VOL-1330:  Update openomci to voltha 1.x master.

Includes mib resync/reconcile fixes:

	Author: Chip Boling <chip@bcsw.net>
	Date:   Fri Feb 22 13:06:25 2019 -0600
	VOL-1482: Fix Scapy definition for OMCI GetResponse message
	Original-Change-Id: I155ff3f5914b81f9a09aede97c2a7cafc1b088fe

	Author: Chip Boling <chip@bcsw.net>
	Date:   Mon Mar 4 13:33:22 2019 -0600
	VOL-1504: fix for TimeSynchronization Request frame
	Original-Change-Id: I5350b765506ef9d19639c54281d38911a6f4c323

	Author: Chip Boling <chip@bcsw.net>
	Date:   Wed Feb 27 12:44:07 2019 -0600
	VOL-1439: Fixes for proper table attribute handling
	during MIB audit/resynchronization.  Also includes a fix to
	properly count MIB-DATA-SYNC increments on sets and software-download
	Original-Change-Id: I30a343aae91d5bcac56d068a37c18b29265d3bd9

Change-Id: If30bd6ea0fd59db5dbf51ecd617d000baf538728
diff --git a/test/unit/extensions/omci/test_mib_resync_task.py b/test/unit/extensions/omci/test_mib_resync_task.py
index 43b27d9..892cd97 100644
--- a/test/unit/extensions/omci/test_mib_resync_task.py
+++ b/test/unit/extensions/omci/test_mib_resync_task.py
@@ -303,11 +303,11 @@
         class_id = PriorityQueueG.class_id
         inst_id = 0
         attributes_olt = {
-            'related_port': int(1234),      # IntField (R/O)
+            'related_port': int(1234),      # IntField (R/W)
             'maximum_queue_size': int(222)  # Only on OLT but read-only
         attributes_onu = {
-            'related_port': int(5678)    # IntField (R/O)
+            'related_port': int(1234)    # IntField (R/W)
         self.onu_db.set(_DEVICE_ID, class_id, inst_id, attributes_onu)
         self.olt_db.set(_DEVICE_ID, class_id, inst_id, attributes_olt)
diff --git a/test/unit/extensions/omci/test_omci.py b/test/unit/extensions/omci/test_omci.py
index 6df072b..b6397a8 100644
--- a/test/unit/extensions/omci/test_omci.py
+++ b/test/unit/extensions/omci/test_omci.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 from unittest import TestCase, main
+from binascii import unhexlify
 from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci import *
@@ -1136,7 +1137,7 @@
-                 entity_id=0
+                entity_id=0
         self.assertGeneratedFrameEquals(frame, ref)
@@ -1157,6 +1158,128 @@
             self.assertTrue(AA.SBC not in mei_attr.access or
                             mei_attr.field.name == 'managed_entity_id')
+    def test_get_response_without_error_but_too_big(self):
+        # This test is related to a bug that I believe is in the BroadCom
+        # ONU stack software, or at least it was seen on both an Alpha and
+        # an T&W BCM-based onu.  The IEEE 802.1p Mapper Service Profile ME
+        # (#130) sent by the ONUs have a payload of 27 octets based on the
+        # Attribute Mask in the encoding.  However, get-response baseline
+        # messages have the last 4 octets reserved for failed/errored attribute
+        # masks so only 25 octets should be allowed.  Of course the 4 octets
+        # are only valid if the status code == 9, but they still should
+        # be reserved.
+        #
+        # This test verifies that we can still parse the 27 octet payload
+        # since the first rule of interoperability is to be lenient with
+        # what you receive and strict with what you transmit.
+        #
+        ref = '017d290a008280020000780000000000000000000000' +\
+              '0000000000000000000000000000' +\
+              '01' +\
+              '02' +\
+              '0000' +\
+              '00000028'
+        zeros_24 = '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
+        bytes_24 = unhexlify(zeros_24)
+        attributes = {
+            "unmarked_frame_option": 0,         # 1 octet
+            "dscp_to_p_bit_mapping": bytes_24,  # 24 octets
+            "default_p_bit_marking": 1,         # 1 octet   - This is too much
+            "tp_type": 2,                       # 1 octet
+        }
+        frame = OmciFrame(
+            transaction_id=0x017d,
+            message_type=OmciGetResponse.message_id,
+            omci_message=OmciGetResponse(
+                entity_class=Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfile.class_id,
+                success_code=0,
+                entity_id=0x8002,
+                attributes_mask=Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfile.mask_for(*attributes.keys()),
+                data=attributes
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertGeneratedFrameEquals(frame, ref)
+    def test_get_response_with_errors_max_data(self):
+        # First a frame with maximum data used up. This aligns the fields up perfectly
+        # with the simplest definition of a Get Response
+        ref = '017d290a008280020900600000000000000000000000' +\
+              '0000000000000000000000000000' +\
+              '0010' +\
+              '0008' +\
+              '00000028'
+        zeros_24 = '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
+        bytes_24 = unhexlify(zeros_24)
+        good_attributes = {
+            "unmarked_frame_option": 0,         # 1 octet
+            "dscp_to_p_bit_mapping": bytes_24,  # 24 octets
+        }
+        unsupported_attributes = ["default_p_bit_marking"]
+        failed_attributes_mask = ["tp_type"]
+        the_class = Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfile
+        frame = OmciFrame(
+            transaction_id=0x017d,
+            message_type=OmciGetResponse.message_id,
+            omci_message=OmciGetResponse(
+                entity_class=the_class.class_id,
+                success_code=9,
+                entity_id=0x8002,
+                attributes_mask=the_class.mask_for(*good_attributes.keys()),
+                unsupported_attributes_mask=the_class.mask_for(*unsupported_attributes),
+                failed_attributes_mask=the_class.mask_for(*failed_attributes_mask),
+                data=good_attributes
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertGeneratedFrameEquals(frame, ref)
+    def test_get_response_with_errors_min_data(self):
+        # Next a frame with only a little data used up. This aligns will require
+        # the encoder and decoder to skip to the last 8 octets of the data field
+        # and encode the failed masks there
+        ref = '017d290a00828002090040' +\
+              '01' + '00000000000000000000' +\
+              '0000000000000000000000000000' +\
+              '0010' +\
+              '0028' +\
+              '00000028'
+        good_attributes = {
+            "unmarked_frame_option": 1,         # 1 octet
+        }
+        unsupported_attributes = ["default_p_bit_marking"]
+        failed_attributes_mask = ["dscp_to_p_bit_mapping", "tp_type"]
+        the_class = Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfile
+        frame = OmciFrame(
+            transaction_id=0x017d,
+            message_type=OmciGetResponse.message_id,
+            omci_message=OmciGetResponse(
+                entity_class=the_class.class_id,
+                success_code=9,
+                entity_id=0x8002,
+                attributes_mask=the_class.mask_for(*good_attributes.keys()),
+                unsupported_attributes_mask=the_class.mask_for(*unsupported_attributes),
+                failed_attributes_mask=the_class.mask_for(*failed_attributes_mask),
+                data=good_attributes
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertGeneratedFrameEquals(frame, ref)
+        # Now test decode of the packet
+        decoded = OmciFrame(unhexlify(ref))
+        orig_fields = frame.fields['omci_message'].fields
+        omci_fields = decoded.fields['omci_message'].fields
+        for field in ['entity_class', 'entity_id', 'attributes_mask',
+                      'success_code', 'unsupported_attributes_mask',
+                      'failed_attributes_mask']:
+            self.assertEqual(omci_fields[field], orig_fields[field])
+        self.assertEqual(omci_fields['data']['unmarked_frame_option'],
+                         orig_fields['data']['unmarked_frame_option'])
 if __name__ == '__main__':