pimd: add support for configuring multicast static routes


This patch adds the ability to configure multicast static routes
directly into pimd. Two source files are introduced to implement the new
feature in addition to changes to existing files.

Here is how it can be used the CLI:

interface <incoming interface>
ip mroute <outgoing interface> <group addr>                          #
for asm
or ip mroute <outgoing interface> <group addr> <source>    # for ssm

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns,


Acked-by: Donald Sharp <sharpd@cumulusnetworks.com>
diff --git a/lib/memtypes.c b/lib/memtypes.c
index ab3c1f8..57de5c4 100644
--- a/lib/memtypes.c
+++ b/lib/memtypes.c
@@ -270,6 +270,7 @@
   { MTYPE_PIM_IFCHANNEL,         "PIM interface (S,G) state"      },
   { MTYPE_PIM_UPSTREAM,          "PIM upstream (S,G) state"       },
   { MTYPE_PIM_SSMPINGD,          "PIM sspimgd socket"             },
+  { MTYPE_PIM_STATIC_ROUTE,      "PIM Static Route"               },
   { -1, NULL },