zebra: ipv6 multipath support

This patch enables support for multipath for IPV6. The nexthop information
from the protocols have ifindices and nexthop addresses in two different
structures. This patch combines them to ensure that the correct APIs can
be called. Also, given that IPV6 Linux implementation does not support the
rta_XXX APIs for multipath, the communication with the kernel is in terms
of a single nh/ifindex pair.

Signed-off-by: Ayan Banerjee <ayan@cumulusnetworks.com>
Signed-off-by: Dinesh Dutt <ddutt@cumulusnetworks.com>
Signed-off-by: Donald Sharp <sharpd@cumulusnetworks.com>
diff --git a/zebra/zserv.c b/zebra/zserv.c
index d4c5db9..86f141b 100644
--- a/zebra/zserv.c
+++ b/zebra/zserv.c
@@ -1080,34 +1080,50 @@
   int i;
   struct stream *s;
-  struct zapi_ipv6 api;
   struct in6_addr nexthop;
-  unsigned long ifindex;
+  struct rib *rib;
+  u_char message;
+  u_char gateway_num;
+  u_char nexthop_type;
   struct prefix_ipv6 p;
+  safi_t safi;
+  static struct in6_addr nexthops[MULTIPATH_NUM];
+  static unsigned int ifindices[MULTIPATH_NUM];
+  /* Get input stream.  */
   s = client->ibuf;
-  ifindex = 0;
   memset (&nexthop, 0, sizeof (struct in6_addr));
-  /* Type, flags, message. */
-  api.type = stream_getc (s);
-  api.flags = stream_getc (s);
-  api.message = stream_getc (s);
-  api.safi = stream_getw (s);
+  /* Allocate new rib. */
+  rib = XCALLOC (MTYPE_RIB, sizeof (struct rib));
-  /* IPv4 prefix. */
+  /* Type, flags, message. */
+  rib->type = stream_getc (s);
+  rib->flags = stream_getc (s);
+  message = stream_getc (s);
+  safi = stream_getw (s);
+  rib->uptime = time (NULL);
+  /* IPv6 prefix. */
   memset (&p, 0, sizeof (struct prefix_ipv6));
   p.family = AF_INET6;
   p.prefixlen = stream_getc (s);
   stream_get (&p.prefix, s, PSIZE (p.prefixlen));
-  /* Nexthop, ifindex, distance, metric. */
-  if (CHECK_FLAG (api.message, ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP))
+  /* We need to give nh-addr, nh-ifindex with the same next-hop object
+   * to the rib to ensure that IPv6 multipathing works; need to coalesce
+   * these. Clients should send the same number of paired set of
+   * next-hop-addr/next-hop-ifindices. */
-      u_char nexthop_type;
+      int nh_count = 0;
+      int if_count = 0;
+      int max_nh_if = 0;
+      unsigned int ifindex;
-      api.nexthop_num = stream_getc (s);
-      for (i = 0; i < api.nexthop_num; i++)
+      gateway_num = stream_getc (s);
+      for (i = 0; i < gateway_num; i++)
 	  nexthop_type = stream_getc (s);
@@ -1115,37 +1131,51 @@
 	    case ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IPV6:
 	      stream_get (&nexthop, s, 16);
+              if (nh_count < MULTIPATH_NUM) {
+	        nexthops[nh_count++] = nexthop;
+              }
 	      ifindex = stream_getl (s);
+              if (if_count < MULTIPATH_NUM) {
+	        ifindices[if_count++] = ifindex;
+              }
+      max_nh_if = (nh_count > if_count) ? nh_count : if_count;
+      for (i = 0; i < max_nh_if; i++)
+        {
+	  if ((i < nh_count) && !IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED (&nexthops[i]))
+	    {
+	      if ((i < if_count) && ifindices[i])
+		nexthop_ipv6_ifindex_add (rib, &nexthops[i], ifindices[i]);
+	      else
+		nexthop_ipv6_add (rib, &nexthops[i]);
+	    }
+          else
+	    {
+	      if ((i < if_count) && ifindices[i])
+		nexthop_ifindex_add (rib, ifindices[i]);
+	    }
+	}
-    api.distance = stream_getc (s);
-  else
-    api.distance = 0;
+  /* Distance. */
+    rib->distance = stream_getc (s);
-  if (CHECK_FLAG (api.message, ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC))
-    api.metric = stream_getl (s);
-  else
-    api.metric = 0;
+  /* Metric. */
+    rib->metric = stream_getl (s);
-  if (CHECK_FLAG (api.message, ZAPI_MESSAGE_MTU))
-    api.mtu = stream_getl (s);
-  else
-    api.mtu = 0;
-  if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED (&nexthop))
-    rib_add_ipv6 (api.type, api.flags, &p, NULL, ifindex,
-                  vrf_id, zebrad.rtm_table_default, api.metric,
-                  api.mtu, api.distance, api.safi);
-  else
-    rib_add_ipv6 (api.type, api.flags, &p, &nexthop, ifindex,
-                  vrf_id, zebrad.rtm_table_default, api.metric,
-                  api.mtu, api.distance, api.safi);
+  if (CHECK_FLAG (message, ZAPI_MESSAGE_MTU))
+    rib->mtu = stream_getl (s);
+  /* Table */
+  rib->table=zebrad.rtm_table_default;
+  rib_add_ipv6_multipath (&p, rib, safi);
   return 0;