VOL-1448: Initial checkin of pyvoltha repository
This is very early work and unit tests are not currently running.
Future versions of this code will remove the protobuf directory
and address any v2.0 API changes such as the key-value store API
used by various libraries in pyvoltha
- Added .gitreview config file
- Moved VERSION file to expected location and specified a dev version
  so no git tags or PyPI publishing occurs until we are ready.
- Removed generated .desc protobuf files
Change-Id: Icaedc6a4d2cff87cd7d538d3610586d0f5a5db18
diff --git a/test/unit/extensions/omci/test_onu_device_entry.py b/test/unit/extensions/omci/test_onu_device_entry.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e917f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/extensions/omci/test_onu_device_entry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from unittest import TestCase, main
+from nose.tools import assert_raises
+from nose.twistedtools import deferred
+from copy import deepcopy
+from mock.mock_adapter_agent import MockAdapterAgent, MockCore
+from mock.mock_onu_handler import MockOnuHandler
+from mock.mock_olt_handler import MockOltHandler
+from mock.mock_onu import MockOnu
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.openomci_agent import OpenOMCIAgent, OpenOmciAgentDefaults
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci_defs import *
+from pyvoltha.common.utils.asleep import asleep
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.database.mib_db_api import DEVICE_ID_KEY, CLASS_ID_KEY, CREATED_KEY, \
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.database.mib_db_dict import MibDbVolatileDict
+DEFAULT_OLT_DEVICE_ID = 'default_olt_mock'
+DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID = 'default_onu_mock'
+DEFAULT_ONU_SN = 'TEST00000001'
+OP = EntityOperations
+RC = ReasonCodes
+def chunk(indexable, chunk_size):
+    for i in range(0, len(indexable), chunk_size):
+        yield indexable[i:i + chunk_size]
+def hex2raw(hex_string):
+    return ''.join(chr(int(byte, 16)) for byte in chunk(hex_string, 2))
+class TestOnuDeviceEntry(TestCase):
+    """
+    Test the ONU Device Entry methods
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.adapter_agent = MockAdapterAgent()
+        custom = deepcopy(OpenOmciAgentDefaults)
+        custom['mib-synchronizer']['database'] = MibDbVolatileDict
+        self.agent = OpenOMCIAgent(MockCore, support_classes=custom)
+        self.agent.start()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        if self.agent is not None:
+            self.agent.stop()
+        if self.adapter_agent is not None:
+            self.adapter_agent.tearDown()
+    def setup_mock_olt(self, device_id=DEFAULT_OLT_DEVICE_ID):
+        handler = MockOltHandler(self.adapter_agent, device_id)
+        self.adapter_agent.add_device(handler.device)
+        return handler
+    def setup_mock_onu(self, parent_id=DEFAULT_OLT_DEVICE_ID,
+                       device_id=DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID,
+                       pon_id=DEFAULT_PON_ID,
+                       onu_id=DEFAULT_ONU_ID,
+                       serial_no=DEFAULT_ONU_SN):
+        handler = MockOnuHandler(self.adapter_agent, parent_id, device_id, pon_id, onu_id)
+        handler.serial_number = serial_no
+        onu = MockOnu(serial_no, self.adapter_agent, handler.device_id) \
+            if serial_no is not None else None
+        handler.onu_mock = onu
+        return handler
+    def setup_one_of_each(self):
+        # Most tests will use at lease one or more OLT and ONU
+        self.olt_handler = self.setup_mock_olt()
+        self.onu_handler = self.setup_mock_onu(parent_id=self.olt_handler.device_id)
+        self.onu_device = self.onu_handler.onu_mock
+        self.adapter_agent.add_child_device(self.olt_handler.device,
+                                            self.onu_handler.device)
+    def test_add_remove_device(self):
+        self.setup_one_of_each()
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.agent.device_ids()), 0)
+        onu_device = self.agent.add_device(DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID,
+                                           self.adapter_agent)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(onu_device)
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.agent.device_ids()), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(self.agent.get_device(DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID), onu_device)
+        # No MIB if not started
+        assert_raises(KeyError, onu_device.query_mib)
+        self.agent.remove_device(DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID)
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.agent.device_ids()), 1)
+    def test_delete_device(self):
+        self.setup_one_of_each()
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.agent.device_ids()), 0)
+        onu_device = self.agent.add_device(DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID,
+                                           self.adapter_agent)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(onu_device)
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.agent.device_ids()), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(self.agent.get_device(DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID), onu_device)
+        # Can delete if it was not started
+        onu_device.delete()
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.agent.device_ids()), 0)
+        ##########################################
+        # Delete of ONU device okay if it is started
+        onu_device = self.agent.add_device(DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID,
+                                           self.adapter_agent)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(onu_device)
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.agent.device_ids()), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(self.agent.get_device(DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID), onu_device)
+        # Start it and then delete it
+        onu_device.start()
+        onu_device.delete()
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.agent.device_ids()), 0)
+    @deferred(timeout=5)
+    def test_mib_query_fails_if_dev_not_started(self):
+        self.setup_one_of_each()
+        onu_device = self.agent.add_device(DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID,
+                                           self.adapter_agent)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(onu_device)
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.agent.device_ids()), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(self.agent.get_device(DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID), onu_device)
+        def not_called(_reason):
+            assert False, 'Should never be called'
+        def check_status(_results):
+            # Device not yet started. Query should fail with KeyError since
+            # ONU is not in database yet
+            assert_raises(KeyError, onu_device.query_mib)
+        # Yield context so that MIB Database callLater runs. This is a waiting
+        # Async task from when the OpenOMCIAgent was started.
+        d = asleep(0.2)
+        d.addCallbacks(check_status, not_called)
+        return d
+    @deferred(timeout=5)
+    def test_mib_query_ok_if_dev_started(self):
+        self.setup_one_of_each()
+        onu_device = self.agent.add_device(DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID,
+                                           self.adapter_agent)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(onu_device)
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.agent.device_ids()), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(self.agent.get_device(DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID), onu_device)
+        def not_called(_reason):
+            onu_device.stop()
+            assert False, 'Should never be called'
+        def check_status(_results):
+            # Device started. Query will succeed but nothing should be populated
+            # but the most basic items
+            results = onu_device.query_mib()
+            self.assertTrue(isinstance(results, dict))
+            self.assertEqual(results.get(DEVICE_ID_KEY), DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID)
+            self.assertIsNotNone(results.get(VERSION_KEY))
+            self.assertIsNotNone(results.get(CREATED_KEY))
+            self.assertIsNone(results.get(MODIFIED_KEY))        # Created! but not yet modified
+            self.assertEqual(results.get(MDS_KEY), 0)
+            self.assertIsNone(results.get(LAST_SYNC_KEY))
+            self.assertIsNone(results.get(CLASS_ID_KEY))
+            # Stopping still allows a query.  Note you just delete a device
+            # to clean up any associated databases
+            onu_device.stop()
+            results = onu_device.query_mib()
+            self.assertTrue(isinstance(results, dict))
+        # Yield context so that MIB Database callLater runs. This is a waiting
+        # Async task from when the OpenOMCIAgent was started. But also start the
+        # device so that it's queued async state machines can run as well
+        onu_device.start()
+        d = asleep(0.2)
+        d.addCallbacks(check_status, not_called)
+        return d
+    @deferred(timeout=5)
+    def test_delete_scrubs_mib(self):
+        self.setup_one_of_each()
+        onu_device = self.agent.add_device(DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID,
+                                           self.adapter_agent)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(onu_device)
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.agent.device_ids()), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(self.agent.get_device(DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID), onu_device)
+        def not_called(_reason):
+            onu_device.stop()
+            assert False, 'Should never be called'
+        def check_status(_results):
+            # Device started. Query will succeed but nothing should be populated
+            # but the most basic items
+            results = onu_device.query_mib()
+            self.assertTrue(isinstance(results, dict))
+            self.assertEqual(results.get(DEVICE_ID_KEY), DEFAULT_ONU_DEVICE_ID)
+            # Delete should wipe out any MIB data. Note that a delete of a started
+            # or stopped ONU device is allowed.  In this case we are deleting a
+            # started ONU Device
+            onu_device.delete()
+            assert_raises(Exception, onu_device.query_mib)
+            # TODO: When capabilities are supported, make sure capabilities get cleared as well
+        # Yield context so that MIB Database callLater runs. This is a waiting
+        # Async task from when the OpenOMCIAgent was started. But also start the
+        # device so that it's queued async state machines can run as well
+        onu_device.start()
+        d = asleep(0.2)
+        d.addCallbacks(check_status, not_called)
+        return d
+    # TODO: Test pub/sub interface if possible
+    # TODO: Test custom/vendor-specific ME support
+    # TODO: Test override of various state machines or OMCI tasks if possible
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()