on a per-port basis
+            data.extend(self.collect_optical_metrics())
+            data.extend(self.collect_uni_status_metrics())
+        return data
+    def collect_optical_metrics(self):
+        """
+        Collect the metrics for optical information from all ANI/PONs
+        :return: (list) collected metrics (MetricInformation)
+        """
+        now = self._omci_onu_device.timestamp
+        group_name = OnuOmciPmMetrics.OPTICAL_GROUP_NAME
+        if now is None or not self.pm_group_metrics[group_name].enabled:
+            return []
+        # Scan all ANI-G ports
+        ani_g_entities = self._omci_onu_device.configuration.ani_g_entities
+        ani_g_entities_ids = ani_g_entities.keys() if ani_g_entities is not None else None
+        metrics_info = []
+        if ani_g_entities_ids is not None and len(ani_g_entities_ids):
+            from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci_entities import AniG
+            ani_g_items = ['optical_signal_level', 'transmit_optical_level']
+            for entity_id in ani_g_entities_ids:
+                metrics = dict()
+                data = self._omci_onu_device.query_mib(class_id=AniG.class_id,
+                                                       instance_id=entity_id,
+                                                       attributes=ani_g_items)
+                if len(data):
+                    if 'optical_signal_level' in data:
+                        metrics['receive_power'] = data['optical_signal_level']
+                    if 'transmit_optical_level' in data:
+                        metrics['transmit_power'] = data['transmit_optical_level']
+                if len(metrics):
+                    metric_data = MetricInformation(metadata=MetricMetaData(title=group_name,
+                                                                            ts=now,
+                                                                            logical_device_id=self.logical_device_id,
+                                                                            serial_no=self.serial_number,
+                                                                            device_id=self.device_id,
+                                                                            context={
+                                                                                'intf_id': str(entity_id)
+                                                                            }),
+                                                    metrics=metrics)
+                    metrics_info.append(metric_data)
+        return metrics_info
+    def collect_uni_status_metrics(self):
+        """
+        Collect the metrics for optical information from all ANI/PONs
+        :return: (list) collected metrics (MetricInformation)
+        """
+        now = self._omci_onu_device.timestamp
+        group_name = OnuOmciPmMetrics.UNI_STATUS_GROUP_NAME
+        if now is None or not self.pm_group_metrics[group_name].enabled:
+            return []
+        # Scan all UNI-G and PPTP ports
+        uni_g_entities = self._omci_onu_device.configuration.uni_g_entities
+        uni_g_entities_ids = uni_g_entities.keys() if uni_g_entities is not None else None
+        pptp_entities = self._omci_onu_device.configuration.pptp_entities
+        pptp_entities_ids = pptp_entities.keys() if pptp_entities is not None else None
+        metrics_info = []
+        if uni_g_entities_ids and pptp_entities_ids and len(uni_g_entities_ids) and \
+                len(uni_g_entities_ids) <= len(pptp_entities_ids):
+            uni_g_items = ['administrative_state']
+            pptp_items = ['administrative_state', 'operational_state', 'sensed_type']
+            for entity_id in pptp_entities_ids:
+                metrics = dict()
+                data = self._omci_onu_device.query_mib(class_id=UniG.class_id,
+                                                       instance_id=entity_id,
+                                                       attributes=uni_g_items)
+                if len(data):
+                    if 'administrative_state' in data:
+                        metrics['uni_admin_state'] = data['administrative_state']
+                data = self._omci_onu_device.query_mib(class_id=PptpEthernetUni.class_id,
+                                                       instance_id=entity_id,
+                                                       attributes=pptp_items)
+                if len(data):
+                    if 'administrative_state' in data:
+                        metrics['pptp_admin_state'] = data['administrative_state']
+                    if 'operational_state' in data:
+                        metrics['oper_status'] = data['operational_state']
+                    if 'sensed_type' in data:
+                        metrics['ethernet_type'] = data['sensed_type']
+                if len(metrics):
+                    metric_data = MetricInformation(metadata=MetricMetaData(title=group_name,
+                                                                            ts=now,
+                                                                            logical_device_id=self.logical_device_id,
+                                                                            serial_no=self.serial_number,
+                                                                            device_id=self.device_id,
+                                                                            context={
+                                                                                'intf_id': str(entity_id & 0xFF)
+                                                                            }),
+                                                    metrics=metrics)
+                    metrics_info.append(metric_data)
+        return metrics_info