Addition of OSPF-API - Amir Guindehi <>
diff --git a/ospfclient/ospfclient.c b/ospfclient/ospfclient.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7321bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ospfclient/ospfclient.c
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+ * Simple main program to demonstrate how OSPF API can be used.
+ */
+/* The following includes are needed in all OSPF API client
+ applications */
+#include <zebra.h>
+#include "prefix.h" /* for ospf_asbr.h */
+#include "ospfd/ospfd.h"
+#include "ospfd/ospf_asbr.h"
+#include "ospfd/ospf_lsa.h"
+#include "ospfd/ospf_opaque.h"
+#include "ospfd/ospf_lsdb.h"
+#include "ospfd/ospf_dump.h"
+#include "ospfd/ospf_api.h"
+#include "ospf_apiclient.h"
+/* The following includes are specific to this main application. Here
+ main uses the thread functionality from libzebra (however an
+ application can use any thread library like pthreads) */
+#include "thread.h"
+#include "log.h"
+/* local portnumber for async channel */
+#define ASYNCPORT 4000
+/* Master thread */
+struct thread_master *master;
+/* Global variables */
+struct ospf_apiclient *oclient;
+char **args;
+/* Our opaque LSAs have the following format */
+struct my_opaque_lsa
+ struct lsa_header hdr;
+ u_char data[4];
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * Threads for asynchronous messages and LSA update/delete
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+lsa_delete (struct thread *t)
+ struct ospf_apiclient *oclient;
+ struct in_addr area_id;
+ int rc;
+ oclient = THREAD_ARG (t);
+ inet_aton (args[6], &area_id);
+ printf ("Deleting LSA... ");
+ rc = ospf_apiclient_lsa_delete (oclient,
+ area_id,
+ atoi (args[2]), /* lsa type */
+ atoi (args[3]), /* opaque type */
+ atoi (args[4])); /* opaque ID */
+ printf ("done, return code is = %d\n", rc);
+ return rc;
+lsa_inject (struct thread *t)
+ struct ospf_apiclient *cl;
+ struct in_addr ifaddr;
+ struct in_addr area_id;
+ u_char lsa_type;
+ u_char opaque_type;
+ u_int32_t opaque_id;
+ void *opaquedata;
+ int opaquelen;
+ static u_int32_t counter = 1; /* Incremented each time */
+ int rc;
+ cl = THREAD_ARG (t);
+ inet_aton (args[5], &ifaddr);
+ inet_aton (args[6], &area_id);
+ lsa_type = atoi (args[2]);
+ opaque_type = atoi (args[3]);
+ opaque_id = atoi (args[4]);
+ opaquedata = &counter;
+ opaquelen = sizeof (u_int32_t);
+ printf ("Originating/updating LSA with counter=%d... ", counter);
+ rc = ospf_apiclient_lsa_originate(cl, ifaddr, area_id,
+ lsa_type,
+ opaque_type, opaque_id,
+ opaquedata, opaquelen);
+ printf ("done, return code is %d\n", rc);
+ counter++;
+ return 0;
+/* This thread handles asynchronous messages coming in from the OSPF
+ API server */
+lsa_read (struct thread *thread)
+ struct ospf_apiclient *oclient;
+ int fd;
+ int ret;
+ printf ("lsa_read called\n");
+ oclient = THREAD_ARG (thread);
+ fd = THREAD_FD (thread);
+ /* Handle asynchronous message */
+ ret = ospf_apiclient_handle_async (oclient);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printf ("Connection closed, exiting...");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ /* Reschedule read thread */
+ thread_add_read (master, lsa_read, oclient, fd);
+ return 0;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * Callback functions for asynchronous events
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+lsa_update_callback (struct in_addr ifaddr, struct in_addr area_id,
+ u_char is_self_originated,
+ struct lsa_header *lsa)
+ printf ("lsa_update_callback: ");
+ printf ("ifaddr: %s ", inet_ntoa (ifaddr));
+ printf ("area: %s\n", inet_ntoa (area_id));
+ printf ("is_self_origin: %u\n", is_self_originated);
+ ospf_lsa_header_dump (lsa);
+lsa_delete_callback (struct in_addr ifaddr, struct in_addr area_id,
+ u_char is_self_originated,
+ struct lsa_header *lsa)
+ printf ("lsa_delete_callback: ");
+ printf ("ifaddr: %s ", inet_ntoa (ifaddr));
+ printf ("area: %s\n", inet_ntoa (area_id));
+ printf ("is_self_origin: %u\n", is_self_originated);
+ ospf_lsa_header_dump (lsa);
+ready_callback (u_char lsa_type, u_char opaque_type, struct in_addr addr)
+ printf ("ready_callback: lsa_type: %d opaque_type: %d addr=%s\n",
+ lsa_type, opaque_type, inet_ntoa (addr));
+ /* Schedule opaque LSA originate in 5 secs */
+ thread_add_timer (master, lsa_inject, oclient, 5);
+ /* Schedule opaque LSA update with new value */
+ thread_add_timer (master, lsa_inject, oclient, 10);
+ /* Schedule delete */
+ thread_add_timer (master, lsa_delete, oclient, 30);
+new_if_callback (struct in_addr ifaddr, struct in_addr area_id)
+ printf ("new_if_callback: ifaddr: %s ", inet_ntoa (ifaddr));
+ printf ("area_id: %s\n", inet_ntoa (area_id));
+del_if_callback (struct in_addr ifaddr)
+ printf ("new_if_callback: ifaddr: %s\n ", inet_ntoa (ifaddr));
+ism_change_callback (struct in_addr ifaddr, struct in_addr area_id,
+ u_char state)
+ printf ("ism_change: ifaddr: %s ", inet_ntoa (ifaddr));
+ printf ("area_id: %s\n", inet_ntoa (area_id));
+ printf ("state: %d [%s]\n", state, LOOKUP (ospf_ism_state_msg, state));
+nsm_change_callback (struct in_addr ifaddr, struct in_addr nbraddr,
+ struct in_addr router_id, u_char state)
+ printf ("nsm_change: ifaddr: %s ", inet_ntoa (ifaddr));
+ printf ("nbraddr: %s\n", inet_ntoa (nbraddr));
+ printf ("router_id: %s\n", inet_ntoa (router_id));
+ printf ("state: %d [%s]\n", state, LOOKUP (ospf_nsm_state_msg, state));
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * Main program
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ struct thread thread;
+ args = argv;
+ /* Main should be started with the following arguments:
+ *
+ * (1) host (2) lsa_type (3) opaque_type (4) opaque_id (5) if_addr
+ * (6) area_id
+ *
+ * host: name or IP of host where ospfd is running
+ * lsa_type: 9, 10, or 11
+ * opaque_type: 0-255 (e.g., 140 for experimental Active Networking)
+ * opaque_id: arbitrary application instance (24 bits)
+ * if_addr: interface IP address (for type 9) otherwise ignored
+ * area_id: area in IP address format (for type 10) otherwise ignored
+ */
+ if (argc != 7)
+ {
+ printf ("main: wrong number of arguments!\n");
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ /* Initialization */
+ master = thread_master_create ();
+ /* Open connection to OSPF daemon */
+ oclient = ospf_apiclient_connect (args[1], ASYNCPORT);
+ if (!oclient)
+ {
+ printf ("main: connect failed!\n");
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ /* Register callback functions. */
+ ospf_apiclient_register_callback (oclient,
+ ready_callback,
+ new_if_callback,
+ del_if_callback,
+ ism_change_callback,
+ nsm_change_callback,
+ lsa_update_callback,
+ lsa_delete_callback);
+ /* Register LSA type and opaque type. */
+ ospf_apiclient_register_opaque_type (oclient, atoi (args[2]),
+ atoi (args[3]));
+ /* Synchronize database with OSPF daemon. */
+ ospf_apiclient_sync_lsdb (oclient);
+ /* Schedule thread that handles asynchronous messages */
+ thread_add_read (master, lsa_read, oclient, oclient->fd_async);
+ /* Now connection is established, run loop */
+ while (1)
+ {
+ thread_fetch (master, &thread);
+ thread_call (&thread);
+ }
+ /* Never reached */
+ return 0;